Skull and Bones 1900, Percy Rockefeller, seated right
Percy Rockefeller,
Bernard Baruch and other lords of Wall Street and Lombard Street
devised the three "black days" of October, 1929 (Thursday, the 24th;
Monday, the 28th; and Tuesday, the 29th) which transferred a quarter of
US industrial ownership from the people to the giants of international
finance while, through a deflationary contraction of money in
circulation, boosted the real value of creditors' bond portfolios more
than 15 percent -- a bonanza for the super- rich that we have always
viewed as "The Great Depression." How? On each black day, selling was
induced by margin calls and when the ticker got two hours behind in
reporting the falling prices, Baruch, Rockefeller and others began
buying. The trick was successful each day it was employed. The media
reported their action each time as an attempt to "support the market"
-- but of course the panicked sellers had no idea that anyone was
buying since the ticker, being behind, only showed falling prices.
The swindle is done a little differently today, but the outcome for the
Rockefellers and their allies remains the same.

Son of John D. Rockefeller's brother William, Percy Avery Rockefeller
(1878–1934) attended Yale University where he was a member of the 1900
class of Skull & Bones. He was founder and Vice President of Owenoke
Corporation; a board director of Air Reduction Company, American
International Corporation, Atlantic Fruit Company, Anaconda Copper
Mining Company, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bowman Biltmore Hotels
Company, Cuba Company, Chile Copper Company, Consolidated Gas Company,
Greenwich Trust Company, W. A. Harriman & Co. & Brown Brothers Harriman
& Company, Mesabi Iron Company, National City Bank of New York, National
City Company, New York Edison Company, North American Reassurance
Company, National Surety Company, Provident Loan Society, Remington Arms
Company, United Electric Light & Power Company, Western Union &
Telegraph Company; and a trustee of John Sterling, Yale-1863.
He married Isabel Goodrich Stillman, daughter of First
National City Bank president Jame Stillman (now known as Citibank), on
April 23, 1901. Their daughter Isabel Stillman (Rockefeller) Lincoln was
a bride's maid at the wedding of Dorothy Walker and Prescott Sheldon
Bush. (wiki)
Over $12 trillion have
been pledged by Congress towards our financial crisis (kleptastrophe).
H. Kah, En Route to Global
Occupation (Lafayette: Huntington House, 1992) Pp. 302-311.
During the 1980s, I was on the fast track of a successful government
career, which took me around the world dealing with American embassies,
foreign government officials, international business leaders, and, at
times, members of the press and media. . . . Through my travels and
job-related contacts, I became aware of plans being laid worldwide for
the establishment of a one-world government . . . My investigations
ultimately extended around the world, from Taiwan to Israel to the
Soviet Union. . . . Although Bush, Gorbachev, De Cuellar, and various
members of Congress have openly been talking about a “New World Order,”
none of these leaders has dared explain the true meaning of the term.
This is because the public would try to stop them if they understood
what it really meant. . . .
. . . [Our money is] controlled by just a few people devoted to the
cause of world government.
Recently passed interstate banking laws have made this
centralization possible by allowing big banks to swallow up smaller
banks at an alarming rate. Over a twelve state region stretching from
New England to the Carolinas, for example, three New York super-banks
now control over 85 percent of the banking assets.
Small banks were first bought out by larger in-state. Bigger
regional banks then purchased these large state banks. Once this
process had been completed, the regional banks were merged with the
New York super-banks in unprecedented acquisitions until a few banks
controlled nearly everything. This all happened during the late1970s
and early 80s. The same process is now being repeated throughout the
rest of the country.
Little did I know at this point that I was still only scratching the
surface on these matters. I would soon discover that the same forces
behind the big bank mergers already controlled the American banking
industry via the Federal Reserve System. This has been the case ever
since the Fed’s establishment in 1913. Contrary to public belief, the
Federal Reserve is not a government institution. It is a privately held
corporation owned by stockholders. Until a few years ago, however, the
names of those who owned the Federal Reserve was one of the best kept
secrets of international finance due to a proviso on the passage of the
Federal Reserve Act agreeing that the identities of the Fed’s Class A
stockholders not be revealed.
Mr. R. E. McMaster, the publisher of a financial newsletter called
“The Reaper,” was able to determine who the Fed’s principal owners were
through his Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts. According to McMaster,
the top eight stockholders are Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin;
Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy;
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Brothers Bank of New York;
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York; Chase Manhattan bank of New York; and
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York. These interests own the Federal Reserve
System through approximately three hundred stock holders, all of whom
are known to each other and are sometimes related to each other.
[Archibald E. Roberts, The Most
Secret Science (Fort Collins: Betsy Ross Press, 1984) p.56]
Senator Nelson
A great
deal of bank maneuvering and deception surrounded the passage of
the Federal Reserve Act. The original proposal calling for a
central bank operated by private interests was presented by
Senator Nelson Aldrich (maternal grandfather of today’s
Rockefeller Brothers) under the Aldrich Bill. Congress,
however, seeing through the hidden motives of those sponsoring
the bill. . . voted the bill down with strong banking from the
small bank lobby. A short time later, however, the same bill
with only a few minor modifications was reintroduced under a
different name and passed as the Federal Reserve Act
(officially, the Owen-Glass Act). |
David, Laurance John D. III, Nelson, Winthrop
(Four of the five were taught by John Dewey.)
Those who had led the congressional opposition to the Aldrich Bill
felt that the battle had been won and were guilty of letting their guard
down. Many of the individuals had already left for the Christmas
holiday when the bill was reintroduced and rammed through Congress late
evening on 23 December 1913.
Because of the way in which the Federal Reserve System was designed
by its founders, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
essentially controls the system. For all practical purposes the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York “is” the Federal Reserve. Currently, more than
ninety of the one hundred largest banks in the United States are located
within this district.
Class A stockholders control the system by owning the stock of the
largest member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The
controlling interest is held by fewer than a dozen international banking
establishments, only four of which are based in the United States. The
rest of the interests are European, with the most influential of these
being the Rothschild family of London. Each of the American interests
are in some way connected to this family. Included among these are the
Rockefellers who are by far the most powerful of the Fed’s American
stockholders. (The Rockefeller holdings in the federal Reserve are
primarily through the Chase Manhattan Bank.)
The Rockefellers --
lots of hands in lots of pies for as long as they are able
The Rothschild family, I would later discover, has been allied
with the Masonic Order (Freemasonry) since the late 1700’s. At that
time they were still a relatively small, although ambitious, banking
concern based in Frankfurt, Germany. By cooperating with the secret
societies, however, the Rothschilds would be able to expand their
banking operations into other European countries, benefiting from the
extensive international business and political contacts of Freemasonry,
which was already well established throughout the continent.
Freemasonry, on the other hand, needed money to finance its efforts to
build a new world order, and the Rothschilds would be able to provide
such funds. Thus, each party would benefit from the other.

Paul Warburg |
By the 1820’s,
the Rothschilds had become the dominant banking family of Europe,
controlling the fastest growing banking houses in France, England,
Austria, Italy, and Germany. Operations in these countries were
overseen by the five Rothschild brothers, each of whom controlled a
different country. Those bankers who allied themselves with the
Rothschild and the Masonic Order became wealthy in their own right.
Those who didn’t would find the going tough.
During the late 1800s, the Rothschilds began to finance various
American industrialists as well. They would do so primarily through the
Warburgs of Germany who were partners in Kuhn, Loeb, and company of New
York. Press, 1985) p.65] In this fashion, Rothschild/Masonic interests
would gain a foothold in the administration of this country’s finances.
Both the Warburgs and Kuhn Loeb would later become principal
stockholders in the Federal Reserve – with Paul Warburg becoming the
first chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. [J. P. Morgan, the famous
banker, was a major ally of the Rothschilds as well. His family had a
long history of supporting international banking power stretching all
the way back to Alexander Hamilton, who was the first U.S. Treasury
Secretary and Morgan’s distant relative. Ralph Epperson,
The Unseen Hand (Tucson:
Publius Press, 1985), p. 165. ]

Through their U.S. and European agents, the Rothschilds would go
on to finance the Rockefeller Standard Oil dynasty, the Carnegie steel
empire, as well as the Harriman railroad system. [Myron Fagan,
Illuminati – CFR, Emissary
publications, TP-107, 1968. (Fagan was a well-known Hollywood film
producer and playwright. His lectures on the history and activities and
activities of the Illuminati resulted from his personal experience with
Illuminists who came to dominate key areas of the international motion
picture industry.)] The Rockefellers, who later became intermarried
with the Carnegies, would go on to finance many of Rockefeller family
banks. By the 1970s, the Rockefeller-controlled banks, which by this
time America’s leading capitalists through Chase Manhattan and Citibank,
both of which have long been included Chemical Bank, accounted for about
25 percent of all the assets of the fifty largest commercial banks in
the country and for about 30 percent of the assets of the fifty largest
life insurance companies. Gary Allen,
The Rockefeller File (Seal
Beach, CA: ’76 Press, 1976), pp. 29-31. (According to Professor James
Knowles who prepared the detailed study “The Rockefeller Financial
Group.”)] Many of these capitalist families would also become
intermarried with the Rockefellers so that by 1937 one could trace “an
almost unbroken line of biological relationships from the Rockefellers
through one-half of the wealthiest sixty families in the nation.”
[William Hoffman, David
(New York: Lyle Stuart, 1971), p.45 (according to information provided
in the book America’s Sixty Families, by Ferdinand Lundberg, 1937).]
Owing much of their wealth to the Rockefellers, these families
have become loyal allies of "the family." The Rockefellers, on the
other hand, owing their colossal fortune to the Rothschilds, have for
the most part remained loyal to them and their European interests. As a
result of this chain, much of America's corporate wealth is ultimately
traceable to the old money of Europe and the one-world interests of

John D. Rockefeller Sr.
John Jr. had six children: Abby Rockefeller; John D. Rockefeller III;
former New York governor and U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller;
venture capitalist and environmentalist Laurance Rockefeller; former
Arkansas governor Winthrop Rockefeller; and former Chase Manhattan Bank
head David Rockefeller. Descendants of the Rockefeller clan total over
200, including U.S. Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W. Va.) and Arkansas
Lt. Gov. Winthrop Paul Rockefeller.
By 1890, Standard Oil of Ohio, owned by John D. Rockefeller, was
refining 90 percent of all crude oil in the United States and had
already begun its international expansion. [Allen,
The Rockefeller File, p.
24.] Although J.D. and his family were the subject of repeated
congressional investigations because of antitrust violations and alleged
conspiracy, the investigations had little effect on the family’s
progress. They always managed to stay a step or two ahead of the
federal government.
In 1911, for example, the Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil of
New Jersey was in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law. [“Exxon
Corporation,” Moody’s Industrial
Manual (New York” Moody’s Investors Service – A Dun &
Bradstreet Corp.), 1986 ed. Vol. 1, 2823.] The holding company was
thereupon dissolved and its shares distributed among thirty-three
companies in an attempt to break up the monopoly. However, it soon
became evident that all of the new companies were owned by the same
people (John D. Rockefeller had 25 percent of the stock in each of the
firms) “and there wasn’t a shred of competition among any of them.”
[William Hoffman, David,
p.35.] Offshoots of the original Standard Oil Trust included Standard
Oil of New Jersey (today Exxon), Standard Oil of New York (today Mobil),
Standard Oil of California, Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of
Ohio (Sohio), Marathon, Phillips 66, and Chevron. [Allen,
The Rockefeller File, p.

In 1966, as a result of congressional investigations headed by
Representative Wright Patman of Texas, it was discovered that four of
the world’s seven largest oil companies were under the control of the
Rockefeller family. [Ibid., pp. 26-33; and Hoffman,
David, p. 121.] According to
an earlier New York Times report, the largest of these, Standard Oil of
New Jersey (Exxon) alone controlled 321 other companies, including
Humble Oil and Venezuela’s Creole Petroleum, themselves among the
largest corporations in the world. [Gary Allen,
Rockefeller – Campaigning for the New
World Order (Belmont, MA: American Opinion, 1974), p. 15.]
By 1975, the Rockefellers had gained control of the single largest block
of stock in Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) and were believed to be in control
of Texaco as well. [Allen, The
Rockefeller File, pp. 32-33.] It was also discovered that
the Rockefellers were operating major joint ventures with Royal Dutch
Shell, which was already in the hands of European one-world interests.
[Allen, Rockefeller – Campaigning
for the New World Order, p. 15.]
Wright Patman, (D-Tex.), "A study of the 200 largest banks in the
Federal Reserve System showed a whole network of links
among top
stockholders." Patman, although a Democrat, was removed from the House
Banking Committee, following the
Watergate Coup against non-Rockefeller conservatives.
Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve System, consistent
efforts have been made by conservative congressional leaders to put a
stop to the Fed and the forces behind it, with each decade producing at
least one valiant attempt to expose the conjspiracy. Congressman
Charles Lindberg Sr., father of the famous aviator, was among those who
fought the passage of the Act and later conducted an investigation into
the cartel. His life was made difficult as a result.
Charles Lindbergh Sr.
At the time the Federal Reserve Act was passed, Lindbergh warned:
This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When
the President [Wilson] signs this bill the invisible government of
Monetary Power will be legalized . . . the worst legislative crime
of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill.
[Cathrine B. Dalton,
Constitutional Money and the Banking Procedure (Oreana, IL:
Illinois Committee to Restore the Constitution, 1985), p.4.]
Lindbergh’s efforts to expose the plot were followed by those of
Congressman Louis McFadden who chaired the House Banking and Currency
Committee for ten years during the 1920s and 30s. Three attempts were
made on his life. First, he was shot in Washington, DC. Then his food
was poisoned. The third attempt was unfortunately successful. His
mysterious death occurred while on a visit to New York City. The cause
of death on his death certificate was given as “heart failure,” although
it is widely believed that he had been poisoned.
During the 1950’s, Congressman Carroll Reece of Tennessee headed
what became known as the Reece Committee, which conducted a thorough
investigation of the major tax-exempt foundations linked to the
international money cartel. The investigation centered on those
foundations and trusts controlled by the Rockefellers, Fords, and
Carnegies, as well as the Guggenheim foundations. The findings
regarding the wealth and power of these institutions were so
overwhelming that many in Congress found the information difficult to

Rep. Wright Patman
During the 1960’s and the early 1970’s, Congressman Wright Patman
of Texas would also look into manipulation by foundations and the
Federal Reserve. Using his influence as Chairman of the House Banking
Committee, and later, as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Domestic
Monetary Policy, he repeatedly tried to expose the one-world plot by
calling for audits of the Federal Reserve and even trying to have the
Federal Reserve Act repealed. However, the findings of each of his
committees, for some strange reason, were unable to attract any
attention from the media. Patman, like those who had gone before him,
frequently vented his frustration over this lack of coverage. On one
occasion he stated, “Our exposes of the Federal Reserve are shocking and
scandalous, but they are only printed in the daily Congressional Record,
which is read by very few people.” [Dr. John Coleman,
The Federal Reserve Bank, Greatest Swindle in History, pp.
Rep. Larry McDonald
In the 70s and 80s, Congressman Larry McDonald would be the one to
spearhead efforts against the New World Order. In 1976 he wrote the
introduction to The Rockefeller File,
a book exposing the Rockefellers’ financial holdings and secret
intentions. The book revealed that the Rockefellers had as many as 200
trusts and foundations and that the actual number of foundations
controlled by the family might number in the thousands. Such control is
possible because Rockefeller banks, such as Chase Manhattan, have become
the trustees for many other U.S. foundations as well, possessing the
right to invest and to vote the stock of these institutions through the
bank’s trust department. McDonald warned the American public with the
following statement:
“The Rockefeller File
is not fiction. It is a compact, powerful and frightening presentation
of what may be the most important story of our lifetime – the drive of
the Rockefellers and their allies to create a one-world government
combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under
their control.
“For more than one hundred years, since the days when John D.
Rockefeller Sr. used every devious strategy he could devise to create a
gigantic oil monopoly, enough books have been written about the
Rockefellers to fill a library. I have read many of them. And to my
knowledge, not one has dared to reveal the most vital part of the
Rockefeller story: that the Rockefellers and their allies have, for at
least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic
power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of
the world.
“Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a
plot, international in scope, generations old in planning,
and incredibly evil in intent." [Allen,
The Rockefeller File,
McDonald’s warning was written on congressional letterhead dated
November 1975. During the years that followed, frustrated by the
media’s refusal to report his findings, he began to take his message to
the streets by speaking out against these forces publically throughout
the country. McDonald’s courageous efforts, however, came to an abrupt
end on 31 August 1983 when he was killed aboard the Korean Airlines 007
flight which “accidentally” strayed over Soviet airspace and was
“accidentally” shot down.
Media reporting on this event was scant and short-lived; and as a
result, the incident was soon forgotten. Even though his activities
were widely known among the media on Capitol Hill, not a single mention
was publically made about the fact that McDonald had been heading a
congressional effort to expose what he called a dangerous international
conspiracy. Had this fact been made known to the American people, it
would have completely altered the way in which we viewed this incident.
The chance of a U.S. congressman being aboard a commercial airliner
shot down by the Soviet military is less than one in a million.
Depending on the variables entered into the equation, it may be closer
to one in a billion. Yet we are expected to believe that the recent
deaths of Sen. John Heinz and former Sen. John Tower in two separate
plane crashes were a coincidence as well.
Sen. Tower dead in
plane crash
Tower had been an outspoken critic of the Eastern Establsihment (a
term frequently used by conservative lawmakers to describe one-world
interests). Although Tower had himself been associated with various
one-world organizations, he also had a strong sense of right and wrong,
particularly on matters concerning our national security, and was known
for bucking the tide. This backfired when certain members of Congress,
loyal to the one-world cause, banded together against him in a smear
campaign resulting in the denial of Tower’s confirmation as U.S.
Secretary of Defense. Outraged over the undocumented allegations made
to slander his name, Tower set out to write a book telling his side of
the story. His controversial book, which heavily criticizes his
adversaries in Congress, was published recently. His plane crash on 5
April 1991 came shortly after the books release.
Senator John Heinz
One day earlier (4 April), Senator John Heinz died in a fiery plane
crash near Philadelphia. The plane’s landing gear had suddenly
malfunctioned. A helicopter was sent up as a result, allegedly to check
out the gear, only to end up crashing into the plane itself. Two freak
accidents in one – first the landing gear fails, then the rescue
aircraft slams into the plane.
Senator John Tower and his daughter were among 23 persons murdered on
April 5, 1991 when the twin-engine commuter plane they were aboard
crashed while trying to land at an airport in Brunswick, GA. Senator
John Heinz and six other people were killed on the previous day of April
4, 1991. Heinz’s death occurred when a Bell 412 helicopter collided
with the Senator’s Piper Aerostar plane over Merion Elementary School in
Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania. All aboard the two aircraft and two
first-grade girls playing outside the school were killed. The helicopter
had been dispatched to check out a problem with the landing gear of
Heinz’s plane. These two Senators, who had seats on the Senate banking
and Finance Committees and were members of the Council on Foreign
Relations. Their deaths coincide with the efforts of McDonald and during
June, 1989, the battle against the Fed, waged at the state level, had
once again reached Congress.
Heinz and Tower had both been members of a prominent one-world
society known as the Council on Foreign Relations. They had also served
on powerful Senate banking and finance committees and knew a great deal
about these matters. Could they have known too much? Although
accidents do happen, how much longer are we supposed to believe that all
of these are mere coincidence?
Since the earlier death of Congressman Larry McDonald, Senator
Jesse Helms has led efforts to expose the plot. Thus far, nothing has
happened to him. The vivid remarks and statements of Senator Helms,
like those of his predecessors, have been entered into the Congressional
Record without receiving any network coverage. The only attention Helms
manages to get is in the form of public ridicule over his conservative
voting record.
During the 1960s and 70s, thanks to the efforts of Congressmen Wright
Patman, Larry McDonald, and others, the message had begun to reach the
American people. Action groups were formed by various citizens in an
urgent attempt to get this information into the hands of the public.
However, without coverage from the media, their efforts have had only
limited results, as these groups have been forced to rely primarily on
newsletters, privately published books, and unpublicized speaking
engagements to get the word out.
Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts is one individual who has made an inmpact.
As Director of the Committee to Restore the Constitution, he began
testifying before state legislatures informing our elected officials at
the state level about the deception surrounding the Federal Reserve.
His campaign, urging state legislatures to repeal the Federal Reserve
Act, was launched on 30 March 1971 when he testified before the
Wisconsin House of Representatives. The text of Roberts’ address was
subsequently entered in the Congressional Record on 19 April 1971
(E3212-E3224) by Louisiana Congressman John Rarick.
As a result of Roberts’ work in which he was assisted by
Washington State Senator Jack Metcalf and a number of supporting groups,
by the mid-1980s approximately twenty states had taken action to pass
legislation calling either for an audit of the Federal Reserve or for
the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act. However, there still has been
virtually no media coverage and the American public is still largely
unaware of the intense battle going on behind the scenes.
Henry Gonzales
By the late 1980s, the battle being waged at the state level had
once again reached Congress. Representative Henry Gonzales of Texas
introduced House Resolution 1469, calling for abolition of the Open
Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System, and then H.R. 1470,
calling for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During the
same session, Representative Phil Crane of Illinois introduced H.R. 70,
calling for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve. However, all of
these efforts, like those of others before them, have failed for want of
public attention.
It is difficult to get the public behind a legitimate cause or issue
if the media refuse to cover it. This coverage is necessary in order to
get the public to put the kind of pressure on Congress that will lead to
action. This is particularly true of a Congress in which one-world
interests now hold the upper hand.
As I continued my research, I discovered more specifics on how
one-world was being used to influence society.
Each year billions of dollars are “earned” by Class A stockholders of
the Federal Reserve. These profits come at the expense of the U.S.
government and American citizens paying interest on their bank loans, a
portion of which ends up going to the Federal Reserve. Much of this
money, along with annual profits stemming from hundreds of corporations
and banks owned by these same interests, is then funneled into
tax-exempt foundations where it is then re-invested into American and
foreign corporations and used to further influence our economy. In this
fashion, a small group of people apparently dedicated to the
establishment of world government has gained considerable influence over
global activity.
It is no coincidence that the forces responsible for the founding of
the Federal Reserve were also responsible for the passage of laws
permitting the creation of tax-exempt foundations. Private foundations
were intended to serve as tax shelters for the enormous wealth generated
by the international banking cartel. They have also come in handy for
the purpose of funding major think-tanks, which influence virtually
every aspect of American life from education to foreign policy,
management of natural resources, medicine and population control.
The Reece Committee discovered the greatest influence of the
Rockefeller-Carnegie-Ford foundations to be in the areas of social
sciences, public education, and international affairs via contributions
of huge sums of money to secondary or intermediary foundations which
then selected the ultimate recipients of grant money and research
funds. Among the secondary foundations investigated by the Reece
Committee and its legal counsel, Rene Wormser, were the National
Education Association, the John Dewey Society, the United Nations
Association, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
The committee’s goal was to find out where the major foundation money
was really going. In the area of social sciences, for example, the
committee discovered that the Rockefeller Foundation was financing Dr.
Alfred Kinsey’s studies on sexual behavior through the National Research
Council. Kinsey used these funds to produce his series of unscientific
reports promoting sexual freedom (promiscuity). [Rene A. Wormser,
Foundations – Their Power and Influence
(New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1958) pp. 32, 100-105.] If you
attended a college or university, there is a high probability that you
took at least one class which espoused the findings and teachings of the
Kinsey Institute, presenting them as if they were fact. I know I did!
The field of education is another area that the Rockefeller alliance
has attempted to dominate through its foundation money. In fact, few,
if any, of the major education associations have escaped the grasp of
these international forces. The Reece Committee found that the National
Education Association (and numerous other education organizations) was
producing and promoting curricula that advocated socialism and globalism
with the intent of preparing students for a one-world society. So
extensive is foundation control over the field of education, an entire
book could be written on just this one topic.
However, no area has been more influence by foundation activity than
the field of foreign affairs. The cartel has been able to further its
global agenda in this area through political think-tanks such as the
United Nations Association, the Institute for Pacific Relations, and the
Council on Foreign Relations, to name just a few. Rene Wormser of the
Reece Committee stated that the influence of the major foundations had
“reached far into government, into the policymaking circles of Congress
and into the State Department. [Ibid.
p.201.] He went on to explain how this had been accomplished.
“This has been effected through the pressure of public opinion,
mobilized by the instruments of the foundations; through the promotion
of foundation-favorites as teachers and experts in foreign affairs;
through a domination of the learned journals in international affairs;
through the frequent appointment of State Department officials to
foundation jobs; and through the frequent appointment of foundation
officials to State Department Jobs.” [Ibid.]
Cecil Rhodes
Wormser also revealed that at least one foreign foundation was
allied with the major U.S. foundations in shaping our foreign policy.
This institution originated with Cecil Rhodes, the famous British
industrialist and globalist. Rhodes, who was a close ally of the
Rothschilds and European Freemasonry, made his fortune in the diamond
mines of South Africa off the sweat and blood of black slaves. A
ruthless tyrant by nature, within a few short years during the 1870s and
80s, he had gained control of nearly all the diamond production in the
world. Rhodes used his wealth liberally to advance the cause of world
government. Following his death, his colossal fortune would continue to
be used to promote globalism through the Rhodes Scholarship Fund.
As Wormser summarized the influence of the Rhodes Scholar Program as
“Of a total of 1,372 American Rhodes scholars up to 1953, 431 held or
hold positions in teaching and educational administration (among them 31
college presidents); 113 held government positions; 70 held positions in
press and radio; and 14 were executives in other foundations.” [Ibid.]
At the time of the Reece Committee Investigations the president of
the Rockefeller Foundation, the director of the Guggenheim Foundation,
and the former president of the Carnegie Foundation were all Rhodes
More recently, the Nobel prize has been used in a similar fashion to
generate free publicity for one-world darlings. The Nobel Committee has
assisted the cartel’s efforts by consistently awarding a high percentage
of prizes to people recognized for their globalistic views.
Since the time of these investigations, the influence of one-world
foundations in the areas of social science, education, and foreign
policy has only accelerated, accomplishing so much because of minimal
foundation-supported opposition. Since they were the ones who pushed
for the legalization of tax-exempt foundations and were therefore the
first to establish them, they were able to get off to a tremendous head
start. Even if a sizable foundation-sponsored opposition were to
develop, it would only be on a small scale compared to the efforts of
the cartel’s mega-foundations. The one-world conspiracy, I believe,
will always have more power in this world because of the devious
strategies they are willing to employ to accumulate money and then to
manipulate others with it.
Jay Rockefeller
Honorary Chairman, Alliance for Health Reform
Voted for the Financial Markets Bailout Bill
Trustee, Asia Society
Member, Joint Committee on Taxation
Member, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Member, Sentate Committee on Finance
Member, Sentate Committee on Veterans Affairs
Member, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Jim Gottlieb is his chief of staff
think not taking Iran seriously is an enormous mistake. I've always felt
that it was much more of a problem than Iraq was.”
"Pat Roberts and I both feel very strongly that when we get to Iran,
that we can't make the same mistakes. We have to ask the questions, the
hard questions before, not afterwards, and get the right intelligence.”
“They are a dangerous country, ... They're much more sophisticated than
“Both the President Bushs’ Director of National Intelligence, Mike
McConnell who I greatly respect, and President Obama’s Director of
National Intelligence, Admiral Blair, whom I greatly respect, have
labelled cyber security, perpetrated through the internet, as the number
one national hazard of attack on the homeland. It almost makes you ask
the question, ‘would it have been better if we’d never invented the
“Allowing the U.N. into Iraq will demonstrate to the Iraqis that the
international community as a whole is committed to bringing stability
and safety to their country.”
"We do not sanction torture, but there are psychological and other means
that can accomplish most of what we want, ... Getting that information
will save American lives. We have no business not getting that
“We don't know how to protect against any biological (weapon). ... You
play it safe, and the plane doesn't fly, and people are going to have to
get used to that, and people are not going to like that, but it's what
you've got to do in this era,”
Rockefeller Goodwin, daughter of David Rockefeller, and
Peter O'Neill, great-great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller
O'Neill said 73 out of 78 adult descendants of John D. Rockefeller
recently spoke for 73 out of 78 adult descendants of John D.
Rockefeller favoring that Exxon's chairman Tillerson be removed for
someone more receptive to restricting production and investing in
alternative energy sources like wind and solar energy to combat
global warming. "Exxon Mobil needs to reconnect with the
forward-looking and entrepreneurial vision of my great-grandfather,"
said Neva, chair of the economics department at Tufts University. "We
expect the company to figure out how in this changing world to adjust,"
added O'Neill. The Rockefellers are following the example of production
reduction and chairmanship changes steps already taken by Royal Dutch
Shell and British Petroleum (BP).
"I support my family's
efforts to sharpen Exxon Mobil's focus on the environmental crisis
facing all of us." -- David
Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission,
co-founder of the Bilderberg group, former head of the Council on
Foreign Relations, and former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank
Obama Energy Policy is
really Rockefeller Policy
Here another
passage from Gary Kah, En Route to
Global Occupation, published in 1992!
By the mid 1980s I had assembled enough convincing evidence that
friends were forced to acknowledge the fact that there was indeed a plot
to establish a New World Order. However, some of these same friends
could not see how a world government could be brought about during our
generation. They felt that too many people would resist such an effort
and that it could therefore never happen.
Between the years 1985 and 1987 I began to think about how something
like this could happen during our lifetime. I believed that a world
government was possible, even probable, within the next decade or two.
But, how might it come about?
I felt that if I could develop a realistic example of how the New
World Order “could” be achieved, perhaps people would take the threat
more seriously and respond accordingly. So, in June 1987 I prepared the
scenario presented in this chapter. It has undergone two revisions
since that time to keep it up-to-date with current findings. . . .
There are many uncertainties. For one thing, we do not yet know
the full consequences of the Persian Gulf War. It could be that the
hidden powers believe this crisis was all that was necessary to take us
the final step, and that we will see steps taken in the near future to
install the New World Order. Most of the researchers in my immediate
circle, however, believe that a much larger final crisis will be needed
to accomplish this task, and that a little more groundwork remains to be
laid before the world is prepared to take such a “quantum leap.” I
personally lean in this direction.
The recent war with Iraq might have been only a dress rehearsal for
something much larger yet to come. The fact that Saddam Hussein is
still in power and is believed to possess at least three or four nuclear
bombs, seems to be an indicator of more trouble ahead. If there is
another Middle East conflict, it could result from, or start out very
similar to, the recent crisis; only this time, the chances of it
escalating into a regional, or even a global conflict would be much
One possibility is that the new order would be achieved in stages,
with the United States first leading the nations into a loosely knit
world federation under the empowered United Nations (something that
appears to be happening presently). A major global conflict could then
be precipitated at a future time to take humanity the rest of the way to
an all-out occult based world government. . . .
Before the nations of the world ultimately embrace a system of global
government, they must first have a reason to do so. Humanity, convinced
that permanent world peace cannot be attained without the creation of a
powerful world authority capable of protecting countries from one
another, will eventually sacrifice the current world order – seeing no
Two world wars have already been fought in the twentieth century. In
each case, an aggressive power was used to ignite a crisis that drew in
the rest of the world; and both times the aggressor was defeated. After
each war, a supranational organization was established for the alleged
purpose of promoting world peace, first the League of Nations, then the
United Nations. each organization has brought us closer to the
realization of a one-world government. . . .
I believe that insiders will initiate a world crisis . . . if they
feel it is necessary to get the public to accept their New World Order.
The mere threat of a major world conflict could be enough to scare the
public into accepting such a change – especially when coupled with the
existing problems of world hunger and global debt, and the created panic
over the environment. As their campaign slogan openly proclaims,
“Global Problems Demand Global Solutions!”
Historically, however, actual wars have been most effective in
advancing the cause of world government; the fact is, major changes
occur more easily during times of crisis.
Unlike the previous world wars in which Germany was the main enemy,
the world’s next major conflict will undoubtedly be sparked by the
hotbed of tensions surrounding the Middle East. . . .

The Morgan family and their banks (New York money center being J.P.
Morgan, Morgan Guaranty, and Morgan Grenfell, primary beneficiary of
U.S. and allied war debts; Morgan partners held directorships in 167
industrial concerns, banks, railroads, and utilities, and they
controlled, through their banking relationships, the most important
media in the United States, including the New York Times.
Here is a third excerpt.
A World Constitution will be proposed, and a “democratic” World
Parliament will be created. World citizens will believe they have a say
in matters, not realizing that occult secret societies are really the
ones in control. If the New World Order, for example, were to be based
on a two or three party system, all that the occultists would have to do
is control each of these parties – something easily accomplished since
they were the ones responsible for proposing the world government in the
first place. These insiders would determine the tempo of change and the
rest of the world would follow their lead.
The public would be content because it would retain its right to vote
and choose candidates, seeing itself as part of a representative
government. But in reality, it wouldn’t matter who was elected; the
result would always be the same. And as a worldwide system, there would
be no place to run.
Sovereign nations would cease to exist. A single global economic
system would be established and anything left from the old order of
things would be purely superficial, such as languages, cultures, names
of countries, etc. Any real authority would now rest with an
international body controlled by . . . may be astonished at who steps
forth to head the New World Order – possibly the last person ever
suspected. . . . it is not inconceivable that at some point during his
ascent to power someone declares himself the long awaited Messiah to the
Jews. To the Buddhists he would be the fifth Buddha; to Moslems, the
Imam Mahdi; to Hindus, Krishna. Those Christians accepting this lie
would see in him the fulfillment of the second coming of Christ.
[John] Dewey’s association with the Rockefeller family went back a long
way as he taught four of the five Rockefeller brothers, including David
and Nelson. He started his educational career in 1894 at the University
of Chicago, which was one of the first schools to receive Rockefeller
money. Dewey worked there until 1904, when he resigned and moved to the
Teacher’s College at Columbia University. He would spend the rest of
his life teaching teachers. “Today, twenty percent of all American
school superintendents and forty percent of all teacher college heads
have advanced degrees from Columbia where Dewy spent many years as the
Department head.
John Dewey
As Gary Allen
“Since America’s public school system was decentralized, the foundations
had concentrated on influencing schools of education (particularly
Columbia, the spawning ground for Deweyism), and on financing the
writing of textbooks which were subsequently adopted nation-wide.
The Reece Committee realized this strategy and focused much of its
energy on investigating foundation control over teacher training
schools. Rene Wormser, Counsel for the Committee, observed:
“Research and experimental stations were established at selected
universities, notably Columbia, Stanford, and Chicago. Here some of the
worst mischief in recent education was born. In thse
Rockefeller-and-Carnegie-established vineyards worked many of the
principal characters in the story of the suborning of American
education. Here foundations nurtured some fo the most ardent academic
advocates of upsetting the American system and supplanting it with a
Socialist state.”
Traditionalist teachers, who had strongly resisted Deweyism, were
swamped by education propagandists backed with millions of
Rockefeller-Carnegie dollars. The National Education Association (NEA),
the country’s chief education lobby, was also being financed by the
Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. By 1934, the NEA adopted John
Dewey’s philosophy of humanism, socialism, and globalism, and
incorporated it into the classroom. It was interesting to learn that
while all of this was going on, Dewey managed to slip away to Russia for
a time to help organize the Marxist educational system there.
The Rockefellers not only used their money to seize control of
America’s centers of teacher training, they also spent millions of
dollars on rewriting history books and creating text books that
undermined “old order” principles of government and society. Among the
series of public school textbooks produced by Rockefeller grants was one
called Building America. These books promoted a constant stream of
Marxist propaganda to the extent that the California legislature refused
to appropriate money for them. Wormser concluded:
“It is difficult to believe that the Rockefeller Foundation and the
National Education Association could have supported these textbooks.
But the fact is that Rockefeller financed them and the NEA promoted them
very widely.”
The Rockefeller foundations have also worked through the secondary
foundations and think-tanks to influence education and to shape public
opinion by financing the production of hundreds of reports and studies
that subtly promote a globalist and socialistic view of society. These
“findings’ are then quoted in textbooks and identified by the media as
fact, though in reality, most think-tanks are little more than
propaganda divisions of the Rockefeller establishment, generating
tainted data.
According to Shoup’s “Imperial brain Trust,” as of 1969, the Council
on Foreign Relations had in ins membership twenty-two trustees of the
Brookings Institute, twenty-nine officials from Rand Corporation,
fourteen from the Hudson Institute, and thirty-three from the Middle
East Institute. Among the major foundations, the CFR boasted fourteen
of nineteen trustees at the Rockefeller Foundation, ten of seventeen at
the Carnegie Foundation and seven of sixteen at the Ford Foundation.
The establishment’s influence on our schools has continued to grow
during the past few decades. Today its lock on public education is
nearly complete. This fact is evidenced in the numbers of teachers
college heads who belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, including
. . . With these prestigious teacher training centers under the control
of the Council on Foreign Relations, regaining control of public
education has become next to an impossible task.