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A Holistic Common Sense Structure for
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without War Through the New Foundation for the New World Vision |
Creating the
Reality Shattering
Insights of the Thinking People, Unite!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Khalid Mohammed is the one responsible for ALL the horrible things. I'll bet he even killed Princess Diana and caused George Bush to choke on a pretzel!
"In his rambling statement..." Rambling, no kidding? After all this time in custody, being drugged and tortured -- which everyone now knows is US policy -- this guy's confession of guilt for absolutely everything is somehow rambling?? Gosh, I hope he didn't leave out anything that they told him to say.
Snort! This is nothing but a desperate and childish administration attempt to make disappear the tidal wave of questions -- hundreds of legitimate questions -- about how all U.S. defenses could have been bypassed on 9/11 without inside help.
And no doubt a lot of footage from the World Trade Center that day -- which has surfaced on YouTube and Google videos -- has the real perpetrators (perp-e-traitors) in an absolute panic.
(Sue YouTube for $1 billion anyone, such as Viacom is doing? Corporate creatures wanting to bankrupt YouTube and take down all the evidence?)
There are no longer ANY questions about the numerous explosions in the towers that reduced them, and the people, to fine dust. And now you can see and hear the blasts on the video clips! (Link below.) Structurally and fire-wise, the planes barely made a dent. Footage now proves it was bombs, bombs, bombs (controlled demolition), obviously planted in advance.
(Too bad the government didn't say Al Qaeda did that, from the get-go. Now they're stuck with explaining why they've covered up all the detonations for nearly 6 years! )
Oh, but no, they say. Don't go there! Look here! Look at this disheveled, rambling 9/11 "mastermind" we've dragged out for you -- a guy that probably couldn't even plan his lunch! If Americans have gotten dumbed-down enough to believe this, there is just no hope.
And by all means, DON'T look at Dov Zakheim, an Israeli in American government who has been driving US policy for 25 years. He was comptroller at the Pentagon when it was announced he'd "lost track of" $2.3 trillion taxpayer dollars! This was announced on 9/10/01, though. Looks like he and mouthpiece Rumsfeld somehow knew after next day -- 9/11-- nobody would remember that.
Well, we do remember. And speculation is that all that American money went to Israel, which has LONG been doing spying (there are convictions!) and thievery in the United States. Some "friend" !
Here you can hear, practically FEEL, the huge blasts that occurred inside the towers! Tell everybody! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7aRR9FGGJc
And for a good laugh, read CNN's pathetic attempt below to tell the public "who did it" !
Connie Cook Smith
From Mike Mount
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Admitted 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told a U.S. military tribunal he personally beheaded Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002, the Pentagon revealed Thursday. "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan," said a Pentagon transcript of Saturday's hearing. "For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head." The admission was part of testimony that was originally removed from a Pentagon transcript of Mohammed's tribunal at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He also said he was the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, attacks. "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z," Mohammed said through a military representative. During the hearing, Mohammed also acknowledged he planned, financed or ran training for a catalogue of high-profile terrorist attacks, including operations to assassinate several U.S. presidents and to destroy world-famous landmarks... http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/15/guantanamo.mohammed/index.html
Vice President Dick
Cheney has canceled a scheduled terrorist attack on Chicago, criticizing
the plan as "way too obvious, you loose-lipped asshole" before shooting
co-conspirator Larry Silverstein in the face. http://www.mujca.com/cheneypostpones.htm
9/11 is Already the Worst Movie Ever Made
recently announced a barrage of 9/11 movie projects--as if the original
cheesy disaster film, somehow marketed to the American people as an
actual attack by foreign terrorists, weren't enough.
'Conspiracy Theorist' Asserts: Bush and Cheney are Death Lizards from Outer Space!!!
Now it can be told: Bush and Cheney are not human beings at all, but death lizards from outer space.
I realize that this
is a bold assertion, and that it will probably elicit a degree of
skepticism. Nonetheless I think this is a time for bold assertions. Our
planet, after all, is under attack by extraterrestrial death lizards,
and they have taken over the White House. So this is no time for
cautious, measured statements and appeals to pure sweet reason.
This I know from hard experience. I have been
championing the cautious, measured statements and appeals to pure sweet
reason of the likes of David Griffin and Nafeez Ahmed for almost two
years. Before I get into the alien death lizards thing, I guess I had
better explain who Griffin and Ahmed are, for the benefit of those who
have spent the past two years on the Planet of the Death Lizards, or on
the even more distant and desolate planet of the American corporate
media. David Griffin is one of America's most eminent Christian
theologians, and he has recently published two books marshalling the
abundant evidence that 9/11 was an inside job:
The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing
Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11
, and
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions
and Distortions. Nafeez Ahmed is the
brilliant young British scholar whose pathbreaking
The War on Freedom
convinced Gore Vidal that 9/11 was an inside job,
and became Griffin's most important source for
The New Pearl Harbor.
Ahmed's new book
The War on Truth
goes on to show, with its formidable scholarly
apparatus, that the whole specter of “Islamic Terrorism” is an illusion
woven by Western intelligence agencies and their client-state
proxies—the same conclusion reached by the recent BBC documentary
The Power of Nightmares
Griffin and Ahmed show, in clear, measured,
scholarly fashion, that the official “19 hijackers” conspiracy theory of
9/11 is untenable, and that the alternative explanation that best fits
the facts is that 9/11 was arranged by elements of the US intelligence
apparatus, presumably acting at the behest of the US high command—namely
George W. Bush and Richard Cheney. The presumable motive: To double the
military budget overnight, increase the power of the executive branch,
quash domestic dissent, and launch “the war that will not end in our
After two years of promoting the books of Griffin
and Ahmed, I have discovered that there is a limited audience for a
rational, factual discussion of 9/11. Even those who accept the fairly
obvious conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job often seem to prefer a
more excited and imaginative prose style. As for those who do not accept
that conclusion—in virtually all cases due to an emotionally-charged
refusal to consider the evidence—they are addicted to an even more
hysterical prose style driven by the paranoid delusion that a secret
army of evil “Muslim extremists” is conspiring to wreak mayhem by
randomly blowing things up.
The lesson here is that paranoid hysteria sells,
while lucid reality-based analysis does not. Since I have a living to
make, and children to feed, I have decided to leave reality-based
conspiracy theory behind, and strike out boldly where no theorist has
gone before: to the planet of the spacefaring death lizards.
But wait a moment, you ask. Just how do I know
that Bush and Cheney are death lizards in disguise?
Because my wife says so, that's why. She has been
telling me for years that George W. Bush is obviously an alien. His
awkward artificial mannerisms, his peculiar mangling of the English
language, his emotional insensitivity that borders on utter cluelessness—these
are all signs, my wife says, that this guy does not possess a brain with
the normal Chomskyan linguistic deep structure, not to mention the
emotional-intelligence deep structure, common to all human beings.
Instead, he seems vaguely reptilian—cruel, scaly and manipulative behind
those dull, beady little eyes.
For years—I admit it—I did not listen to my wife.
Indeed, I scoffed at her whenever she pointed out Bush's nonhuman
characteristics. I told her that Bush was just a deeply disturbed,
borderline-psychopathic rich kid in the throes of a really bad dry-drunk
syndrome made worse by coke withdrawal. “No—he's an alien” was her
invariable reply. For years neither one of us could convince the other.
Then last year, during Bush's first debate with John Kerry, I watched in
horror as the Lizard-in-Chief's left lower lip drooped halfway to the
floor, twitching convulsively as the mannikin uttered clumsily alien
words beamed through a highly visible remote control unit on its back.
After witnessing that bizarre performance I could no longer deny it.
Something was terribly the matter with the alleged humanoid in the Oval
Then, while watching Cheney debate Edwards, I
noticed that that the “Vice President” displayed some of the same
non-human characteristics. Cheney's left lower lip corner, like Bush's,
kept drooping downward and twitching spastically as cold, scaly,
programmed words were emitted from the Cheney-creature's buccal orifice.
Every pore of its body urged icy aggression; if it were capable of
anything resembling emotion, it would be sheer contempt. Not the
faintest shred of human warmth could be detected in its words, gestures,
or bearing.
Suddenly it hit me: These guys were pursuing
inhuman policies...because they were inhuman! My wife was right! (Not,
she reminded me, for the first time.)
Only inhuman death lizards would spread death and
destruction across the planet the way these guys have. Only inhuman
death lizards would systematically loot and pillage the meager resources
of ordinary Americans for the benefit of the super-rich. Only inhuman
death lizards would dare destroy the US Constitution from within. Only
inhuman death lizards would slaughter almost 3,000 Americans in a fake
terrorist attack designed to trigger religious hatred and mass murder.
After doing some quick research on the
intergalactic internet, I discovered that the death lizards have a long
and sorry history of wreaking havoc, both on their own planet and on
those of other sentient life forms. They are cold, clever, aggressive,
and exceedingly manipulative. Though unable to effectively communicate
with warm, emotional, empathetic/intuitive mammalian creatures like
ourselves, they have learned to manipulate us by mimicking our
linguistic-emotional behavior. To this end they have entered into a
symbiotic relationship with the venomous slime-toads of Wartron-B, who
emit a viscous verbal miasma that paralyzes, hypnotizes, and finally
devours the brains of its mammalian victims. (“Karl Rove” is in fact one
of these venomous slime-toads.)
So that's what we're up against. It isn't a
pretty picture. But the good news is that they can be beaten.
The most beautiful love-and-gnosis-driven planets
of the Intergalactic Federation have all survived the onslaught of the
death lizards and slime-toads. How? By uniting as one planet under the
stewardship of the local sentient species. The arrival of the
death-lizards and slime-toads, like the coming of the devilish-looking
aliens in Arthur C. Clarke's
Childhood's End
, signals that a new era has dawned, and the
planet's final exam is at hand. It is time for human beings to unite as
one sentient species, the divinely-appointed stewards of planet Earth,
and drive these scaly imposters out of the White House and back to the
reptile-planet from whence they came.
More: MONDO TERROR: http://www.mujca.com/mondoterror.htm
BUMS FOR BUSH: http://www.mujca.com/bums4bush.htm
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IMAGINE a planet-wide system built for PERPETUAL PEACE, and no longer for PERPETUAL WAR |