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A Holistic Common Sense Structure for
Liberation of All
without War Through the New Foundation for the New World Vision |
A Continuation of the Old: "New" Obama Administration Wants to
Make Wars in Other People's Countries
Longer than Vietnam. But the pretext to do this is based
ALL ON LIES. The same patterns
exist as they have for all other wars... (And the
Taliban did eliminate the Poppies.)
The Iraq War is an
extension of brutality by the prevailing elites of the global capitalist
system, that the 9/11 Truth Movement has accused to be the ultimate
perpetrators of 9/11. — Muslims Targeted as "The New Enemy" of the World —
Corporate Fascists Generate Racism, Hate, Destruction —
Through The "Transformative" Power of Capitalism
or Communism (Same Tyranny, Different Styles) http://www.planetization.org/iraqtruth.htm
"Christians are supposed to be different. We are supposed to think differently. We are clearly commanded to "be not conformed to this world" -- Chuck Baldwin
Religion on Tyranny "Yet, listen to what God tells us about rich and powerful men. 'Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?' James 2:6 (KJV) "Historically, it has always been the super-wealthy, super-powerful elements of society that have brought tyranny and persecution to God's people. It is the political and business elite who have trampled people's freedoms and liberties, enslaved their children, and ravaged their lands and properties. "Nothing has changed: the super-elite in the United States and Europe are continuing to do what they have always done. Both the Republican and Democrat parties are controlled by those who desire to create a globalistic society in which they will control the world's materials and peoples. "Both George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush have contributed to the tyrannical goals and ambitions of the super-elite. So has Bill Clinton. If John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama is elected, they will follow in the globalist footsteps of their predecessors."
"How is it that we have drifted away from being an informed, active,
knowledgeable, and dedicated group of highly motivated Christian
patriots to a group of impotent and anemic sheep? Our Christian
forebears must be turning over in their graves, because we are in the
process of squandering the greatest human sacrifice--save that of the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ--ever made: the sacrifice of America's
Founding Fathers."
"The following interview with Dr. Carol Rosin, President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) summarizes testimony which Carol Rosin gave at the Disclosure Project Press Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC on May 9, 2001 regarding the a succession of "False Flag Wars" to follow the collapse of the permanent war economy's Communism vs. Capitalism war (1945-1991). These False Flag Wars start with a "War on Terror;" ; followed by a False Flag "War Against the Asteroids and Near Earth Objects;" and finally a False Flag "War Against Extraterrestrial Civilizations." Each of these wars, starting with the False Flag operation of September 11, 2001 has had the weaponization of space and occupation of the solar system as a significant objective. ....
following is an "Enemies List" that the U.S. government uses to keep the
media and public in support of the Pentagon Budget. The list, given to
Carol Rosin by her colleague the famous German rocket scientist Dr
Wernher von Braun, has the following sequenced manufactured threats.
Here they are:
America's 'Enemies List' to Sustain War Mode and Pentagon
2 -
("Global War on Terror"; also
also "The
Muslim Threat to World Civilization")
3 -
4 –
Extraterrestrials "Dr von Braun said none of these threats are hostile and all a lie. He said all of this must be stopped and worked with Carol Rosin up until the time of his death in the U.S. in 1977 to prevent the weaponization of space, just as President Eisenhower had warned about the threat of the military-industrial-corporate-academic-film complex to America's future in the early 50s."
The "Global War on Terror" Clever Ploy to Pit Religion Against Religion through Fake Plots and Ideologies
"Once again, the trumped up threat of religious extremism is essential in order to create fear which drives this agenda. While such extremism is on the rise, being fomented by US intervention, the larger threat of the supposed inevitable "Clash of Civilizations" between Islamo-Fascism and Christianity is not a reality, but something to provide intellectual fodder for the cause.
Good point. The neocons focus on painting all Muslims with a broad brush is evidence they intend to inflame tensions rather than lessen them.
The Muslims are ironically being set up as the "New Jews" of Europe. An archetypal scapegoat. It seems that history is about to repeat itself once again.
Mind-Boggling: Soul Sell-Outs in U.S. Making Another Holocaust Acceptable
On July 21, 2006, Warner Todd Huston (who occasionally writes for the LA Times) wrote on the website of the prominent African American conservative, and former candidate for the United States Senate, Alan Keyes:
“So, we
feel the only true solution is that millions of Muslims must be killed
and the sooner the better it will be for the whole world. Not because
Jews are somehow perfect or that Muslims just plain “need killing,” but
because Islam is so patently evil and needs to be defeated!”
Orwellian Reality Reversal: "Global War on Terror" Mad Capitalist Nazis Trying to Paint Muslims as Nazis
Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zachariah Anani are the three stooges of
the Christian right. These self-described former Muslim terrorists are
regularly trotted out at Christian colleges-a few days ago
they were at the Air Force Academy-to spew racist filth about Islam
on behalf of groups such as Focus
on the Family. It is a clever tactic. Curly, Larry and Mo, who all
say they are born-again Christians, engage in hate speech and assure us
it comes from personal experience. They tell their audiences that the
only way to deal with one-fifth of the world’s population is by
converting or eradicating all Muslims. Their cant is broadcast regularly
on Fox News, including the Bill O’Reilly and Neil Cavuto shows, as well
as on numerous Christian radio and television programs. Shoebat, who has
written a book called “Why We Want to Kill You,” promises in his
lectures to explain the numerous similarities between radical Muslims
and the Nazis, how “Muslim terrorists” invaded America 30 years ago and
how “perseverance, recruitment and hate” have fueled attacks by Muslims. "Spiritual" Advisor Lying About the American Founding Enmity with Muslims According to Mother Jones magazine, Ohio televangelist Rod Parsley is John McCain's "spiritual adviser." Rev. Parsley preaches : "...America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion (Islam) destroyed."
Instead of targeting others' religion, the TV preacher ought to rectify his false take on American history. As I wrote to the magazine (expanded version here)
–Connie Cook Smith:
Founding father and president John Adams signed the U.S. Treaty of Tripoli in 1797, after it was unanimously approved by Congress, which was comprised of additional founding fathers. I quote Article 11:
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;
as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen (Muslims);
and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation,
it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
In one fell swoop here, United States law and history inform us that not only does American tradition bear no enmity towards Muslims or their religion -- in total contradiction to Rev. Parsley's claims -- but that our government "is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
This is not a denunciation of Christianity -- it is an affirmation of religious freedom. All citizens are safe and free in their beliefs. And such safety is paramount in a good society.
Along these lines it's also instructive to remember Article VI in our Constitution, which states: "no religious test shall ever be required" for any federal office. This means, for example, a U.S. president can be any religion in the world, or no religion at all. Once again, being safe in one's beliefs was created by our founders as such a hallmark of American freedom that no one can be denied even the presidency on the basis of religion.
Some would say now that "no enmity towards Muslims" was ended by 9/11. But I personally agree with the thousands of high-level professionals from military, government, agency, aeronautical, engineering, and academic fields who've looked into the evidence and concluded that Muslims were framed -- in order to justify U.S. invasions into the oil-rich Middle East.
Meanwhile, Rev. Parsley should apologize -- along with John Hagee and James Dobson and others -- for leading their congregations astray with their "Christian nation" talk. Assigning this country only one religion is something that is fundamentally opposed to our founders' vision of American freedom.
And Mr. McCain and his aging brain? I fear it's time for him to shuffle off to a nursing home or other care center, where his erratic temper and increasingly poor judgment won't be able to harm this nation and the world.
Article about McCain and the extremist Rev. Parsley http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19533.htm
Connie Smith's 5-minute video on the confusion between Good and Evil in America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU3Ar3EodOk
9/11 Truth Resources http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/
Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims by Paul Craig Roberts
Corporate Fascists-Capitalists Generating Inequality Again
"The New
World Order is getting what it wants: a stable two-class system, with
the lower class serving the elitist upper class. The paradox is that
along with rising economic inequality and apartheid is mounting
consumerism and materialism that is used to pacify, distract and control
the masses. That's where easy credit and cheap products from low-wage
nations are critical. The poor can have cell phones, 24-7 Internet
access and increasingly cars, while the bejeweled upper class travel in
private jets and yachts, vacation on private islands, and have several
gated mansions maintained by servants and guarded by private police. We
have a technologically advanced form of medieval society. It is working
in the US and China and most other places. Elections just mask economic
tyranny and slavery. "The ruling class knows how to maintain stability. Keep the masses distracted, fearful, brainwashed, insecure, and dependent on government and business sectors for survival. Train people to see themselves as relatively free consumers. Maintain the myth that ordinary people can become wealthy and join the ruling class, which theoretically is not impossible, but of no statistical significance for the masses."
"We are Winning – and We Are the Minority": Straight from the Demonic Suction Tube's Mouth
Despite trying to dress up his vision as an exercise in attempting to
selflessly democratize the Middle East, in a contribution to the
quarterly US Army War College journal
Parameters almost a decade ago, he acknowledged with some jubilation
that: "Those of us who can sort, digest, synthesize, and apply relevant
knowledge soar--professionally, financially, politically, militarily,
and socially. We, the winners, are a minority." This minority will
inevitably conflict with the vast majority of the world's population.
"For the world masses, devastated by information they cannot manage or
effectively interpret, life is 'nasty, brutish . . . and
short-circuited.'" In "every country and region", these masses who can
neither "understand the new world", nor "profit from its
uncertainties... will become the violent enemies of their inadequate
governments, of their more fortunate neighbors, and ultimately of the
United States." The coming clash, then, is not really about blood,
faith, ethnicity, at all. It is about the gap between the haves and the
have-nots. "We are entering a new American century", he says, in a
veiled reference to the Bush administration
Project of the same name founded in the same year he was writing. In
the new century, "we will become still wealthier, culturally more
lethal, and increasingly powerful. We will excite hatreds without
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14810.htm Corporate Fascism's Catchwords/Reality Reversals , Own Ideologies, "Emotional Soakers," Trigger Making Events and Their Enablers
Taliban's Eradication of Poppies Is Convulsing Opium Market
The unexpected success of the Taliban in Afghanistan in eradicating three-quarters of the world's crop of opium poppies in one season is leading experts to ask where production is likely to spring up next. The director of the United Nations Drug Control Program, Pino Arlacchi, said there was no chance that opium from other sources would compensate this year for the loss of Afghan crops, and the prices of opium and heroin will rise substantially, with opium already worth five to seven times its usual price. His program helped convince the Taliban that opium is a disgrace to Islam. The chairman of the Central Asia Institute at Johns Hopkins, Frederick Starr, said the West, especially Europe, had been inexplicably slow in recognizing developments in Afghanistan. ''The reduction is probably the most dramatic event in the history of illegal drug markets, not only in scale, but also in the fact that it was done domestically, without international assistance,'' he said. He added that Europe, where most Afghan heroin was consumed, had been ''stunningly dysfunctional'' in helping Afghan farmers who have sacrificed livelihoods and in moving to prevent new fields from springing up in other poor countries. United Nations narcotics officials are looking at three regions that may be tempted -- Myanmar, Pakistan and Central Asia. In an interview from the drug agency headquarters in Vienna, Mr. Arlacchi said he was skeptical about including Myanmar, formerly Burma, because Thailand and China have put tremendous pressure on the military junta there to control narcotics production. He said the ethnic groups in northern Myanmar who once were the largest poppy producers have instead turned to making chemical compounds. American experts agree that the greater problem now is synthetic drugs like ecstasy, which are becoming increasingly popular among young Asians. In Pakistan, Mr. Arlacchi said, the government, working with the United Nations, has completed one of its most successful eradication programs over the last two decades. ''Production is down to almost zero in the last few years,'' he said. Central Asia, he said, has the most potential for poppy production. The United Nations has been working there with limited funds to cut down trafficking in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. In the last four months, more than two tons of heroin have been seized on the Tajikistan-Afghanistan border. ''But even if in the long term this reduction of supply is a major success, it will be sustainable only with a parallel reduction in the demand in the industrial countries,'' Mr. Arlacchi said. Narcotics experts say they do not see matching efforts in rich countries to cut use. ''The prices of heroin and cocaine have been declining over 10 years,'' Mr. Arlacchi said. ''That trend will now be interrupted. Prices will increase without demand reduction, and there will be more powerful incentives to cultivators and traders.'' Mr. Starr, of Johns Hopkins, said special attention should be paid to Kyrgyzstan, parts of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as Xinjiang, in western China. ''Kyrgyzstan was the largest legal producer of opium poppies in the world during Soviet times,'' he said. Opium was used to make morphine for medicinal use. ''Presumably the people who made it work then are still on the ground -- and unemployed.'' http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C03E4DC113EF930A25755C0A9679C8B63
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