Never Forget
"Labor to keep alive
in your breast that little spark of celestial fire
called Conscience”
George Washington,
The Rules of Civility, 1748

George Washington, An Honorable Man
Torture is
The Satanic "Two
Intermittent Bomb
Approach" of Bombing People was Created by the Israelis
“It's a
policy started by the Israeli air force over Beirut during the
1982 siege: bomb now, come back 12 minutes later for a second
shot. Now Waziristan villagers wait up to half an hour –
listening to the shrieks and howls of the dying – before they
try to help the wounded.”
Pakistan Is In
By Robert Fisk
General Stanley McChrystal took charge of US/NATO Afghan forces last
June, systematic atrocities escalated sharply after promises of kinder,
gentler killing (an oxymoron), winning hearts and minds, and fewer
civilian casualties as a "paramount" objective - now much higher the
result of more than a fourfold increase in night raids, targeting
civilians, including children, while they sleep."
US-Committed Atrocities In Afghanistan
By Stephen Lendman
I was just on Democracy Now along with WikiLeaks'
Julian Assange discussing the
Iraq video they released
yesterday, and there's one vital point
I want to emphasize. Shining light on what our government and military
do is so critical precisely because it forces people to see what is
really being done and prevents myth and propaganda from distorting those
realities. That's why the administration fights so hard to keep torture
photos suppressed, why the
military fought so hard here to keep this video concealed (and why
they did the same
with regard to the Afghan massacre), and why whistle-blowers, real
journalists, and sites like WikiLeaks are the
declared enemy of the government. The discussions many people are
having today -- about the brutal reality of what the U.S. does when it
engages in war, invasions and occupation -- is exactly the discussion
which they most want to avoid.
Iraq Slaughter Not An Aberration
By Glenn Greenwald
"One could fill many
large volumes with the details of the environmental and human horrors
the United States has brought to Fallujah and other parts of Iraq during
seven years of using white phosphorous shells, depleted uranium, napalm,
cluster bombs, neutron bombs, laser weapons, weapons using directed
energy, weapons using high-powered microwave technology, and other
marvelous inventions in the Pentagon's science-fiction arsenal ... the
list of abominations and grotesque ways of dying is long, the wanton
cruelty of American policy shocking. In November 2004, the US military
targeted a Fallujah hospital "because the American military believed
that it was the source of rumors about heavy casualties."
That's on a par with the classic line from the equally glorious American
war in Vietnam: "We had to destroy the city to save it."
"How can the world deal with such inhumane behavior? (And the above of
course scarcely scratches the surface of the US international record.)
For this the International Criminal Court (ICC) was founded in Rome in
1998 (entering into force July 1, 2002) under the aegis of the United
Nations. The Court was established in The Hague, Netherlands to
investigate and indict individuals, not states, for "The crime of
genocide; Crimes against humanity; War crimes; or The crime of
aggression." (Article 5 of the Rome Statute) From the very beginning,
the United States was opposed to joining the ICC, and has never ratified
it, because of the alleged danger of the Court using its powers to
"frivolously" indict Americans."
The Iraq Slaughter Video
“Leaking This Information is the Act of a Hero.”
The United States Takes the Matter of
Three-headed Babies Very Seriously
By William Blum
How Satanic Israel Changed the
Rules of War for the U.S. Military
“Israel's campaign to rewrite
international law to its advantage is deliberate and knowing. As the
former head of Israel's 20-lawyer International Law Division in the
Military Advocate General's office, Daniel Reisner, recently stated: "If
you do something for long enough, the world will accept it. The whole of
international law is now based on the notion that an act that is
forbidden today becomes permissible if executed by enough countries ...
International law progresses through violations. We invented the
targeted assassination thesis and we had to push it. At first there were
protrusions that made it hard to insert easily into the legal molds.
Eight years later, it is in the center of the bounds of legitimacy."
Changing the Rules of War
by George Bisharat
Tactic by the Soulless Barbarians to Normalize /
Legalize / Justify HUMAN TORTURE in Our World
And Law within America
"Obama Gives Orders to
Assassinate American Citizens" |
"The assassination policies vitiate the
presumption of innocence and the government then becomes the
investigator, policeman, prosecutor, judge, jury, executioner all in
one. That raises the greatest questions with respect to our constitution
and our democratic way of life."
"Let us hear no more excuses for Barack Obama. Let us hear no more
defenses, no more special pleading, no more extenuations. Let us have no
more reciting of the "pressures" he is under, of the "many obstacles"
that balk him in his quest to do us good, of the "bad advisors" who are
swaying him to unworthy acts against his will. Let us be done at last
with all these wretched lies, these complicitous self-deceptions that
are facilitating atrocity and tyranny on a monstrous scale."

Cow Boy President
“Now that Obama has decided to dispense with judge
and jury he is returning the US to the days of the Wild West …
which could make him more of a cowboy president than Bush ever was.”