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A Holistic Common Sense Structure for
Liberation of All
without War Through the New Foundation for the New World Vision |
The Irrelevancy of the Presidency
The New Glory flag is the extension and essence of the 364 page inspired work, Planetization, the Other Kind of Globalization (drawn from its original two volumes entitled, The Spiritual Manifesto, Reclaiming Our Soul) which picks up the great work of the American Founding to once again lay the coordinates for a world without the necessity of war and return us to our cosmic pathway of Oneness and Humanity.
Through the colors of Red, White and Blue, the American flag (Old Glory) is reborn in the right way, in line with its Founding, and through the conceptual coordinates on the flag is America and the world fulfilled in its rightful destiny on the Planet through undisturbed life, liberty and happiness for all.
When the Earth is living through the structural and Planetary blueprint of “Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, Justice, Love” where each is the other in an indivisible Whole, then it will draw to itself heaven’s own bird of peace in an eternal and sacred union – our New Glory.
When the early space astronauts said that when they viewed the Earth from above in outer space and saw no borders they felt a sacredness with the Earth. That conceptual idea of the Earth from humans from afar is once again brought into our vision with the words, “One Earth.” Following that true concept is “One Human Nation” which allows us to transcend the notion of “nationality” so that we may come back to the Source of our Humanity as our true and authentic state (surpassing the limited and limiting “nation-state”).
“Free At Last” is of course the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. which is from his “I Have a Dream” speech. These words were in turn taken from an old Negro spiritual, and it is through that feeling, that concept, that experience where the black man became liberated from his chains and his oppression that it is brought forward where America and the world can be the dream that it is meant to be.
Fly New Glory to manifest The Dream for all.
Heart Power!
A blueprint and plan for a Holistic planetary thought structure was inspired in the mid 90s for a positive unification of Humanity which was in line with Evolution.
The inspired work for the Planet also extended itself into a new Planetary flag that captured the quantum coordinates for a world of peace, joy, evolution, learning and love for all members of the Human Race beyond the notion of borders.
Through a serendipitous occurrence it was also discovered of late that the flag had a miraculous, instantaneous and supportive effect of uplifting BOTH the inner and outer environments of where it was placed. (See below.)
Upon learning of this delightful effect, a “New Vision Peace Project” has presented itself that will give people the opportunity to not only obtain the flag for themselves, but to also “roll the effect” right through the world where calls for peace exist, and have been through history, starting with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It is envisaged that the “New Glory” flag will be presented to an individual or organization in every country, and ultimately city of the world so that the Planet may experience a stable, synchronistic effect throughout all corners of the globe to the higher, Holistic vibration that will assist in birthing the new world of the universal peace (humans-animals-environment-ETs) with ease.
The opportunity has arisen to embrace all for a new beginning on our Planet. At the same time, The New Vision Peace Project is a totally new possibility to combine on the ground peace activism with human spirituality and the laws of quantum physics. It invites your part-icipation to heighten the resonance of PEACE into all four corners of the globe.
At the same time, the reality on the flag is our ideal and is reached through the inspired, written blueprint and plan called "Planetization" which culminates into the Foundation for the New World Vision or the New United Nations of the Peoples of the Earth to be built with the proceeds from the New Vision Peace Project where we rectify our world and build it right with respect, health, healing, prosperity and harmony for all now and for our future generations.
As a CLEAR CHOICE, Planetization is the new planetary concept and alternate pathway for a better, kinder, gentler global structure for the Planet that represents humanity’s and the Planet’s interest. It captures all life—animal-human-environmental—on the Planet as an integrated whole. That Whole draws from the infinite nature of our higher selves where we are helping all and harming none. Essentially it offers the alternate vision to war, and the corporatized, militarized New World Order that has unthoughtfully and in error turned humanity’s values inside out. As we turn the System right side up, where essentially, people and all life on the Planet are before profits along with the economic well being of all, we see a new world – whole, unified, abundant, evolving, free, prosperous and intact. Through Planetization, a way has been created for the will of the people to once and for all as a single voice turn swords into ploughshares and to pursue the rightful interests of humanity with a hug for all -- yes all!
Since receiving the New Glory Flag and displaying it upon a wall of our bedroom, my husband and I have found that we more readily practice the positive consciousness ideas that we've long been attracted to. And results in our lives are profoundly changing!
We've known for many years that "what you put out is what you get back," but the ruts and grooves of the doubts and fears with which we were raised have always tended to prevail. But since the beauty of New Glory Flag has "taken over" the sacred space of our bedroom, over the past six months we have been much more enthusiastic about practicing positive outcomes -- and some amazing positive outcomes have been occurring!
Our challenges have not lessened, but our ability to respond powerfully and positively has quantitatively increased. And the mixed and rather weary results we used to get have transformed into some highly unlikely and very joyous successes!
There is just no question that this Flag has powerfully supported and enhanced a new level of consciousness that we've long desired to achieve.
Until the day comes when this grand icon of peace and power is flying from every flagpole, it ought to meanwhile be blessing every home with its goodness and beauty and energy!
Gratefully, Connie and Mark Smith Canton, Illinois USA
The Beautiful High Vibration New Glory Flag
Along with the Extraordinary Planetization Book are
Available as a Package for $100.00
© 2005 Planetization |