The Whole Truth George Washington, The Revolution is Not Over Because the Truth Hurts

The Citizens America Party is a Foundational and Educational Site to Shine the Light on The Three Great Hurts That Are Being Played Out on the World:   The 9/11 Big Lie, the "War on Terror" and Global Zionism which We Consider Simply Non-Human

"These 'wars' are a hoax designed to enrich the US armaments industry and to infuse the 'security forces' with police powers
 over American citizenry
" – Paul Craig Roberts

9/11 Was An Inside Job * War, Debt and Taxes * Global Zionism

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The Real Invaders of America
and on Gentile Life










Killers of a Real Patriot American President

"American interests are one, Jewish interests are another thing." Rabbi Asher

"This is a concept most patriots cannot understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media,
 Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the Jew now uses against the detestable 'goyim'.
 The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it. This is the revelation
 that will be our undoing"
Harold Wallace Rosenthal


What the American Founders Really Meant by the Word "Alien"

 Ideas and Ideology Alien, Contrary and
 Hostile to Life, the Human Race and the U.S. Constitution

What Must Happen to Get the Alien Menace Out of the Life of the World,
 the Human Race and the Destruction of  America and the U.S. Constitution

"Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.

... Out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

... Out of education and they cannot pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines

 ... Out of government and they cannot betray the nation."

Ezra Pound, Defender of the Principles of Americanism, North America and the United States
Against the Jew Gang of British Finance Capitalism and Soviet Bolshevism

 [Now in the Form of Israeli-Zionist-Neocon]

Chapter 7

How the Jews Use Power

Jacob Schiff:  The Most Destructive Influential
 Money Lender in America

“…made his fortune from interest bearing loans, was the main
 player behind the 'Hebrew Free Loan Society' in 1892;
 an organization which issued interest-free loans
 only to Jews.

The Architects of Evil

Two organizations, both of which are as notable for their concealment as for their power, are the New York Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. The Kehillah is the most potent factor in the political life of New York; it is the organization which today wields so large an influence on the rest of the world, which consciously issues a program which on one side is pro-Jewish and on the other anti-Gentile. It is the central group, the inner government, whose ruling is law and whose act is the official expression of Jewish purpose. It offers a real and complete instance of a government within a government in the midst of America's largest and politically most powerful city, and it also constitutes the machine through which pro-Jewish and anti-Gentile propaganda is operated and Jewish pressure brought to bear against certain American ideas. That is to say, the Jewish government of New York constitutes the essential part of the Jewish Government of the United States.

The word "Kehillah" has the same meaning as "Kahal," which signifies "community," "assembly" or government. It represents the Jewish form of Government in dispersion. In the Babylonian captivity, in Eastern Europe today, the Kahal is the power and protectorate to which the faithful Jew looks for government and justice. The New York Kehillah is the largest and most powerful union of Jews in the world, the center of Jewish world power has been transferred to that city. That is the meaning of the heavy migration of Jews all over the world toward New York in recent decades. It is to them what Rome is to the Catholic and what Mecca is to the Moslem.

The Kehillah is a perfect answer to the deceptive statement that the Jews are so divided among themselves as to render a concert of action impossible. That is one of the statements made for Gentile consumption. All experience shows, even to the most casual observer of Jewish activities, that the capitalist and the bolshevik, the rabbi and the union leader are all united under the flag of Judah. Touch the conservative capitalist who is a Jew, and the red communist who is also a Jew will spring to his defense. It may be that sometimes they love each other less, but altogether they hate the non-Jew more, and that is their common bond. The Kehillah is an alliance, more offensive than defensive, against the "Gentiles."

It is a strange and impressive spectacle which the Kehillah presents, of a people of one racial origin, with a vivid belief in itself and its future, disregarding internal differences, to combine privately in a powerful organization for the racial, material and religious advancement of its own race, to the exclusion of all others.

The American Jewish Committee came into being in 1906. There had been a government investigation into the "White Slave Traffic," the result of which was a direct set of public opinion into channels uncomplimentary to the Jews, and a defensive movement was begun. The Kehillah organized protests against the statement by General Bingham, then police commissioner of the City of New York, that 50 per cent of the crime in the metropolis was committed by Jews. Very soon afterward, General Bingham disappeared from public life, and a national magazine of power and influence which had embarked on a series of articles setting forth the government's finding in the White Slave investigation was forced to discontinue after printing the first article.

The Kehillah has mapped out New York just as the American Jewish Committee has mapped the United States, and practically every Jew belongs to one or more lodges, secret societies, unions, orders, committees and federations. The list is a prodigious one. The purposes interlace and the methods dovetail in such a manner as to bring every phase of American life not only under the watchful eye, but under the swift and powerful action of experienced compulsion upon public affairs.

At the meeting which organized the Kehillah, a number of sentiments were expressed which are worthy of consideration today, Judah L. Magnes, then rabbi of Temple Emanu-el, chairman of the meeting, set forth the plan:

"A central organization like that of the Jewish community of New York City is necessary to create a Jewish public opinion," he said.

Rabbi Asher was loudly applauded when he said:

"American interests are one, Jewish interests are another thing."

The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies - religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah aggregated 688, and in 1921 well over 1,000. When the aggressive program of the Kehillah to make New York a Jewish city, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country was announced some of the more conservative Jews of New York were timorous. They did not expect that the American people would stand for it. They thought the American people would immediately understand what was afoot and oppose it. There were others who doubted whether the same Kehillah authority could here be wielded over the Jews as was wielded in the old country ghettos. An official of the Kehillah wrote:

"There were those who doubted the ultimate success of this new venture in Jewish organization. They based their lack of belief on the fact that no governmental authority could possibly be secured; in other words, that the Kehillah of New York could not hope to wield the same power, based on governmental coercion, as the Kehillahs of the Old World."

There is much in this paragraph to indicate the status of the Kehillah in Jewish life. Add to this fact that all the Jews who entered America lived under the Kehillahs of the old world, whose power was based on coercion, and the situation is simple. Regimentation, the destruction of individual liberty which has risen to curse the world, is the basic principle of Jewish government of the Jews, by the Jews.

What else can happen when world government of the Gentiles by the Jews for the bankers becomes established?

However, the misgivings of some Jews were not justified. The Americans made no protest. The Kehillah went ahead with its campaign and America submitted. New York became Jewish. American life, American thought, and American politics, became Jewish-dominated in the decades that followed. But with it all, the Jews exhibit a sense of the insecurity of this usurpation of power. It does not belong to those who have seized it; it does not belong either by right of numbers, or by right of superior ability, or yet by right of a better use made of that power. They have taken power in America by audacity; they have taken it in such a way as to make resentment of it seem like an anti-racial movement - and that is why they have held it as long as they have. That is the only way to explain the meekness of the Americans in this matter, and it also accounts for the sense of insecurity which even the Jews feel in the position they hold. The American is the slowest person in the world to act on any line that savors of racial or religious prejudice. This makes for a seeming aloofness from matters like the Jewish Question. This also leads uninformed public men to sign protests against. "anti-Semitism" which are really designed to be protests against the publication of Jewish facts. The foundation, organization and rapid success of the Kehillah in New York is an object lesson set in the sight of the world, as to what the Jew can do and will do when he exalts himself to the seat of rule.

As to the Kehillah being officially representative, it may be added that the Kehillah has in it representatives of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of B'rith Shalom, Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel, Independent Order of B'rith Abraham, Federation of American Zionists - orthodox Jews, reform Jews, "apostate Jews," rich Jews, poor Jews, law-abiding Jews and red revolutionary Jews. At the 1918 Convention there were present: Jacob H. Schiff, banker; Louis Marshall, lawyer, president of the American Jewish Committee; Adolf S. Ochs, proprietor of the "New York Times"; Otto A. Rosalsky, judge of the General Sessions Court; Otto H. Kahn, of the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Company - AND -- Benjamin Schlesinger, who had lately returned from Moscow where he had a conference with Lenin; Joseph Schlossberg, general secretary of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; Marc Pine, also a recent consultant with the Bolshevik rulers of Russia; David Pinski; Joseph Barondess, labor leader. The high and the low were there; the first world war was closing, the Russian revolution had been won. Judge Mack, who headed the War Risk Insurance Bureau of the United States Government, and the little leader of the reddest group in the East End - they all met in the Kehillah, as Jews. Adolph Ochs of the great "New York Times" together with the most feverish scribbler on a Yiddish weekly that calls for blood and violence, all of them of all classes, bound together in a solidarity which has been achieved by no other people so perfectly as by Judah. Banded together for the purpose of "protecting Jewish rights."*

EDITOR'S NOTE: *The Kehillah has now expanded its work and influence internationally in the powerful organization known as the "World Jewish Congress."

"The People's" Representatives Paying Obeisance to Their Real Masters in Israel

AIPAC Controls the American Congress

Support the Council for the National Interest Foundation [of Concerned Americans]

These people are known as scalawags, political prostitutes, carpetbaggers,
 charlatans, traitors, stooges, pawns, etc.

"They debase themselves by begging for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with us against the interests of their own nation”

Harold Wallace Rosenthal


"At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital.  Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media.  The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands.  The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials.  Through these vehicles we could mould public opinion to suite our own purposes.  The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies" Harold Wallace Rosenthal

The Jewish Demand for "Rights" in America

They Know How to Wield the Dark Power and Use It

Deception, Lies, Gossip, Fraud, BS, False Flags, Trickery, Inversion, Reversals,
 Moral Degradation and Corruption of Ideas

What rights have Americans that Jews in America do not possess? Against whom are the Jews organized and against what? What basis is there for the cry of "persecution"? None whatever, except the Jews' own consciousness that the course they are pursuing is due for a check. The Jews always know that. They are not in the stream of the world, and every little while the world finds out what Judah always knows. The program of the Kehillah was ostensibly to "assert Jewish rights." No Jewish rights have ever been interfered with in America. The expression was a euphemism for a campaign to interfere with non-Jewish rights.

The New York Kehillah is the pattern and parent Jewish community in the United States, the visible entourage of the Jewish government, the dynamo which motivates those "protests" and "mass meetings" which are frequently heralded throughout the country, and the arsenal of that kind of dark power which the Jewish leaders know so well how to use. It is the "whispering gallery," where the famous whispering drives are originated and set in motion and made to break in lying publicity over the country. The liaison between this center of Jewish power and the affairs of the people of the United States is made by the American Jewish Committee. The Committee and the Kehillah are practically identical as far as the national Jewish program is concerned. Through their foreign associations they are also identical as far as the world program is concerned.

The United States is divided into 12 parts by the American Jewish Committee and every State belongs to a district headed by the most powerful and representative Jews. The Committee represents the focusing point of the religious, racial, financial and political will of Jewry. It is also the executive committee of the New York Kehillah. New York Jewry is the dynamo of the national Jewish machinery. Its national instrument is the American Jewish Committee. Among its direct leaders and supporters today are the owners of powerful newspapers, officials in Federal, State and City administration, influential office holders on public boards and corporations, members of the judiciary and police departments, financiers and heads of banking houses, mercantile and manufacturing establishments, labor leaders and political party organizers of all colors.

There are certain announced purposes of these associations, and there are certain purposes which are not announced. The announced purposes may be read in printed pages; the purposes not announced may be read in the records of attempted acts and achieved results. To keep the record straight let us look first at the announced purposes of the American Jewish Committee, then of the Kehillah; next at the line which binds the two together; and then at the real purposes as they are to be construed from a long list of attempts and achievements. The American Jewish Committee, officially organized in 1906, announced itself as incorporated for the following purposes:

  1. To prevent the infraction of the civil and religious rights of the Jews in any part of the world.
  2. To render all lawful assistance and to take appropriate remedial action in the event of threatened or actual invasion or restriction of such rights, or of unfavorable discrimination with respect thereto.
  3. To secure for Jews equality of economic, social and educational opportunities.
  4. To alleviate the consequences of persecution wherever they may occur, and to afford relief from calamities affecting the Jews.

It is an exclusively Jewish program. The Charter of the Kehillah empowered it, among other things, to establish an educational bureau, to adjust differences between Jewish residents or organizations by arbitration or by means of boards of mediation or conciliation; while the Constitution announces the purpose to be:

"To further the cause of Judaism in New York City and to represent the Jews in this city with respect to all local matters of Jewish interest."

Where the American Jewish Committee and the Kehillah join forces is shown as follows:

Committee was a national organization, the Jewish Community (Kehillah), of New York City, if combined with it, would have a voice in shaping the policy of Jewry throughout the land. It is expressly understood that the American Jewish Committee shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all questions of a national or International character affecting the Jews generally."

It will be seen, therefore, that the Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee are one. The capital of the United States, in Jewish affairs, is New York. Perhaps that may throw a sidelight on the efforts which are constantly made to exalt New York as the spring and source of all the thoughts of the day. (Editor's Note: and now the seat of the United Nations system of world government)! New York, the Jewish capital of the United States, has been made the financial center, the art center, the political center of the country. But its art is oriental sensuousness, its politics those of a Judaized Tammany. It is the home of anti-American propaganda, of pro-Jewish hysteria, a mad confusion of mind that now passes all over the world as the true picture of America.

The doctrine with which so large a mass as the citizens of America have been inoculated is making havoc with the whole American program today. It is "broadening" America out of all semblance to its distinctive self and blurring out of recognition those determining ideals and ideas on which American institutions were based.

"Jewish Rights" Clash with American Rights

Pictures linked

This study of the Jewish Question in the United States is not based upon religious differences. The religious element does not enter except when it is injected by the Jews themselves; they persistently inject it in three ways: First, in their allegation that any study of the Jews is "religious persecution"; second, by their own records of what their activities in the United States consist of; third, by the impression which is very misleading if not corrected, that the Jews are the Old Testament people. The Jews are not the Old Testament people and the Old Testament can be found among them only with difficulty. They are a Talmudical people who have preferred the volumes of rabbinical speculation to the words of the ancient prophets.

In this series of articles we have set aside every non-Jewish statement on this religious question, and have accepted only that which proceeds from recognized Jewish sources. It has been most illuminating, in studying the proceedings of the New York Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee, and their affiliated organizations, as represented by their activities throughout the country, to find how large a part of these activities have a religious bearing, as being directly and combatively anti-Christian.

That is to say, when the Jews set forth in the public charters and constitutions of their organizations that their only purpose is to "protect Jewish rights," and when the public asks what are these "Jewish rights" which need protection in this free country, the answer can be found only in the actions which the Jews take to secure that "protection."

Thus interpreted, "Jewish rights" seem to be summed up in the "right" to banish everything from their sight and hearing that suggests Christianity or its Founder. It is just there, from the Jewish side, that religious intolerance makes its appearance.

Attacks on Christianity

Previous to the formation of the Kehillah and the Jewish Committee, this sort of attack on the rights of Americans was sporadic, but since 1906 it has increased in number and insistence. Under cover of the ideal of Liberty we have given the Jews liberty to attack Liberty. What America has been tolerating is intolerance itself. Let us look rapidly down the years and see one phase of that attack. It is the attack upon Christianity. Here are a few items from the record. They are recorded over a period of years following the rise of Jewish power in America:

1899-1900. The Jews attempt to have the word "Christian" removed from the Bill of Rights of the State of Virginia.

1906-1907. The Jews of Oklahoma petition the Constitutional Convention protesting that the acknowledgment of Christ in the new State constitution then being formulated would be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.

The Jews force "The Merchant of Venice" to be dropped from public schools in Texas, Ohio.

1907-1908. Widespread demand by the Jews for the complete secularization of the public institutions of this country, as a part of the demand of the Jews for their constitutional rights.

Supreme Court Justice Brewer's statement that this is a Christian country widely controverted by Jewish rabbis and publications.

Jews agitate in many cities against Bible reading. Christmas celebrations or carols in Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Paul and New York met with strong Jewish opposition.

1908-1909. Protests made to Governor of Arkansas against "Christological expressions" employed by him in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation.

Professor Gotthard Deutsch protests against "Christological prayers" at the high school graduating exercises at Cincinnati.

Jewish community in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania defeats resolutions providing daily Bible reading in schools.

Local Council of Jewish Women of Baltimore petitions school board to prohibit Christmas exercises.

Boycotts were instituted in New York against merchants who opened on Saturday.

Special efforts at this period to introduce the idea of the Jewish Sabbath into public business. Jews refused to sit as jurors in court, thus postponing cases.

1909-1910. On demand of the Jews, the school board of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, votes to discontinue the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in the school.

In Newark, New Jersey, the rabbis ask the night schools to discontinue Friday evening sessions, because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday.

The work of introducing the idea of Jewish national holidays into public life especially active.

1910-1911. An attempt to have Hebrew officially recognized was frustrated by Supreme Court Judge Goff.

Chicago Jews have election date changed because the official date fell on the last day of the Passover.

Jews oppose Bible reading and singing of hymns in Detroit schools.

Rabbis force Hartford, Connecticut, school board to drop "The Merchant of Venice" from reading list.

New York Kehillah does two contradictory things; favors bill to permit Jews to do all kinds of business on Sunday, and pledges itself to co-operate in the strict enforcement of the Sunday laws.

1911-1912. Jews in Passaic, New Jersey, petition school board to eliminate Bible reading and all Christian songs from the schools.

At request of a rabbi, three principals of Roxbury, Mass., public schools agree to banish Christmas tree and omit all references to the season from their schools.

A Jewish delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention suggests that the Constitution be made to forbid Christian religious references in schools.

The Council of the University Settlement, at the request of the New York Kehillah, adopts this resolution: "That in the holiday celebrations held annually by the Kindergarten Association at the University Settlement every feature of any sectarian character, including Christmas trees, Christmas programs and Christmas songs, shall be eliminated."

1912-1913. Jews at Jackson, Tennessee, seek an injunction to prevent the reading of the Bible in City schools.

Annual Convention Independent Order B'nai B'rith at Nashville, Tennessee, adopts resolution against reading of the Bible and singing Christian songs in public schools.

Chicago Board of Education, scene of much Jewish agitation, approves recommendation of sub-committee to remove Christmas from the list of official public holidays in schools.

1913-1914. The energies of the Jewish powers were concentrated on the task of preventing the United States from changing the immigration laws in a manner to protect the country from undesirable aliens.

1914-1915. More Kehillah attempts to secure modification of the Sunday laws.

1915-1916. Jewish opposition to various movements towards making the schools free to use the Bible.

1916-1917. Jews busy carrying out an immense campaign against the "literacy clause" of the Immigration Bill.

On demand of the Jews the New Haven Connecticut, Board of Education prevents the reading of "The Merchant of Venice," and extends the prohibition to "Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare."

1918-1919. Provost Marshal Crowder, in charge of the Selective Draft U.S. Forces, had issued an order to all medical examiners, under direction of the Surgeon General, stating "The foreign-born, especially Jews, are more apt to malinger than the native-born." Louis Marshall, head of the American Jewish Committee, telegraphed demanding that the "further use of this form shall be at once discontinued." President Wilson ordered the excision of the paragraph.

The United States Shipping Board sent an advertisement to the "New York Times," calling for a file clerk and stating that a "Christian" was preferred - by which is meant always a non-Jew - the paper rejected it. Louis Marshall again went into action and protested to Bainbridge Colby, Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State, demanding "Not because of any desire for inflicting punishment, but for the sake of example and the establishment of a necessary precedent this offense should be followed by a dismissal from the public office of the offender, and the public should be informed the reason." Attention is called to the tone which the American Jewish Committee adopts when addressing high American officials in the name of Jewry. It is not to be duplicated in the addresses of any other representative of any other race or faith.

The Plattsburg Manual, published for officers in the United States officers' training camps, contained the statement that "the ideal officer is a Christian gentleman." The A J.C. at once protested against "Christological manifestations," and the Manual was changed to read "the ideal officer is a courteous gentleman."

The Anti-Defamation Committee claimed that 160 American cities had excluded "The Merchant of Venice" from the public schools.

1919-1920. The Kehillah was so successful in its campaign that it was possible for a Jewish advertiser in New York to say that he wanted only Jewish help, but it was not possible for a non-Jewish advertiser to state his non-Jewish preference.

And so it goes on, year after year, right up to the present day. The incidents quoted are typical not occasional. They represent what is transpiring all the time in the United States as the Jews pursue their "rights." There is no interference with Jewish ways and manners. The Jew may use his own calendar, keep his own days, observe his own form of worship, live in his own ghetto, exist on a dietary principle all his own, slaughter his cattle in a manner which no one who knows about it can approve - he can do all these things without molestation, without the slightest question of his right in them. But, the non-Jew is the "persecuted one." He must do everything the way the Jew wants it done; if not he is infringing on Jewish "rights."   

The Cry of "Anti-Semitism"

What people are now coming to see is that it is American rights that have been interfered with, and the interference has been made with the assistance of their own "broad-minded" tolerance. The Jews' interference with the religion of others, and the Jews' determination to wipe out of public life every sign of the predominant Christian character of the United States, is the only active form of religious intolerance in the country today. Not content with the fullest liberty to follow their own faith in peace and quietness, in a country where none dare make them afraid, the Jews declare - we read it in their activities - that every sight and sound of anything Christian is an invasion of their peace and quietness, and so they stamp it out wherever they can reach it through political means. To what lengths this spirit may run is shown in the prophecies of the Talmud, and in the "reforms" undertaken by the Communists of Russia and Eastern Europe.

That is not all; not content with their own liberty, not content with the "secularization," which means the de-Christianization of all public institutions, the third step observable in Jewish activities is the actual exaltation of Judaism as a recognized and specially privileged system. The program is the now familiar one wherever the Jewish program is found: first, establishment; second, the destruction of all that is non-Jewish or anti-Jewish; third, exaltation of Judaism in all its phases.

Put the Lord's Prayer and certain Shakespeare plays out of the public schools, but put Jewish courts in the public buildings - that is the way it works. Secularization is preparatory to Judaization. The New York Kehillah is an illustration of how it is done, and the American Jewish Committee is an illustration of the type of men who do it.

The work of the Kehillah is claimed to be "educational" by its defenders, on the few occasions when it is attacked. It is certainly that. The best educated members are those who come from the Eastern European ghettos where the Kehillah idea was fully understood and practiced and where Jewish - community - government exercised unrestricted sway. Whatever other phase of education the Kehillah may be interested in, it certainly stresses most the education to separateness. Dr. S. Benderley, director of the Bureau of Education, gave away the objects of the Kehillah "education" thus:

"The problem before us was to form a body of young Jews who should be on the one hand true Americans, a part of this Republic, with an intense interest in building up American ideals; and yet, on the other hand, be also Jews in love with the best of their own ideals, and not anxious merely to merge with the rest and disappear among them. That problem confronts Orthodox and Reform Jews alike. It is not merely a religious but a civic problem."

That is separatism and exclusiveness as an educational program, and its result cannot help being training in ideas of racial superiority and exclusivism.

It is the Jews' unceasing consciousness of the "Goy" that constitutes the disease of Judaism, this centuries-long tradition of separateness. There is no such thing as "anti-Semitism." There is, however, much anti-Goyism. In all the countries of the world there is no anti-Arab sentiment of which anyone knows. None of the Semite people have been distinguished by the special dislike of any other people. There is no reason why anyone should dislike the Semites.

It is very strange, however, that the Semite people should be a unit in disliking the Jews. Palestine, which still only has a handful of Jews,* is peopled by Semites who so thoroughly dislike the Jews that serious complications are threatening the Zionist advances being made there. This surely is not anti-Semitism. Semites are not against Semites. They are at odds with Jews.

EDITOR'S NOTE: *The original was written in 1921 when the Jewish population of Palestine was still insignificant. In 1918 it was only about 4 per cent

The Real Anti-Semitism = Anti-Goyism, Anti-Gentilism, Anti-Humanity, Anti-God

When Aryan and Semite are kept conscious through many centuries that the Jew is another and superior race, and when it is known that neither Ayran nor Semite are touchy on the race question, what is the answer? Only this, that the whole substance of such a situation must be supplied by the Jews.

There is no such thing as anti-Semitism. There is only a very little and a very mild anti-Jewism.

But a study of Jewish publications, books, pamphlets, declarations, constitutions and charters, as well as a study of organized Jewish action in this and other countries, indicates that there is a tremendous amount of anti-Goyism, or anti-Gentilism.


The Ninth Protocol

  "In order not to destroy prematurely the Gentile institutions, we have laid our efficient hands on them, and rasped the springs of their mechanism. They were formerly in strict and just order, but we have replaced them with a liberal disorganized and arbitrary administration. We have tampered with Jurisprudence, the franchise, the press, freedom of the person, and, most important of all, education and culture, the cornerstone of free existence.

"We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the 'Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories patently false to us, but which we have inspired.

"Above existing laws, without actual change but by distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way of results".

Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music

Chapter 11.

Many people have wondered whence come the waves upon waves of musical slush that invade decent homes and set the young people of this generation imitating the drivel of morons. Popular music is a Jewish monopoly. Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, slush, the sly suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin.

Monkey talk, jungle squeals, grunts and squeaks and gasps suggestive of calf love are camouflaged by a few feverish notes and admitted in homes where the thing itself, unaided by scanned music," would be stamped out in horror. The fluttering music sheets disclose expressions taken directly from the cesspools of modern capitals, to be made the daily slang, the thoughtlessly hummed remarks of school boys and girls.

Is it surprising that whichever way you turn to trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you come upon a group of Jews? In baseball corruption - a group of Jews. In exploitative finance - a group of Jews. In theatrical degeneracy - a group of Jews. In liquor propaganda - a group of Jews. In control of national war policies - a group of Jews. In control of the Press through business and financial pressure - a group of Jews. War profiteers, 80 per cent of them - Jews. Organizers of active opposition to Christian laws and customs - Jews.

In this miasma of so-called popular music, which combines weak-mindedness with every suggestion of lewdness - again Jews.

The Jewish influence on American music is without doubt regarded as serious by those who know anything about it. Not only is there a growing protest against the Judaization of our few great orchestras, but there is a strong reaction from the racial collusion which fills the concert stage and popular platform with Jewish artists to the exclusion of all others. If they were superior artists, nothing against it could be said; they are only better known and racially favored in Jewish musical circles.

"Let me make a nation's songs and I care not who makes the laws," said one; in this country the Jews have had a very large hand in making both. It is the purpose of this article to put people in possession of the truth concerning the moron music which they habitually hum and sing and shout day and night, and if possible to help them to see the invisible Jewish baton which is waved above them for financial and propaganda purposes. Just as the American stage and motion picture have fallen under the control of Jews and their art-destroying commercialism, so the business of handling "popular songs" has become a Yiddish industry. The Jews who captured it in the early days of exploitation were for the most part Russian-born Jews, some of whom had personal pasts which were as unsavory as the past of many Jewish theatrical and movie leaders have been exposed to be.

In the early 1920's, Irving Berlin, Leo Feist and other officers of seven music publishing corporations in New York, were charged with violating the Sherman anti-Trust law in a suit brought by the United States Government. The defendants, it was alleged, controlled 80% of the available copyrighted songs used by manufacturers of phonographs, player piano rolls and other musical reproducing instruments, and fixed prices at which the records or rolls were to be sold to the public. The corporations involved in the action were the Consolidated Music Corporation; Irving Berlin, Inc.; Francis, Day and Hunter, Inc.; Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.; Watterson, Berlin & Snyder, Inc.; and M. Witmark & Sons, Inc. - all of New York. The agreement which the United States Government sought to dissolve was alleged to provide that the defendants would make contracts only through the Consolidated Music Corporation which they had organized. The other 20% of the song business was controlled by other Jewish music houses not included in that special group.

How the Jewish Song Trust Makes You Sing


The Total Debasement of Black Music

Jews did not create the popular song; they debased it. The time of the entry of Jews into control of the popular song is the exact time when the morality of popular songs began to decline. The "popular" song, before it became a Jewish industry, was really popular. The people sang it and had no reason to conceal it. The popular song today is often so questionable a composition that performers with a vestige of decency must appraise their audience before they sing. Citizens of adult age will remember the stages through which the popular song has passed during recent decades. War songs persisted after the Civil War and were gradually intermingled with songs of a later time, picturesque, romantic, clean. The same and similar songs and ballads had a brief revival during World War I. These were not the product of song-factories, but the creation of individuals whose gifts were given natural expression. These individuals did not work for combines of publishers but for the satisfaction of their work, for individual artists of the music-hall stage. There were no great fortunes made out of songs, but there were many satisfactions in having pleased the public taste. The public taste, like every other taste, craves what it is given most to feed upon. Public taste is public habit. The public is blind to the source of that upon which it lives, and it adjusts itself to the supply. Public taste is raised or lowered as the quality of its pabulum improves or degenerates.

In a quarter of a century, given all the avenues of publicity like theater, movie, popular song, newspapers and radio - in the meantime having thrown the mantle of contempt over all counter-active moral agencies - you can turn out nearly the kind of public you want. It takes just about a quarter of a century to do the job.

In other days the people sang as they do now, but not in such doped fashion nor with such bewildered continuity. They sang because they wished to, not as an uncontrolled habit. They sang songs nonsensical, sentimental, heroic, but the "shady" songs were outlawed. The old songs come readily back to memory. Though years have intervened since they were the fashion, yet their quality was such that they do not die. The popular song of last month - who knows its name? But there are songs of long ago whose titles are familiar even to those who have not sung them. What margin did these songs leave for the suggestive and for the unwholesomely emotional? Sentiment was not lacking, but it was unobjectionable sentiment. Then came the Jews; the popular song underwent a change. An entirely new crop of titles appeared dealing with an entirely different series of subjects than the songs they displaced. Talented singers, tuneful singing vanished. The Jew and the African period, being the entrance of the jungle motif, the so-called "Congo" stuff, and other compositions which swiftly degenerated into a rather more bestial type than the beasts themselves arrive at. Running alongside this swamp strain was the "ragtime" style of music which was a development of the legitimate Negro minstrelsy. Lyrics disappeared before the numerous "cake-walk" songs that deluged the public ear. Seductive syncopation swamped the harmony of the real song. Minstrelsy took on a new life; glamorous youths mutter dirges in low monotones, voluptuous females with grossly seductive gestures moan nasal notes no real musician can recognize. "Piano acts" were made the rage; "jazz bands" made their appearance. By insensible gradations now easily traceable through the litter of songs with which recent decades are strewn, we have been able to see the decline in the popular song supply. Sentiment has been turned into sensuous suggestion. Romance has been turned into eroticism. The popular musical lilt slid into ragtime and ragtime has been superseded by jazz and crooning. Song topics became lower and lower until at last they are the dredges of the slimy bottom of the underworld.

The first self-styled "King of Jazz" was a Jew named "Frisco." The general directors of the whole downward trend have been Jews. It needed just their touch of cleverness to camouflage the moral filth and raise it half a degree above that natural stage where it begets nothing but disgust.


In this business of making the people's songs the Jews have shown as usual, no originality but much adaptability - which is a charitable term used to cover plagiarism, which in its turn politely covers the crime of mental pocket-picking. The Jews do not create; they take what others have done, give it a clever twist, and exploit it. Plagiarism is the result of mediocre artists being spurred on by non-artistic promoters to produce something that can be dressed up with sufficient attractiveness to draw the public's money. The Jews bought up all the old song books, opera scores, collections of folk songs, and, if you stop to analyze some of the biggest "hits" of the early days of the Yiddish song manufacturing Trust, you will find they are woven on the motif and melody of the clean songs of the pre-swamp era. The music jazzed and swung out of recognition, the sentiment sensualized very much, and pushed upon their smutty road across the world. Because of absolute Jewish control of the song market, both in publishing and in theatrical performance, it is next to impossible for anything but a Jewish song to be published in the United States, or if published, to get a hearing. The proof of this is in the fact that the Yiddish trust owns all the business and the so-called "song-hits" all bear Jewish names.

The insidiousness of the Jewish menace to our artistic integrity is due partly to the speciousness, the superficial charm and oriental persuasiveness of Hebrew art, its glitter, its violently juxtaposed extremes of passion, its poignant eroticism and pessimism, and partly to the fact that the strain in us which might make head against it, the deepest, most fundamental strain in our nature is diluted and confused by a hundred other tendencies of the Jewish age. The Anglo-Saxon group of qualities and the Anglo-Saxon point of view, are the vital nucleus of the American temper. The Jewish domination of our music threatens to submerge and stultify them at every point.


America does not sing what it likes, but what the vaudeville "song-pluggers" popularize by repeated renditions, until the flabby minds of the audiences begin to repeat it on the streets.

The "song-pluggers" of theater, vaudeville and radio, are the paid agents of the Yiddish song agencies. Money, and not merit, dominates the spread of the moron music which is styled Jewish jazz and swing. Non-Jewish music is stigmatized as "high-brow." The people are fed from day to day on the moron suggestiveness that flows in a slimy flood out of "Tin-Pan-Alley," the head factory of filth in New York which is populated by the "Abies," the "Izzies," and the 'Moes" who make up the composing staffs of the various institutions. "Tin-Pan-Alley" is the name given to the region in Twenty-eighth street, between Broadway and Sixth Avenue, where the first Yiddish song manufacturers began business. Flocks of young girls who thought they could sing, and others who thought they could write song poems, came to the neighborhood allured by the dishonest advertisements that promised more than the budding Yiddish promoters could fulfill. Needless to say, scandal became rampant, as it always does when so-called "Gentile" girls are reduced to the necessity of seeking favors from the Jew. It was the constant shouting of voices, the hilarity of "parties," the banging of pianos and the blaring of trombones that gave the district the name of "Tin-Pan-Alley." All America is now one great Tin-Pan-Alley, its entertainment, its youth, its politics, a blare of moronic Judaism.

The diabolical cunning with which an unclean atmosphere is created and sustained through all classes of society and by the same influence, will not be overlooked by any observer. There is something Satanic about it, something calculated with demonic shrewdness.

And the stream flows on and on, growing worse and worse, to the degradation of the non-Jewish public and the increase of Jewish fortunes.

Ministers, educators, reformers, parents, citizens are amazed at the growth of looseness among the people, and rail at the evil results. They see the evil product and they attack the product. They rail at the young people who go in for this eroticism and suggestiveness. They deplore the sexual license, the delinquency and the infantilism of the younger people. But all this has a source! Why not attack the source? When a nation is bathed in sights, sounds and ideas of a certain character, drenched in them and drowned in them, by systematic, deliberate, organized intent, the point of attack should be the cause, not the effect.

Yet, that is precisely where the point of attack has not been made, presumably because of lack of knowledge, possibly because of fear.

It is little use blaming the people. The people are what they are made. Give the liquor business full sway and you have a population that drinks and carouses. The population could be turned into drug addicts if the same freedom was given to the illicit narcotic ring as is now given to the Yiddish popular song manufacturers. In such a condition it would be stupid to attack the addicts; common sense would urge the exposure of the panderers.

A dreadful narcotizing of moral modesty and the application of powerful aphrodisiacs have been involved in the present craze for crooning songs - a stimulated craze. The victims are everywhere. But too few of the opponents of this moral poison see the futility of scolding the young people thus diseased.

Common sense dictates a cleaning out, and a clearing out, of the sources of the disease. The source is in the Yiddish group of song manufacturers who control the whole output and who are responsible for the whole matter from poetry to profits.


Next to the moral indictment against the so-called "popular" song is the indictment that it is not popular. There is no spontaneous popularity, public taste is not so discriminating. It is artificial popularity by constant plugging. It is a mere mechanical drumming on the minds of the public. It is flung at them at every movie and from every stage. It is advertised in flaring posters, gramophone records shriek forth day and night, dance bands plug it, radios plug it, and by sheer dint of repetition and suggestion the song catches on - until it is replaced by another. It is the old game of changing the styles to speed up business and make the people buy. Nothing lasts in the Yiddish game - styles of clothing, movies nor songs; it is always something "new" to stimulate the flow of money from the popular pocket into the moron music makers' coffers.

Two facts about the "popular" song are known to all: first, that for the most part it is indecent and the most active agent of moral miasma in the country, or if not the most active, then neck and neck with the "movies"; second, that the "popular" song industry is an exclusively Jewish industry.

There is work here for the Anti-Defamation League! That League knows how to put the screws on anyone who disparages the Jews! From important publishers down to inconsequential country newspapers, the Anti-Defamation League makes itself felt. There is work for it in the movies and the theater and popular song industries. Why does not the League put the screws on those Jews who have degenerated the movies and debauched the people in their "arts," sports, and entertainments? On those who have brought shame on the racial name? Why not? Is the answer that only non-Jews are to be controlled, and Jews let to run loose? Is the answer that the gentle Gentiles can be curbed as by bridle and bit and the Jews cannot? American Jewry is desperately afraid of opening a single seam in its armour by means of a single investigation or reform. They are afraid of how far the fire of correction may spread !





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