The Whole Truth George Washington, The Revolution is Not Over Because the Truth Hurts

The Citizens America Party is a Foundational and Educational Site to Shine the Light on The Three Great Hurts That Are Being Played Out on the World:   The 9/11 Big Lie, the "War on Terror" and Global Zionism which We Consider Simply Non-Human

America and the Wizard of Oz Setting This Land Free From the Zionist Alien Scourge

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Wizard of Oz A Parable on Populism

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"Populism is Not a Style, It's a People's Rebellion Against Corporate [and Economic]Power" – by Jim Hightower






America and The Wizard of Oz

Transcending the Present and Looking Back to Home

When is Enough, Enough,
 We May Ask?











The Capturing of  the Congress Woman,
the Nobel Laureate, and the Ship Called the “Spirit of Humanity”

"The Spirit of Humanity" - Paul Craig Roberts

"Pirates of the Mediterranean" - Yvonne Ridley




"All Roads Lead to Home" Once We Figure Out the War-Debt-Taxes Scam



The truth is, America has never had the chance to be America since the hand over of her money supply to a group of foreign bankers in 1913, and the creation and intrusion of the "Rothschild" state of Israel in the East by the same financial oligarchical interests in 1948.  Enough has been seen and said on those two subjects to know now, since the Zionist orchestrated Sepember 11, or the "New Pearl Harbor," that a coup has taken place on America by those same foreign alien financial interests which have turned the nation's values inside out and with its citizens held hostage and down and out to an obnoxious form of government.

The capturing and the imprisonment of the ship, "The Spirit of Humanity" with all those on board, along with its relief cargo destined to a captive and wounded group of human beings is the analogy for an America gone terribly astray from her true path and calling to be the light, i.e. the “Spirit of Humanity” unto the world.  When an American representative of Congress who had been elected by the American people is captured and imprisoned by a strong American “ally” then we know we are not in Kansas anymore, and we must, like the Tin Woodman, Scarecrow and the Lion in the fabled Wizard of Oz, muster the Heart, Head and Courage to get back Home to what America was born to be, free, good, innocent (non-aligned) and strong in Spirit as she had been in earlier times.



 Israel and Zionism



However, the Wicked Witch of the East, tiny as she is (and livid green with envy), seized on America’s innocence and put a spell on her because its citizens forgot how great they were to be.  For many decades they had been in bondage to her evil, toiling day and night for her War Machine, and with each new swing of the axe, in each new war, another part of their body had been chopped off.  In such a poor and diminished state they found themselves working harder and harder than ever before, but no matter how hard they worked, at the end of the day, which had turned into a generational lifetime, there was nothing there:  the toil of their lives had vanished into "thin air."   Like the Munchkins, the "little people," the faster and harder they workedthinking they would be free, but in a captured slaverythe more quickly they became an alien machine, doing the bidding of the Wicked Witch of the East forgetting they had a dream with abundance, life, liberty and happiness throughout the land.

And so it is.  The Ship of America, the Spirit of Humanity lost on a wayward journey.  How is America to get back home again—to herself?  Like the  Woodman, she is to once again find her Heart and become sensitive to herself and know she was born not for War, but for Love.  Not love of herself as that turns to mindless patriotism and hubris that allows lots of killing sprees and torment in other people’s lands, but Agape the Love of Humankind the Great Spirit that had been captured through the souls of Bobby, Martin and John.






"Ship of Fools" by the Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch


Love is small and insignificant until it has Intelligence, and it is that very thing which the Scarecrow desired to move into by moving away from his inferiority and self-doubt.  With both Love and Intelligence in her Heart, America need not wander aimlessly like a Ship of Fools, blown in any direction the Wicked Witch wishes to take it—even if it be on the rocks, shipwrecked and sunk to the very depths of darkness to experience the same treacherous ghosts over and over in its life.  Now in homelessness, War and despair the Wicked Witch is in glee for she has company. 

The good news is that America's Heart and Intelligence is not sprung from the toil of her labor but from the soul of her soil, clever and capable  to lift all of Humanity to a higher star.  But, plunging mindlessly into War without heart—without heart and mind in her spirit and soul which served the ugly savagerythat took her to War in the most vacuous sense of "shock and awe."  In that place, she expended her strength and her young to become a cowardly and wicked force shooting mindlessly into anything that moved, and now she is the ugly opposite to the beautiful form of what she was born to be.   

Like the Lion, America is looking to get back in touch with her soul, courageous and free to lead without the illusion that makes her commit such evil deeds in  foreign lands and vile treachery toward her own.  Looking toward the light on a road that follows the Sun, America, in her inbuilt glory, like the Lion,  must look toward home and after her own in her own territory to complete her journey. 

Now she knows what she must do to be independent and free.


There is a Great Work at Home
To Do

With Heart, Intelligence and Courage she is now back in touch with her innocence but now all the more wiser and courageous in the journey she took, she is able to dispense and dispose of the Wicked Witch in her own House that had for far too long, without her knowing, dismembered her Spirit, bit by precious bit.

Now that America can herald the light and look toward the Sun without filters, and Over the Rainbow to 1776, she is free to breathe the great Spirit of Humanity and influence all toward the good—instead of the bad—in the airwaves of the Winged Monkeys to deliver the dream.  But in order for that to happen, to become whole and free in her own Sweet Land of Liberty, she must douse the Wicked Witch of the East with a righteous bucket of anger and use her silver shoes as training wheels that will get her back to Home.  

At some point, the training wheels will come off in an unexpected miracle in the homeward journey of America, and Humanity will be, to her absolute delight, the great and awesome Spirit we are all meant to be once before retrieved through the fight by the Founding Fathers of Liberty.

America’s own Citizens America Party is built to be George Washington’s very own.  With no doubt, a lot of Heart, Soul and Mind to look after his very own that sets this land free from the
Zionist Alien Scourge.   Come now and defend your Home, Hearth and Lives with the great spirit of Heart and inbuilt Liberty.

Dedicated to the brave occupants of the ship called the "Spirit of Humanity," and to America’s own Cynthia McKinney.

July 4th, 2009
The Founders of the Citizens America Party




                                                © 2009