"These 'wars' are a hoax
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The Matrix Play Acting End Times |
Chabad-Lubavitch and the Globalist Prophecy Deception
HenryMakow.com This prophecy fulfillment scheme is a project of the Kabbalist "Jewish" central bankers and their royal family partners in crime, and it is being orchestrated by the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist "Jewish" cult. Chabad is a religious front of the Mossad, and it is focused on producing the globalist End Times show. It also has intimate connections to both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In fact, both Trump and Putin have large roles within their End Times script. For Act 1, Trump has been cast to play the "Moshiach ben Yosef" (the precursor messiah), and Putin has been cast to play the "Moshiach ben David" (the main messiah). And in Act 2, Putin's character will transition into the role of "Final Antichrist" to the globalists' fake Jesus, the "Kabbalah-Christ." In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the real Jesus, the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the "Satanic deception" that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the "real Second Coming" they're also expecting. Both fulfillments will feature a Christ and Antichrist. Both will include a 7-headed, 10-horned Beast out of the Sea and a Beast out of the Earth to help the Beast out of the Sea. And both will feature Gog-Magog Wars and Battles of Armageddon. But both are false fulfillments. I know this with certainty because I've observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both, and I've documented their deceptions in my blog. IN THE FIRST FULFILLMENT, the globalists will pit "the American Antichrist and his evil unilateral / unipolar NWO" against "the Russian Christ and his benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO." The Russian Christ will of course be played by Vladimir Putin, and that's why you've heard so much in the controlled alternative media about Putin being "a good Christian who has stood up against the Western Satanists and their NWO." And the Western Antichrist is currently slated to be played by Trump's replacement - most likely Mike Pence - after Trump is assassinated or otherwise removed from office by the supposed "Deep State" - a move which is IMMINENT. During the upcoming Third World War conflict in Korea, the Middle East, and Ukraine, Putin will defeat the West and overhaul the "Western-dominated" UN into the multilateral / multipolar NWO. And to convince people that they're going through something supernatural, the globalists will be putting on a grand show involving fake assassinations, fake resurrections, and fake extraterrestrials - all made possible by Hollywood magic, sequestered technology, and a near limitless budget. At the end of this first fulfillment, most will be convinced that Putin is the Jewish and Christian Messiah, and that the "new, reformed" UN / NWO is his democratic kingdom. IN THE SECOND FULFILLMENT, Putin's NWO will turn quite ugly about 3.5 years after it's launched, and it will become clear to everyone that they've been "deceived by Satan" into accepting the Final Antichrist in Christ's place. After 3.5 more years of "great tribulation," Putin will lead his UN army and ET pals against a second group of arriving beings, the "real Jesus" and his angels. At the end of this second fulfillment, the globalists are expecting everyone to buy in and accept the "real Jesus" they presented. And it is through this phony figurehead Jesus that they hope to rule over us like gods in a post-democratic world they own lock, stock, and barrel.
HenryMakow.com Open racism and discrimination are now de rigeur, and racial purity and ethnic cleansing have now been augmented and increased, without care or concern of the billions of people that will be exterminated or inconvenienced; Jerusalem has now been declared to be the sovereign capital of Israel, which as everyone plugged into Freemasonry and Illuminati is aware, is not slated to be a Jewish state at all, but who are using proud and patriotic IDF-type Jews to clear the land, exterminate the "undesirable races/religions," so that a Third Temple of Luciferian (not Jewish) Illuminati can be built; All around the world, various bloodthirsty dictators (murderers) are being touted as "tough," and "direct," for such blood-drenched acts as outright murder of their own people, under different pretexts, such as Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, whom Donald Trump also makes no secret of admiring and adoring; As discussed above, arch-Illuminati eugenicist and racist Rupert Murdoch, another one of Donald Trump's idols, often gives him advice of everything under the sun, according to the book "Fire & Fury" by Michael Wolff; The game plan is to eradicate any and all races, religions, creeds, and ideologies that stand in the way of "A to B" type global governance (i.e., global communist dictatorship/Luciferian monarchy) and are now on the fast track thanks to the concerted efforts of Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, with the former's participation being due to his having been blackmailed/bought out by international central banker interests rather than by any brains or intelligence, while the latter, Mr. Netanyahu, is a full fledged, full blown 33rd Degree Freemason/Illuminati figure, loyal only to his ancient brethren secret society Illuminati brotherhood, as was the case all the way back to the founder and first prime minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion; The war against Islam is not really ideological. Rather it is a "Luciferian" exercise of destroying the last people of any true faith in God left on this planet, after Christianity (and true Judaism) and other world religions have been either infiltrated or decimated by the Luciferian Illuminati who want to be the only "Gods" on earth, in their continued drive to fulfil the mantra of "Deus Meumque Jus," or "God is according to my own right;"
Because Donald Trump is easily blackmailed, lacks
self-control or an internal moral compass of any kind, respects
only strength/money/power, and is easily corruptible, he makes
an absolutely perfect Illuminati President/Messenger because he
will carry out their will without even flinching, as he has
already done so far, and will speed up the global New World
Order to lightning fast speeds, approaching final completion
probably within the next few years.
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