"These 'wars' are a hoax
designed to enrich the US armaments industry and to infuse the 'security
forces' with police powers |
How They Get the Gentiles to War The dates and
faces may change throughout American history, but some things really
Here We Go
— Another Perpetual War for
The Manufactured Front for the War on Humanity, |
"ISIS" = Israeli Secret
Intelligence Service
Fraudulent War on Terror
David Livingstone- MI-6 Created
Al-Jawlani, Head of HTS that
How Israel Faked the Oct 7th
Netanyahu Says His Next Hamas False Flag
will Target the US
Mike Stone
The Fruits of The Devil
"Satanyahu is making his moves for Greater Israel, it is Bibi Netanyahu behind the terror war and the refugee crisis, it is this one crazy man pushing the United States into war with Iran. Netanyahu is the author of terror, he is the brains behind this middle east madness and proxy war." Article here
Wars Were Pre-Planned for 7 Countries
Israeli Snipers Killing US Soldiers in Iraq – The Vatic ProjectThe real 'American Sniper' Israeli Snipers Killing US Troops In Iraq
Israeli Snipers are
Shooting Hundreds of American Soldiers in Iraq
"Last month, a prominent Syrian analyst said that the world Zionism has hatched plots to help create an ISIL caliphate in the regional states to provide security (I.E. TYRANNY AND OPPRESSION] for Israel. ... also in June, another Syrian analyst said ISIL'S savage acts in Iraq and Syria indicate that Israeli thoughts were ruling the terrorist group's command center. ... Israel's presence in ISIL's command center is indicated by the savagery of this terrorist group that is based on Talmudic rituals," Shoaib said. Article here |
The Talmud
The 'Religious' [Thought]
of a Tribal Crime Syndicate
"Muslims" Put Bombs in Their Own
Holy Books
Mossad Motto
— And They Do It ALL THE TIME!
Zionists Dress as Muslims to Commit
Terror Acts
Grandson of ADL Head Caught
"How strange then that ‘Adam Gadahn’
turns out to be a Jewish man called Adam Pearlman,
grandson of Carl Pearlman,
who served on the Board of the rabid Rothschild Zionist Anti-Defamation
League (ADL)."
"Who says Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad? Rita Katz? Rita Katz is the [Mossad] Director of Site Intelligence, primary source for intelligence used by news services, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA." More on the Zionist BS Op here.
ISIL Leader Al-Baghdadi Jewish Mossad Agent |
"By Deception Thou Shalt Do War"
Mossad Motto
Another Filthy
("By their fruits ye
shall know them"
— Matthew 7:16:20)
Mossad Mole Nest Discovered
"What Can
the Stupid Americans Do to Us?"
— Israeli
spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
"Anyone who claims that 9/11 was anything other
than an Israeli Mossad operation
from start to finish is either a selfish fool or a traitorous liar.
There's no in-between.
Let's look at both groups, starting with the selfish fools."
Mike Stone
Israel Did 911
David Livingstone- MI-6 Created Hamas
and Radical Islam
Correction on Osama Bin Laden
“I was not
involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States.
Nor did I have knowledge of the attacks.
“There exists a government within a government in the United
“The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these
attacks within itself.
“That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the
“The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose
priority is Israel, not the United States”
– Osama Bin Laden, September 12,
What He Said About 9/11 Ref:
See 01:49
Max Igan Channel: "Deception"
Their Future Planned Total
Destruction and
Occupation is Ongoing
3. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase
the death-toll of the Arab-Semitic Holocaust to over 10
4. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the number of Arab-Semitic "refugees" dumped into Europe.
5. Implement Freemasonry's "Clash of Civilizations" credo as its paramount doctrine for the twenty-first century. Under this "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine (credited to political "scientist" & HATHOR PENTALPHA member Samuel Phillips Huntington), the Kalergi Plan must be expanded to increase the proportion of Muslims in Europe and North America, to in turn induce civil wars that will bring a "new" order from the ensuing chaos. But avoid the term "White Genocide", by preferably calling it instead "Weaponized Replacement Migration". Article here
"Created in 1949 by secularist, Ben Gurion, The Mossad was created not as a security agency, but as a global destabilizer. Gurion realized that the way to gain control was through fear initiated thru 'terrorism'. The same psychological terror that was used on Epstein Island on children... The same psychological terror that fanned Pandemics.
"The Mossad infiltrates other countries through their sub-agencies; ISIS, al Qaeda, el Nusra, Boko Haram, etc... Razing death and mutilation throughout every African and Middle East country deemed inferior. They attack only civilians. They attack those who are indefensible - children especially given their death elicits agony in adults. Like The Protocols, Zions created the 'Yinon Plan' and the 'Clean Break': This policy document was written in 1996 by Richard Perle and the study group 'A New Israeli Strategy Towards 2000'. It was written for Netanyahu.
"Greater Israel" requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must become an imperial regional power, and must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states.
"Aside from a divided Iraq and a full absorption of Jordan, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region." American Free Press.
From the
Jim Stone Site:
March 5 2025 Trump needs to WAKE UP. Hamas never took hostages without Israeli approval and funding, plus a few Mossad agents, the Israeli black op REALLY WORKED. Israel creates the problem, stirs the pot, and gets served up FREE BOMBS. If Trump is this ignorant, Israel is going to take the terror ruse far beyond the bank. |
If Israel can play Trump for a sucker that much, they will play him all the way to a wipeout of Iran and the rest of the middle east. This is actually a serious problem. Of course this Wikipedia about Israeli support for Hamas is scheduled for deletion, because it says the truth. At least Wikipedia did not simply kill it outright. |
It is easy to prove Hamas is an Israeli puppet.
Just observe.
Every time peace is successfully negotiated with
Palestine, Hamas attacks!!! Coincidence? Well, is
that tweet from Trump what Israel wants? YES, OR NO? |
* * *
An Emboldened Israel Acting with
Impunity will
Not Stop at Historic Palestine; It Wants Much More
How the Israel Lobby Fueled the Rise of
Top Anti-Muslim Chaos Agent
ULTIMATE False Flag Attack
on Humanity Here
Are All in a Big Charade—Jew
Us to a World Ruled by Satan
Iran's Jewish Rulers!
Crypto Jews of Arabia!
They are All Jews Playing the Roles of
Leaders to Get Them
Where They Want to Go and What They Want to Do
Conference of Zionists 1899
First Expelling Them from Their Own Homes
and Genociding Them,
Expelling Them from THEIR OWN HOMELAND
and Also
Genociding Them
And it Looks Like THEY ALL DID the
Satanic "Cremation of Care"
Ritual Ceremony at the Bohemian Grove
The British Empire and their Devlish
Undermining of Islam
They have a Drive to Destroy
of Militarism and Through Their Manufactured
Events, Deception and Lies is How
They Accomplish It
They Make Us have Perpetual Wars for the
Satanist System They Participate In
and Perpetuate
Doing the Jews Bidding:
The Meaning of Purim