"These 'wars' are a hoax
designed to enrich the US armaments industry and to infuse the 'security
forces' with police powers |
The Serpent Race
More on the Enslavers of Humanity: "The Willie Lynch Letter" and ISIS The Instrument that Started the Enslavement of Goys
And the Lethality of the Jews
Until You Goys are Gone with Our Kill Shot
Because we Want a World of Our Own
It was a Fight Against the Children of God
What the American Founders were Aware
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness” — The American Declaration of Independence Alternative form of Government here.
The Republic is Approaching 250 Years Old from
Its Birth through the
American Revolutionary
The Above Biblical passages reveal to us that
they are an ALIEN strain to the Human being
in that THEY DIFFER to
Other God-given Attributes of Humanity are
Intuition, Insights, Inspiration, Creativity, Invention,
Beautiful Works,
The above all Confirms to the Human Race
that we Indeed have an Alien Strain of Creature Living Amongst
Us, that is not
So, What the Human Race is Dealing with, is
Truly a Different Species to Its Own and our Recognition
The Recognition of the Tyrannical Serpent
Race, i.e. the Children of Satan—whose
is the "father of lies,"
God, the Father,
We Thy Children, Call Upon Thee to Assist
Humanity and the Amen
* * * *
Demonic Technology Originating Out of
How the Serpent Race has Overlaid and
Synagogue of Satan
— New World
— Israel
are a separate "... you said in one of your posts that you knew in your heart that the Jews are not human. Well, let me allow the Jews themselves to tell you the exact same thing, that they are not exactly human.... THE JEWS, IN THEIR OWN WRITINGS, state that they are a separate and completely DIFFERENT SPECIES FROM NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS! If the Jews are a different, separate species from real humans, like these parasites say in their own writings, then we know for sure they came from the SERPENT & Eve through Cain! Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, a well known Jew, when writing in the Jewish publication, Liberal Judaism, January, 1949, about the newly created state of (fake) Israel declared: "FOR THE CURSE OF CAIN, the curse of being an outcast and a wanderer over the face of the earth has been removed..." (He just told you ALL JEWS are from their father Cain which was fathered by the serpent, Satan, the Devil of Genesis 3:14,15) ...although Jews are physically similar to all other men, yet they are endowed with a 'second soul' that renders them a SEPARATE SPECIES." (Zimmer, Uriel, Torah- Judaism and the State of Israel, Congregation Kehillath Yaakov, Inc., NY, 5732 (1972), p. 12. "The Jewish people are a separate entity, a SPECIES UNIQUE in Creation, differing from nations in the same manner as man differs from the beast or the beast from the plant..." (Rabbi Judah Halevy (the famous medieval poet and philosopher) explains in his 'Kuzari'): "The Jewish People constitutes a SPECIES OF THEIR OWN...i.e...a special, separate act of Creation by the Almighty. 'The thought of creating the Jewish People preceded every other thought' of the Almighty (the jews "Almighty" is Lucifer/Satan/the Devil) when creating the Universe according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac." (Bereshith Rabba 1,5) "The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT SPECIES" (Jew & Gentile). - Rabbi Menachem Mandel Schneerson, Allan C. Brownfield, "It Is Time to Confront the Exclusionary Ethnocentrism," Issues of the American Council for Judaism, Winter 2000, cited in Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered, p.365-366. "This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPECIES." Rabbi Saadya Grama, Romemut Yisrael Ufarashat Hagalut ("Jewish Superiority and the Question of Exile") 2003. "All Jews share a particular gene THAT MAKES THEM DIFFERENT FROM OTHER HUMANS." (Thilo Sarrazin, a Jew and a member of the German Social Democratic party and a board member of the German central bank, from Sarrazin's interview with the paper, Welt am Sonntag) (About 57 years ago, I coined the term "Serpent-gene" which ALL JEWS have in their DNA, taken from Genesis 3:14,15) "Could Jews be a different species?" Jews are as unlike us as anything on this planet. We have more in common with ticks than with Jews, in that even ticks will drop off once they've had their fill, whereas Jews keep on sucking the life (wealth) out of their host nations until there's nothing left, not even for themselves. “Once we [Jews] squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away" ~ (Netanyahu, [Nutsandpoopoo], Prime Minister of [fake] Israel ~ which actually makes them worse than most (other) parasites. With few exceptions, as the vast majority of parasites do not cause the death of their hosts, as doing so would make for a severely flawed evolutionary approach. Such lifeforms do not last very long, for obvious reasons (they can't find a balance within their environment, and destroy their own source of life, so Mother nature quickly moves on. Jews are like a virus. A bad one that have yet to go extinct (due to their own flawed approach) and we have yet to find a cure for them. (This is why some people think that Neanderthals did not go extinct but still walk among us today in the form of the Jew). We cannot build up an immunity to them, and find that balance, unless we willingly submit to them, because that is what they demand (it's ALL or none with them, they do not seek or desire balance). Those who adapt and do exactly as the Jew disease demands of them, are permitted to live (as slaves, for no other purpose than to provide them with life and excess).. Those who resist, are systematically eliminated (slowly, but surely). Think about it. When a pandemic occurs, it kills off those who are unable to adapt to it (sometimes targeting weak immune systems and believe it or not sometimes targeting strong ones). Anyone who lives through a major pandemic will have developed a resistance to that virus (adapting to it), even if that virus lives inside them indefinitely. The virus finds a balance within it's host, those who can tolerate it, then the rest die off. The deceased were not necessarily "weak", they may in fact have been the best of the best, but they just couldn't adapt to their new, unwanted visitors, who tore them apart from the inside out. It's as though the Jews are ridding the planet of all who resist them. Leaving behind only those with whom they are easily able to control. That's their undying desire, to rule the world, so anyone who might resist this Jew "virus" is simply someone who cannot cope with being a mindless slave to them. Those who resist, are aggressively attacked and eliminated. Those who allow the virus to remain inside them, are permitted to live (not for themselves, but in the interests of the parasites themselves). Jews being a "different species" is putting it lightly.... https://www.facebook.com/notes/roberto-csiki/the-jews-in-their-own-writings-state-that-they-are-a-separate-and-completely-dif/1439277702954561 2) The Jewish-Created "Secular" Society is Based on a Cosmic Rebellion Against God 3) The Jewish Religion is Essentially a Disguise for a Racial Imperative: "We can live among other people and states [by] persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people but the representatives of a religious faith..." — and "a Jew remains the same whether he converts to another Religion or not." Article here 4) The Jews Represent the Beast System 5) New DNA Science Research Confirms... Jews Are Not Descendants of Abraham and "a Jew remains the same whether he converts to another Religion or not." 6) The Hidden History
"I’m always amazed at how closely many
self-identifying and indeed self-admiring Jews bear an uncanny
resemblance to normal white people. Which is amazing,
considering they are not just a different race, but a different
species. Leastways that’s what one-time ‘charismatic head’ of
Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, tells me… (for the Gentiles—Children of God) ![]() Jew-Zionist-Israeli: The Serpent Race, Offspring of the Devil The Subjugation of the Palestinians is the Coming Blueprint for the World Israel's Own Subjugation Plan "At a gathering of religious Zionist public figures two weeks ago, Deputy Knesset Speaker Betzalel Smotrich talked about his diplomatic plan, which he dubbed 'The subjugation plan.' [Where are the alarm bells on that one? — CAP.] The purpose of the plan, he said, was 'to erase all Palestinian national hope.'
"Under the plan, the Palestinians will be given three choices:
Who or What would Do This to a Kid? |
And to Babies, Both Born and Unborn?? |
And Yes, They Do Kill Whole Families, Like True Soulless Psychopaths — I.E. The Non-Human Alien Species That They Are |
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Madeleine Albright
"As UN envoy and Secretary of State, she
prioritized war and genocide. She believed NATO
should intervene militarily regardless of
international law restrictions. |
Zionist billionaires Haim Saban (Middle) and Sheldon Adelson (Left) at a pro-Israel event.
![]() |
The Ruling
Species is Not Human
Literally |
Take a good look at their primitive, coarse Neanderthal
THEY Exist to Make
Pre-Meditated War and Crimes Against Humanity
In plain words, the Brookings strategists shamelessly advocate breaching international law to deliberately provoke a peaceful nation into a retaliatory action that would then be propagandistically used to rubber-stamp a pre-arranged military assault designed to expedite US-Israeli imperial purposes. Should these people not be on trial for pre-meditated mass murder and incitement to genocide? At a 2009 conference in Israel, Saban outlined his winning strategy aimed at harnessing the American Empire in Israel’s favour: “make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets.” Of the six contributors to the “Which Path to Persia?” paper, four are Jewish: Kenneth M. Pollack, Daniel L. Byman, Bruce Riedel and Martin Indyk (the former US ambassador to Israel). |
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them"
— Matthew 7:16-20
The Serpent Race have Made Their
Nest in Palestine
Israel is America's Mortal Enemy
They Continue
to Deceive the World (the Human Race) with
Their Tricks and Traps
and Hate and Fear Fuelled
Gratuitous Violence in America
How America—Created
for the Best and Universal Ideals of Humanity—
was Destroyed by the Serpent Race
False Flags
God Damn These Jews
— Jesus Did
More on the Serprent Race Rulers