"Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth" – George Washington, 2 July 1776 |
"Let me issue and control a Nation’s money and I care not who makes its
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The Usurocracy is a About the Victory of the
Devil Over All of Us "Alphonse de Rothschild, ... asked by a friend in March 1866 why he worked so hard to make more money when he was already enormously rich, replied: "Ah! You don't know the pleasure of feeling heaps of Christians under one's boots!". And Really Now, was Jesus a Jew? Hardly:
"In regard to the moral value of the Jews' religious teaching,
there exist quite exhaustive studies which show the kind of
religion that we have in a light that makes it look uncanny to
the Aryan mind. We are the best example of the kind of product
which religious training evolves.
Our life
is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the
true spirits of Christianity as our character was to the
Founder of this new creed 2,000 years ago. The Founder of
Christianity made no secret of his estimation of the Jews and
the fact that he was not one of us. When he found it
necessary he drove us out of the temple of God, because then, as
always, we used religion as a means of advancing our commercial
interest." (The Merchants of Babylon have wrecked Gentile
Life and Nations.) Article
here |
Jacob Schiff -- the Most Destructive Influential
Money Lender in America
"It's not merely that Schiff wielded enormous
power, but rather the fact that his actions...fundamentally
altered the course of American history. Schiff was really the
first true Jewish Mega-Mogul of the whole United States (Judah
Benjamin had previously run the Confederacy). As the first,
Schiff, more than anyone who followed him, was able to leverage
his power into eternity. " (Col. House, Bernard Baruch &
George Soros were his successors.) |
Creating Racist Divides
"By design, Schiff's Jewish-controlled NAACP drew
Blacks away from the positive influence of the Black-American
conservative patriot Booker T. Washington, a dominant Black
political leader who believed in America's founding principles
and sought to build bridges between Whites and Blacks." |
They Are ALL
SATANIC and All Control Not Only Our
Financial Life, but Our Lives!
The Reason Why the World Continually Exists
in Poverty, Hunger, Starvation and Wars
And the Children Suffer to No End
What They All Really Look Like
Synagogue of Satan has Built
Financial-Corporate Control
and Monopolization of the Earth
— which Destroys
ALL that is Natural, Good, Beneficial and God-Given
and In its Place
ALL That is Artificial, Harmful,
Destructive and Toxic
Through All Manner of Cruelty
and Destruction
The World They Created with Their
Calling it All Out:
"A Conspiracy for Love"
Forward Declaration"
*Military Industrial Complex
*Pharmaceutical Drug Industry
*Agro-Chemical Industry
and the Rest of THEM
The Latest Profiting from Human Death:
"Bird Flu and "Monkey Pox"
Synagogue of Satan has Taken Over
the U.S. Congress Now in
Plain Site
Republicans just
made Brian Mast--who wore an Israeli army uniform in the
halls of Congress--the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Mast has compared
Palestinians to Nazis, said babies being killed
"are not innocent" and more infrastructure in Gaza
should be destroyed.
$675,000 from
“I have said that the Declaration of Independence is the ring-bolt to the chain of your nation’s destiny; so, indeed, I regard it. The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost” – Frederick Douglass |
"If a Law is passed counter to the Constitution it is as though
that Law
had not been passed"
— The Constitutional
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A Nation "Under God," or
Under the "Federal
But Certainly Not Christian |
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* * *
Resist and Sweep Out
the One World Usurocracy!
Jesus Did—with
Islam Right Behind!
Key Concept in the Global Tyranny:
"If a Law is passed counter to the Constitution it is as though
that Law
had not been passed"
— The Constitutional
Forced Love?
With the U.S. Congress Now Having a
Synagogue of Satan Baby Sitter -- the Fight is Now
at the Supernatural Level where All Levers of Law are Now USELESS!
They are Hell-bent Now on Exterminating the HUMAN, GENTILE Race:
"Mankind is in an Occult Death Spiral"
-- Henry Makow
[Do you Want all this Deceit and Murder?]
How They are DESTROYING All the Seeds of the
Gentile Race and Civilizations
"My call to fame is actually
being Mr. Rothschild's friend".
-Putin's Chabad Rabbi, Berel Lazar
The Demonic, Cruel, Oppressive, and Tyrannical Aliens
have Arrived on Earth!
* * *
“I have said that the Declaration of Independence is the ring-bolt to the chain of your nation’s destiny; so, indeed, I regard it. The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost” – Frederick Douglass |
Understanding the Past to Get a
The Federal
Reserve Act of 1913, drafted by German banker Paul Warburg and others
in a secret meeting, defies Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of the US
by creating a "central bank of issue" for the United States.
The 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
"Let me issue and control a Nation’s money and I care not who makes its
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild
The Constitution states that Congress alone shall issue and control
America’s currency; Congress may not delegate those functions.
Nevertheless a corrupt and ignorant U.S. Congress enacted the
Federal Reserve Act (1913). Few Congressmen since have dared suggest it
is unconstitutional — fearing for their livelihood and their lives. The
word “Federal” is a sham. It has no more relevance than “Federal” Tire
Co. The FED is a private corporation whose stock is owned by
International Bankers. It is not an agency of the United States
Government. It is one of many parasitical Rothschild Central Banks
infesting the world stage. Its power ascends over every U.S. citizen
from cradle to grave. Every dollar in your wallet is a note issued by
the FED. The U.S. Government redeems that note (principal and interest)
with your taxes. Through its enormous resources and power the FED
controls the machinery of the U.S. Government.
Rothschild empire was created by infiltrating every level of ALL Western
governments. Through manipulation, bribery, slander, assassination, and
control of the mass media, JEWS contrived to pit nation against nation,
race against race, financing all sides in the resultant wars; then at
exorbitant interest rates financing reconstruction of the devastated
countries. Rothschild’s
has kept Western Civilization in a continuous state of war and eternally
in debt.
“Wars are Jews’ harvests.” (J.G. Simpson).
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none"
Mrs Rothschild
[support quote and reference]
In 1981
America’s future seemed dismal indeed. It seemed to me that IF the FED
could be brought to center stage and exposed, the entire Illuminati
structure would collapse. Enraged citizens would hang the International
Bankers. America would resume its role as a bastion of Western Culture.
What is the FED ?
And there
was a cry of the people…against their brethren the Jews…we have
mortgaged our lands, vineyards, and houses that we might buy corn
because of the dearth…and lo, we bring into bondage our sons and our
daughters to be servants…some of our daughters are brought into bondage
already; neither is it in our power to redeem them for other men have
our lands and our vineyards…
HOLY BIBLE: NE: 5:1,7.
Our money
system is nothing better than a confidence trick… The “money power”
which has been able to overshadow ostensibly responsible government is
not the power of the merely ultra-rich but is nothing more or less than
a new technique to destroy money
by adding and withdrawing figures in bank ledgers, without the slightest
concern for the interests of the community or the real role money ought
to perform therein…to allow it to become a source of revenue to private
issuer’s is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm of government
and, last, a rival power strong enough to ultimately overthrow all other
forms of government.
Dr. FRED SODDY, Nobelist, Wealth,
Virtual Wealth & Debt
A great
industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of
credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of
our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have become one of the
worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated
governments in the civilized world…no longer a government of free
opinion…but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of
domineering men.
The West
viewed the JEW as an alien living within its midst. JEWS had no State of
their own, no territory. Whatever the landscape they spoke the common
language. Publicly they denied a racial identity assuming the outer
garments, no matter how preposterous, of whatever nation in which they
appeared. Adoption of Christian names, conversions, “nose jobs”, and
platform shoes were part of the camouflage. JEWRY seemed to be merely a
religion. Therefore, JEWRY was
politically invisible to the West, and its war against
the West was always subterranean, cunning and deceptive. JEWISH strategy
was to infiltrate the institutions of Western Culture and destroy them.
JEWRY’S primary weapon was money manipulation and USURY.
Popes, and Christian monarchs invoked Biblical proscriptions against the
“evil and pernicious practice of usury.” Money was used strictly as a
means of exchange and a storage of value backed by the honor of the
State and the productive capabilities of its citizens. Nonetheless, the
end result of Christian proscriptions against usury was to make JEWS the
masters of European banking.
JEWS have
no religious scruples regarding money where goyim are concerned. They
now have the means to carry out their war of annihilation of the West.
They would not surface as a fighting unit and openly attack their hated
enemy. They remained invisible. Their strategy was to
organize the entire JEWISH People into a
Fifth Column whose purpose is to penetrate the West and
destroy everything.
This is being accomplished by exacerbating natural disputes between the
Western States and influencing the results in favor of Liberalism as
opposed to Authority; that is, materialism, free trade and usury, as
opposed to Western Socialism; Internationalism as opposed to Western
unity. MONEY was their sword and buckler. Hate and revenge their motif.
tactics of this Jewish warfare was employment of money. His dispersion,
his materialism, his finished cosmopolitanism, all precluded him taking
part in the heroic form of combat in the field, and he was thus confined
to the war of lending, or refusing to lend, of bribing, of gaining
legally enforceable power over important individuals…The story of
Shylock shows the dual picture of the JEW — socially cringing on the
Rialto, but emerging as a lion in the courtroom.
The dawn
of the 20th Century found the ILLUMINATI preparing to launch a massive
attack upon the West. Not in the light of open discourse, or on the
battlefield, but in their usual manner: conspiratorially, from the
underworld. Their strategy was
to hitch America’s resources, wealth and manpower to JEWISH aspirations
which included destroying the monarchies of Europe and creating a bogus
ZIONIST state in Palestine. They found their Judas Goat
in Woodrow Wilson,
Chancellor of Princeton University, an innocent with a vast ego, and a
chink in his armor. Unwittingly He became the indispensable, unwitting
pawn in the International money game.
Moritz Warburg, JEW, was dispatched to the United States in 1903 to promote the
establishment of a Rothschild central bank in preparation for WWI which
was then on the drawing-board. Warburg made the
Kuhn-Loeb Co., Wall Street Bankers, his base of
operations. After meeting Wilson at a University seminar, Warburg
recommended Wilson to the International banking cabal. Upon further
investigation, Rabbi Steven
Wise; Jacob Schiff, JEW; Sam Untermyer, JEW, and other
Jew power-players agreed that Wilson would be the ILLUMINATI’S patsy in
the White House. Soon after, Wilson’s democratic presidential campaign
was announced, promoted and financed by ILLUMINATISTS: Warburg, JEW, and
his brothers, Felix, and Max (head of German intelligence and the M.M.
Warburg Bank, Hamburg); Adolph Ochs, JEW (publisher,
New York Times); Henry
Morganthau, JEW ( tycoon of Negro slum dwellings in Harlem, Manhattan);
Jacob Schiff, JEW, (Pres., Kuhn-Loeb Co.); Samuel Untermyer, JEW
(powerful corporate lawyer); and Eugene Meyer, JEW, (banker, and owner
of the Washington Post,
the newspaper your Senator reads over morning coffee); and Rothschild
agent; and internationalist bankers Lazard Freres; J&W Seligman; Speyer
Brothers; and the Rothschilds. A few select goyim, including J.P.
Morgan, gun-runner, were in on the deal.
To split
the Republican vote, the ILLUMINATISTS financed both Teddy Roosevelt and
the incumbent Howard Taft in their bids for the presidency. After Wilson
won the rigged election (1912), which he attributed to his own charm and
ingenuity, Warburg and his cabal put in motion their plan to establish
control of America’s finances and credit. Warburg introduced Col. Edward
Mandell House, JEW, to the President. House became Wilson’s alter-ego,
confidant and messenger between the Oval Office and Wall Street. In his
novel Philip Dru, House
makes it perfectly clear that his idea of good government is One World
Usurocracy. Legislators who didn’t share his views were kept from
meeting with the President. By manipulating Wilson, bribing members of
Congress, and engaging in the most deceitful lobbying campaign in U.S.
history, Warburg got what he wanted. During the Christmas Holidays (23
December 1913), when much of the opposition was absent, the U.S.
Congress enacted the Federal
International Bankers, and dooming Christendom to WWI and WWII; the
“Cold War” and all of our “no win” wars.
This Act
establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs
this bill the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be
legalized…the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this
banking and currency bill. The caucus and party bosses have again
operated and prevented the people from getting the benefit of their own
thereafter, Sam Untermyer JEW, came into possession of Wilson’s
indiscreet love letters to Mrs. Peck, his mistress, and wife of a
friend. The inner circle referred to the President as “Peck’s bad boy”.
Wilson did what he was told to do when he was told to do it, leading to
the appointment of Louis Denmitz Brandies, JEW, Zionist, to the U.S.
Supreme Court; and pushing America into World War I.
“Money is
the worst of all contraband” said William Jennings Bryant, U.S. Secy
State. And our loans to the Allies during the two and a half years
before our entry into the WWI were more accurately acts of aggression
than our belated shipments of troops in 1917, after Wilson’s declaration
of war had given an air of legality to the farce.
Reserve Conspiracy
All wars
are economic in their origin.
JEW, before Nye Committee, 9-13-37
Constitutionality of the FEDERAL
RESERVE ACT has never been adjudicated, although it
clearly is unconstitutional.
The Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value
thereof and of foreign coin, and to fix the standards of weights and
Clause has never been amended. One may then logically ask: Can Congress
legally delegate its Constitutional authority?
SHECHTER POULTRY v. U.S.A. (29 US 495)(55 US 837.842) (1935)
Congress can not abdicate or transfer to others its legislative
3) Congress cannot constitutionally delegate its legislative authority
to trade or industrial associations or groups so as to empower them to
enact laws…
4) Congress cannot delegate legislative powers to the President…
Chief Justice stated: The Constitution established a national government with powers
deemed to be adequate, as they have proven to be, both in war and in
peace, but these powers of national government are limited by the
constitutional grants. Those who act under these grants are not at
liberty to transcend the imposed limits because they believe that more
or different power is necessary. Such assertions of extra-constitutional
authority were anticipated and precluded by the explicit terms of the
Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States and to the People.
1051 (1975)
Neither the term “national security” nor “emergency” is a talisman, the
thaumaturgic invocation of which should ipso facto suspend the
normal checks and balances on each branch of government…If our system is
to survive we must respond to the most difficult of problems in a manner
consistent with the limitations placed upon Congress, the President, and
the Courts, by our Constitution and our Laws.
No State…shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts…
U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETER. If a Law is passed counter to the
Constitution it is as though that Law had not been passed.
If Congress may not transfer to others its legislative functions, one might logically ask: Is the FED a Congressional agency? The answer is emphatically stated below!
LEWIS v. U.S. (680 F2d 1239 – July 1982).
Under the
Federal Government Tort Claims
Act , Federal
Reserve Banks are NOT Federal Government instrumentalities, but are
independent, privately owned, locally controlled organizations.
critical factor for determining whether an agency is a Federal agency is
the existence of Federal Government control over the “detailed physical
performance” and “day by day” operations of that entity.
Supreme Court ruled (above) that Congress may NOT delegate its
legislative functions. Does the FED legislate?
– to make or enact laws.
– rules of action established by custom or laid down and enforced by
sovereign authority.
– to regulate, bring under force of Law.
RESERVE SYSTEM REGULATION “Q”: does indeed legislate in that it
enacts maximum interest rates that may
be paid to depositors by member banks on time and demand deposits.
The U.S.
Constitution gives only Congress this power (above). Regulation “Q” is
also a violation of U.S. Anti-Trust Laws, prohibiting the conspiratorial
fixing of fees, rates and commissions – punishable by fines and
imprisonment. Unless you’re an International Banker.
One must
conjecture why Congress does not repeal the Federal Reserve Act. It has
that right – indeed the DUTY. Why does the Judiciary not rule on the
Act’s clear-cut unconstitutionality? The answer is obvious.
Under a democratic form of government, rather than the Republic our
Forefathers designed, second-rate Congressmen are elected by mob and
media. Federal judges, appointed for life, are self-serving, venal,
subject to special interest groups and bribery. They
adore living in Hollywood-on- the-Potomac, their fat-cat salaries, the
perks, the pomp and splendor, the easy pickings.
They fear the power of the ILLUMINATI
purse. They fear the FED, the ADL, the IRS and what happens
to patriots. They fear MARXISM/LIBERALISM/JEWRY. They fear the MEDIA.
They love their jobs and don’t want to lose them. Where else can
sycophants and cowards make so much loot and enjoy so much prestige?
Above all else Congressmen love to spend your money (”tax,
tax, tax; spend, spend, spend; elect, elect, elect!” Harry
Hopkins’ advice to FDR’s New Dealers). The FED, of course, grows
irritable when Congress doesn’t borrow and spend. Ergo, Congress’ ploy
is to profit by the scam while keeping constituents ignorant in
Misunderstandings about money have been and continue to be intentional.
They derive neither from the nature of money nor from any stupidity of
the public…the International Usurocracy aims at preserving intact the
public’s ignorance of the Usurocratic System and its workings…
EZRA POUND (placed naked in a cage by JEWS who called HIM insane)
take a closer look at the Federal Reserve System your elected
representatives are too ignorant, or too frightened to do anything
Let me
issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its Laws.
Salient Facts About the Federal Reserve System (FED):
is not a United States Government agency. It is a private stock company
(corporation) patterned after the Bank of England, and other Rothschild
central banks. The FED, established by Congress, is privately
controlled; its notes are legal tender but are debts of the U.S.
government, owed to the Bankers. Commercial paper and government
securities are used as fractional reserves to create debt credit. The
currency in your wallet represents government debt-credit which is
satisfied by your income taxes; you also pay income taxes on the
interest your debt-money earns if invested. In sum:
1. The
FED is a privately owned corporation. The word “Federal” is as
meaningless, as ‘Federal’ Tire Company of the U.S. government.
2. The FED operates independently of the Executive, Legislative
branches of U.S. Government.
3. The
FED’s books have never been independently audited. It refuses U.S.
government audit (GAO).
4. The
FED is NOT an agency of the U.S. government, although it was created by
Congress, and theoretically can be abolished by Congress. It owns
personal property and real-estate. Its employees do not draw U.S.
Government pay-checks.
5. The
U.S. President, with approval of the Senate, appoints the FED Board of
Governors. The majority of them are Wall Street denizens with ILLUMINATI
connections. Many are CFR/TRI members. After all,
the FED was designed by bankers for
After deducting operating expenses (?) the FED returns what it considers
surplus earnings (?) to the U.S. Treasury.
7. FED
member banks (Chase-Manhattan for example) hold billions of dollars in
U.S. Securities (for which they paid nothing), as reserves for loans on
which they charge full interest. They return NO profits to the U.S.
Member banks use these fractional reserves to extend credit,
from 10 to 30 times the amount of the
Owners of FED Class-A stock have never been revealed. Educated guesses
indicate that the following are the largest stockholders: The House of
Rothschild, JEWS; Lazar Freres Bank of Paris, JEWS; The Schiff family,
Kuhn-Loeb Co., JEWS (U.S. Vice President Al Gore’s blond daughter
recently married a Schiff. They “sell” more than the Lincoln bedroom at
White House fund raisers); The Lehmann family, JEWS; The Rockefellers;
Israel Seif, London, JEWS; The Bank of England, JEWS, etc.
The Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) is the System’s most important policy
making body. Composed of the seven members of the Board of Governors,
and four member-bank presidents, plus the President of the New York FED
Bank, FOMC buys and sells government securities, and oversees the
System’s foreign exchange. FOMC determines the discount rate charged
member banks, thereby determining interest rates you pay your lender.
Because changes in interest rates, and the amount of money placed in
circulation, have profound affects upon the economy,
advance notice (leaks) of forthcoming
changes in FED policy would be of tremendous advantage to investors.
FED advance policies are, therefore, a closely guarded secret. But is
absolute security maintained? Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy? Or
do members of the Board of Governors, who serve at the ILLUMINATI’S
pleasure, perform as conduits of highly sensitive information? No wonder
the skyline of every major city is dominated by banking houses.
Since Greed has replaced Honor, Money
buys anything – Presidents and Prime Ministers, Popes and prelates,
Congressmen and Judges.
The FED is one of many
ILLUMINATI central-banking systems embedded like fat leeches in World
population streams.
13. At
this writing the United States (We the People) are over
six trillion dollars in debt. Men in
debt labor for others.
Ford thinks it’s stupid and so do I, that for the loan of (its) own
money… the United States should be compelled to pay…interest. People who
will not turn a shovel of dirt nor contribute a pound of material will
collect more money from the United States than all the people who supply
all the material and do all the work…why must we pay interest to
money-brokers for the use of our own money!
THOMAS A. EDISON, re Congress borrowing from FED
There is
no dispute about the fact that our economy is built by bankers lending
money that they do not possess, never have possessed, and never will
possess, on the calculation that they will not be asked for that money
in notes, coin or gold…
of Money
We now
see that while the basic purpose of money is a means of exchange and a
storage of value, the ILLUMINATI distorted that original purpose. Money
has become a private MONOPOLY, a COMMODITY, and a means of COERCION.
Through the FED’s ability to issue our nation’s currency as DEBT; to
expand or contract the amount of money in circulation (M-1) at will; and
to raise or lower interest rates at will, it creates so-called business
cycles (boom-bust periods) allowing its masters, ILLUMINATI, to control
the vitality of World nation-states and, when necessary, punish them for
insubordination (Germany, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Austria, Iraq, Libya, and
South Africa for example).
Congress needs money it borrows from the FED. The loans must be paid
back – principal plus interest – by the tax-payers. However,
no debt-free money is created with which
to pay the interest which must be paid out of the money-supply (M-1)
which is debt-money! This is similar to paying off
interest on your Visa Credit Card account, by using your Master Card.
It’s the Old Testament trick of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Payment of
principal and interest withdraws money from circulation creating a money
shortage. Additional money must
be borrowed into circulation with which to pay the interest, creating
additional debt.
Borrowing to Pay 6% Simple Interest on Original $100 Debt*
Year |
Original |
Debt at |
Interest Due |
Money in |
1 |
$ 100.00 |
$ 100.00 |
$ 6.00 |
$ 100.00 |
2 |
“ |
106.00 |
6.36 |
“ |
3 |
“ |
112.36 |
6.74 |
“ |
4 |
“ |
119.10 |
7.15 |
“ |
5 |
“ |
126.25 |
7.57 |
“ |
50** |
“ |
1,737.75 |
104.25 |
“ |
* At no time can the debt be paid off with the money in
** When the debt (in the above hypothetical) is carried to the 50th year, all the money in circulation is insufficient to pay interest alone much less the principal.
Under the FED it is mathematically impossible for American citizens to
satisfy the enormous debt owed the International Banking cartel.
Admittedly, the FED pays to the U.S. Treasury a pittance of its annual
profit but that doesn’t mitigate against the scam.
Compound Interest:
nothing more surely typifies JEWISHNESS than compound interest. Albert
Einstein, JEW, said whoever invented the formula was a genius. Charles
Lindbergh, Sr., Thomas Edison, and all who detest USURY say “compound
interest is Satanic”. For example, when you contract for a $40,000 home
mortgage payable in 30-years at 15% interest. At the end of the term you
will have paid the bank $182,080.80 P&I. All the banker does is make a
ledger entry. If you must sell your home before term (Americans move
every 7-years on the average) you find there is little equity to show
for your monthly mortgage payments.
It takes 24-years to pay-off just one-half the principal!
Most of your money in the early years goes toward interest (interest
deductions allowed are negligible). Upon purchasing another home you
must commence new mortgage payments all over again. If you are unlucky
and can’t meet the payments your friendly banker forecloses and walks
away with your down-payment and whatever else he can filch.
Fractional Reserve System – Bankers’ Gravy Train
Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FBG) determines the reserve
requirement for member banks – thus determining the amount of money
placed in circulation. Suppose a bank has Reserve Deposit Credits of
$10,000. If the Reserve Ratio is 15% it can create loans totaling
$56,666 ! If the Reserve Ratio is 20% it can create loans totaling
$40,000 (Remember pawnshop dealer Amschel Mayer Bauer, JEW, Frankfort,
Here is how the theft works:
1) When
Rockefeller’s Chase-Manhattan Bank requires $5-million currency, it
simply enters a credit of $5-million to the U.S. Treasury.
2) The
treasury delivers government securities in that amount to the bank. The
bank pays for them with a check drawn on credit based on the new
securities just delivered from the treasury!.The Treasury orders
currency from the New York FED which in turn orders the Bureau of
Printing and Engraving to print the new currency.
3) Upon
completing the transaction – which cost the bank not one penny –
Chase-Manhattan can advance to its customers up to $45-million (10%
Reserve Ratio) in new credit at the prevailing interest rates. All of
this new credit is created out of thin air!
The banks
– commercial banks and Federal Reserve – create all the money of this
nation, and the nation and its people pay interest on every dollar of
that newly created money. Which means that private banks exercise
unconstitutionally, immorally, and ridiculously the power to tax the
people. For every newly created dollar dilutes to some extent the value
of every other dollar already in circulation.
JERRY VOORHIS, U.S. Congress, CA-D., 1946
No one
has the right to be a moneylender save him who has it to lend.
Mr. Eccles, how do you get the money to buy those two billions of
government securities?
ECCLES: We created it.
PATMAN: Out of what?
ECCLES: Out of our right to issue credit money.
It is the
influx of this fiat money that causes the American citizen’s hard-earned
cash to lose its purchasing power. That is inflation. That is usury.
That is how TALMUDIC JEWS have debased U.S. currency.
When a
bank makes a loan it simply adds to the borrower’s deposit account in
the bank…The money is not taken from anyone else’s deposit; it was not
previously paid into the bank by anyone. It’s new money, created by the
bank for the use of the borrower.
SEC’Y TREASURY ANDERSON, “U.S. News & WR”, 8-31-59
purchasing offerings of Government bonds the banking system as a whole
creates new money, or bank deposits. When the banks buy a billion
dollars of Government bonds as they are offered…the banks credit the
deposit account of the Treasury with a billion dollars. They debit their
Government bond account a billion dollars, or they actually create, by a
bookkeeping entry, a billion dollars.
MARRINER ECCLES, Chairman Board of Governors, FED, 1935
government should create, issue and circulate all currency and credit
needed to satisfy the spending power of Government and the buying power
of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is the supreme
prerogative of Government.
anything be more absurd than that a nation should apply to an individual
(Rothschild) to maintain its credit, and with its credit its existence
as an empire, and its comfort as a people…
BENJAMIN DISRAELI, JEW, Prime Minister, Great Britain
T. McFADDEN, Chr. House Banking & Currency Committee
Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions
the world has ever known. The Federal Reserve Board has cheated the
United States out of enough money to pay the national debt…Mr. Speaker,
it is a monstrous thing for this great Nation to have its destiny
presided over by a treasonous system acting in secret concert with
International pirates and usurers. Every effort has been made by the FED
to conceal its power. But the truth is the FED has usurped the
government of the United States. It controls everything here. It
controls foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.
(10 June 1932)
Chairman…there is a condition in the United States Treasury which would
cause American citizens, if they knew what it was, to lose all
confidence in their government…a condition President Roosevelt will not
have investigated. Mr. Morganthau has brought with him from Wall Street
James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, head of the Manhattan Bank (and
chief architect of the Federal Reserve System)….James Warburg is the son
of a former partner of Kuhn-Loeb Co., a grandson of another partner, and
a nephew of a present partner. He holds no office in our government
but…is in daily attendance at the Treasury, and that he has private
quarters there. In other words, Kuhn-Loeb Co.) now occupies the United
States Treasury.
(29 May 1933)
Chairman, understanding that Henry Morganthau, who is related to Herbert
Lehman, Jewish governor of New York, and is related by marriage or
otherwise to the Seligmans of the International Jewish firm of J&W
Seligman, who were publicly shown before a Senate Committee of
Investigation to have offered a bribe to a foreign government; and to
the Warburgs, whose connection through the Kuhn-Loeb Co., and the
Bank of Manhattan
and other foreign and domestic institutions under their control, have
drained billions of dollars out of the U.S. Treasury; and to the
Strausses, proprietors of R.H. Macy & Co., of New York, which is an
outlet for goods dumped upon this country at the government’s
expense…and that Mr. Morganthau is likewise related or otherwise
connected to the Jewish Banking Community of New York, London, Amsterdam
and other financial centers, and that he has as his assistant presiding
over public funds, Earl Bailie, a member of the firm J&W Seligman, bribe
givers as aforesaid – it seems to me that Henry Morganthau’s presence in
the United States Treasury, and the request now give him $200 million of
the people’s money for gambling purposes, is a striking conformation of
other speeches I have made on this floor.
(June 1932)
people think Federal Reserve Banks are United States government
institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private
credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for
the benefits of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and
domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money
lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who
would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are
those who send money into states to buy votes to control our
legislation; and there are those that maintain an international
propaganda for deceiving us…that will permit them to cover up their past
misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime…
(10 June 1932)
Congressman Louis T. McFadden is a true American hero. His investigations struck directly at
the heart of the ILLUMINATI which, in the 1930s, was plotting the war
against Germany and Hitler’s economic barter-system. McFadden received
scant attention from the press although he endured a barrage of threats,
obscene phone calls, and had been shot at. At a banquet in our nation’s
capitol where he was key-noted to speak upon the full implications of
his investigations of the FED he, enjoying good health, suddenly was
seized with paroxysms and died on the spot. There was the usual bungled
autopsy that follows the deaths of U.S. government personages.
privilege of creating and issuing money is… The supreme prerogative of