Thursday, 05 August 2010 16:00
Atallah Hanna, Archbishop of Sebastia from the Greek Orthodox
Patriarchate of Jerusalem, has called upon churches
internationally to immediately intervene to prevent Israel from
continuing to obliterate features of Christianity in the
Palestinian town of Ein Karem situated west of Occupied
Accompanied by his lawyer Keis Youssef Naser, Hanna visited Ein
Karem on Wednesday (04.08.2010) to examine the Christian sites
threatened by the Occupation.
Following the visit, Hanna made an urgent appeal to all churches
and church leaders to follow up on this issue and to take legal
measures to prevent the Israeli authorities from building on
these sites which represent the Christian history of Palestine.
He called upon the Christian world to take necessary measures to
protect these sites, and warned that heritage sites linked to
the First Church and Christian presence in the first four
centuries AD were being targeted.
It is worth mentioning that the Palestinian town of Ein Karem,
west of Jerusalem, is considered one among hundreds of
Arab-Palestinian towns that were obliterated by the Israeli
Occupation. The Israeli hospital of Hadassah Ein Karem and other
official Israeli buildings now exist on the rubble of the town.
Quds Press
Israel Demolishes Grave Stones of the
Companions Buried in Jerusalem

On Wednesday
(04.08.2010) morning, Israeli machinery began the sweeping of a
number of graves in the historic Islamic Ma'man Allah cemetery
in occupied Jerusalem which contains dozens of tombs dating back
to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The Al-Aqsa Foundation for Heritage and Endowments said:
"Machinery and bulldozers belonging to the Israeli municipal
authorities in Jerusalem have dug up and destroyed 15 tombs in
the Ma'man Allah cemetery located in the far north east of
Jerusalem. This action is in accordance with Judaisation plans
for the Holy city which aims at ridding Jerusalem of all that is
Arab and Islamic".
In a copy
of a written statement sent to 'Quds Press', the Foundation
clarified that the Israeli violation had "occurred after the Al-Aqsa
Foundation undertook to cooperate in the upkeep of the cemetery
carrying out maintenance and repairs and cleaning it."
The Al-Aqsa Foundation condemned the act as an 'odious crime'
and said that it would "continue with the maintenance and
preservation of the Ma'man Allah cemetery; taking care of the
tombs inside of it and undertaking the full legal and religious
responsibilities toward our graves and our dead."
The Ma'man Allah cemetery is one of the largest Muslim
cemeteries in the area estimated at approximately two hundred
Credible Palestinian sources confirm that the Ma'man Allah
cemetery contains the remains of a number of the companions of
the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) such as 'Ubadah bin
Samit and many graves belonging those from the generation that
followed the companions. The cemetery also contains the graves
of numerous other notables of Islam, martyrs and righteous

Israel "has declared war on the
living and the dead to erase Palestinian identity"
An Arab member of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, has
called the authorities' destruction of hundreds of graves in the
Muslim Ma'aman Allah Cemetery in Jerusalem "a declaration of war
against living and dead Palestinians".
Massoud Ghanayem said that this "declaration of war" is Israel's
way of "imposing its agenda and trying to erase Palestinian
identity and distort the identity of the land". Such action, he
added, "proves that Israel is still acting with brutality
against icons of Palestinian identity in the drive to confiscate
Arabs' and Muslims' rights in the city of Jerusalem".
The United Arab List MK drew attention to the fact that Ma'aman
Allah Cemetery is "a cultural legacy and an important part of
Jerusalem's history, the loss of which should be of concern to
the Israeli government even as it aims to Judaize the Holy

Israeli authorities destroy over
200 tombs in Jerusalem’s Ma’man Allah cemetery
The Al-Aqsa Foundation for Heritage and Endowments has
revealed that after midnight on 10 August, bulldozers of the
Israeli Occupation dug up and completely removed more than 200
tombs from the Ma’man Allah cemetery in Jerusalem, which is the
oldest and largest Islamic burial site in the city. Ma’man Allah
is also the burial ground for a number of the companions of the
Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as scholars, notables,
martyrs and the general Muslim population of Jerusalem.
A crew from the Al-Aqsa Foundation has maintained a continuous
presence at the cemetery since the Magistrate’s court ruling on
Monday afternoon permitting the destruction of
the tombs. The
crew, which includes Mr. Fawaz Hassan, an observer of the work
of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, the journalist Mahmoud Abu ‘Ata, the
media co-ordinator for the Al-Aqsa Foundation and Mr. Sharaf
Ahmad, the Al-Aqsa Foundation’s press photographer, has been
closely monitoring the activities of the Israeli Occupation both
day and night.

The al-Aqsa crew inside the cemetery have confirmed that
bulldozers, trucks and a large number of staff and Israeli state
representatives under police escort stormed the cemetery at
exactly 12:30 after midnight. The bulldozers along with the
excavation and demolition equipment were divided into two
groups; one group began with the destruction and excavation of
the tombs on the western side of the cemetery, and the other
group destroyed and removed graves on the south-eastern side.
Within minutes of these developments, the Al-Aqsa Foundation
immediately informed the Arab media of the unfolding events and
had gathered a large crew of photographers and journalists on
the scene. The Israeli Occupation and their police escort tried
to prevent the photographers and journalists from filming or
carrying out their professional duties. One of the photographers
was attacked by a bulldozer driver who attempted to run him
over, however, the journalists and photographers insisted on
carrying out their work to document the Israeli crime. During
the demolition operation, a quarrel broke out between the police
and the representatives of the Israeli state due to the Muslim
presence. Al-Hajj Mustafa Abu Zahra, one of the cemetery’s
endowment trustees arrived at Ma’man Allah during the
destruction and tried to stop the bulldozers from continuing
with their crimes; however the police intervened and prevented
him from doing so.
It is worth mentioning here that the actions of the
Israeli Occupation came after the Al-Aqsa Foundation for
Heritage and Endowment and the trustees of the cemetery’s
endowment, al-Hajj Sami Rizq Allah Abu Mukh and al-Hajj Mustafa
Abu Zahra, had undertaken the restoration, repair and
maintenance of hundreds of graves that were at risk of
disappearing due to repeated Israeli attacks. However, this does
not appear to have satisfied the Israeli authorities.

Holy Land Civilization Continues to be
Destroyed and Stolen by Israeli Settlers
(Priests Also Spat Upon)
Desperate Cry for Help from Holy

Israeli army hits St George Church in Town
of Yaroun,
southern Lebanon, causing significant damage

“… a
community of Armenian Christians dating back to the 4th
century face displacement at the hands of a shadowy
Israeli corporation called Xana Capital and the violent
settlers it uses as hired muscle” – Article
here |

Israelis Desecrate and Loot Historical
Mosque in Hebron
Christian Churches [in the U.S.] that
Advocate for Israel’s Mass Killing
of Palestinian Civilians are Serving SATAN, not Christ
-- Mike Adams
“Christ himself warned us about “false prophets.”
And now those
false prophets have announced themselves for the whole
world to see: They’re the ones advocating Zionist genocide
in Gaza. If you follow them, you follow them to Hell.”

Israel was Conceived by
Sin and Born of Inequity
by the
Jewish Central Bankers to
Humanity from the Stolen Holy Land

The Final Battle
for Liberty and Life is NOW

On the Cross Roads of Good and Evil
Satanists vs. Humanity

Israel 2023: Trans Humanist Yuval Harari
Left Path (Technological
Trans Humanist) OR
Right Path (Human
Liberty and
Cavitation of our Human bodies for Demonic
Possession (Trans Humanist),
or our Bodies as a Sacred Temple (Hu-man) with our Creator as We
do Greater Things than Christ Himself —as He said:
12 "Very
truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the
works I have been doing, and they will do even greater
things than these, because I am going to the Father.
13 And
I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the
Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 You may ask me for anything
in my name, and I will do it” -- John 14: 12-14 |

36 “Teacher,
which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.’[a]
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two
The Tragedy of Palestine
END TIMES Armageddon and the Holy Land
—Jesus' Birth Place

Muslims and Christians Lived Peacefully
Together Until
THEY Arrived
Netanyahu said Christian Zionists are
and [are their] useful idiots"
True Christians
[those Endowed with the Spirit of God]
Modern Day Israel is a Fake
Created by the Satanic Central Bankers
who Do Control Everything
And that We Are In the LAST Battle Here
on Earth Between Good and Evil

Simple as That
"Israel is NOT a Geographical Location, and is About People of
from the Faiths that Descend from the Line of the Prophet
who Hold Up the Idealized Society with the Effect of Great
For All"
Sounds Similar to the
Second Paragraph of the American
Declaration of Independence, Does it Not?
The Religions Hold Up the Idealized, Transcendent Reality
for the Family of Man

"Who is Like Unto the Lord."
The Globalists Play God
In the Deceptions and Tug of War Between Good and Evil
Evil Wants You to Think Islam is Communism,
Fascism, Tyranny and is Genocidal, and
Evil Itself, When it is None
of That.
First of All, Islam means "the Peace that Comes when One Surrenders
One's Will to God" and a "Muslim" means, "One who has Surrendered
[to God]"
That Puts a Lot of Egos Aside and a Listening to God
to Create a
Golden Age for All
Islam Looks also to Have been the
Basis of the American
Founding to Create a Beautiful and Prosperous
Co-Existence of Humanity and the Right
of Protection from Both Tyranny
and Deception, Including Deadly:
Islam's Shariah Law on Vaccines
A Cooroboration
The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel

(in a never ending pattern and cycle)
The Evil that Created the Fake Israel in the Holy Land is the
Evil of the
Rothschild Central Bankers of the World
that Foisted
On Us All the Debt-Taxes-Usury-Enslavement System:
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts
of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is
no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he
speaketh of his own"
— for he is a liar, and the father of it" —John
8:44 |
All the
Fake Israel Does in the Holy Land and Where Ever
Else Its Demonic Force Goes, It—

See it Plainly:
The Demonic State of Israel is Holding Up
its Own
"Idealized" Society in Jesus' Birthplace
A Heinous Evil at Work
As it Hijacked Palestine of Humanity's Own
Holy Land
It Also Hijacked America
Snaking Itself through Every Breath We
Every Move We Make

The Economist "Rough Guide to Hell [on Earth] 2012 Christmas
* * *