They Are Starting Up the Racist
Islamaphobia Cycle AGAIN
U.S. Hate Against Muslims and
Palestinians Surges
Watch Out World!
Fifth Generation War on Humanity!
London 2024
ALL of Humanity's Conflicts is the "J" Factor
which Serious Alternative Journalism MUST
How They Get the Gentiles to War
with Each Other

ISIS / ISIL Leader Al-Baghdadi Jewish
Mossad Agent

the Conqueror
of the Gentiles
The Serpent Race
The Serpent Race Rulers
Genocide, Racism, Wars,
Conflicts, Pedophilia, Human
Sacrifices and Torture is their Name and Game
for The Human Race
Gentile Infant-Child Blood Sacrifices
Tree of Death
Humanity's Only Common Enemy
How They Got Control of Us
through their SINFUL Money System
The Usurocracy
When They Did 9/11 on September 11, 2001
America is
Slowly Being Turned Back to 1960's Racism

Thousands of Other Incidents, Violence and
Murders Have Occurred Against American Muslims
Since the
Israel Instigated and Orchestrated False
Flag Attack on America
on September 11, 2001
"The Divide and
Conquer" Racism Continues
within the Lands They are Domiciled
Jewish /
Zionist Groups in America are Over-Stepping the
First Amendment
"[Jewish] Islamophobic groups spend
approximately $81,960 each day to spread their
message of hate.
That’s $2.5 million a month; a
total of $30 million dollars each year.
"According to the U.S. Census, the
median household income in the United States in
2012 was $51,017.
So each and every day, groups intending to
spread misinformation about Islam spend
more than an average U.S. household will earn in
a whole year"
Why Do
They Do What they Do?

Jewish Sears Heiress,
Nina Rosenwald
"An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune,
Rosenwald spreads her millions through the
William Rosenwald Family Fund, a nonprofit
foundation named for her father, a famed Jewish
philanthropist who created the United Jewish
Appeal in 1939. His daughter’s focus is more
explicitly political. According to a report by
the Center for American Progress titled “Fear
Inc.,” Rosenwald and her sister Elizabeth Varet,
who also directs the family foundation, have
donated more than $2.8 million since 2000 to
“organizations that fan the flames of
The Sugar Mamas of Hate
* * *
"Critical Race Theory" in
— Teaching and
Inflaming Racism
and Destroying the American Founding:
The Jewish $$$ Interest in
Destroying the American Founding
through their "Critical Race Theory"
Sicking Their Attack Dogs
on American Parents
Parent of Muslim Children in Carmel NY Fights back
Against Teaching
Critical Race Theory
Islam and the U.S. Constitution
are Closer than You Ever Thought!

As of July 7, 2016
Simply a Few Examples of the Many Crimes Muslims Endure
and Experience on a Daily Basis in Various Cities of
Hate-Filled Vandalism in Lynwood,
‘F**k Muzlim’ And ‘Terroist’
Spray-Painted On Muslim
Man’s Car in Palmdale, California
NYPD Cover Up of Vicious Attacks on Muslims
"People are
afraid when they hear that someone got shot. I'm not sure that
the reason really matters," he said. "But it does matter
in the sense that we've seen an increase or a spike in hate
incidents across the country. So when you factor
all those other things in, then you're really concerned that
hate speech is actually having ascendancy, and
it's having it not just in the underbelly of society, but in
high places, like in
A Home that Looks Perfect [in Fredrick, Maryland],
Until Bigotry
Rears its Ugly Head
Brainwashed Woman [in Ohio] Calls Police on
Robed Muslim Patient
Brutally Mishandled
"And the Truth Will Set [America]
John 8:32
“Gowdy says the Libyan forces that evacuated Americans from the
CIA annex in Benghazi
were not affiliated with any of the [American affiliated]
militias ...”

Jewish and Israel First Obedience in
American Congress
George Orwell's
And SAVE Young American Men and Future Generations of Americans
from Wars and an Uninhabitable Planet

The Israeli Influenced and
Directed American Military Must End
Along with
All Other Influence from Its Institutions
Creative destruction is our middle
name, both within our society and
We tear down the
old order every day, from business to
science, literature,
art, architecture
and cinema, to politics and the law.
Our enemies have always hated this
whirlwind of energy and creativity which
their traditions (whatever they
may be) and shames them for their
inability to keep pace ... We must
destroy them to advance our
mission [of World Communism /
International Zionism]" -- Neocon Michael Ledeen.
“Every ten years or so, the United
States needs to pick up some small crappy little country
and throw it against the wall,
just to show the world we mean business,” —
Jewish Neoconservative Michael Ledeen,
in a speech
given in the early 1990s
Result of Bombing Some "Crappy Little Country"

Who Puts a Young
Child in a Choke Hold and Holds a Machine Gun to an
Injured Child? |
What Did They Do to
this Beautiful Little Girl?
Little Ones Terrorized and
Traumatized for Life |

"The autopsy found that gasoline was poured down Abu Khdeir’s
throat and that there was soot in his lungs which shows that he
was still breathing as this attackers burnt him alive. The
autopsy also found that he was repeatedly beaten over the head
with a sharp object, most likely a tire iron or a wrench."

Far From the Ten Commandments, with the Prime Commandment Being "Do
Not Kill,"
and Far from Jesus' Beautiful Teachings Given to Humanity of "Love Thy
Neighbor as Thyself"
and Treating All Children with Kindness and Love
The Illegal and Immoral Impostor
State of
"Israel" has Hijacked
the Holy Land
and is Satanically Designed to Simply Kill, Kill and Kill

Heed the Call
True Torah Jews Call for the Complete
Dismantling of Israel

Stop All the Killing and Hate and Start America Over on
Light, Wisdom
and Decent Morality as the American Gentile Founders Intended