The Income Tax on Americans is a Fraud
The 16th Amendment was Not Ratified

The American Middle Classes are Being Destroyed "Through the Opinion and Duress
of a Small Group of Dominant Men" and Their "Israel First" Policy
within America through Their Lobby Known as "AIPAC"

"Every month, more
Americans fall out of the
middle class and into poverty"
[Still going in 2017]

All Wars are Bankers' Wars
American Income Taxes are Utilized Simply for
Criminal Wars Against
Nations for the
Obscene Enrichment of a Few
Another Reason to Stop Paying Taxes
“Were the American people to
become aware of this repugnant ploy to snuff out
spiritual pursuit and religious zeal throughout the body
politic, the Department of Defense would be defunded in
a D.C. flash before it was [shuttered] for good. Folks
in all 50 states would immediately stop paying their
taxes before they seriously contemplated a controlled
demolition of the Pentagon” – Article
here |
"Americans on average spent more
on taxes in 2018 than they did on the basic necessities
of food, clothing and health care combined, according to
the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure
Article here |
The Sixteenth Amendment Revisited
The 16th
amendment was never actually ratified,
as the research of Bill Benson shows, who went from State to
State gathering evidence and ended up with irrefutable proof. As
the DVD “16th
Amendment Fraudulently Ratified” tells, Benson collected
undeniable evidence in the form of thousands of certified legal
documents from both state and federal archives. These documents
revealed exactly how the 16th Amendment was acted on by each
state legislature, and how it was handled by the office of the
Secretary of State for the United States. A careful reading of
these documents showed that the then Secretary of State,
Philander Knox, decided to fraudulently declare the 16th
Amendment officially ratified, despite the fact it did not have
the requisite number (36 which was three quarters of the
existing 48 States at that time) of state legislature approvals.
When his
project was finished at the end of 1984, Bill had visited
the capitol of every state from 1913 and knew that not a
single one had actually and legally ratified the proposal to
amend the U.S. Constitution!
This is the danger of unchecked
Big Government; it makes up its own rules and does not
follow the law or even its own guidelines, if it does not suit
the agenda of the tyrants running it at the time. The fraudulent
declaration of ratification occurred during the final days of
the William Howard Taft administration in 1913. Interestingly
enough, in that very same year of 1913, another disastrous blow
was struck against the sovereignty of America and Americans: the
privately-owned (by the Rothschilds, Morgans and other elite
banking families) Federal Reserve was given its charter and the
power to mint currency, this time under the Woodrow Wilson
administration. Wilson was duped into supporting this bill, but
later came to deeply regret what he had done; he said, “I am a
most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great
industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our
system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation,
therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.
We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most
completely controlled and dominated Governments in the
civilized, world no longer a Government by free opinion, no
longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority,
but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of
dominant men.”
to the issue of the 16th Amendment, Benson’s research is
crucial, because it destroys the foundations of the Government’s
supposed authority. Ever since 1913, the US Government has used
the 16th Amendment as its sole authority to tax an individual’s
wages and salaries, via the Federal Income Tax collected by the
IRS. (The IRS, by the way, is another giant fraud perpetrated
upon the American people. It is not an official agency or even
part of the US Government at all! It is a private Puerto Rican
trust.) So by falsely claiming the legitimacy of the 16th
Amendment, the US Government began to unlawfully extract taxes
from individuals, directly, without apportioning it among the
States or basing it on Census results. Up until 1913, the
Government followed the Constitution, which specifically states
Article 1, Section 2 that “direct Taxes shall be apportioned
among the several States which may be included within this
Benson’s research blows the issue of income tax wide
is open,
1. The federal income tax is a direct tax; and
2. Direct taxes have to be apportioned among the States,
according to the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 2.
Next time tax season comes around, think carefully about whether
you want to participate in this scam any longer. You are
completely within your rights to refuse filing or paying income
tax. Indeed, lawfully refusing to do so may be one of the most
effective ways to bring this tyrannical, cancerous Government to
its knees, and restore it to its rightful function: as the
servant not the master of the We the People.
Prosecute the Fraud |
“Nemo agit in seipsum.”
No man acts against himself.
Under color of law, blatant
fraud, and ignorance of law the unconstitutional
imposition of direct and un-apportioned taxation (i.e.
“income” taxes) was foisted upon We the People.
This is not “anti-government”
conspiracy theory. This is legal fact.
The illegitimate Federal
government operating out of the foreign nation of
Washington, D.C. is waging a full spectrum soft-war
against its citizenry, actively diminishing its subjects
by threat of violence through counterfeit laws, with
taxation having always been an especially potent control
Memorandum of Law: The Legality Of
Income Taxation In The "50 States" Of The Union
More Info:
Good general ways to educate yourself include:
Get Bureaucrats and IRS Agents Off Your Back |
IRS Fraud Exposed: The Internal Revenue Service is a Puerto
Rican Trust |
The Truth Behind the Income Tax
If you want to do it yourself:
Free From Servitude |
Beat the Federal Income Tax: What You Need to Know
If you want
someone to help you with the paperwork:

Declare Yourself an American Under The
The "IRS" is the USURIOUS Collection Arm
the FRAUDULENT Federal Reserve |
Back Story to the
16th Amendment
"The 16th
Amendment, which authorized the Federal Government to levy an
income tax, was passed on February 3rd, 1913 [same year the
fraudulent Federal Reserve installed itself in the nation].
Prior to the 16th Amendment, the Federal Government was funded
almost exclusively through tariff and excise taxes. Direct
taxes, stipulated by Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution,
had to be apportioned among the states by population, which
prevented a singular federal income tax [as mandated by a free
"In the Supreme Court case, Pollock v. Farmers’ Land & Trust
Co. (1894), the Supreme Court held that certain taxes on
property passed at the end of the Civil War were indeed
unconstitutional. This helped fuel the drive [by the enslavers]
for an official constitutional amendment to permit the federal
government to establish an income tax. Different groups [as
manufactured by the Central Bankers] were interested in an
income tax for different reasons [to cover the Central Bankers'
real intent]. Some feared that the growing concentration of
wealth in the hands of a few individuals was dangerous to a
democracy [very true], while Republicans were eyeing the growing
navies of other powers like Britain and Japan and calling for a
stronger response [the war powers of the Central Bankers had
already infiltrated the party--as continuous armaments and wars
mean continuous or perpetual profits for The Few at Humanity's
expense]. That call was answered when President Taft proposed
the 16th Amendment, which upon [dubious] ratification nullified
the Pollock ruling." [Upon further research, the 16th
Amendment was not ratified.]
Further, one of the Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, said,
"America's destiny is not power
(brute force and tyranny), but Light (the noble and timeless
America is taken in the wrong direction through
the non-ratified 16th Amendment—where
citizens' income taxes (as 'debt' to the central bankers for
printing of the nation's money) would fuel foreign wars and
armaments to destroy other nations and also rob the people at
home of their own well being.)

The Tax and Fed Scam
The Federal Reserve
An Affront to All Mankind
A Spiritual Consensus
Banks Begone
The 1776 American Revolutionary War for Independence was About
the Staving Off
this Kind of Usurious Tax that had Severely Eroded Both the
Quality and Morality of Life of All
Aliens Among Us Have Imposed Their Tax and
War Chains on Us All
By Destroying Other Countries in and for Perpetuity
"Creative destruction is our middle
name, both within our society and
We tear down the
old order every day, from business to
science, literature,
art, architecture
and cinema, to politics and the law.
Our enemies have always hated this
whirlwind of energy and creativity which
their traditions (whatever they
may be) and shames them for their
inability to keep pace ... We must
destroy them to advance our
mission [of World Communism /
International Zionism]" --
Neocon Michael Ledeen.
“Every ten
years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small
crappy little country and throw it against the wall,
just to show the world we mean business,” —
Jewish Neoconservative Michael Ledeen,
in a speech
given in the early 1990s
Not What the
Founding Fathers Intended for their Citizens

In his
Farewell Address, George Washington Warned
Against America's Alliances, Influences and Entanglements
with Foreign Nations
— which would, in No Uncertain Terms,
Nullify the
Anti-Human, Anti-Christian "Bond" Made with Israel
In Addition to Their Costly Wars They
Foist on the United States, Israel Has a Parasitic Relationship
with the United States
Siphoning Off Billions of Dollars Each Year from American
— as Well as
Destroying the American Middle Classes through their Charlatan
Wall Street Schemes
and the Futures of Young Americans through
Student Loan Debt
"Wall Street Jews run not only the White House
and Congress, but decide where American tax-payers’ money should
go: to themselves through bail-outs or to their
overseas investments that buttress former American factories now
located in China and India." Article
"Slavery by debt has continued to this day, and it is
particularly evident in the plight of students. Graduates leave
college with a diploma and a massive debt on their backs,
averaging over $37,000 in 2016. The government’s student loan
portfolio now totals $1.37 trillion, making it the second
highest consumer debt category behind only mortgage debt.
Student debt has risen nearly 164% in 25 years, while median
wages have increased only 1.6%." Article
The Alien Body to
All Interconnected
to Destroy the Very Life out of Every Human being

Wall Street Also Engineered
America's Financial Crisis of 2007
— 2008, a Charlatan
to Destroy America's Middle Classes, i.e. the American
They Continue to Do

Christians [and Muslims] Under
Constant Violent Attack
from Jewish Groups in Jerusalem
Destruction of Holy and Historical Sites in What is
to be the "Holy Land" for All Humanity

Zionist Take Over of America
45 Declared Goals

Israel Did 911 by Deceiving the
American People
Israel Continually Deceives with
Their 'ISIS' Creation
Ron Paul has said, "You have the natural, God-given right to
keep everything you earn. You also have the natural,
God-given right to decide what to do with your own money.
Your money belongs to you, not the government. To achieve
a genuinely free society, the income tax needs to be cast into
the dustbin of history, along with the immoral and destructive
welfare-warfare state apparatuses that it funds."
"Next time tax season comes around, think carefully about whether
you want to participate in this scam any longer. You are
completely within your rights to refuse filing or paying income
tax. Indeed, lawfully refusing to do so may be one of the most
effective ways to bring this tyrannical, cancerous Government to
its knees, and restore it to its rightful function: as the
servant not the master of the We the People." Article
Coming to Terms
Big Time

"Besides the FED, Jews in America own practically
everything, including the
armaments industries via Jewish Wall Street underwriting their stocks.
The solution then is NOT that Europe should "go its own
way," but to STOP
the Jews from running the world into the ground for the sake of Jewish
interests and their beloved genocidal faux state of Israel.
The 1000 year reign of the Byzantine Roman Empire (which
the Jews block
from being taught in our schools and higher realms of academia)
succeeded in remaining a millennial power by forbidding
Jews to:
Enter in Finance;
Enter into Teaching;
Enter into the Military;
Enter into imperial government and civil office;
This is the ONLY way that Europe or any nation
can "go its own way." (comment to
a speech
given in the early 1990s