The Whole Truth
—George Washington, The Revolution is Not Over
Because the Truth Hurts
It's Not About "Left"
or "Right", "Liberal" or "Conservative," It's About Divide and
because that has been their long-time modus operandi to steal the
fullness of life of citizens of all nations. To Get America Back
It's About All People Coming together to Throw Off Zionism and to
Re-install American Independence, Life and Liberty to End the Dark
Zionist Tyranny on Her and Upon the Earth.
Tell A Tea Partier the Real Fight is Here
What "the Media" Won't Touch to Really Get the Country Back!
You are About to Bust Out of Being a
“... Passive, Unquestioningly Obedient,
Ignorant, Compliant, Dumbed-Down, 1040 Revenue-Producing Slave Unit.”
These did not exist, every adult person in the country could have a million
dollars to look after their housing, education, health and retirement needs. The Citizens
America Party is the foundational and educational site built on the Second
Amendment to arrest the hurts while at the same time allow for the
possibility that every person can live the American Dream once again from
cradle to grave. We are here to build that consensus from the
atheist to the Godly, and would like you also to come together through an
umbrella of Truth that arrests the three great hurts that has now
centralized itself into a Global Zionist Financial War
that decimates quality of life, the middle classes, the blue collar workers,
workers' rights and benefits and everything good. We, of the
Citizens America Party, can re-institute the Dream once again from the old
and unworkable that burdens us all with unnecessary Debt, War
and Taxes—to
a better way that captures the Dream of the American Forefathers' Republic
so that all may pursue their dreams in a creative and individualistic
way in this generation and, for the generations to come.
"We the
people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to
overthrow the Constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the
Constitution” – Abraham Lincoln
"[I]f the king ceases to govern the
kingdom, and begins to act as a tyrant, to destroy justice, to overthrow
peace, and to break his faith, the man who has taken the oath is free from
it, and the people are entitled to depose the king and to set up another,
inasmuch as he has broken the principle upon which their mutual obligation
"If a prince 'resists
and opposes the divine commandments, and wishes to make me share in his war
against God, then with unrestrained voice I must answer back that God must
be preferred before any man on earth.'
"It is just for public
tyrants to be killed and the people to be liberated for obedience to God."
Are You a Victim of
Rothschild-Rockefeller Piracy and Criminality?
The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is
honest, truthful, and virtuous.":
Frederick Douglass - [Frederick Baily] (1818- 1895),
Escaped slave, abolitionist, author, editor of the North Star
and later the New National Era
The First American Party to Reject Zionism
And Dialogue for the Grassroots:
“Harry, let me help you with your thinking. Answer the question:
Is there any nice way to have Zionism [supremacism / exclusivism
“The answer, Harry, is ‘NO’.
“And we have Zionism, Harry. And as long as we have Zionism,
we’ll have lying, cheating, subterfuge, killing, etc.
“What we can’t have as long as we have Zionism, Harry, is justice…
and peace.”
It was Planned Long Ago to
Take Away America's Freedoms and to Destroy the Country from Within
The Added "Golden
Fringe" on the Country's Flag Means There is An Enemy in its
Governing Structure
Government is not about ownership of any assets, it is about policing ITSELF
so as to do no harm to the life, liberty, health. general
welfare and happiness of all the people
The Whole Truth as Our
Foundation for All and Everyone's Dreams to Unite and Flow Through the
For It is Not the Destiny of this People's Nation to
be Impoverished And Its Goodness Put
If Congress Disobeys the United
State's Constitution You Are to Disobey the Laws of Congress
Remember, Know, Act and Rebel:
"If a Law is passed counter to the Constitution it is
as though that Law had not been passed."
2) Congress can not abdicate or transfer to others its legislative
3) Congress cannot constitutionally delegate its legislative
authority to trade or industrial associations or groups so as to
empower them to enact laws…
4) Congress cannot delegate legislative powers to the President…
Right Rick. I also keep hearing politicians say,
including Obama, that there's this "unbreakable bond"
between America and Israel. Excuse me people, when
did the Founding Fathers and Constitution say that?Israel wants to
destroy America, and it
shoots babies too
I think there is good enough reason to break the bizarre
bond between America and Israel. Israel is as
phony as it gets with nothing "semite"
about it at all
it's what the
London (Rothschild) Bankers
created themselves, and George Washington
would fight them all over again to
preserve the nation.
And yes, Zionism includes certain Jews, the
Talmudic sort that worships money and materiality
and wants to steal the fruits of our labor
along with
our lives and our destinies
but it also includes traitors to the Constitution that
want and do the same
which of course, calls for a
treason list
which any good tea partier or citizen would want.
Swell the Chorus of our Union
— Humanity Touched
by the Better Angels of Our Nature
"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not
be enemies. Though passion may have strained it
must not break our bonds of affection. The
mystic chords of memory, stretching from every
battlefield and patriot grave to every living
heart and hearthstone all over this broad land,
will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when
again touched, as surely they will be, by the
better angels of our nature" –
Abraham Lincoln,
First Inaugural Address,
March 4, 1861
And, Renewing Our Union for a New Birth of
".... That this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom -- and that government of
the people, by the people, for the people, shall
not perish from the earth"
The Gettysburg Address,
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863
"In order to rule the
world for one-world government, poverty must be
implemented, successful economies
must be ruined and the middle classes eviscerated ...." Article
In Order to be
the "Light of the World" AGAIN
and "A Shining City on the Hill" :
~Bringing Back All the Manufacturing
Plants from China
~Firing Up Tens of Thousands of American
Small Businesses
~Making College Affordable for Everyone
~Making Home Ownership Affordable
for Everyone
~Eliminating the Income Tax and
Other Burdensome Taxes
~Eliminating Foreign Wars
~Eliminating Rampant Poverty, Hunger
and Homelessness
~Erasing the National Debt Overnight
All Because We Got the Jews and Israel Firsters
Out of our Government
"They (the Hebrews) work more
effectively against us, than the enemy's armies.
They are a hundred times more dangerous to our
liberties and the great cause we are engaged
in... It is much to be lamented that each state,
long ago, has not hunted them down as a pest to
society and the greatest enemies we have to the
happiness of America"
George Washington
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free
and open society; and
we are as a people
inherently and historically opposed to secret
societies, to secret oaths and secret
"The Government WILL NEVER
because if the Public Ever Found Out They Will
Find Those Responsible and Shoot Them or Hang
Them in Front of a Firing Squad"
Insider (quote at 22:09)
When Israel
Secretly Attacked America
on 9-11-01 this was a Clear Cut Act
of War (Like
on the USS Liberty)
Against the USA
"We now know for
certain beyond any question of a doubt that
Israel attacked America on 9-11-01 with the help
of Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizen
traitors in high positions of the USG, Pentagon
and US Military.
"In America
these were the PNACer and top NeoCon traitors,
and many linked to the AIPAC, ADL and their
numerous associated espionage fronts inside
"This 9-11-01 attack
was planned and run by Bibi Netanyahu and the
Likudists and their stateside Sayanims and
assets. We know this for certain because of a
voice recording of Netanyahu planning the attack
in a well-known watering hole in Israel
"Any Member of
Congress who has signed the AIPAC Loyalty
Agreement to Israel has committed Treason and
must immediately resign or be impeached.
"Thus we now know for certain that any Member of
Congress who signed that AIPAC Loyalty Oath to
put Israel’s interests first before America’s
and has not retracted it since, is now actively
in a state of committing TREASON against America
and We The People, and is unworthy to serve.
"But even more, they should be immediately
impeached and arrested, tried, convicted and
hung on a military gallows publicly like the
folks involved in the President Lincoln
How and Why Americans Have
Suffered and Died
in the Outright Hijacking of Their Country
and Its Institutions “You
know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally
well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in
the White House. You see, I know it and you
know it that no American president can be in
a position to challenge us even if we do the
unthinkable. What can they [Americans] do
to us? We control congress, we control the
media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can
criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel.…” — Israeli
spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
America is Not a
Hateful Country, But Radical Jews are Harming
Why aren’t groups
like these that spread
hate, fear and violence against another segment
of Americans shut down? Is it because they
themselves OWN the U.S. government lock, stock
and barrel as we know from Israeli spokeswoman
Tzipora Menache above and from
As These Groups
Are Allowed to Operate for the Sole Purpose of
Ginning Up Hate, Fear and Misinformation /
Against American Muslims
and Islam
(Satanic) Values are Installed in America by
Attacking Gentile Values
"The program of the Kehillah (Jewish Congress) was ostensibly to
'assert Jewish
rights.' No Jewish rights have ever been interfered with in
America. The expression was a euphemism for a
campaign to
interfere with non-Jewish rights."
"In whatever country Jews
have settled in any great number, they have
lowered its moral tone; depreciated its
commercial integrity; have segregated themselves
and have not been assimilated; have sneered at
and tried to undermine the Christian religion
upon which that nation is founded, by objecting
to its restrictions; have built up a state
within the state; and when opposed have tried to
strangle that country to death financially, as
in the case of Spain and Portugal"
Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia Constitutional
Convention of 1787
"The irony was obvious: a coterie
of privileged
millionaires protected from the unwashed
masses whom they manipulate for their
billionaire and trillionaire masters
protected by men with guns
while protesting that guns
are bad."
"To make children orphans, to make wives widows,
to create suffering and misery thousands of
miles from home, isn't love for America...just
the brings blowback and
retribution on America's head."
"The military industrial complex--funded by the
Jewish-owned Fed--will 'create jobs,' yet lots
of misery abroad, and up the suicides of young
Gentile boys burned out by immoral wars fought
for Israel across the globe."
“The real purpose of the 9/11 attack was much
more than taking down the World Trade Center.
Imagine New York City, the WTC “evaporated,” the
George Washington Bridge sitting in the Hudson,
the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels flooded,
hundreds drowned and the city entirely cut off
and in full panic mode while police and fire
radios were jammed.”
9/11 Should be "Jewish
Remembrance Month"
"And who installed the demolition devices that
brought the Towers down? The Saudis? Israel and
AIPAC love that theory. Or was it Mossad
agents dressed as plumbers with easy access?
Silverstein had the key and blood runs thicker
than theories." Article
VT has long editorialized about the ease with
which jihadis can move around the world, going
into and out of conflict zones as if on their
private magic carpets, quietly donated by an
While the
Majority Go Homeless, Hungry and Impoverished
"We The People have had enough of the
"establishment." We're tired of the wars,
tired of the failed economy, tired of the seeing
our country invaded by illegal aliens, tired of
seeing our jobs out-sourced overseas, tired of
of H1-B visas being given to foreigners to come
here to take what few jobs are left"
-- Article
"When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed
this Order, it returned to the United States
federal government, specifically the Treasury
Department, the Constitutional power to create
and issue currency – money – without going
through the privately owned Rothschild Federal
Reserve Bank."
3) America's
"Unbreakable Bond" will be Broken from the
Anti-Christ Israel
Parasitical Leach
7) There will be
No More False Flags
or Assassinations with the Dismantling of
'Intelligence' Agencies that are an Alien
Presence to the American Constitution
It's their party and their crying is over.
They're still in charge and Trump is jumping
through the hoops"
Media is
the Fake News
The "Fear,
Perpetual War and False Flag" Satanists are in
Panic Mode
"Mark Thompson is the CEO
of NY Times. While at the BBC, he covered
up for pedophiles.
Obviously, the mainstream mainstay media has
been and is engaged in falsification and lies:
they are the purveyors of fake news."
people are recognizing the horrible truth.
The World is owned and controlled by devil
worshippers who show their devotion by engaging
in depraved satanic rituals including murder and
pedophilia. These [Lowlife] and their
Media are covering this up and saying Pizzagate
is 'fake news.'" Article
"It’s true, many Gentiles are part of the
journalistic swamp. But my study divides the
world into two classes of people: Jews and the
Goys who shill for them."
News Sent US Soldiers and Millions of Iraqi /
Afghan Civilians to their Deaths
Regarding the fake news that laid the groundwork
for the US war of aggression, award-winning
journalist Robert Parry notes that, for
example, Judith Miller
of NYT and Washington Post
editorial page editor Fred Hiatt “repeatedly
stated the ‘fact’ of Iraq’s hidden WMD as flat
fact and mocked anyone who doubted the ‘group
think.'” Article
Satanist Trump or Does Trump Just Admire Agents
of the Luciferian New World Order?
Trump has met all sorts
of people, including top NWO (New World Order)
insiders like war criminal Henry Kissinger,
ex-CIA director and Bilderberger David Petraeus,
and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
chief Richard Haas. Trump seems to have
considerable reverence and admiration for these
figures, e.g. he said he has
“tremendous respect” for Kissinger
“likes and respects [Haass] a lot.”
Shapeshifting Cockroach
Shapeshifting Cockroaches' Ideology
9-11 and Israel's Love Affair With the Bomb
"Nuclear bombs constitute the ultimate burnt
offering. The gratuitous 1945 atomic bombing of
Nagasaki, Japan's Christian center, immolated
tens of thousands. The bomb was dropped directly
over Urakami Cathedral, the Far East's largest
Christian cathedral." Article
Making Sense
of it All
Connecting the Dots
—Tying Mass Human
Sacrifice, 911 and War in the Luciferian "New
World Order"
are these demons in human form, from the darkest
pits of hell, who have managed to gain control
over the reins of government?"
“According to Tom Delay, former US House
Majority Leader of the US Justice Department, a
secret memo has just been discovered discussing
the promotion of 12 of the most shocking sexual
perversions, including the normalization of
bestiality and the legalization of sex with
little children, including infants and toddlers
of both sexes.”
“We need a tsunami to
drain the global swamp of perverse muck and vile
darkness to wash away their entrenched rotten
filth that’s parasitically been sucking the
lifefblood out of the Human race for far too
many centuries.
Let 2017 be the year that
together we take down the cabal and take back
our Planet before they completely destroy it.
While this year the elitists lose their grip,
they’ll be throwing everything I their demonic
power at us. So let the wisdom of truth and
justice be our faithful guide to peace, safety
and salvation.”
Long Standing
Hoaxes Written into "War Forward" Plans Decades
The War is
Now on Humanity
War Machine has now Turned its Sights on
Ordinary People
2016 alone the US dropped 26,171 bombs on
wedding parties, funerals, kid’s soccer games,
hospitals, schools, people in their homes and
walking their streets, and farmers tilling their
fields in seven countries: Iraq, Syria,
Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and
And This
Barbaric Thing is Now on Auto Pilot
"Trump’s choice for CIA director, Mike Pompeo,
has not yet been sworn in, as his confirmation
process is still underway. In other words, the
drone strikes carried out under the auspices of
the CIA this past weekend were done so without a
director in place.
Obama therefore succeeded not only in
normalizing assassination as “targeted killing”
when the implements of homicide used are
missiles, and they are launched by the CIA, but
he also left the killing machine on autopilot."
Global "War on Terror" is Manufactured and
U.S. law, it is illegal for you or me, or any
American, to provide any type of assistance to
al-Qaida, ISIS or other terrorist groups. If we
broke this law we’d be thrown in jail.
the U.S. government has been breaking this law
for years, directly and indirectly supporting
allies and partners of groups like al-Qaida and
ISIS with money, weapons, intelligence, and
other support in their fight to overthrow the
Syrian government.”
(A comment made by Zionist Jew Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and
spy) upon exiting Pollard’s jail cell.
“There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His
law, and those who worshipped the golden calf
and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt…”
Trump is clearly of the "Baal" Jew
"....Neocons deplore peace and stability.
They thrive on mass slaughter and destruction.
Human lives and welfare are of no consequence."
“’What’s a Neocon?’ ‘Do you want
names, or a description?’ answered [the elder
Bush]. ‘Description.’ ‘Well,’ said the former
president of the United States, ‘I’ll give it to
you in one word: Israel.’”
CIA officers are taught to lie. They lie all the
time, about everything, to everybody. And they
justify it by trying to convince themselves that
they are doing it in the national interest, for
national security. From my very first day in the
CIA, it was drilled into me, as it is into every
other employee, that “the
primary mission is to protect the Agency.”
That was the mantra."Article
Conquered by the Satanic Cabal of Corporations,
Military, Jews and Israelis
"Trump’s swamp is more infested than earlier
ones under his predecessors - filled with
reckless warmakers, crooked billionaires, Wall
Street predators, corporate scoundrels making
administration policy decisions, and over 200
corporate bosses meeting with him face-to-face
at the White House alone."
Sign When They are Satanists
the Savoring of Food while Having Participated
in the Killing of Humans, Especially Children
“I was sitting at the table, we had finished
dinner we are now having dessert, and we had the
most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that
you’ve ever seen and President Xi was enjoying
it,” Trump said. “And I was given the message
from the generals that the ships are locked and
loaded, what do you do. And we made a
determination to do it. So the missiles were on
the way.”
Trump launched the attack in response to the
April 4 chemical attack in northern Syria where
nearly 90 people, many of whom were children,
were killed in the airstrike.
"Mossad Came
Up with 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' Rationale
for the Iraq Invasion.
The Demonic Governance [Rothschild Central
Banksters, aka 'Illuminati'] Use Israel to Run
US Foreign Policy"
"The First and
Foremost Responsibility of Government is to
Prevent Devil Worshippers from Taking Control of
it. It has Failed....
"The Social Contract is Broken. Any
Government that Fails to Tackle this Cancer is
Illegitimate. Any Society that Tolerates
it Deserves What it Gets" Article
The Subjugation of the Palestinians is the
Coming Blueprint for the World
Subjugation Plan
"At a gathering of religious
Zionist public figures two weeks ago, Deputy
Knesset Speaker Betzalel Smotrich talked about
his diplomatic plan, which he dubbed 'The
subjugation plan.' The purpose of the plan, he
said, was 'to erase all Palestinian national
"Under the plan, the Palestinians
will be given three choices:
1) Leave the country;
2) Live in Israel with the status of “resident
alien” (because, as Smotrich made sure to note,
“according to Jewish law there must always be
some inferiority,”
3) Resist, 'and then the Israel Defense
Forces will know what to do.'
When the deputy Knesset speaker
was asked if he intended to wipe out whole
families, including women and children, Smotrich
replied, 'In war, as in war.'" Article
Trump Appoints the Worst
of the Worst Wickedly Evil Woman as his CIA
Deputy Director
"In 2002, Mitchell and Jessen implemented
torture at a U.S. black site in Thailand run by
Gina Haspel, who had the site's videotapes
destroyed in 2005 and is now Trump's CIA deputy
director. That year, the CIA outsourced almost
its entire interrogation program to Mitchell,
Jessen, and Associates who developed 20
'enhanced interrogation techniques' for $81.1
million. A sadistic murderer could've done that
for free."
Blood Thirsty
Trump and his
Whitehouse are Allowing Death Squads in America
testimony has nothing to do with Russia or the
election. Flynn was lead in a White House deal
with Turkey and other nations to allow rendition
and assassination programs inside the US, not
just against dissidents but American journalists
and possibly political leaders including members
of congress. This is why Trump is risking
prison in a desperate attempt to silence Flynn,
who is facing life in prison” — Article
“The Most Diabolical Secret In Washington Is
That America Sent The USS Liberty To Be Sunk.
'The Blackmail Weapon That Israel Uses Against
— Article
Which Foreign State has greater Influence over
U.S. Elections - Russia or Israel?
"The U.S. Senate voted 98-2 to
apply sanctions to Russia based on nothing but unproven
allegations that Russia exercised improper
influence over the presidential election. The
House voted 419-3 on the same bill. The bill
seeks to tie the hands of the President by
giving Congress the final say over sanctions
concerning Russia. This is Congressional
When you consider that there is absolutely no
evidence whatsoever that Russia has done
anything improper vis-a-vis our elections or
Ukraine, this is pretty amazing. We should have
normal and peaceful relations with Russia. So,
why don't we?
The Zionist Influence
At the same time, nearly half the Senate has
signed on to a bill to criminalize people or
companies who choose to boycott the state of
Israel for its human rights abuses against the
Palestinian people who live under Israeli
When it concerns Israel, suddenly sanctions or
boycotts become something the people have no
right to use.
These two bills, coming from the same Congress,
should tell you everything you need to know
about which foreign nation exercises real
influence over U.S. elections"
Christopher Bollyn
While Publicly Polarizing
Average-Joe America at Every
Opportunity, it Appears the 'Elites'
are having a Blast 'Together' Behind the Scenes...
“Stop saying we have a “Republic” or a
“Democracy.” What we have is corporate rule
with the illusion of choice run by parasites
funded by sociopaths, who drive us to war,
divide us and fill us with fear, hate, ignorance
and loathing starting from the day we are born”
comment to
Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elites’
Takeover of America
"As George Orwell wrote in his Second
Thoughts on James Burnham, “What Burnham is
mainly concerned to show [in The
Machiavellians] is that a democratic
society has never existed and, so far as we can
see, never will exist. Society is of its nature
oligarchical, and the power of the oligarchy
always rests upon force and fraud… Power can
sometimes be won and maintained without
violence, but never without fraud”
— Article
It's Simulated
Because It's WAR All the Time
“We can elect them on
their promises, but 99% of them will turn right
around and stab the electorate in the back by
authorizing war and war expenditures as soon as
they are sworn in.”
Col. Michael
Aquino, Army Psychological Operations expert and
father of the Temple of Set and the entity which
brought Satanism as an accepted religion into
the US Army, as well as alleged to have run
the pedophile operations at the Presidio in
California and at Offutt AF Base in Omaha. One
insider alleged that Col. Aquino was actually
promoted to General of the NSA and still is
"Contemporary military officers, as Samuel
Huntington famously observed, belong to a
profession. They are professional managers
of violence. We arm, train, and equip
uniformed military officers to do frankly
horrific things—killing,
maiming, and intimidating people with force—in
order to achieve favorable
political [read Satanic]
America is
Satanic Israel's Doofus
“The nations entirely destroyed recently by the
US-Empire include: Haiti, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Palestine, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Libya, and so on. These actions are
outright crimes of mass aggression viciously
targeting entire peoples, using combinations of
military devastation, political overthrows, and
brutal economic blockades.
"No other regime in today’s world is responsible
for such premeditated and repeated acts of mass
murder against entire modern societies. The US
with its military allies, most notably Israel,
is presently by far the greatest threat to peace
and the greatest purveyor of terror on the
"This is not
debatable by reasonable people. The US-Empire’s
present preeminent position of brutal global
thug is a self-evident truth based on hard facts
regarding the magnitudes of death and
destruction; counted in millions of lives,
millions of refugees, and nation-wide
obliterations of civil infrastructure, not to
mention annihilations of national and civil
institutions. US crimes do not diminish the
importance of injustices perpetrated by
non-aligned regimes, but there is an obvious
asymmetry of magnitudes that simply cannot be
The Danger in Treating the US Military Like
a Privileged Class which SHOULD NOT EXIST IN THE
There are to be NO STANDING ARMIES in TRUE
"Army Clause: 'The Congress shall have
Power to ... raise and support Armies, but no
Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for
a longer Term than two years....' For most
Americans after the Revolution, a standing army
was one of the most dangerous threats to
pre-planned wars triggered by
the 9/11 false flag operation have killed at least 32
million people and cost the US economy around 7 trillion
dollars, according to Dr. Gideon Polya, an expert in
avoidable mortality"
How Long will the HUMAN
Race Decide to Stay
Enslaved to these Devils?
" "Khazaria was
known by other surrounding nations as a lawless,
evil nation that allowed the worst crimes
against neighbors and travelers imaginable.
Khazaria was known as the epitome of selfishness
and evil, from the King all the way down to the
average citizen."
and the U.S. Military is Hijacked by Racist,
Apartheid Israel [that also Shoots Pregnant
Mothers and Their Babies]
"Bred of the Neocon Jewish Agenda, these
career-gladiators who genuflect with oaths and
toasts in Tel Aviv, are devoted to perpetual
expansion of Jewmerica’s global hegemony no
matter the cost in American lives.
"Yes, siree! Just what the neocon Jews want to
hear: The Afghans did 9/11!…when Truthers know
the Mossad did it.
"They died to protect the profits of the Arms
Industry in their perpetual ‘war on terror.’
"And the cusp of that fusion is the
Military-Industrial-Security Complex… spreading
instability and chaos across the globe.
"Jewish Wall
Street funds the Defense factories and the
Jewish-owned Fed cuts the military’s checks.
"It’s Finance
married to Force with a lust for power that
births a military dictatorship hiding behind
democracy’s doors.
"You might bump
into it someday.
Jewish finance, the Israel Lobby, and joint
US-Israel military operations spawn costly
"For in a
seamless junta, the Pentagon, fused with the
Israel Defense Force, picks your pockets to pay
for wars abroad." Article
Forget Russia,
Israel Actual Foreign Power Collaborating With
Team Trump
“A flagrant
collusion between Trump’s team and the
government of Israel, aimed at undermining both
US government policy and international law, has
been uncovered by Mueller’s investigation.
"The skulduggery was exposed on December 1 when
Mueller’s investigators unveiled the
plea deal offered
to Trump’s former national security adviser,
retired General Michael Flynn” –
Thick as Thieves
and Trickster Trump's Role in the NWO
Trump’s biggest campaign
contributor, billionaire casino magnate Sheldon
Adelson, is showing growing
impatience with Trump’s slowness in moving the
US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Before Trump
was even sworn in as president, Jared Kushner,
Trump’s son-in-law, showed a remarkable
willingness to follow directions from Israel’s
far-right prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
When the Trump
White House hasn’t been quick enough to back
Netanyahu or Adelson’s proposals, Adelson, who
was reportedly in close contact with Kushner
during the campaign, has been quick to express
his displeasure.
Unconditional support for Israel is Adelson’s
“central value”. ....
Trickster's Agenda
"Trump’s job is
not to lead us to the Promised Land. His job is
to polarize and divide. The goal is conflict
itself—gridlock, war, and chaos. Ordo ab
Chao. (‘Order from Chaos’).
We are being
played by an extremely clever and powerful
Satanic cult"
Phony Oppositions — The Jew v.
Nazi Narrative
"How can
supporters of Donald Trump, many of whom are Jew
haters, racists, and criminal trash, utterly
back a president whose advisors and cabinet, his
friends, make up not only many American Jews but
in actuality, the worst of the worst of
financial criminals and mobsters who just happen
to be Jewish"
“Average Joe”, who’s an American veteran down on
his luck, he could have begun his own
landscaping or mechanic business when hard times
came. Only Uncle Sam was too broken to gift good
old Joe $30,000 or so to get things rolling.
It’s too bad, because Joe got a bronze star and
lost a leg over there in Iraq. If Joe’s family
only knew how Zionist, pig bankers had cost
millions of Americans an alternative future,
then maybe we’d all stand a better chance of
life and liberty. But, they don’t know yet”—
Kucinich Exposes Permanent Government Behind US
Foreign Intervention
"Saying we need to look beyond the
personalities of the succession of US presidents
from George W. Bush to Barack Obama to Donald
Kucinich recommends we “look at the foreign
policy establishment of the United States of
America” that, he explains, includes people in
the State Department who have a neoconservative
ideology, in the Pentagon who are dedicated to
the military-industrial complex, and in the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who can
“conjure conflicts” and “try
to justify the further involvement of the
military and the State Department”
— Article
American Dream has Been Irreparably Broken by
the Military Industrial Complex
"oorah! oorah!"
“A nation that
continues year after year to spend more money on
military defense than on programs of social
uplift is approaching spiritual doom. ...
"Americans suffer
at the expense of the Military Industrial
Complex with
billions more in
aid to a brutal Apartheid Israeli state bent on
an expansion policy of Palestinian land grabbing
to build more settlements for Jews only [while
their own nation falls into utter ruin and poverty] ..."
Dog and
Pony Show
How the US Dictatorship Works
"Both Parties can win and retain
power only by deceiving (defrauding) the public,
and serving the billionaires, though in
different ways — some conservative, and some
Virtually everything else than
that service to billionaires (and to centi-millionaires)
is just frauds by politicians, because, at least
after around 1970, only the richest 1% or
(usually far) less are actually being served by
the US federal Government. It’s not the
billionaires that are defrauded by politicians;
it is clearly the public that is being defrauded
by them.
"The public are served only to
the extent that the public’s interests are the
same as the billionaires’ interests.
And the Gilens and Page study
found that the public’s policy-preferences are
simply ignored — not ignored in the
political rhetoric, but ignored in the
political outcomes" —
"They don't want you talking about the fact that
both parties advance Orwellian surveillance,
neoliberal exploitation and neoconservative
bloodshed in a good cop/bad cop extortion scheme
to keep Americans cheerleading for their own
enslavement. ...
"They want
everyone fighting over table scraps while they
pour unfathomable riches into expanding and
bolstering their empire.
They psychologically
brutalize you with propaganda day in and day
out, and then expect you to look to them for
protection from the phantoms they invented"
The Altered
States of America
"It will probably
offend most, as it has offended me. I am
offended that so many have let so few, screw
things up so bad. Now we have a herculean
effort ahead of us, and it will be tumultuous.
"Ultimately the goal is to remove the
Constitution. If we continue to capitulate
and give these social justice warriors and
their globalist handlers
what they want, then we will have given away our
Republic. If allowed to continue then they
will succeed in the dismantling of our culture
and the removal of our heritage. This will
leave us in chaos and primed for socialist
governmental control, in other words we are
quickly becoming the Altered States of America.
"The tactic is not new. It has been the
game plan for a long time. We, those of us
awake, are seeing this unfold right before our
eyes. it is far deeper than what you see
on the surface"
— Anon.
"If I were the 'Stalin of America' most of our
government and media would be shot for treason
or sent off to a FEMA camp or put to work on
infrastructure projects.
And if Israel didn’t like it, some of
our 81 nuclear attack subs and 11 carriers would
finally be put to good use.
"John Hagee would simply be put on a starvation
diet. Pam Gellar sent to a concubinage in Saudi
Arabia. Alan Dershowitz & Joe Lieberman
parachuted into Afghanistan wearing IDF
officer’s uniforms and MOSSAD ID.
"George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld taken to Nevada
and tied feet-first to wild stallions. Glen Beck
and Rush Limbaugh cast adrift on a life raft in
the western Atlantic at 20 degrees north in the
middle of Hurricane season. The entire lot of
neo-cons involved in 9-11 would be loaded onto a
remote control jet with just enough fuel to make
it 500 miles off the east coast at 30,000′.
"These are only a few of the just ends for the
traitorous agents of Israel.
"This country would be cleaned up in short order."
The Unanimous
Declaration of the
Thirteen United
States of
When in
the Course of human events it becomes necessary
for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another and to
assume among the powers of the earth, the
separate and equal station to which the Laws of
Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,
a decent respect to the opinions of mankind
requires that they should declare the causes
which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —
That to secure these rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed, —
whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation
on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will
dictate that Governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience hath shewn that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils
are sufferable than to right themselves by
abolishing the forms to which they are
But when a long train of abuses
and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
Object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is
their duty, to throw off such Government, and to
provide new Guards for their future security.
— Such has been the patient sufferance of these
Colonies; and such is now the necessity which
constrains them to alter their former Systems of
Government. The history of the present King of
Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries
and usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these
States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to
a candid world.
the Tyrants Known as Zionists Ginned Up
False Flags
to Keep the Country in Constant Turmoil
The Eternal Flame
and the Last True Great American President
"I am asking your help in the tremendous task of
informing and alerting the American people, confident with your
help, Man will be what he was born to be, free and
independent" – John
Satanists are the Intelligence Agencies,
Zionists, Satanic Jews, Neocons
and "Israel Firsters."
Satanic Hive is
Real Meaning of Israel
was also Hijacked by the Satanists and Their
Army's War
on Humanity....and God
Symbolic Mind & Character Building
Tools of the Mason with God Central
The True Freemasonry has an Intellectual,
Moral, Metaphysical and Mystical Basis Grounded
in the Supreme Being (God)
One Cannot be a Freemason without all of
the Above that Shapes and Builds a Moral
and Upright Character that Sets the Mind Toward the Higher Ideals of Man
'We have staked the whole
of all our political Institutions upon the
capacity of mankind
for Self-government, upon the capacity of
each and all of us to govern ourselves,
to control ourselves,
to sustain
ourselves according to The
Ten Commandments
of God"
— James
And that war is
being waged not only by the Jewish-owned media,
Jewish lobbies, and the Jewish-ruled courts, but
now by both the Democratic AND Republican
"That’s why this country’s in trouble. Taking
bribes from Goldman Sachs is no way to put
America first."
How The
Byzantine Empire Prevented
Their Jewish Problem
"The answer to the Jewish
problem is simple,” he said.
Keep them out
of banking, out of education, out of
And this is how simple it is.
There is no need to kill the Jews. In fact,
every pogrom in history has played into their
hands, and has in many instances been cleverly
instigated by them.
Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot
control the economic life of the community.
Get the Jews out of education and they can not
pervert the minds of the young to their
subversive doctrines.
Get the Jews out of government
and they cannot betray the nation,"
Another Filthy
("By their fruits ye shall
know them"
— Matthew
Muslim impostor and Zionist asset, Omar Bakri
aka Fustuk, has, once again, revealed himself as
what he truly is, a filthy Israeli Jew–and not
just any Israeli mole but one directly tied to
the Woolwich scam. Posing as a puffed-out Muslim
preacher, in fact, Bakri is a Syrian Jew whose
entire purpose is to wage war against Islaam for
his Zionist handlers. Fully capable in English,
he attempts to disguise himself with his fake
“broken English Arabic-style” accent. A
fraudster to the extreme Bakri’s purpose is to
create the platform for the demonization of
Islaam and draw untoward attention to it, all
unfavorable and derogatory, so that the Zionist
crimes go unanswered.
"Good cops
and agents were routinely frustrated or routed
out of the service by their superiors who had
alraedy taken the Pledge to Ba'al at one of
their Bohemian Grove or underground Molochian
Satanic rituals. These are based on the
ancient Khazarian religion refined by Talmudic
Judaism under the aegis of the
Sabbatean-Frankist school"
— Article
“So in late 2011 there is an internal document
called the Libya Tick Tock that was produced for
Hillary Clinton, and it’s the chronological
description of how she was the central figure in
the destruction of the Libyan state, which
resulted in around 40,000 deaths within Libya;
jihadists moved in, ISIS moved in, leading to
the European refugee and migrant crisis.”
"Furthermore, we are told by one of our insiders
that one email unequivocally confirms ISIS was
created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence
Service, with help from Joe Lieberman, John
McCain, and Lindsey Graham!"
“Sarah, if the American people
ever find out what we have done, they would
chase us down the street and lynch us”
— George Herbert Walker Bush
“Israel’s enemies are our enemies, Israel’s
cause is our cause,” Pence said.
“If the world knows nothing else, let it know
this: America stands with Israel.”
the scream that
overrode all the other screams and seared the
air from coast to coast was belted out by the
queen vampire, Hillary Clinton, as her bottles
of blood ran dry and her dealer’s phone number
was suddenly no longer in service, as she lay on
the floor of a quiet room with a wooden stake
through her heart, as the dawn came up, blinding
her, after her final try for the White House
exploded in a vaporous cloud of dead leeching
insects, as a million lifetimes of inflicting
suffering on others culminated in a gross
"Not not every wicked globalist is exclusively
Jewish. However, the proportion of Judaic race
identity and Talmud proponents within the
Globalist circle of black magic is
overwhelmingly disproportionate to their
population numbers. Also, there is not one
single mythos viewpoint among globalists as
The Two Jewish-led
Globalist Camps... In Competition For Global
illustrates. “There are two distinct ideological
globalist camps, both led by Jews -- each camp
competes with the other for global control: 1)
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if
you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis
better to be alone than in bad company"
George Washington
Surrounding himself in Bad Company
Trump Draining the Swamp, Simply to Build
a New and Smellier one
Satanically Driven "No Rules"
False Flag
Maven and Genocidal Killer
all, presidents are just puppets on a string,
made to dance to the tune of the powers-that-be.
And the powers-that-be want war. They want
totalitarianism. They want monied oligarchy to
run the show.... Most of all, they want a
gullible, distracted, easily led populace that
can be manipulated, maneuvered and made to fear
whatever phantom menace the government chooses
to make the bogeyman of the month"
— Article
"No good ever comes from harboring neo-cons.
Foolhardy neo-con foreign operations ruined
Jimmy Carter’s administration and almost
subjected Ronald Reagan to impeachment.
Neo-cons, some holdovers from the George W. Bush
administration, plunged Ukraine, Syria, Libya,
and Yemen, into civil war and Venezuela, Egypt,
Tunisia, and Honduras into civil strife.
Considering who Trump is now surrounding himself
with, his administration and America are in for
a very stressful time"
“At the behest
of their puppet-masters, these tools just cobbled
together a list of hot button concerns of those
on the right, added some snake oil, and then had
Cardinal Trump deliver promises of impending
salvation to the awareness-challenged
….sheep……who lapped it up.
is controlled opposition at its finest……played
again and again and again…….
This time the
destruction of populism is in their
– George T.
for upsetting Jews in Jeb’s tent—”our
tent,” he says—then there will be NO draining of
the swamp since it’s
by Jewish money.
Anyone naming the
Jew; any critic of sending billions to IsraHell;
any challenger of Jewish neocon interventionist
schemes; any disputer of Jewish identity
politics (policies that are good for Jews
will be excommunicated and exiled from “the
Jeb has spoken. Let those who are wise to the
Jew laugh in his face.
“I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the House of
truth than a toady in Jeb Bush’s tent”
Should NEVER be the Capital
of This Demonic Entity
What is the "Israeli Government"
"From the beginning of World War II through to
the summer of 1947, there were virtually no
Palestinian attacks, even though Zionist terror
against Palestinians continued. A British
explanation for the Palestinians' failure to
respond in kind was that they understood that
the attacks were a trap, intended to elicit a
response that the Zionists would frame as an
attack against which they would have to 'defend'
themselves. This was a Zionist tactic noted by
the British as early as 1918, and it remains
Israel's default strategy today, most blatantly
in Gaza, but also in East Jerusalem and the West
Zionist Kissinger and World War III
Trump's Back-Door Man
"More and more as Cabinet choices are named, it
looks like the entire Trump Presidency project
is emerging as Henry A. Kissinger’s “Back Door
Man,” in the Cheney meaning of the term"
Shapeshifting Cockroach that has been Active for
Decades Fomenting Coups, Wars and Genocides
More of
Getting the Jew World Order in Through the Back
How Trump is
Serving the Jews
“Contrary to what
so many good people – out of sheer terror of
‘Communism’ – think, Capitalism is not ‘free
enterprise,’ an incentive for success, ‘a chance
for all.’ Capitalism is trusts, speculation,
parasitical usury. Capitalism is J. P. Morgan,
Rothschild’s bank, ripping apart the nations
like maddened swine. Capitalism is the Jewish
frying pan in which culture is rendered down to
the grease of money. Following it, as the night
to day, is the thrice hotter Jewish fire of
— William Striker
“The Zionist international
organised crime cabal just took control of the
USA by installing it’s Trump puppet in the White
House. Almost exactly a century earlier, they
seized control of Russia under the guise of
Bolshevism.” (And Terrible and Horrific
Things Happened). Article
here. See
more here
“The verification that Trump is a crypto Jew is
that he did not (along with his whole family)
participate (with the audience) in “The Lords
Prayer” — a basic staple of ALL PROFESSED
CHRISTIANS — at the Washington National
Cathedral for the Interfaith Presidential
Inauguration ceremony.”
“… Tel Aviv is
the international capital of homosexuality. That
is no exaggeration. Also, the government of
Israel pays for women to receive an abortion at
any stage of the baby's development. Plus, as
seen in Cook's article linked above, Israel is
known globally as being a safe haven for all
kinds of money laundering for international
criminal gangs, especially from Russia. "A
leaked U.S. embassy cable in 2009 warned that
Israel was [happily] becoming a 'promised land'
for organised crime.”
Hear a Real Smooth Talkin' Demon Speak
and Deceive!
ISRAELI Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
he is on a 'grand mission' with the US to
confront the threat of a nuclear Iran, which he
believes wants to “govern the world”.
Ideological Group
that Hijacked the U.S. and Responsible for
American War Deaths and Crimes Against the Human
“Bill Kristol's father was one of the founders
of the neocon movement. Essentially, they were
former communists who were loyal to Trotsky who
toiled to overthrow Stalin, in an effort to
spread communism. After the USSR collapsed, they
coopted the GOP and used 'democracy' as their
call for global revolution, which was
essentially code for empire through war.”
Kushner is Israel's Boy
(Yes, We Mean Kid)
Advising Trump"
better be careful before he turns the Middle
East into a blazing inferno. Iran is not going
to take it lying down.
Trump’s playing with fire that will spread all
the way to gas pumps on Main Street USA.
With $15 a gallon at the pump, no matter how
many jobs Trump brings back, America will be
driving on empty.
But that’s okay with Jared Kushner, Trump’s
Jewish son-in-law and senior advisor.
He’s a
billionaire—and once he gets his war for Israel
against Iran and lots of ‘goys dying
young’—he’ll be eating breakfast in bed in
Many of the
planetary controllers [NWO Globalists] are blood
feasting pedophiles, parasitic monsters
literally and predatorily feeding off the
8 million children
gone missing each year around the world. Global
child sex trafficking networks generate huge
profits, run by the world’s most powerful
individuals. A 2014 International Labor
Organization report estimates that two thirds of
the annual profits from forced labor come from
sexual slavery that amounts to
$99 billion
USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is
produced off the blood, sweat, tears and flesh
of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up
in global trafficking rings operated by this
same diabolical global elite. At the head of
this planet’s ruling elite are 13 family
bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers as well as European royalty,
controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and
blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges,
CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top
level spies and police chiefs."
Simply Need to Quit War and Taxes to End THEM
Here's what They Say Themselves:
"We have generously taxed you
and used that money to make such sophisticated
weapons you can in no way compete. Your own
money has served to forge the chains we bind you
with, since we are in control of all money.”
"We can send American or European troops to
wherever we like, whenever we like, and for
whatever purpose we like, and you dutifully go
about our business. How much more evidence
do you need? We can make you desire to
leave your homes and family and go to war merely
at our command."
Intelligence Agencies are Criminal Agencies
Creating all the Conflicts, Terrorism and Wars
on the Planet for the Satanists
Including the Kidnapping of Children
Media, Politics, Presidential War Hype and
Tensions with Nations Simply all Dog and Pony
"Ubiquitous spraying of chemtrails across all
countries, territories and oceans on the planet
conclusively demonstrates that “they’re
all in it together” in a
secret global contract more binding and
irreversible than nuclear treaties or access to
pipelines and oil drilling.
Dominate the ultimate Agenda. Everything else is
a so-called
“limited hangout."
Serpent Race is
in a Secret War with This Planet and the
Human Race
God Damn These Jews
Jesus Did
Because They are
Anti-Human, Anti-God, Anti-Christ
Refugees Being Created on Purpose by the
Extremely Sinister Designs of the Satanists
"Do you see how ISIS is hellbent
on stealing the artifacts wherever they have
terrorized the Northern Levant?
"Have you noticed how ISIL has been demolishing
centuries-old mosques and churches in the towns
and cities they conquer?
"Are you watching the videos which show the
Daesh smashing the ancient statuary and urns and
columns with their sledgehammers?
"Who hasn’t heard about the beheadings,
crucifixions and mass shootings committed
throughout the fake caliphate known as the
Islamic State?
"There are
specific reasons for this repugnant behavior.
The most important is the deliberate destruction
of culture. In this way, after the indigenous
peoples are forced into an exodus away from
their ancestral lands they will have no reason
to ever come back. Their history and culture
have been obliterated, just as they themselves
have been terrorized.
Creation of Refugees Connected to the MO of the
Satanists and the Attack on the American
Founding Fathers
"We Jews
Toy with the American Public as a Cat Toys with
a Mouse"
“Jewish bankers plan to govern the world from
Jerusalem according to their own interests. He
says the Jewish religion is essentially a
disguise for a racial imperative. "We can live
among other people and states [by] persuading
them that the Jews are not a distinct people but
the representatives of a religious faith..."
"Jewish" power was achieved by gaining control
of the monetary system. "We have been successful
in dividing society against itself by pitting
labor against management, This perhaps has been
one of our greatest feats, since in reality it
is a triangle, though only two points ever seem
to occur. In modern industry... capital, which
force we represent, is the apex. Both management
and labor are on the base of this triangle. They
continually stand opposed to each other and
their attention is never directed to the head of
their problem."
"With this supposed capital we bring industry,
management and labor into our debt, which debt
only increases and is never liquidated. Through
this continual increase, we are able to pit
management against labor so they will never
unite and attack us and usher in a debt-free
industrial Utopia."
“Mass exterminations of
Germans and systematic rape of German females as
young as eight years old were going on during
the Nuremberg trials. What happened to Germans
fit the program for the genocide of Germany
advocated by the Jewish US Secretary of the
Treasury Henry Morganthau.” Article
Incriminating Evidence of
Real Enemy and the Treason
Within from Ed Snowden
& Russia
“Israel’s fingerprints are all over the 9/11 crime
and directly related criminal activities”
"We have a recording [tape] of
this arrest, of the Israeli’s
who tried to take out the George Washington
bridge. New Jersey State Police arrested them.
[They were later let go to escape to the
criminal haven of Israel].
"The Israelis are behind ISIL/ISIS, and
attempting to take over all the oil in the
Middle East.
They’re trying to control the production of the
oil in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and
Syria. They dropped oil prices $8-10 per barrel
in the past 6 weeks. They are forcing oil
prices down, which they are manipulating daily,
and will force down again by another $5-8 a
barrel. They are trying to control Russia’s
production (Yukos Oil) [by remote]. They
plan on squeezing out Russia, eventually Saudi
Arabia, and Iran in particular, in order to run
their economies."
Wars are the closest thing to hell on earth.
What do you expect? They are devised by
Satanists. Why do we accept them as natural and
inevitable? Why do we perpetuate the myth that
veterans were "defending our freedom" when in
fact wars are designed to deprive us of freedom?
Israel Perpetuates America’s Wars – Without
“Bred of the Neocon Jewish Agenda, these
career-gladiators who genuflect with oaths and
toasts in Tel Aviv, are devoted to perpetual
expansion of Jewmerica’s global hegemony no
matter the cost in American lives. …
“Yes, siree! Just what the neocon Jews want to
hear: The Afghans did 9/11!…when Truthers know
the Mossad did it” – Article
And Destroys America’s Constitution – Within
"The small city of Dickinson,
Texas lost some three-quarters of its 830 homes
during the recent Hurricane Harvey storm. Then,
to add insult to injury the residents and
business owners of the city were somehow
contractually forced to give up their 1st
Amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech) and then
bow and kiss the ring of the Apartheid State of
Israel in order to get basic disaster relief
I can tell you one thing,
having lived in Texas for some twenty years my
blood was brought to a quick boil by the news of
this crock of crap and treasonous act that
clearly allowed the monstrous and murderous
apartheid state of Israel to point a financial
gun at the head of the city and good people of
Dickinson” – Article
Three Hydra Heads of Israel “It begins
with – “Genocidal Israel” – that sits on stolen
land, covered with the blood of its
centuries-old possessors, the Palestinians,
who’ve been slaughtered and dispossessed by the
Alongside is – “Greater Israel” – that hegemonic
mischief-maker that uses America to fight its
wars in Syria, Iraq, and before long, Lebanon
and Iran.
beyond is – “Gigantic Israel” – entrenched in
the political culture of the US and Europe, and
embedded in Jewry’s global army, NATO” – Article
"Delay, Deny and Hope you Die"
they also bribed members of Congress to approve
the Internal Revenue Service, which is their
private collection agency incorporated in Puerto
Rico…The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the
Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered
approximately 100 million Russians ..."
State of the Union and Judaism Inc.
"Judaism Incorporated owns
America. Judaism Inc turned America into a
criminal enterprise because she needs unlimited
corruption so our government would be more
easily controlled.
"One of the reasons for the
assassination of President Kennedy was their
desire to destroy the America that was by
sending an entire generation into a hopeless war
and getting them hooked on drugs. They not only
wanted to make money by selling drugs in every
high school and junior high, they wanted that
gross corruption to choke out dissent and for
despair to replace American optimism. Today
opioids kill more Americans every year than in
the entire Vietnam war"
“’‘Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel
slavery destroyed. This, I and my
European friends are glad of,
for slavery is but the owning of labor and
carries with it the care of the laborers, while
the European plan, led by England, is that
capital shall control labor by controlling
“Slaves had to be housed, fed and cared for.
“Free” men housed and fed themselves.
For the more
dangerous jobs, such as mining,
Irish immigrants were used
rather than black slaves, because the Irish were
expendable. Free men could be kept enslaved by
debt, by paying them wages that were
insufficient to meet their costs of living. On
how to control wages, the Hazard Circular went
“‘This can be done by controlling the money. The
great debt that capitalists will see to it is
made out of the war, must be used as a means to
control the volume of money. . . .It
will not do to allow the greenback, as it is
called, to circulate as money any length of
time, as we cannot control that.’”
They Sought to
Free Their Nations from the Dastardly Central
How The Satanic Zionist Central Bankers have
Controlled Humanity
1) Through the Printing of All the
Nation's Money
the Right of The People to Print Their own Money
which They Stole;
2) They then Charged The People Interest
or Usury on the Money;
3) They then Created The [Fraudulent]
Taxation Department to Collect [Fraudulent]
Income Taxes on the Fruits of the People's own
4) They then Use Income Taxes (the Fruits
of One's own Labor and Toil) to Create and
Perpetuate Wars and Conflict in a Never Ending
Cycle that is Our Artificial World
"This new
expanded MJ has resulted in a SECRET World Space
Coalition which has geared up to defend Planet
Earth from a takeover by certain evil, malignant
Alien ET groups who are dead set on
Terra-forming Planet Earth AND killing off all
humans through various forms of hard kill and
slower soft-kill methodologies."
"This is a concept most patriots cannot
understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours
fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media,
Congress or government in general. These things are
merely tools which the Jew now uses against the
detestable 'goyim'. The problem is not the tool or
device, but the heathen in control of it.
This is the revelation that will be our undoing"
Harold Wallace
However, you forgot to
mention TERRORISM that is also in your tribe's toolbag
(for your Jew World Order), as per your Israeli
terrorist founder:
Menachem Begin, the terrorist founder of Israel's
ruling Likud party, bragged about being "the father of
terrorism in all the world." The Likud party is now
headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.
does it feel, in the light of all that’s going
on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle
“In the Middle East?” he [Begin] bellowed, in
his thick, cartoon accent. “In all the world!”
America Has Been Choice Prey for
the Jews
"Is it surprising that whichever way you turn to
trace the harmful streams of influence that flow
through society, you come upon a group of Jews?
In baseball corruption - a group of Jews. In
exploitative finance - a group of Jews. In
theatrical degeneracy - a group of Jews. In
liquor propaganda - a group of Jews. In control
of national war policies - a group of Jews. In
control of the Press through business and
financial pressure - a group of Jews. War
profiteers, 80 per cent of them - Jews.
Organizers of active opposition to Christian
laws and customs - Jews"
The Real Invaders
Dangerous Inhuman
Jewish / Zionist "Think"
Tanks in America Endanger All
"As Americans are quickly discovering, the millions of
tax dollars syphoned to Israel everyday have not been
wasted. American taxpayers are getting the benefits of
their tribute via their brutal police and security
services. Enjoy and maintain your gutless faith in your
prefab religions,
governments and fiat currencies, right up until
you can't any more."
Israeli art students and Dancing Israelis, If
you have not figured it out by now, yes we know who you
are, what you did, who your handlers were, and the key
people who did this.
"Mass murder is a pretty serious crime. The cork
on 9-11 has held well, but starting to wiggle
now. You should, too. There is quite a
surveillance record on you folks, including
Mohammed Atta coming to visit you on a number of
"The dead have lots of friends, not only those
on 9-11, but those that followed in country
after country, including the Iranian nuclear
scientists you murdered and never put a shred of
nuclear weapons program evidence on the table
during the nuke talks.
"We are combing through
all the residents at the time of the three
jammer buildings below, and have already named
the complex “Israel on the Hudson”. Give our
regards to all the
folks. Yes…we know about that, too. Gordon will
fill you in below…
Jim W. Dean
"I've never seen a President — I don't care who
he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the
mind. They always get what they want.
The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the
point where I wasn't writing anything down.
If the American
people understood what a grip these people have got
on our government,they would RISE UP IN ARMS.
Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what
goes on"
Thomas H. Moorer, (1912 - 2004), Admiral, US
Navy & Chairman,
Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24
August 1983
we get caught they will just replace us with
persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter
what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we
will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off
piece by piece until there is nothing left but
the World’s biggest welfare state that we will
create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will
and America is big enough to take the hit so we
can do it again, again and again.
This is what we do to
countries that we hate.
We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer
for refusing to be our slaves.”
“Every ten years
or so, the United States needs to pick up some
crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the
world we mean business,” —
Jewish Neoconservative Michael Ledeen, in
a speech given in the early 1990s
More of This to Come
“You know very
well, and the stupid Americans know equally
well, that we control their government,
irrespective of who sits in the White House. You
see, I know it and you know it that no American
president can be in a position to challenge us
even if we do the unthinkable. What can they
[Americans] do to us? We control congress, we
control the media, we control show biz, and we
control everything in America. In America you
can criticize God, but you can’t criticize
Israel.…” —Israeli
spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
The Barbaric,
Soul-less, and Dark Aliens Among Us
Wondered Why Trump Said he would
Kill the Families, i.e. Women,
Children and Infants of so-Called 'Terrorists' AND
Institute Human Torture?
Made the Holocaust into an
Extraordinary BIG LIE
“The alleged Hitlerite gas
chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews
constitute one and the same historical lie,
which made possible a gigantic
financial-political fraud, the principal
beneficiaries of which are the State of Israel
and international Zionism, and whose principal
victims are the German people — but not their
leaders — and the entire Palestinian people.”
— Robert
"And we now know
for certain that this Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) has
set up a network of practicing pedophiles that
kidnap and traffick in children and infants to
pedophile and, torture and murder, sometimes
cannibalizing them. Pedophilia, often combined
with Satanic human sacrifice rituals as
one becomes initiated to the highest levels is
the main control mechanism of the Satanic
Pedophile Cabal SPC (aka the Rothschild
Khazarian Mafia 'RKM', the Babylonian Talmudic
Black Magic practitioners, or the 'Synagogue of
"Barack Hussein
America by
homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism…a
profane trinity of his sex-gods.
Why did he do it? Is it because Obama hates
America? Yes, and more.
Obama’s main
influence for his amoral agenda
transits via the
Jew, Saul
Alinsky, to
a united country, and
civic upheaval and “change.”
He went further
than his mentor’s wildest dreams by
balkanizing a
homogeneous culture through mass immigration,
and by
the Church’s morality. Article
Thus, the Jewish hokum used to blame the
Palestinians for the failure of Zionist “peace
initiatives,” (which everyone knows is a Jewish
snow job), effectively muzzled the mouth of
The schwartza
tried to stop
the illegal settlements in the occupied West
Bank, but after a posse of Jews
down the White House doors, the cowardly
And his latest
parting shot by
from voting on UNSC Resolution 2334 condemning
Israel’s settlement expansion in the Palestinian
West Bank is essentially a toothless action.
CIA Works
Hand-in-Hand with Satanic Jews
"In 2002 the CIA
collaborated with Israel’s Shin Beth in
broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV
stations in Ramallah during one Israel’s
periodic incursions into Palestinian territory.
During the run-up to the 2003 invasion, the CIA
contemplated doing a pornographic featuring a
double who looked like Saddam Hussein, as a way
of de-legitimizing his government."
Founding Father said NO FOREIGN ALLIANCES OR
"It is our true policy to steer clear of
permanent alliance with any portion of the
foreign world.." —
George Washington
“It is all about Israel,
as it always is” "Trump
might think he is ushering in a new era of
American policy based on American interests but
it is beginning to look a lot like the same old
situation but only far worse — and Benjamin
Netanyahu will be very much in the driver’s
"Staggering amounts of gold bullion, diamonds,
jewelry, rare art, antiquarian books, coins,
precious metals and stones clog up their
underground vaults. These people have never set
eyes on most of the things they possess. They
have never set foot on the land they own. In
spite of all their fantastic wealth, it seems
they still feel desperately poor and insecure;
nor can they rest easy in their beds until they
own everything and the rest of mankind is
reduced to a condition of abject slavery.
"9/11 was a catalyzing event for these emperors
of opulence. It ushered in a new world order and
precipitated a series of catastrophic new wars
that would help to create new starving refugees,
new impoverished immigrants, and new
opportunities for endless exploitation by a
predatory Jewish elite."
The Thirty
Families Made Plans for a Future without You
“The Bankers
transfer wealth from us to them through a rigged
system that allows them to charge us interest on
money they created out of nothing. That ability
to rob 300 million non-Jewish Americans is
sacrosanct. We will not be allowed to change our
banking laws until our survival depends on it.”
“The Fundamental
Fact of Your Existence as a modern man or woman
is that the bankers of New York and London want
to reduce you to Debt Slavery.”
"It is Mandelson who has helped turn Europeans
into serfs for Europe's banks. Europe is now
reverting to a neo-feudalism structure with
bankers as the overlords of their indentured
"Britain, America and the rest of the world will
go the same way. Kleptocratic politicians
are merely vassals.
"If current debts were simply wiped off of the
books the only tragedy would be the destruction
of the 'too big to fail' banks.
While politicians call that a catastrophe it
would actually be freedom for millions of
disenfranchised debt-serfs. That's why it must
not happen - and won't!"
America's War Criminal President
In the First 100 Days
American White House Now a Love Fest and
Total Control Center for Zionist
Anti-God, Anti-Human
Evil Agendas
within his first 100 days in office, Trump has
joined the club of murderers, assassins and war
criminals of his predecessors” –
Known as Zionists, Neocons, Satanists
and Israel Lovers
"Bannon, for his part, reciprocated and called
Kushner “a brother.” He said: “If you’re in a
foxhole with him, and fighting with him, you’re
a brother, and he will defend you nonstop.”
Kushner responded: “All I know about Steve is my
experience working with him. He’s an incredible
Zionist and loves Israel.”
The Battle is
Not, and has Never Been, Between
the Faked "Left" and "Right"
“False flag operations, by their very nature,
are always good for the Neocons, the Israeli
regime, the warmongers, and the Powers That Be.
If you are not sure, then ask Benjamin Netanyahu
and he will persuade you. Remember what he said
right after the 9/11 attack?”
— Article
Terrorism: An Old, Old Game
of the US-UK-Israeli Axis
terrorism, or more accurately, the Islamic
terrorism psyop, is an old game that has been
played for a long time by Britain, Israel and
the United States. In the article Zionism
vs Islam – Which is More Dangerous?,
I discussed how the Israelis (especially
agencies like the Mossad) have perfected the art
of framing Arabs and Muslims for their Zionist
terrorist attacks and false flag ops. Israeli
leaders have created “Zio-Islamic terrorism”
which has fooled most of the world into hating
Muslims for the evil things that Israel planned"
— Article
"ISIS's business model is to set up affiliates
around the world they can leverage for worldwide
attacks," the first official said. "I think
instead of shifting I would say attempting to
expand with varying results."
Does The US Target Functioning
Democracies For Regime Change?
“[Because it]
is not a democracy, but rather, an oligarchy
that serves
the interests of the rich and powerful while ignoring
the majority of its people” –
Possessed by Satan
Own Army to Defend
Terrorists to the End
Expert says "said
that by attacking the Syrian army positions in
Golan Heights, Israel sent this message that
it will never leave
the terrorist groups and
will defend them
to the end"
"US Army Psyops warrior Scott Bennett was
officially tasked with tracing terror financing.
When he did his job too well and discovered that
USG was secretly funneling money to ISIS and other similar
terrorist groups, he was jailed on a non-existent auto
registration violation at his army base"
— Article
Hijacking America
with Social Engineering
for a Cosmic Super Fascism
long term Babylonian Talmudic Globalist attack
has been covertly deployed to
take the fruits of your labor and all your assets, to destroy you,
your family, your community, American Society, and our
very Republic"
— Article
Your 'Smart'phone
is Being Weaponized
Against You
Without these devices such as smart phones and
Wi-Fi providing
desirable features of convenience, few would use them,
and the Cabal would not be able to fine tune
these technologies.
the fine tuning is complete, the Cabal has
planned to combine
them under control of a massive Quantum computer using A.I.
automatic controls and operating through
wave forms. At this point, they believe they will be able
to make whole populations completely
And cloned/hived to the mother A.I. computer; or make sick
or even murder whole human populations at will.
Then they plan to eliminate 90% of all humans
and replace them with their own synthetic
race of hybrids, a combination of clay
and iron (biology and manufactured
electrical components).
Satanists at
"National Security " Levels
"Col. Michael Aquino, Army Psychological
Operations expert
and father of the Temple of Set and the entity which
brought Satanism as an accepted religion
into the US Army, as well as alleged
to have run the pedophile
operations at
the Presidio in California and at Offutt
AF Base in Omaha.
One insider alleged that Col. Aquino was
actually promoted to General of the
NSA and still is active"
— Article
“Let the goys die young! Let America’s youth
wage WW3 against nuclear-armed Russia and its
allies in Syria to keep the Zionist project of
Greater Israel afloat.
“‘Send us your
tired, your weary, your Gentile boys over here
to do the dirty work for us,’ is what Lieberman
is really saying.” Article
Transitioning Trump to be a Psychopathic
and Another War Criminal
"After their November meeting,
Kissinger remarked that Trump would likely
not be keeping all his campaign promises, as he
was undergoing 'the
transition from being a campaigner to being a
national strategist.' This
apparently included his promise of opening
dialogue with North Korea.
"While often characterized by the mainstream
press as a leading
'statesman' and 'diplomat,' Kissinger's record
shows he is anything but.
While serving as Richard Nixon's Secretary of
State, Kissinger oversaw a
bloody coup in Chile, an illegal bombing
campaign in Cambodia, and
millions dead in Vietnam."
The Treasonous Israelification of
Dickenson, Texas
“My fellow Americans, we should no longer live
by the Constitution
of the United States. We should follow the Israeli regime,
and that’s what my administration has been doing.”
"This man ought to be fired [hung, drawn and
quartered] from his position because there is no
way he can reconcile this essentially diabolical
enterprise with what the Founding Fathers
had envisioned. Abbott does not represent the
American people. He is anagent
of Israel and
takes orders from a mad man
named Benjamin Netanyahu."
America, Israel and the American
Founding Fathers
Thomas Jefferson: “Peace, commerce, and honest
with all nations – entangling alliances with none."
If you have never read what the Founding Fathers
said about
foreign entanglements, perhaps it is time to do so, since Israel
is obviously invading the United States by subterfuge.
George Washington specifically lamented that the
United States ought to disengage in finding
monsters to kill from abroad and must
focus on building a government
based on morality.
"I have just two questions for the
Hoggs and the boss at Cubic: Among your
assault weapon toting trainees, which
ones did Parkland? Or was the job
contracted out to your company reps with
Israeli Defense Force (IDF), maybe some
Shomrim reservists down at Chabad House?
There's some uncertainty about whodunits
after President Barack Obama eliminated
the Frank rule that American citizens
cannot be killed by the CIA. The
Parkland job, however, sure bore the
hallmarks of an IDF-style raid on Gaza"
“Bolton is
a man who has not only endorsed some of the
worst US war crimes in the last 30 years but
also continues to stand by them despite most
initiatives being proven failures.”
he recounts in his memoir, he relished the
opportunity to knee-cap the nascent
International Criminal Court, which was set up
to prosecute individuals for genocide and mass
This 'Woman' Actually Doing Act
of Sadism on Victim Prisoner
Gleefully Digging into Human Flesh
This is not Just "Waterboarding" as the Media
It is Far Worse Other Forms of Excruciating
Torture this Sadist Performed
and Enjoyed
Caution......... Causes Vomit to Say 'Her' Name
“This is one of the worst
moves I have ever heard of at the CIA.
When I first heard of this, I couldn’t
believe it, because Gina Haspel should
be in the dock at The Hague, not in the
director’s office at the CIA. As has
been noted in the Washington Post, New
York Times and other outlets, Gina
Haspel has blood all over her hands. She
is the godmother of the CIA’s torture
program… The president is certainly a
fan of torture. He has come right out
and said so” – Article
2002 Haspel supervised the first CIA ‘black
site’ for interrogation, where cruel and bizarre
forms of torture were applied to suspected
the memo
“And when the existence of 92 videotapes of
those torture sessions was revealed, Haspel
signed a cable ordering their destruction,
against the advice of legal counsel at CIA and
the White House.”
"During the hearing, McGovern demanded that
Haspel answer the questions asked of her about
the torture of terrorism suspects at a CIA black
site in Thailand. In response to the
interruption, the capitol police were called in
to drag McGovern out." ....
McGovern was forcibly removed by police, Haspel
was interrupted by another protester. This time,
it was a lone woman, wearing a red t-shirt and
shouting “Bloody Gina!” and “you are a torturer!” She
was also removed by police.
"According to CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou,
'Bloody Gina' was a name given to her by her own
colleagues in the CIA. According to Kiriakou, Haspel
even took part in the torture—because she
enjoyed it."
Torture is a
Sadist’s Game to Force False Confessions to Keep
Up with the Twisted Reality of 911, False Flags
and Manufactured CIA / Mossad Terrorism
the Only Purpose of Torture is for These Twisted
Sadists to Enjoy It
and to Please Their Satanic god.
“While being
subjected to that treatment, he made alarming
confessions about purported terrorist plots —
like recruiting black Muslims in Montana to
carry out attacks — that he later retracted.
They were apparently made up, the Senate report
said.” ...
“The C.I.A. inspector general later found that
agency interrogators sometimes exceeded the
limits in the descriptions of techniques
provided to the Justice Department for legal
analysis. The Senate report also concluded that
the C.I.A. misled the White House and other
administration officials about its use of such
techniques and portrayed them as more effective
than they were.” Article
Wall Street Now Running
Domestic Affairs
“Pompeo at State
and Bolton as Trump’s national security advisor
completed the neocon takeover of Trump’s
geopolitical agenda – Wall Street running
domestic affairs.
“The combination represents a
major setback for world peace and stability,
greater aggression likely, along with the
triumph of neoliberal harshness over social
justice – a dismal and frightening state of
affairs” – Article
"For both Martin
Luther King's and Robert Kennedy's
assassinations, Lyndon Johnson is the primary
suspect. But given what we know today of
the secret alliance between Johnson and Israel,
there can be little doubt that King and Kennedy
were sacrificed by the Zionist Power Complex"–
America has Gone Down
Israel is a Cockroach Nest and Haven for
Sadistic Soulless
Creatures Joined at the Hip with America by Its
Treasonous Politicians
The Second
Amendment was Written
for Just This Purpose
“The right of the citizens to keep and
bear arms has justly been considered as
the palladium of the liberties of a
republic, since it offers a strong moral
check against the usurpation and
arbitrary power of rulers, and will
generally, even if these are successful
in the first instance, enable the people
to resist and triumph over them” – US
vs Miller 1939
“No freeman shall ever be debarred
the use of arms [within his own lands or
tenements].”18 1 The Papers of Thomas
Jefferson 344 (J. Boyd ed. 1950)
From the BIG
LIE of 911,
Terrible Suffering, Torture, Destruction,
Crimes and Crimes
Against Humanity and the Earth
have Occurred on a Massive Scale
A New Parasitical Depth of America's Economy
THEN (18th Century America)
I have had men watching you for a long time and I am
convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to
speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you
won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you
lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I
take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I
shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true,
gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on,
you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be
my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to
rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you
— Andrew
Jackson (1767-1845)
NOW (21ST Century)
Jewish Gambling Wall Street Ties the American
Money Supply to Itself
"Them" is an
Israeli, an Israel "Firster," Dual Israeli,
Zionist, Neocon
Jew that Believes in Their Racial Identity and
to Rule, Subdue and Torture the Gentile
"I am now at a mindset
where I see there are three beings sharing this planet:
humans, animal kingdom and jewmans. After having studied
history and behaviour long enough now; I think they are not of us. I am
most definitely open to the concept that they are an
alien species. I accept this sounds far fetched and the world of fantasy;
but I cannot accept this race is of mankind."
'Best' of the Thems
Definitely Have an INHUMAN
Clinical Quality
Bereft of All Soul
“Depopulation should be
the highest priority of foreign policy towards
the third world, because the US economy will
require large and increasing amounts of minerals
from abroad,
especially from less developed countries.”
“Military men are dumb, stupid
animals to be used as
pawns for foreign policy.”
“Every ten years or so, the United
States needs to pick up some small crappy little country
throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business,” —
neoconservative Michael Ledeen, in a speech
given in the early 1990s
"For America being in
the clutches of Jewish Lobbies and Jewish
Neocons, US policy has been tethered to a Jewish
spirit that is at its best, destructive, and at
its worst, maniacal"
"The USA has become Israel's servant, and out of
ignorance, fear and stupidity, we gladly offer
up our lives and wealth to defend that Apartheid
nation of
war mongering sadists."
"This nation could never
be the land of the free as long as it
is the land of the
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
(Oxymoron) Agencies are the Servants of the "Thems"
Create Perpetual Manufactured False Conflicts and False Flags
Thems Get the Human Race
to War Against Each Other
"Thanks to the terrible
power of our International Banks, we have forced
the Christians into wars without number. Wars
have a special value for Jews, since Christians
massacre each other and make more room for us
Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks
grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million
Christians have been swept off the face of the
earth by wars, and the end is not yet." (Rabbi
Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi
Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869.)
Thems Said
This Too and it Wasn't a Gentile Muslim
Whom the Thems Want You to Hate
"Who are you to proclaim that your Christian American way is
the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the
communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in
I will personally be there to firebomb your church,
burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your
children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and
reeducate them to become the future leaders of a One World
Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are
taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop
(Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to
Pastor Sheldon Emry).
Satan's Little Helpers
"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world
unstable, and to propagandize and teach the
American People to hate, so we will let the
Establishment spend any amount of money on arms"
John Stockwell
Zionist Jews
Plan Genocides in the Middle East
And Salivate to Destroy Iran
This email
allows us to look at a vivid Israeli political
debate that occurred back in 2012. The Jewish
State had to decide whether to destroy the
Syrian people just to weaken Iran or
alternatively to destroy Iran for the sake of
destroying Iran. History suggests that a
decision was taken to destroy the Syrians
first. And the outcome must be disappointing
for Israel —Iran is now stronger than ever.
The Next Rabid Israeli-Controlled American
President in 2016 will Be .....
"Clinton's election
could mean that some of the most dangerous
people in American foreign policy would be
whispering their schemes for war and more war
directly into her ear – and her record shows
that she is very susceptible to such guidance."
we see something of a long-term trend:
Unethical, unprincipled, deceptive American
presidents, who are 'swayed
by their Jewish elements'.... to lead an
unwilling nation into battle
against sovereign countries
that are deemed to be enemies
of the Jews.”
“Jews are consummate liars! Everything in their
wicked lives is based on lies. READ John 8-44
and learn the TRUE nature of the jews. Scripture
makes It abundantly CLEAR – He was addressing
the jews as a people – and NOT just the Pharisee
scribe and high priests.
The Enemies of Jews are the Gentiles, i.e. the
HUMAN Race, or the Children of God who
are Prevented from Prospering and Progressing Together as a
Nation "Under God"
“How does it feel, in the light
of all that’s going on, to be the father of
terrorism in the Middle East?”
“In the Middle East?” he [Begin]
bellowed, in his thick, cartoon accent. “In all
the world!”
- Russell Warren Howe interview
with Menachem Begin, January 1974
Beasts on Two Legs
“'What is great is that you don’t follow any law or rule.
You feel that YOU ARE THE LAW. Once you go into the Occupied
Territory YOU ARE GOD!.' The soldiers’ internalization of
the powerful Zion-fascist ideology provides a self-justification
in the eyes of the interviewees for castrating a man, bashing in
the face of a woman protester, shooting an innocuous pedestrian,
breaking the arm of a 4-year old child and other ‘gratuitous’
acts of random violence." Article
"I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is —
stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always
get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on
all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing
anything down.
If the American people understood what a grip these
people have got on our government,
they would RISE UP
IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what
goes on."
Thomas H. Moorer
(1912 - 2004)
US Navy & Chairman,
Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on
24 August 1983.
What the Zio-Jew-Neocon-Dual Israeli and Their
Supporters Did to America
"With NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act) the
impoverishment of Americans was accelerated.
Since 2000 over 56,000 American manufacturing
plants have been shipped overseas. And we are
still closing 23 plants a day. In the final
years of the Clinton administration an
artificial economy was created to replace
one that made things ..... [with one that simply
made economic / life destroying bubbles]"
The Takedown of America's
Middle Class]
"Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples'
liberty's teeth"
"If I were the 'Stalin of America' most of our
government and media would be shot for treason
or sent off to a FEMA camp or put to work on
infrastructure projects.
"AIPAC and the Rothschild’s Federal Reserve
would be no more. The debt would be erased over
night. Lobbies and all political donations
outlawed. MOSSAD agents in America would be shot
on sight. And if Israel didn’t like it, some of
our 81 nuclear attack subs and 11 carriers would
finally be put to good use.
"John Hagee would simply be put on a starvation
diet. Pam Gellar sent to a concubinage in Saudi
Arabia. Alan Dershowitz & Joe Lieberman
parachuted into Afghanistan wearing IDF
officer’s uniforms and MOSSAD ID.
"George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld taken to Nevada
and tied feet-first to wild stallions. Glen Beck
and Rush Limbaugh cast adrift on a life raft in
the western Atlantic at 20 degrees north in the
middle of Hurricane season. The entire lot of
neo-cons involved in 9-11 would be loaded onto a
remote control jet with just enough fuel to make
it 500 miles off the east coast at 30,000′.
"These are only a few of the just ends for the
traitorous agents of Israel.
"This country would be cleaned up in short order."
—Sgt. Raymond Turner, USA
A Nation Under
Satan through Jewish-Zionist-Israeli-Neocon Total Control
Endgame to this evil Agenda? To transform
America into GAZA II with the American People
the New Palestinians to be genocided but also to
have all their land and resources stolen from
Balkanize America into 10 separate FEMA Regions,
then combine these Regions with Mexico
and Canada under the secret clauses in the
NAFTA Trade Agreement"
— Article
Nathan Lewin is a tireless
promoter of Talmudic indoctrination of American judges
and lawyers. He partnered with Antonin Scalia in
symposia and conferences dedicated to enlarging the
influence of rabbinic halacha over the American legal
system. Mr. Lewin served as assistant to Solicitor
General Thurgood Marshall.
He has called for the killing of
the parents and brothers and sisters of Palestinian
suicide bombers.
The American Nation Based on the
Pillar of the Ten
Commandments of God Must be Revived
Madison , the fourth president, known as ' The Father of Our
Constitution ' made the following statement:
'We have staked the whole of all our political
Institutions upon the capacity of mankind* for Self-government,
upon the capacity of each
and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain
ourselves according to The Ten Commandments of God."
[*Emphasis added. Note. American
Founder says, "Mankind," not simply "Americans. Mankind is to be Under the
Law of a Universal God, Not Jews']
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them"
Matthew 7:16
"The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is "Simon
Elliott." The so-called 'Elliot' was
recruited by the Israeli Mossad and was trained
in espionage and psychological warfare
against Arab and Islamic societies.
"This information was attributed to Edward
Snowden and published by newspapers and other
Web sites: the head of the 'Islamic State'
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has cooperated with the
U.S. Secret Service, Britain and Israel to
create an organization capable of attracting
from around the world."
“And many will
now realize for the first time that this
deployment of engineered staged terror has
included not only the attack on America on
9-11-01 but the bombing of the Murrah Building
as well as so many other major terror attacks
such as Khobar Towers.”
"Who are you to proclaim that your Christian American way is
the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the
communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in
I will personally be there to firebomb your church,
burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your
children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools
reeducate them to become the future leaders of a One World
Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are
taking over the world and
there is nothing you can do to stop
us." (Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to Christian
Pastor Sheldon Emry).
The Most
Cunningly Evil and
Insane People
on Earth Inhabiting and Running America
“[T]his is a war whose aims and purposes make it
very hard to understand how anyone who is a
supporter of human rights, or who believes in
freedom, could be against it. In four years,
George Bush has liberated nearly 50 million
people in two Islamic countries.
“He has stopped the filling of mass graves and
closed down the torture chambers of an
oppressive regime. He has encouraged the Iraqis
and the people of Afghanistan to begin a
political process that give them rights they
have not enjoyed in 5,000 years…” Article
"Unfortunately, I could
recall countless horrific anecdotes from my time
in Iraq. Innocent people were not only routinely
rounded-up, tortured and imprisoned, they were
also incinerated by the hundreds of thousands,
some studies suggest by the millions"
US Marine, Vincent
of thousands, some studies suggest by the
War and Homelessness are
the Result of the Zio Jew Private Banks
Their War Machine
“If the
American people ever allow private banks to control the
issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks…
will deprive the people of all property until their
children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers
The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the
to whom it properly belongs.” –
Thomas Jefferson
“The largest increase
in homelessness was in Washington, DC, the nation’s
capital, where the number of people
experiencing homelessness rose by 28 percent and the number of homeless
went up by 60 percent.” Article
Captured Israeli Colonel Yossi Elon Shahak from
the Golani Brigade
exposed Israel’s conspiratorial role in the
Middle East Region by citing that
ISIS and other terror organizations are enslaved to its orders.
[Disgusting] Israel was behind the abolishment
of the precious historic
monuments and the theft of masterpieces in Iraq and Syria. Article
"Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what
name, will be allowed to remain here without my
written permission. I know of no other
troublesome plague within the state than this
race, which impoverished the people by their
fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all
deeds which an honorable man despises.
Subsequently they have to be removed and
excluded from here as much as possible"
Queen Maria Theresa
"For America being in
the clutches of Jewish Lobbies and Jewish
Neocons, US policy has been tethered to a Jewish
spirit that is at its best, destructive, and at
its worst, maniacal"
Not Acceptable
Stealing our
World, our Potential and our American Destiny
From Us
"We're [a Jewish-Zionist-Neocon]
empire now, and when we act, we create our own
reality. And while you're studying that
reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act
again, creating other new realities, which you
can study too, and that's how things will sort
out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you,
will be left to just study what we do”
Karl Rove
“And if there’s any question as to what (the
Hunger Games) it’s an allegory for I will tell
you… it is the powers that be in the United
States of America.
It’s profiteers. War is for profit. It’s not to save the world, or for
democracy or king and country. No, it’s for
the profit of the top 10%.
And the young people, who see this film, must recognize that in the future
blind faith
in their leaders … will get you dead.”
Donald Sutherland
"Oh what a
tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive"
— Walter Scott
The Stupid Jewish
World of PR Intelligence
and Their Media Lackey Whores That Put it Out
On November 13, Jim
Stone, American investigative journalist wrote: “Try
to follow my logic, please. OK, so the Russians kick
ISIS butt in Syria, and ISIS, in response attacks
France. Now, even if one makes the point that Muslims
are not very bright, trust me, they’re not that stupid.
Why would ISIS attack France, when their worry is
Russia? URF. That was a half burp half vomit
contained. Anyway I just do not see the logic here. And
lots of people do not see the logic. Israel kidnaps
hundreds of children from Palestine. Children that would
work GREAT in an ISIS video, if Israel really did want
to stage something real. Why not? Why settle for CPR
dolls when you are soulless anyway and might as well
just use a couple hundred real children and really get
the job done? SITE intelligence group (Rita Katz) is
Mossad. Anyone with a
lick of sense knows all of ISIS is CIA/Mossad.
So if ISIS really did do this terror attack in France,
what is stopping the Jewish community, which has
absolutely nothing against killing non Jews, from doing
a real event in France? Why scream Allahu Akbar? Muslims
would not do that during an attack, but GOSH does it
work for the idiot feed. Just fill that trough up with
rotten droppings and watch the idiots suck it down.
Anyway, whatever this was I am sure it was fun for
someone and seriously doubt that “someone” has any sort
of dent or mark on the forehead.”
More "Dah" Factor
Idiocy in the Totally Manufactured Terrorist Wars
to Perpetually Terrorize and Subjugate the World
“Observers say while the US and its allies claim they
are fighting against terrorist groups like ISIL,
they in fact helped create and train those organizations
to advance their policies in the Middle East.”
“The operatic expressions of remorse on behalf of
officials hide the realpolitik; the cold, calculating
that views war as industry, mass murder as a means to “victory”, and
slaughter of innocents as “necessary
collateral damage”. Three thousand dead on 9/11. A jetliner full of
Russian tourists. Tens of
thousands across the killing fields of the Middle East, Central Asia, and
Africa. More than
one hundred snuffed out in Paris. All in a day’s work.”
"Obviously what
NutenYahoo is actually
articulating is his Zionist
dream of a Jewish only empire which encompasses
all of the Middle East and North Africa. A goal
which the United States was tasked to carry out
once Israel had carried out an appropriate
“Pearl Harbor type event”. Which of course they
did with 9-11. This guy is an evil megalomaniac
who is bound and determined to go down in
history as one of the sickest most twisted and
sadly, deadliest whack jobs in History."
my children [of Lucifer], that all of the Earth
must belong to us Jews, and that
the Gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing" —
Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812
"German National
Socialism and Islam each rejected democracy, usury,
global capitalism, communism, imperialism,
and colonialism, and emphasized the “folkish spirit” of a people—the
by a strong leader that people trusted,
committed to national sovereignty and self-determination."
The Invisible Menace Trojan Horse Amongst the
Gentile Peoples
Jews are masters of
division and deceit, and have created
this schism between the two
great Gentile peoples of the world while they themselves remain hidden
in the background (through
absolute control of the
orchestrating this whole evil, diabolical farce for
for their fascist World Communism /
International Zionism global plan.
“Every ten years or so, the United
States needs to pick up some small crappy little country
and throw it against the wall,
just to show
the world we mean business,” —
neoconservative Michael Ledeen,
in a speech
given in the early 1990s
Result of Bombing Some "Crappy Little Country"
This Baby is Burning from the Use of Illegal
White Phosphorous Bombs and Other Hideous Weapons of Mass
Destruction Dropped on Iraq and Afghanistan through the
Big Lie
of 911
POPE CLEMENT VIII: “All the world
suffers from the
usury of the Jews,
their monopolies and deceit.
They have brought many unfortunate people into a state
of poverty.”
AQUINAS, THOMAS, Saint. 13th
century scholastic philosopher. In his “On the
Governance of the Jews,” he wrote:
“The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they have
obtained from others by
usury; it were best
they were compelled to worked so that they could earn their living instead
of doing nothing but becoming avaricious.”
"Firearms are second only to the Constitution
in importance; they are the peoples'
liberty's teeth"
— George
“Let us then turn this government back
into the channel in which the framers of the
Constitution originally
placed it.”
July 10, 1858 Speech at Chicago
"We have tortured and killed and maimed and raped around
this planet.
We don't operate under international law; we have the law of the jungle"
The Psycho State and Psycho Israelis That
American Taxpayers Support
Enough Already?
the American Founding Fathers Spoke About
(Ain't Human)
Sending American taxpayer dollars to PARASITE Israel is a
and a scam on the American people
"Investigators found a CD [the settlers] produced which
describes how Arabs can be burned alive: 'break
the windows of a home, throw flammable material
into the rooms and set fire to the exits.'"
also set fire to the historic Church of the
Multiplication of Loaves. State of "Israel" is
both Christian and Muslim
Historical sites on purpose.
Tell that to the Pope.
Only TRUE Groundbreaking Platform
America Needs
Why were They
dancing and
cheering, flicking their Bics as the Twin Trade
Towers were
exploding [expertly demolished] on the other side of the Hudson River?
The “dancer/art student” groups had a variety of
tasks on 9/11, among them:
Planting jammers on buildings on exhibit one
to block Port Authority dispatchers and
first responder radios
Plant explosives on the New Jersey side of
the George Washington Bridge where the
cables are anchored, in order to collapse
the bridge
Explode a truck in the Lincoln Tunnel
Explode a truck in the Holland Tunnel
Park trucks with demolition devices in
specific parking areas of the twin towers
Israel’s attack on 9/11 was primarily designed to turn
public opinion against the enemies of Israel (Arabs) and
to induce the Western powers to take out Israel’s
regional enemies. The codename for the 9/11 operation
was “The Big Wedding” which could be interpreted as a
reference to the planned coagulation of US and Israeli
foreign policy —
making Israel’s evil ambitions
America’s too.
Imposter State of "Israel" Created for a Crime
“… the entire reason for the creation of ‘the Jewish
state’ was to provide a base of operations for those
individuals plagued with a magnetic pull for
criminal behavior, thus affording them not only an environment favorable
to their natural urges but also functioning as a
‘safe-house’ of sorts
where the members of this ‘family’ can enjoy the diplomatic, political and
military protection that comes with nation-state status…
In other words, a hideout, hangout and place of refuge
where ghetto-reared gangsters are free to live according
to their
natures while remaining immune to capture, indictment, and imprisonment as
result of criminal activities they perpetrated while abroad."
Obeying the US Constitutional Mandate of Separation of
"synagogue and State"
"Former Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney has reported on more than one
occasion publically that newly elected Members
of Congress
are always approached by AIPAC representatives and asked to sign their
loyalty Oath to place Israel's security [i.e.
interests] before America's." Article
"We are obliged to conceal
our own particular character and mode of life so
that we will be allowed to continue
our existence as a parasite among the nations"
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
"Each year Israel rakes in billion in tax-free donations
from billionaire Israel loyalists with dual US
citizenship, who extract their wealth
from American workers, investors and gamblers, and hundreds of billions
via unrestricted investments,
privileged market access and technology transfers." Article
"This is a concept most patriots
cannot understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours
fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media,
Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the
Jew now uses against the detestable 'goyim'.
The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it.
This is the revelation
that will be
our undoing"
— Harold
Wallace Rosenthal
"Most people around the world know that no nation can
claim greatness with so many homeless Americans, so many
in poverty and so many
in need of government assistance (46 million and counting) as signs of how
things really are in the United States of America.
Rather than buy off on the DC and Wall Street chest thumping, I see the US
economy as “robustly being destroyed”
by the greed of an elite few at the expense of everyone else."
These people are known as scalawags, political
prostitutes, carpetbaggers, charlatans,
traitors, stooges, pawns, etc.
“They debase themselves by
begging for Jewish votes. They even enter into political
with us against the interests of their own nation”
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Trouble with America
"At first, by controlling the banking system we were
able to control corporation capital. Through this, we
acquired total monopoly of the movie industry,
the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing
industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals
had already
fallen into our hands. The richest plum was later to come when we took
over the publication of all school materials. Through
these vehicles
we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only
stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants
we give them, whether they be truth or lies"
— Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Satanic Sachs and the Control of the World
“US central bankers” care nothing about the welfare or
suffering of people whose lives are destroyed through
austerity policies, rather only about giving you more DEBT. The
business of usurious banking is the art of selling
debt as product. Modern society has adopted the mentality of “debt slave.”
“Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton
has penned a controversial letter to a major Jewish
donor vowing to offer Israel “total”
support in its next confrontation with the Gaza Strip’s Islamist rulers.
In plain words, the Brookings
strategists shamelessly advocate breaching
international law to deliberately provoke a
peaceful nation into a retaliatory
action that would then be propagandistically used to rubber-stamp a
pre-arranged military assault designed to
expedite US-Israeli imperial purposes.
Should these people not be on trial for pre-meditated mass murder and
incitement to genocide?
At a 2009
conference in Israel, Saban outlined his winning
strategy aimed at harnessing the American Empire
in Israel’s favour: “make
donations to political parties, establish think
tanks, and control media outlets.” Of the
six contributors
to the “Which Path to Persia?” paper, four are Jewish: Kenneth M. Pollack,
Daniel L. Byman, Bruce Riedel
and Martin Indyk (the former US ambassador to Israel).
The ancient
Greek philosopher Aristotle gives an argument
"that usury was similar to unnatural sex [see
Politics 1.10.1258b] ... Thomas Aquinas ...
argued that sodomy
[why Jews push homosexual
depravity] and usury
[Jewish cabal owned
Federal Reserve] were both 'sins
against Nature, in which the very order of
Nature is violated, and injury done to God
himself, who sets Nature in order.'
Echoing Aquinas, Dante placed sodomites and
usurers in the same circle of Hell [circle 7] in
The Divine Comedy [Inferno, cantos
15-17]. In his 1935 tract 'Social Credit,'
Ezra Pound ...argued that 'usury and sodomy, the
Church condemned as a pair, to one hell, the
same for one reason, namely that they are both
against natural increase.'" Article
"Such unscrupulous scheming against the
sovereignty and well-being of Iran is designed
to weaken its resolve and force it to capitulate
if not collapse entirely. While US and Israeli
officials spew absurd canards about the ‘threat’
Iran poses, the shadow policy makers in the
Washington ‘think tank’ community freely
acknowledge that Tehran’s foreign policy is
purely security-oriented and defensive in
nature. It is the Islamic Republic’s ability to
maintain its territorial integrity and stave off
foreign aggression that truly worries the
imperialists in Washington and Tel Aviv who seek
to convert Iran into just another subservient
appendage of the American-Zionist imperium."
ISIL, with members from several western countries,
controls parts of Syria and Iraq,
and has been carrying out horrific acts of violence such as public
and crucifixions against all communities such as Shiites,
Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians.
[Jew-Zionist-Israeli] Controlled United States
is seeking to have a "never-ending war" in the
Middle East which would make the countries there
unable to stand up to [Satanic] Israel,
says a former CIA
"Unite with God's Enemies and you're headed for
hell. By blessing the Jews you participate
in their promotion of same-sex marriage.
Bless the Jews and you partake in their genocide
of Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim.
And you even join in their blasphemies against
What we have in modern Israel, then, is an artificially
created nation that is historically, genetically,
and spiritually unconnected to biblical Israel or to Jesus.
The codename for the 9/11 operation was “The Big
Wedding” which could be interpreted as a reference to
the planned coagulation
of US and Israeli foreign [and national] policy — making Israel’s evil
ambitions America’s too.
we get caught they will just replace us with persons of
the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do,
America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop
it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is
nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that
we will create and control.
Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough
to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again.
This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy
them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be
our slaves"
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
EgyptAir 990 was crashed in a
"test" for the WTC, on Halloween, 11/31/1999.
"Exactly two years ago, the American Halloween,
EgyptAir flight 990, a giant Boeing 767 took off
from New York bound for Cairo Egypt with 100
Americans and 87 Egyptians aboard.
"The takeoff had been successful and routine,
but at one half hour into the flight, at 1;48;30
----at a moment when the pilot left the controls
for a trip to the toilet and the co-pilot was
left in the cockpit alone -- an English voice
can be heard on the black box recorder saying
"control it...." Account
All This
Killing and Movie-Making Done
on a Putrid, Ugly
"Exploiting and
outright manipulating fissures between the West
and the Arab/Muslim world has been a key
component of Israeli strategy from the outset.
And it is this artificial divide, fostered by
years of Zionist subterfuges and political
scheming, that lies at the core of the agenda of
those truly responsible for the 9/11 attacks,
the primordial affair which kick started the
bogus ‘war on terror’ and endless American
war-making in the Middle East."
— Article
“The Zionist-dominated media here in the United
states is helping foment a clash of
civilizations against Islam, but which is
secretly designed not only to destroy Islam, but
also Christianity,” Barrett said.
British historian Lord Macaulay warned, "Your republic will
be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the
twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with
this difference, that the empire came from without and your Huns
and vandals will have been engendered within your own country,
by your Israeli Zionist owned institutions."
"Now all the Jews have descended
on Paree: Bibzy, Levy, Cuckermain…bringing their
‘clash of civilizations’ with them where civil
strife brings on a Jewish police state with
‘expert help’ from the Mossad flown in.
"Ain’t that a shame. The very
same ones who created the crisis are sent in to
solve it."
"Who are you to proclaim that
your Christian American "It is obvious you have never been exposed to the
communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in
America. I will personally be there to firebomb your church,
burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your
children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and
reeducate them to become the future leaders of a One World
Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are
taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop
(Letter from a
Spokane, Washington Jew to Christian Pastor
Sheldon Emry).
"Insulting the
prophet Mohammed
in the name of free speech [porno, sleazebag, i.e.
blasphemous cartoons] appeared to be their constant
delight. For which they were paid, and paid quite
generously, by those who have a vested interest in
whipping up Islamophobia.
"Note one
thing, my friends: this freedom of speech, which is so
very precious and of which we make such a fetish, does
not include freedom to criticize Israel or question the
"Make one satirical comment about Auschwitz, or express
doubts about six million Jews dying in gas ovens, and
you will end up behind bars in 16 countries:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland,
and Romania.
"They would never have
dared to expose “The Diary of Anne Frank” ... as a fake,
by pointing out that much of it had been
written with a ballpoint pen,
invented only in 1951, whereas Anne Frank had died in
Bergen-Belsen in 1945 and so couldn’t possibly have
written the entire book herself.
"Nor did these
courageous French “martyrs for free speech” ever have
the guts to criticize the war crimes of Israel. Oh no,
they thought the Israelis were doing a fine job
slaughtering women and children in Gaza like flies—like
this Palestinian child
her face half blown off by an Israeli sniper."
"Military Men are Dumb Stupid Animals to be Used
as Pawns in Foreign Policy"
Henry Kissinger
“The United States is spending an “endless”
amount of wealth and sacrificing human lives to
fight wars on behalf of Israel, a “disaster” for
the American people and US foreign policy… ”
“[I]n order to show
‘distinguishable courage’ you must be sure of
what you are fighting for. Unfortunately, today
most U.S. military fail to demonstrate the
comprehensive knowledge about the U.S. foreign
policy before heading out to war. It is thus
very difficult to demonstrate ‘noble qualities’
when you walk in ignorance, believe mainstream
media propaganda, are lied to every day and when
you lack wisdom and understanding of the greater
picture." Article
“The New World Order cannot happen without U.S.
participation, as we are the most significant
single component.
Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it
will force the United States to change it’s
— Henry Kissinger, World Affairs Council Press
Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel ,
April 19th 1994
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies
is to create a one-world government combining
supercapitalism and Communism under the same
tent, all under their control.... Do I mean
conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is
such a plot, international in scope, generations
old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in
the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by
the Soviets
"We shall have world government whether or not
you like it, by conquest or consent."
James Warburg
"The idea was that those who direct the overall
conspiracy could use the differences in those
two so-called ideologies
[marxism/fascism/socialism v.
democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the
Rockefellers / Rothschilds] to divide larger and
larger portions of the human race into opposing
camps so that they could be armed and then
brainwashed into fighting and destroying each
In Morocco he was hung from walls
and ceilings and repeatedly beaten, His penis
and chest were sliced with a scalpel and hot,
stinging liquid poured into the open wounds.
"They cut all over my private
parts", he wrote in his diary. "One of them said
it would be better just to cut it off, as I
would only breed terrorists" ...
... In July 2002, Mohamed was
flown - trussed, gagged, blindfolded and wearing
a giant nappy - from Islamabad to Rabat in
For the next 18 months he
suffered torture including the genital
mutilation. He says it was here that questions
from MI5 were channelled by his Moroccan
interrogators."It was obvious the British were
feeding them questions about people in London."
Mohamed says that under torture he told his
interrogators that [alleged] 9/11 planner
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
had given him the false British passport and
that he had met Osama Bin Laden 30 times. "None
of it was true."'
"No one of those decades had any inkling of what
the Pentagon was really about and just how
rotten are the scoundrels and liars of
Washington DC who connive with their pals in
banking and the military-industrial complex to
create the pretext and excuses to wage war
against innocent people in far away lands, so
said scoundrels can generate obscene amounts of
profit and booty for themselves, and all at
taxpayer expense.
"Following the treachery leveled against US
service men in the first Gulf war (1991) by its
own government in which hundreds of thousands of
men and women were subjected to vaccinations
that caused the intentionally introduced, lab
created "Gulf War syndrome (or illness)", you
would think that far more young people would
think twice about joining a Pentagon killing
machine that had all the earmarks of satanic
"After the traitors in our military and
government, working with the Mossad,
orchestrated the events of 9/11, they send US
military personnel into Iraq and Afghanistan to
engage in such depraved levels of barbarity,
cruelty, and murderous savagery (mostly against
civilians), that for the first time in the
history of the United States, we have scores and
scores of returning military men committing
suicide because they can no longer take the
mental torment that their conscience has forced
upon them for their unconscionable conduct in
the Middle East"
America's 'Enemies List' to
Sustain War Mode and Pentagon Budgets
1 - "Soviet Union"
2 - "Terrorists"
3 - "Asteroids"
4 -
"No one will enter the New World
Order unless he or she will make a pledge to
worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age
unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
David Spangler, Director of
Planetary Initiative, United Nations
Jewish Israeli professor –
Arnon Sofer - made this quote to the Jerusalem Post
regarding the
"If we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill
and kill. All day, every day. If we don't kill we will
cease to exist."-Israeli
Prof. Arnon Sofer of Haifa University, Jerusalem Post
If Satan Had a Corporation, i.e. Creation This
Would Be It
“Back in 1967 I read a
letter to the editor in The Christian Science
Monitor by an Israeli who witnessed a
Palestinian being tortured. The prisoner's
daughter was taken to his cell and he was told
to rape her; when he refused, he was made to
crawl naked on the floor licking up broken glass
with his tongue. This so horrified me it has
haunted me ever since.”
"Ehud Barak certainly
knows who the attackers are. He sees the chief
architect of 9-11 every time he looks
in the mirror!"
"All the proffered evidence that America was
attacked by Muslims on 9-11 appears to have been
"I have always said that the intelligence
agencies of the leading nations of the world are
certainly very well aware that the official
version is a fraud. The largest media networks
are also aware of the 9-11 hoax, primarily
because of their fundamental role in
perpetrating this fraud on the public. The
people are always the last to know the truth."
"The mainstream media’s motto is now: 'We lie
about everything.'”
"A new Jewish elite has seized all of the major
choke points of American society: academia, the
courts, and politics. It’s a hostile
elite — hostile to the traditional people and
culture of America."
system is totally in control of the American
Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the
United States. It is clear that the American
people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and
are forced to live according to the principles
and laws laid down by the Jews."
"What is this? Is it not that there exists a
government within the government in the United
Sates? That secret government must be asked as
to who carried out the attacks. I have already
said that we are not hostile to the United
States. We are against the US Government system,
which makes other nations slaves of the United
States" -- Osama Bin Laden
"It’s very doubtful that Muslims were behind
9/11. I don’t think 9/11 was an Arab conspiracy.
I think it’s an American conspiracy to overthrow
the government of the United States and install
what is becoming a police state."
"Our masters and our enemies!… whom we
detest!… the most abominable people in the
world!… They are, all of them, born with a
raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the
Bretons and the Germans are born with blond
hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised
if these people would not some day become deadly
to the human race"
Voltaire 1771
"Rabbi Dov
Appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon 3 months
ahead of 9/11. By September 1, 2001,
Comptroller loses three trillion dollars of
American Taxpayer's money
– at a
staggering rate of 1 trillion dollars per month.
What is the Pentagon doing with so much of
taxpayer money anyway? The correct
following of the U.S. Constitution as the Second
Amendment applies is for NO STANDING ARMY, but
simply Citizen Militias as the correct
maintenance of American Freedom—when
Liberty is threatened.
Will America's
Guns Be Waiting for Them?
are second only to the Constitution in importance; they
are the peoples' liberty's teeth"
George Washington
The Filth
Called Israel and the Problem on Planet Earth
"Israel is not about religion, it’s about an
illegal political movement called Zionism which
was designed to capture the entire planet for
their members."
"... it must be driven from all the lands of the
earth, along with all of their
that have tried so hard to steal the planet for
Zionism and for their pro-active
political-piracy in every country where there is
an Israeli Embassy Israel needs to feel the
full weight of the world they have so
barbarically tried to murder."
"US senators, who voted
unanimously to [intentionally murder children]
and cheer on the Israeli perverts who experience
orgasms at the sight, are clearly complicit in
the carnage and sexual depravity — all of them
clinical psychopaths who in a sane world would
face immediate execution for war crimes."
"So while Congress was
unable to agree to spending to help Americans
here at home who are struggling to find work,
they go to bed hungry knowing that at least our
government cares enough to fund the Israeli war
Congress is in recess. Are they home with
constituents talking about debt, deflation and
the threat of war?
According to the Jerusalem Post, 81 of them are
right now visiting Israel!
Joan Rivers Publically Asserted
“Palestinians Deserve to be Dead”
What Does That Tell us?
The Alien Thought of the Jew is the Same Thought
that Dictates America's Foreign Policy
and All the Killing in the World
"Let's be as blunt as Joan Rivers. She who is so
ultra-sensitive to New York City society and so
representative of it's essence exposed, she by her
remark about Palestinians exposes them all as moral
monsters and the fulfillment of every populist suspicion
of conspiracy and Talmudist hatred for none Jews. Rivers
is the most socially attuned person, the one judge of
what is proper and of what can be said and what cannot
-- she slipped up -- she forgot that she must wear two
faces -- one for high New York Jew-dominated society and
one for the public. The way she said it indicated that
she was used to saying it and that she had never been
censured for saying it among her friends and New York
Dick Eastman
1) Israel is not about Religion or even land, it's about
2) Israel develops and tests its deadly weapons in Gaza
and on the Palestinian people then sells them to various
countries around the world;
3) The Palestinians do not initiate violence, but false
flags are done by the Israelis themselves (Israelis
dressed up as Arab / Palestinians) in order for them to
genocide the Palestinian populations using the array of
including POISONOUS GAS;
4) The Military has total control and censorship over
the news;
5) Their missions in the occupied territories are simply
to blindly kill civilians, including toddlers, i.e.
anything that moves;
6) Not one bit of compassion or humanity is given to the
people they kill and brutalize;
9) Like Americans and normal Human beings, Palestinians
will risk their lives saving the life of fellow man;
Israelis Not Human!
Israeli woman,
a sexually perverted atrocity tourist, has
recently confessed that the sight of Palestinian
children being killed is enough to give her an
T-shirts were printed for Israeli soldiers at the end of
periods of deployment or training courses and were
discovered by Israeli newspaper
Haaretz. One, printed
for a platoon of Israeli snipers depicts an armed
Palestinian pregnant women caught in the crosshairs of a
rifle, with the disturbing caption in English: "1 shot 2
Diana Magnay, Israelis are Scum (Worse Than) and
Everyone Should Know It
“…And that is why the 45 year old circle-jerk
known as "The Middle East Peace Process" is a
sick and twisted joke played upon the
Palestinians, as well as the naive do-gooders
who continue to place their trust in 'the
good Jews'.”
"This was the long planned nation of Israel
which was designed to fulfill this need for a
Zionist action-agent Cutout but also a means to
depopulate Palestine and get control of
Jerusalem to seat their own NWO Luciferian
Ruler, the Anti-Christ."
“I think you can probably see there are lots
of Israelis gathered around who are cheering
when they see these kinds of Israeli strikes,”
Magnay said during the report. ... Following the
shot, Magnay tweeted, “Israelis on hill above
Sderot cheer as bombs land on #gaza; threaten to
‘destroy our car if I say a word wrong’. Scum.”
“They assassinated
hundreds of Iraq’s leading scientists and
scholars in an intellectual genocide designed to
cripple Iraq’s future potential. And they
unleashed a wave of false flag terror aimed at
fomenting sectarian strife. Today, they are
preparing to harvest the fruits of their labors.”
"Israel was born over the
opposition of American experts and of governments around the
world, who opposed it on both pragmatic and moral grounds. ...
"When the buy-out effort was able to obtain only a few percent
of the land, Zionists created a number of terrorist groups to
fight against both the Palestinians and the British. Terrorist
and future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin later bragged
that Zionists had brought terrorism both to the Middle East and
to the world at large."
Israel and Israelis
The Hidden Hand in World Terrorism If There is
Another Terrorist Attack on America, You'll Now
Know Where it Really Came From
"The drive of the Rockefellers
and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining super capitalism and Communism
under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I
mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such
a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and
incredibly evil in intent."
-- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the
Korean Airline Flight 007 crash.
"The men who
wintered at Valley Forge did not suffer those
months of intense cold and hunger in the hope
that . . .
the union of the colonies would one day be able
to stir up wars between other countries in order
to sell them munitions.”
"... nations are shoved into wars
in order to destroy themselves, to break up their
to destroy their social order, to destroy their populations,"
while usury "... has the power to starve the whole of
mankind, and make it pay
through the nose before it can eat the fruit of its own labor.”
Maintaining Big Jewish Lies, Yes Jewish,
for the Perpetual War Mode
"The mission
of the 9/11 Memorial Museum is firmly
intertwined in Department of Education standards
(Common Core) for indoctrinating the populace as
early as possible. They have developed a
curriculum about 9/11 for grades K through 12."
"What I’m getting
at is this, you know, this country is owned by
the Jews and they are warmongers.
They seem to thrive on war. And they send
off to do their killing."
"Thousands of young American
soldiers are either in coffins, maimed, or
mentally troubled,
while the Jews play armchair-general in their
cushy offices and homes."
Meet the
Founding Family Member Central Banker
of the Demonically
Infested Spider Nest Home
of Israel
“…and Patton
found their personal habits shockingly
Through the Global Central Banker Usury System
that is Interlinked with War on the
to him (stolen from the fruit of Mankind's
labor), and This for the Rest of Humanity—Poverty,
Suffering, Starvation, Hunger and Homelessness
The Plan of
Globalized Human Enslavement
of the Planet is Hatched
“Give us twenty years and
we’ll take over your media and destroy your country.”
"The Lobby puts the military and
budgetary resources of the Empire at the service of
Greater Israel –
and that results in the worst human rights in the world."
9/11 was Set Up for
the Totally Phony, Fabricated
and Synthetic "War on Terror" by the Self-Proclaimed Master Race
There is No Muslim Threat
What US "Special
Forces" Do
Outside the State
"Afghan children
have been kidnapped and sold as “terrorists” by
members of the Northern Alliance to the US
Special Forces for $5,000 each.According to some
reports, they have been imprisoned for years in
Guantanamo Bay and in secret prisons in
Afghanistan.Afghan children
also have been forced into armies, the police
force, and militias. The United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported from Kabul on
June 24, 2004 that 2,205 children between the
ages of 14-18 were demobilized. UNICEF also
reported that there may be as many as 8,000
remaining child soldiers, police, and
"Why would Western governments arrange for their
own citizens, and citizens of other countries,
to be shot down, blown up, and generally
terrorized? Convicted NATO terrorist Vincenzo
Vinciguerra explained in his sworn testimony to
an Italian court: "You had to attack civilians,
the people, women, children, innocent people,
unknown people far removed from any political
game. The reason was quite simple: to
force...the public to turn to the state to ask
for greater security." Article
Oh "What a Tangled Web We
When we Practice to Deceive"
Sir Walter Scott
Expect Never-Ending Violence Under Never-Ending
Sectarian Names and Plots
The Modus Operandi is
Predictable and Will Never Change—
Because They Are Who They
Are and Will Be Until They No Longer
Is this the "Unbreakable
Bond with Israel" That U.S. Politicians Talk
are about to take a step
which will bind you to a single cause for
all your life. You will for one year be subject
to an absolute duty whose call you will be
impelled to heed at any time, in any place, and
at any cost. And ever after, until our purpose
shall be accomplished, you will be fellow of a
brotherhood whose bond you will regard as
greater than any other in your life—dearer
than that of family, of school, of nation. ...
suspected that many powerful Jewish leaders in
the United States were not really loyal to the
country of their residence. What we did not
suspect was that many of them, including two of
the most influential Supreme Court justices of
the 20th century, had actually taken
a secret oath not to be loyal."
“What is great is
that you don’t follow any law or rule. You feel
that YOU ARE THE LAW. Once you go into the
Occupied Territory YOU ARE GOD!.” The
soldiers’ internalization of the powerful
Zion-fascist ideology provides a
self-justification in the eyes of the
interviewees for castrating a man, bashing in
the face of a woman protester, shooting an
innocuous pedestrian, breaking the arm of a
4-year old child and other ‘gratuitous’ acts of
random violence.
and Their Demonic Infested
Spider Nest Home
America will be like fixing a big
broken picture window,
sweep up the debris, board up the hole, and REPLACE the
whole window. Anything short of that is the continued
asinine futile attempt to put scotch tape
on sand."
— Dave Diesel
"He stated that the Zionist groups play a role in
killing, incitement to violence and spreading the
culture of hatred and racism [world-wide].
Dr. Al-Malki explained in his letter that the continuous
crimes perpetrated by these groups are, among others,
their incitement to murder, hatred and the propagation
of racism.
Dr. Al-Malki said that jewish militant settlers known as
the “Hilltop Youth” and vigilantes who use the “price
tag” slogan “practice terror constantly against the
Palestinian people, their land, holy places (Churches
and mosques) and property”.
On Friday May 9 2014, the jewish terrorists of so-called
“Price Tag” group sprayed paint of anti-Christian
graffiti on a Jerusalem church, one of the crimes
perpetrated by them. The elements of the terrorists
groups perpetrated dozens of crimes during the past
months, such as setting fire in mosques, slashing tires
of Palestinian cars and vandalizing church property and
religious cemeteries." Article
The Attack on
"I [Osama Bin Laden] was not involved in the
September 11 attacks in the United States nor
did I have knowledge of the attacks.
There exists a government within a government
within the United States
[emphasis added].
"The United States should try to trace the
perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to
the people who want to make the present century
a century of conflict between Islam and
Christianity. That secret government must be
asked as to who carried out the attacks. ...
The American system is totally in control of the
Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the
United States"
— see article,
Five Dancing Israelis" — Mission
Alien Race on
the Planet and Their Ways of Oppressing
and Impoverishing Humans
“The degradation of Western
Christian social life did not merely happen, it was
planned, deliberately fostered and spread, as outlined
The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion. This systematic
undermining of the culture of the West continues today.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New
York Times, Time Magazine and other great
publications whose directors have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of
discretion for almost forty years... It would
have been impossible for us to develop our plan
for the world if we had been subjected to the
lights of publicity during those years. But, the
world is now more sophisticated and prepared to
march towards a world government. The
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to
the national auto-determination practiced in
past centuries." — David Rockefeller, Bilderberg
Meeting, June 1991 Baden, Germany
"We lay down the following
principles for long range comprehensive
economic planning". ...
If we could extinguish the
capacity to see the light, our work would be
complete; they would then be on
a level with the beasts of the field and we
should be safe. ...."
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and
was born in sin. The bankers own the
earth. Take it away from them, but leave
them the power to create money, and with
the flick of the pen they will create
enough deposits to buy it back again.
However, take away from them the power
to create money and all the great
fortunes like mine will disappear and
they ought to disappear, for this would
be a happier and better world to live
in. But, if you wish to remain the
slaves of bankers and pay the cost of
your own slavery, let them continue to
create money”—
Josiah Stamp
"If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this
in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here
in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the
land and change our form of government, for which we Americans
have shed our blood,
given our lives our substance and
jeopardized our liberty.
"We are the 'acquirers' and are interested
only in satisfying the 'self.'
To understand our philosophy one
MUST understand the term
'to get.' We never give but only take.
We never labor but
enjoy the fruits of others' labor. We do not
but confiscate. We are not the producers
but the
“Every ten years or so, the United
States needs to pick up some small
crappy little country
and throw it against the wall, just to show
the world we mean business,” —
Michael Ledeen, in a speech
in the early 1990s
Thank You for Your Service!
"We have converted the people to our
philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be
satisfied. A dissatisfied people are pawns in our
game of world
conquest. Thus, they are always seeking
and never able to find
Why US Forces are Expendable
In February 1900,
Members of Parliament were openly acknowledging
the Jewish complexion of the hostilities, with
John Burns emphatically
declaring before a full House of Commons that,
"Wherever we examine, there is a financial Jew operating, directing and
inspiring the agonies that have led to this
war...the British army
which used to be used for all good causes...has become the
janissary of the Jews"[44]
a comment that rings true today as a description
of the American armed forces as a tool of Israel
and its powerful American lobby in the war in
Iraq and the looming war with Iran.
Judaic Supremacy
Why Americans Must Cease and
in War and All Foreign Escapades
"The drive of the Rockefellers
and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining super capitalism and Communism
under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I
mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such
a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and
incredibly evil in intent."
-- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the
Korean Airline Flight 007 crash.
white has no superiority over a black nor does a black
have any superiority over a white except
by piety and good action.” These were the words of Prophet Muhammad during his
farewell address.
America Exists in a State of High Treason
and Spiritual Attack
"From the start, from design stages, plans
have been made for the stadium, and the American
Dream Meadowlands complex, to host a
well-planned false flag event, so grand that one
would think it was planned in the offices of
Josef Goebbles himself. This has been in the
works for at least six years"
see here
"The highlight of this treason will be the world-wide
live television coverage of this abomination of
civilization. This promotion of fear and horror is hoped
to inspire the masses of the world to willfully submit
to the eradication of rights given to us by God."
God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same
time" and asked ‘Can the liberties of a nation
be secure when we have removed a conviction that
these liberties are of God?’" — Thomas
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America, and to the republic for which
it stands, one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all."
“The technotronic era involves the gradual
appearance of a more controlled society. Such a
society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will
be possible to assert almost continuous
surveillance over every citizen and maintain
up-to-date complete files containing even the
most personal information about the citizen.
These files will be subject to instantaneous
retrieval by the authorities"
― Zbigniew Brzezinski [America's
designated role in the NWO jewish/zionist/Israeli
run globalist agenda]
The Exclusive Club of Greedy Tyrants and
Their Arrogant Technocrats
Citizens America Party Note: Fox news negative comments on President Lincoln are totally
fallacious. This was a great man in a war with the very
same jewish banksters both destroying and
Mankind today.
The Heroic Feat
of President Lincoln
"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this continent a new nation,
conceived in liberty and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal.
"Now we are engaged in a great civil war,
testing whether that nation, or any nation so
conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We
are met on a great battlefield of that war. We
have come to dedicate a portion of that field as
a final resting-place for those who here gave
their lives that that nation might live. It is
altogether fitting and proper that we should do
this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate
— we cannot consecrate — we cannot hallow — this
"The brave men, living and dead, who struggled
here have consecrated it, far above our poor
power to add or detract. The world will little
note, nor long remember what we say here, but it
can never forget what they did here. It is for
us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to
the unfinished work which they who fought here
have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather
for us to be here dedicated to the great task
remaining before us — that from these honored
dead we take increased devotion to that cause
for which they gave the last full measure of
devotion — that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain — that
this nation shall have a new birth of freedom
and that government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from
the earth" —
Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863
have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me
[the usual racist
"divide and conquer" tactics of the jewish London
central bankers that caused the division of North and
South]** and the
institutions in the rear. Of the two the one in my rear
is my greatest foe" — Abraham Lincoln
** “While the inaugural
address was being delivered from this place,
devoted altogether to saving the Union without
insurgent [Rothschild] agents
were in the city seeking to destroy it without
war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide
[the] effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated
war, but one of them would make war rather than
let the nation survive, and the other would
accept war rather than let it perish, and the
war came"— Abraham Lincoln's
Second Inaugural Address
"Beginning with George Washington;
there have been six presidents that have fought the
Rothschilds over the money supply of the United States.
Three of the six were assassinated along with
retributions against two Russian Tsars, for assisting
the United Sates at its hour of need. Two of the
Rothschilds banks were removed, and what's at stake now
is the third and last: The Federal Reserve Bank."
More Reason as to Who
the FEMA Concentration Camps
Should Really be For
the Ideals of America from Within
and Selling the Country Out from Under It
"With NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act) the
impoverishment of Americans was accelerated.
Since 2000 over 56,000 American manufacturing
plants have been shipped overseas. And we are
still closing 23 plants a day. In the final
years of the Clinton administration an
artificial economy
was created to replace the one that made things
..... [with one that simply made economic / life
destroying bubbles]"
The Takedown of America's
Middle Class
"The Divide and
Conquer" Racism Continues
within the Lands They are Domiciled
"[Jewish] Islamophobic groups spend
approximately $81,960 each day to spread their
message of hate. That’s $2.5 million a month; a
total of $30 million dollars each year.
"According to the U.S. Census, the
median household income in the United States in
2012 was $51,017.
So each and every day, groups intending to
spread misinformation about Islam spend
more than an average U.S. household will earn in
a whole year"
Why Do
They Do What they Do?
"An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune,
Rosenwald spreads her millions through the
William Rosenwald Family Fund, a nonprofit
foundation named for her father, a famed Jewish
philanthropist who created the United Jewish
Appeal in 1939. His daughter’s focus is more
explicitly political. According to a report by
the Center for American Progress titled “Fear
Inc.,” Rosenwald and her sister Elizabeth Varet,
who also directs the family foundation, have
donated more than $2.8 million since 2000 to
“organizations that fan the flames of
The Sugar Mamas of Hate
When the Whole World
Overthrows the Jewish-Zionists-Globalists,
Then the World Shall Know Life, Liberty and Happiness
* * *
Israel is the
Rothschild Racist World Blueprint—
Inclusive of Cruelty, Brutality and Torture
Those who Ally with Israel in the U.S. are Rothschild
Ask what U.S. Policies were Instituted after Israel
Killed JFK
Apostate Jews
Grabbed Hold of the Money Supply of the World
[Money has the Power to Turn Life Off or On and
Also to
Control Every Aspect of Life]
"… The financial group
controls all that can be converted into energy,
and constitutes a dictatorship
over all modes of intercourse, commerce and exchange."
"With NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act) the
impoverishment of Americans was accelerated.
Since 2000 over 56,000 American manufacturing
plants have been shipped overseas. And we are
still closing 23 plants a day. In the final
years of the Clinton administration an
artificial economy
was created to replace the one that made things ..... [with one that
simply made economic / life destroying
primary aim of modern warfare
is to use up the labor and goods produced by the
machine without raising the general standard of
living. From the moment when the machine first
made its appearance it was clear to all thinking
people that the need for human drudgery, and
therefore to a great extent for human
inequality, had disappeared. If the machine were
used deliberately for that end, hunger,
overwork, dirt, illiteracy, and disease could be
eliminated within a few generations.
But it was also clear that
an all-round increase in wealth threatened the
destruction — indeed, in some sense was the
destruction — of a hierarchical society.
"In a world in which
everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat,
lived in a house with a bathroom and a
refrigerator, and possessed a car, the most
obvious and perhaps the most important form of
inequality would already have disappeared. If it
once became general, wealth would confer no
distinction. It was possible, no doubt, to
imagine a society in which wealth, in the sense
of personal possessions and luxuries, should be
evenly distributed, while power remained in the
hands of a small privileged caste. But in
practice such a society could not long remain
stable. For if
leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike,
the great mass of human beings who are normally
stupefied by poverty would become literate and
would learn to think for themselves; and when
once they had done this, they would sooner or
later realize that the privileged minority had
no function, and they would sweep it away. In
the long run, a hierarchical society was only
possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance."
"You have rights antecedent to
all earthly governments; rights that cannot be
repealed or restrained by human laws;
rights derived from the Great Legislator of the
Universe” –
John Adams, a signer of the American
Declaration of Independence and the second U.S.
Global "Elite" are Not Elite, but Simply Global Crooks
Robbing The People's Bank Accounts and Lives
your bank account has been collateralized
against the derivatives debt. …. Bank of America
conspicuously co-mingled their derivatives
debt with your savings account and as such
have every legal right use your money to cover
their debt."
A Little
Lesson in Rebellion
"An unjust
law is no law at all" —
St Augustine
are two types of laws, those that are just and
those that are unjust.
A just law is a man-made code
that squares with
the moral law.
An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony
with the
moral law...Any law that uplifts the human personality is just.
Any law that degrades human personality is unjust" — Martin Luther King
in his Letter from Birmingham City Jail
“If... the machine of government... is of such a
nature that it requires you to be the agent of
to another [human being], then, I say, break the law" —
Henry David Thoreau
Rebellion to Tyranny is
Obedience to God
Thomas Jefferson
"... That this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom
and that government of the people,
by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"
Abraham Lincoln,
The Gettysburg Address [excerpt], Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863
What's Really Going On
with the Two "Opposing" Parties
“These capitalists generally act harmoniously
and in concert to fleece the people, and now
that they have got into a quarrel with
themselves, we are called upon to appropriate
the people’s money to settle the quarrel”
Abraham Lincoln speech
to Illinois legislature, Jan. 1837
"Americans must stop treating politicians as law-abiding
people. They are unindicted criminals, and are only free
because we have failed to charge them with their crimes
against the Constitution and the people of this nation.
The same is true of the outlaw-state-police."
Farming, Food, Small Business, Medical, Health,
Housing, Economy, Environment,
Education, National Sovereignty, Slave
Wages, Rights, etc. etc.
Rule of the
Psychopaths, Corporate Fascists
Their Dream
Obviously Not the American Dream
"The drive of the Rockefellers
and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining super capitalism and
Communism under the same tent, all under their
(cruel, inhumane and oppressive) control.... Do
I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced
there is such a plot, international in scope,
generations old in planning, and incredibly evil
in intent." -- Congressman Larry P. McDonald,
1976, killed in the Korean Airline Flight 007 crash.
Why Constant Racism and
Wars are Manufactured and Generated
“I see in the near future a crisis
approaching that unnerves me and causes me to
tremble for the safety of my country. . . .
corporations have been enthroned and an era of
corruption in high places will follow, and the
money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices
of the people until all wealth is aggregated in
a few hands and the Republic is destroyed”
Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21,
1864 (Letter to Col. William F. Elkins)
Getting Jewish and
Israeli Influence
Out of America is Key
“When we talk about the issue of Israeli
influence in US government and particularly in
US foreign policy, it is so out of control that
it’s to the point where many of our US
politicians are committing treason against their
own country in order to favor Israel.”
911 Designed to be Their
"Big Wedding" with America
"Israel’s attack on 9/11 was primarily designed
to turn public opinion against the enemies of
Israel (Arabs) and to induce the Western powers
to take out Israel’s regional enemies and secure
resources for the ill-begotten bandit state in
the middle-east. The codename for the 9/11
operation was “The Big Wedding” which could be
interpreted as a reference to the planned
coagulation of US and Israeli foreign policy —
making Israel’s evil ambitions America’s too."
Western Zionist Powers Create Violent Oppositional
with Manufactured Ideologies
vs Christian"
Instigating Their "Clash of Civilizations"
Global Terror on the World (Expect More Hate Generating Lies)
"Bernard Lewis, the Zionist islamophobe who
advises US and British intelligence, invented
the term 'clash of civilizations.' Evidence
suggests that Lewis also invented The CIA
Database ['Al Qaeda'] as a means of triggering
his avidly-desired “clash of civilizations.”
(Lewis was the first advisor to visit George W.
Bush immediately after the 9/11 attacks)"
— Article
fifth column is a group of people who
undermine a larger group, such as a
or a
besieged city,
from within. The activities of a fifth column
can be overt or
Forces gathered in secret can mobilize when
coordination with an external attack requires
and extend even to uniformed military operations
as part of a coordinated campaign. They can be
clandestine, involving acts of sabotage,
disinformation campaigns, or espionage executed
within defense lines by secret sympathizers with
an external force."
America's Brute Laws Created & Enforced by Zionists
“Literally everything this country has done
since Bush stole the White House has been done
thru and by Israel. That means every law, every
tax; every piece of totally bogus legislation
was enacted by the enemies of this country” –
"Isn't it
coincidental the Bloomberg's NYPD use the same
harsh and overly cruel tactics the Israeli
military uses? The NYPD is populated with the
barely educated who would be thugs and street
punks if the police force hadn't hired them.
There must not be any real crime in NY if 15
cops can jump each student protester. This is
another story being ignored by the American
"Petraeus is a war criminal according to
international law—from ordering and facilitating
illegal torture, to intentionally creating civil
war in Afghan villages, to covering up the
murder of Iraqis by U.S. defense contractors, to
utilizing the “double-tap” method where drones
conduct second strikes on rescue workers and
victims’ funerals. Petraeus’s “leadership”
(i.e., trying to advance his own career off the
backs of enlisted personnel) also yielded the
highest casualty rates for U.S. troops under his
command in both Iraq and Afghanistan while he
lived a rock star lifestyle."
can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world
hears you! And the people
and the people who knocked these buildings down will
hear all of us soon!” —
Jnr on 9/14/01
Ariel Sharon
— Israeli Prime Minister on 9-11; heavy Mossad
involvement in 9-11 (200 Israeli intelligence
agents rounded up after 9-11, five Mossad agents
arrested filming and celebrating WTC collapses,
employees of Mossad-operated company at WTC
notified hours before plane hit) implicates
Sharon; infamous Zionist terrorist and war
criminal; now said to be comatose
Will American Mothers
Still Send Their Sons to War?
Americans Die
“I came to the realization that Zionists run
America, and have instigated and benefited from
the Global War on Terror that thousands of
Americans have fought and died in, not to
mention the millions of innocent Iraqis,
Afghans, and other Islamic peoples killed as a
result of the wars America has prosecuted"
Angelo John Gage, USMC
Some 250 AIPAC leaders and
activists [stormed] the halls on Capitol Hill
….. to persuade the US lawmakers to vote for a
draft resolution authorizing strikes on Syria
US-enlisted death squads were caught red-handed
using them multiple times. Pentagon contractors
trained them in handling and use. CIA operatives
are involved. Perhaps US special forces also.
"To the dolphin alone, beyond all others, Nature has
given what the best philosophers seek, friendship
for no advantage; yet it is friend to all men and has often given great
aid." Plutarch
“You are from your father The Devil, and the
desire of your father you are willing to do;
from the beginning he has been murdering men and
does not stand in the truth because there is no
truth in him; whenever he speaks a lie, he
speaks from what is his, because he is of
falsehood and is also its father"
John 8:44
Intelligence Agencies
Gassed Syrian Children
for a False Flag War on Syria
The Zionist NWO Death
Cult Ideology on Full Display
at the
“The public must demand the prosecution [and
nullification] of everyone in government that
has taken this Oath of Allegiance to the Outlaw
State of Israel; over their supposedly sworn
allegiance to the United States of America. ...
Those guilty of having sworn this treasonous
oath, in public, need to be stripped of their
American citizenship, of all their own wealth,
and deported to Israel with only the clothes on
their backs and their duplicitous hypocrisy to
warm their treacherous hearts of broken stone to
keep them company"
Response to Cantor's
Pledge of Allegiance to Israel
The spirit of usury holds sway amongst them.” They are
“a nation of swindlers” who benefit only “from deceiving
their host’s culture." —
Immanuel Kant
"If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, first by inflation,
then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will
grow up around them will deprive the people of all
property until their children wake up homeless on the
continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that
banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies... The issuing power should be
taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom
it properly belongs” –
Thomas Jefferson
The Real Reason for War
on Syria
– The
Plan for a "Greater" Israel
"We must expel Arabs and take their places." :
David Ben Gurion, future Prime Minister of Israel,
Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University
Press, 1985
Israel's History in Quotes
"The year 1917 also saw the 16th Amendment added
to the US Constitution, levying a national
income tax, though it was ratified by only two
of the required 36 states. The IRS is a private
corporation registered in Delaware. Four
years earlier the Rockefeller Foundation was
launched, to shield family wealth from the new
income tax provisions, while steering public
opinion through social engineering. One of its
tentacles was the General Education Board.
“In our
dreams we have limitless resources and the
[American] people yield themselves with perfect
docility to our molding hands."
Why does the
pathocracy fear
it is losing control? Because it is threatened
by the spread of knowledge. The greatest fear of
any psychopath is of being found out. As
George H. W. Bush said to journalist Sarah
McClendon, December 1992, “If the people knew
what we had done, they would chase us down the
street and lynch us.”
"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world
unstable, and to propagandize and teach the
American people to hate, so we will let the
Establishment spend any amount of money on
arms." — John
former CIA official and author
Friedman laughs: I could give
you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at
this moment within a five-block radius of this
office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert
island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would
not have happened."
and Their Tricksters for a World of War and
that Generates Their Evil System
Tomas Young and the American War Machine
"[Tomas] Young will die for our sins. He
will die for a war that should never
have been fought. He will die for the
lies of politicians. He will die for war
profiteers. He will die for the careers
of generals. He will die for a
cheerleader press. He will die for a
complacent public that made war
possible. He bore all this upon his
body. He was crucified. And there are
hundreds of thousands of other crucified
bodies like his in Baghdad and Kandahar
and Peshawar and Walter Reed medical
center. Mangled bodies and corpses,
broken dreams, unending grief, betrayal,
corporate profit, these are the true
products of war. Tomas Young is the face
of war they do not want you to see"
"The Crucifixion
of Tomas Young"
911 Was
Orchestrated by Zionists to Trick Americans
into Signing Up for
Mid East Wars
"The USA has become Israel's servant, and out of
ignorance, fear and stupidity, we gladly offer
up our lives and wealth to defend that Apartheid
nation of
war mongering sadists."
"Even influential American Jews say this is true
and laugh about the wars that Israel has
tricked the USA into fighting since their
FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11, aided and abetted
by American traitors.
"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative
intellectuals, most of them
Jewish, who are pushing
President Bush to change the course of history.
Two of them, journalists William Kristol and
Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible.
"What is the war about?....It is being
fought to consolidate a new world order, to
create a new Middle East.
The Treason Against the
People of the United States
A Second American Revolution Always Remains a
"Guard against the
impostures of pretended patriotism."
"When we assumed the
soldier, we did not lay aside the citizen."
"Associate yourself
with men of good quality if you esteem your own
reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in
bad company."
Support of Israel Defines the Enemies of Humanity
and That of America
"My ardent desire
is, and my aim has been, to comply strictly with
all our engagements, foreign and domestic; but
to keep the United States free from political
connections with every other country, to see
them independent of all and under the influence
of none"
George Washington
It is The Mother of All
Litmus Tests
Staging Emotion Inducing Events
in the World to Achieve Tyranny
911 Staged to
Instigate Brute Policies at Home
and to Start Criminal Wars Abroad
"Collecting the most potent pieces of evidence
available, the author forms a cohesive narrative
demonstrating that the Israeli Mossad, with the
assistance of Zionist assets in the American
government, conspired to execute the 9/11
attacks as a false-flag event designed to
initiate the devilish neocon dream of a “Clash
of Civilizations” between the Western world and
the Islamic world, for the benefit of Israel and
Zander C. Fuerza
The Jewish "Sayanim"
Network of the World that Undermines Truth and
"Hellerstein's courtroom is Ground Zero in the
cover-up of the crimes of 9/11. Virtually all
9/11 litigation has been funneled through his
courtroom, including Ellen Mariani's recent
lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld,
Wolfowitz, and others.
"Like Silverstein and Eisenberg, Hellerstein is
a rabid Zionist with close ties to Israel. The
judge's son and sister both emigrated from the
US to orthodox Zionist settlements in the
Occupied Territories.
"Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn
writes: “Hellerstein's son is an Israeli lawyer
who emigrated to Israel in 2001 and whose law
firm works for and with the Rothschild-funded
Mossad company responsible for the 9-11 terror
"Bollyn notes that Hellerstein's son, an Israeli
lawyer, represents “the Mossad-controlled
airport security firm named International
Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) N.V.,
which is the owner of Huntleigh U.S.A., the
passenger screening company that checked the
passengers that boarded the aircraft at the key
airports on 9-11.”
Kevin Barrett
"Sooner or later, we will reach the point that
the public becomes aware of Israel’s systematic
use of “Agents, Assets and Sayanim” in the
United States, Europe and elsewhere, and the
world will begin to “roll up the carpet” and
dismantle the Israeli stranglehold on our
politicians, foreign affairs, militaries and
What Do you Do when
Institutions in Your Country
have Rotted to the Putrid Core?
If you
can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you
can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
“Every ten years or so, the United
States needs to pick up some small crappy little country
and throw it against the wall,
just to show the world we mean business,” —
neoconservative Michael Ledeen, in a speech
given in the early 1990s
then, I have tried everything to fill the void.
I tried to move into a position of greater power
and influence to try and right some of the
wrongs. I deployed again, where I put a huge
emphasis on saving lives. The fact of the
matter, though, is that any new lives saved do
not replace those who were murdered. It is an
exercise in futility."
"Even influential American Jews say this is true
and laugh about the wars that Israel has
tricked the USA into fighting since their
FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11, aided and abetted
by American traitors.
"Headquartered in the
United States of America, where over
half of the world's
Jewish population resides,
Jewish Zionists such as Rahm Emanuel, David
Axelrod, Timothy Geithner, Peter Orscag, Richard
Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol and
others are pushing their Zionist agenda to
create a New World Order where
Jews will dominate
and rule. The
Israel Lobby known as AIPAC is the
organizational apparatus of the 5th Revolution
now in the making."
Jews and Communism
"They think a police state can
prevent the truth from coming out.
A police state is difficult to manage in a country with
at least 200,000,000 guns floating around…"
us therefore animate and encourage each other,
and show the whole world that a
Freeman, contending for liberty on
his own ground, is superior to any slavish
mercenary on earth"
George Washington, 2 July 1776
John Hancock
— The First to
Sign the Declaration of Independence
I am here to reveal criminality. I’m neither traitor nor
hero. I’m an American"
Ed Snowden
"Patriotism does not require one to agree with
everything that his country does, and would actually
promote analytical questioning
in a quest to make the country the best it possibly can
be” —
Wishing to Make His
Country the Best that it Can Be
The Orwellian State of
the Super Villains
Destroying American Institutions and the American Way
"This lady is head of the Senate Intel Committee
and is arguing that Snowden is a traitor and
must be arrested for Treason. But wait, she,
herself, is a blatant oath breaker to the
Constitution, has tried to destroy the Second
Amendment, has abused her positions and power
for years to make millions for herself and her
"Their current insider deal is selling Post
Offices that Congress is shutting down for a
percentage. Like so many Israeli firsters who
have hijacked the USG, she wants a strong
internal police state and organizations like DHS
to keep the “dumb Goya” in line so she can
continue her insider deals. Now tell me, who is
the traitor that should be arrested for
"... the problem is the NeoCon Zionists and the
Secret Shadow Government (SSG) that has hijacked
America and surrendered control of it to the
City of London Financial District and Israel’s
wars in the Mideast by using their phony “War on
Terror” to bamboozle the American people by
eliciting deep mass primal survival fears and
promising safety if they go to war and institute
a massive internal police state “for their own
How America Can Clean
Purge America of the
Real Traitors: "Route out all the Neocon
zio IZCS crooks [International Zionist Crime
Syndicate] out of high positions and make
certain all USG officials are true American
firsters, not dual Israeli-American citizens,
NeoCon zios or Israeli firsters. Folks who
want to put Israel first should migrate to
Israel.... [and then let Iran deal with
barbaric Israel].
There should be no dual citizenship allowed or
anyone with a history of that allowed to occupy
any political, LE or Military office or
position. Anything less is a complete
conflict of interest."
"If I were the 'Stalin of America' most of our
government and media would be shot for treason
or sent off to a FEMA camp or put to work on
infrastructure projects.
"AIPAC and the Rothschild’s Federal Reserve
would be no more. The debt would be erased over
night. Lobbies and all political donations
outlawed. MOSSAD agents in America would be shot
on sight. And if Israel didn’t like it, some of
our 81 nuclear attack subs and 11 carriers would
finally be put to good use.
"John Hagee would simply be put on a starvation
diet. Pam Gellar sent to a concubinage in Saudi
Arabia. Alan Dershowitz & Joe Lieberman
parachuted into Afghanistan wearing IDF
officer’s uniforms and MOSSAD ID.
"George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld taken to Nevada
and tied feet-first to wild stallions. Glen Beck
and Rush Limbaugh cast adrift on a life raft in
the western Atlantic at 20 degrees north in the
middle of Hurricane season. The entire lot of
neo-cons involved in 9-11 would be loaded onto a
remote control jet with just enough fuel to make
it 500 miles off the east coast at 30,000′.
"These are only a few of the just ends for the
traitorous agents of Israel.
"This country would be cleaned up in short order."
—Sgt. Raymond Turner, USA
The Only Security
Needed for any Nation of People Anywhere
The Attempt toAbsorb America Back
into the British Empire
are numerous examples of false flag attacks or
events throughout history, especially recent
history. For example, the Israeli Mossad,
working in conjunction with the Jewish-owned
mainstream mass media and Jewish criminals
largely controlling the federal government of
the United States and the city of New York,
orchestrated the massive false flag events of
9/11, and pinned the blame on Osama bin Laden,
al-Qaeda, and "Islamic extremists". Since 9/11,
there have been countless examples of rogue
elements in the United States government and
intelligence community, often colluding with the
Israeli Mossad and other foreign intelligence
agencies, setting up or otherwise framing
Muslims for acts of terrorism in order to
perpetuate the fraudulent meme of a "Global War
on Terrorism", "Islamic extremism", and a "clash
of civilizations".'
“Just reading a few pages into Saul Alinsky’s
notorious “Rules for Radicals,” one encounters
repeated confirmation that the very key to
radical “change” is keeping the populace angry,
encouraging their grievances, stoking their
resentments and making sure they are continually
That is the primary psychological dynamic of
“community organizing” – and America today is
led by community-organizer-in-chief Barack
Obama, a long-time master practitioner and
instructor in Alinsky’s neo-Marxist agitation
“Therefore, in a situation like the Boston
Marathon murders, the discovery of a perpetrator
is a must. The case cannot go unsolved. It is
far better to arrest and prosecute, or kill, an
innocent person than to wind up with nothing.”
"New Hampshire State Rep. Stella Tremblay is
calling for answers about whether the American
government was involved in detonating explosives
at the Boston Marathon last week, killing three
people and wounding more than 170 others."
The Setting
Up of Frequent False Flag Attacks in America
Initiated by Corrupted Governments to Take Away
the Human and Civil Rights of All Human Beings
for the purpose of Dictatorship and its
Monopolies; Constant Societal Fear and Control
through the attacks maintains the inequitable
structure and stunts Human progress as a whole.
Taking away the Human and civil Rights of any Human being anywhere is an
attack on Human civilization itself.
All Modes of Decency, Civil
and Human Rights Must Remain Intact for All
Human Beings Everywhere
— the Civil and Human
Rights of the U.S. Constitution Makes No
Exception to any Human Being
— the 1776 Revolution
was a big Part of that Fight;
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
all men [ALL HUMAN BEINGS] are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
US Declaration of
Tsarnaev is innocent — proven by photo — he came
with a backpack and he left with a backpack —
another man (see
here) came with a backpack, in
coordination with similarly uniformed men, he
was near the site of the bombing with backpack
before the explosion and was captured by cameras
leaving without that backpack — the only
backpack that exactly matches the bomb pack”—
R. Eastman
"Psyops planners who
stage events are aware of these factors. They
want to create a world, a picture of a world,
that is in dangerous flux and absolutely
requires our "leaders" to stop that flux."
[No need for leaders
— end of all the violence
don't look at people as human beings. They are nothing
but pieces on the chessboard." —
Verne Lyon, former CIA agent in documentary "Secrets of
the CIA"
While They're Getting
Their Lies Together and Decide
who They are Going to Blame—A
or a Patriot (Latest
Check Out:
"You should Google the name Raymond Davis.
Raymond Davis is a CIA officer who was arrested
planning false flag attacks in Pakistan. He was
driving around Pakistan setting up bombings of
mosques and markets. They were going to be
attributed to so called ‘Islamic radicals.’
Google the name Raymond Davis CIA and you will
find out the kind of people who killed Daniel
Pearl." Article
Israel Plays the
Oppositional Force to American Soldiers through
the Planting of IEDs (the ones that blow up
their limbs) and are the ones
Shooting at Them
in the Deceptive 911 Wars of Iraq and
Afghanistan. As a Result, American
Soldiers Kill and Murder Whole Countries of
Men, Women and Children Simply Living their
lives in Their own Towns, Cities and Villages.
These Deceptive 911 Wars that have killed
and Maimed Millions of People, Children and
Babies Included, were Started on the False Flag
Blame on Muslims in Israel's NWO Communistic
drive to Pit Christians against Muslims, the
West against East and Christianity against Islam
for their Global designs of a Communistic
Godless world.
Created the
"Two Intermittent Bomb
to Inflict the Most Harm on People
“It's a policy started by the Israeli air force
over Beirut during the 1982 siege: bomb now, come back 12
minutes later for a second shot. Now Waziristan villagers wait
up to half an hour – listening to the shrieks and howls of the
dying – before they try to help the wounded.”
Assassinations to Destroy
all Order of a Civilized World
“Israel's campaign to
rewrite international law to its advantage is
deliberate and knowing. As the former head of
Israel's 20-lawyer International Law Division in
the Military Advocate General's office, Daniel
Reisner, recently stated: "If you do something
for long enough, the world will accept it. The
whole of international law is now based on the
notion that an act that is forbidden today
becomes permissible if executed by enough
countries ... International law progresses
through violations. We invented the targeted
assassination thesis and we had to push it. At
first there were protrusions that made it hard
to insert easily into the legal molds. Eight
years later, it is in the center of the bounds
of legitimacy."
"I remember the story of a Jewish soldier
standing next to a Palestinian ambulance driver. The Jewish soldier shot
an innocent bystander in the leg. The soldier would not allow the
ambulance driver to tend to the wounded Palestinian for 45 minutes. Then
the soldier said, “Now you can go help him.” The Palestinian was beyond
saving. He bled out and died. I will deliberately use the term Jewish
soldier instead of Israeli soldier until the Jewish people of America
are shamed into cutting off all military aid to the Zionist state."
"Of course, I know the expression 'lost tribes of
Israel' applied to the tribes which disappeared - not to
the tribe of Judah from
which the current sons of bitches are descended.
However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a
lost tribe - lost to all decency."
"As UN envoy and Secretary of State, she
prioritized war and genocide. She believed NATO
should intervene militarily regardless of
international law restrictions.
"She was criminally involved in America's Balkan
wars. She was complicit in genocide against
Iraqi civilians. She was unapologetic. She
called murdering over half a million Iraqi
children a small price to pay."
It's Not Religion That
Keeps the World and Human Lives in Turmoil,
Tyranny and Conflict—It's
Those Dastardly Intelligence Agencies
an Indian lawyer, a well-educated public
defender. He launches into a political diatribe
denouncing CIA involvement in the Punjab drugs
for guns trade that fuels the war in Kashmir
just north of here. He says the CIA pushes brown
sugar (unrefined heroin) on India’s youth in an
attempt to shut down their minds, while
providing arms to separatists in an attempt to
partition India."
“BH, who has been studying intelligence agencies
and their covert operations for three decades,
said that both films “appear to have made by the
CIA - or worse.” I asked what she meant by “or
worse.” BH suggested that the criminal,
drug-smuggling, 9/11-complicit “Bush crime
family” wing of the CIA may have been working
with the Israeli Mossad in all three
co-productions: The movies Pearl Harbor and
Argo, and the 9/11 covert operation itself. ….
“BH stated that the Bush-linked criminal wing of
the CIA, in some cases together with the Israeli
Mossad, perpetrated several of the worst crimes
in recent history, including the JFK
assassination and the 9/11 false-flag event. She
said that the same forces, led by extremist
Likud elements in Israel, are planning to launch
a war on Iran, via a false-flag attack against a
US ship in the Persian Gulf, by this summer.
According to Honegger, the exposure of the 1980
October Surprise can help prevent such a war.”
Once a Year in the
American Capital, Certifiably Insane Psychopaths
and Their Paid Liars Gather to Cheer on Their Next
Criminally Insane, Dirty Project
All of this shi*t is happening the day after AIPAC's
annual TRAITORS' Conference. It's not a
The Lobby is so emboldened now that its movers and shakers do not care
ostentatious they are as they stick the nose of the US
into a huge pile
of Zionist Bullsh*t. They don't even try to hide
it now.
Riposte Against Zionism: Go Tell it to The People
23 facts implicating
Mossad and the criminal Zionists in America and Israel
the planners, orchestraters, and executors of the 911
"To not point the blame on Zionism or Israel, is
no different than saying that cavemen with
boxcutters did it. They own America and
they did 911"
Why They Did 9/11:
The Money Lenders Take
America Toward Barbarism,
Nazism and Fascism
"And, soldier boys, I have news for you. The
Jews consider YOU to be the fascists. That’s
what the military is for, to absorb the
“fascistic element” of society (masculine men)
into a controllable organization, because you
scare the hell out of the Jews. They dread the
day that you will turn on them, stop killing
their enemies like the fools you are, and aim
your guns at them."
Go Tell it To
the People
The Only Signing Up America Needs is a
Defense Against Zionism
corrupt government pretends to sell treasury
bonds on Wall Street which are converted by the
Federal Reserve into Federal Reserve Notes for
which we pay the Fed to use our own currency!
"In other words, our government can print and
sell bonds but cannot print and distribute
currency. The currency must be supplied to us
from a private, British/Jewish company (printed
at the Treasury Department’s Bureau of
Engraving!) at great profit to itself. The US
government is now trillions of dollars in debt
to this artificial company calling itself by the
grandiose name of the Federal Reserve System."
"When will Israel officially award a Certificate
of Appreciation to its Mossad operatives who
blew up the Twin Towers and WTC-7 and killed
almost 3,000 Americans in order to launch a
series of US wars against Israel's enemies?"
(Also Why Hillary had No
Control Over the Killing of
American Ambassador In Ben Gazi)
Jewish warmongers in America, the dual citizens
beating the war drums for an attack on Iran, are
guilty of incitement to violence. They
are already guilty of major war crimes in
Afghanistan and Iraq. These American Jews, and
the Shabbat goy gentiles (like Hillary Clinton)
who dance attendance on them like puppets on a
string, need to be rounded up and indicted as
war criminals." Here
Mongers Inc.
“With a fascist, the problem is
never how best to present the truth to the public but
how best to use
the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist
and his group more money or more power” –
Henry A. Wallace
Good Reasons Why Americans Should Cease and
Desist in Joining the Military
1. War is a Manufactured Enterprise
The sad fact is, the
people who run the New World Order
don’t want a safe world. They want a dangerous world.
How can the Military Industrial Complex prosper and
enrich Warmongers Inc. if the world is a safe place?
beings are simply designed for a higher purpose -- yes,
"love one another" and
their God-given purpose, talents and passions on the
Engaging in an activity that is totally contrary to the
Human essence or purpose gives the results:
Alien Non-Human
The Source of All Violence, Poverty and Inhumanity
"What fuels these lies is the massive
money-printing monopoly that is our Federal
Reserve, a monopoly which is largely owned by
the Rothschilds and their interbred kissing
cousins the Warburgs, Goldman Sachs, Kuhn Loebs,
et al. These people disdain the average Jewish
person in the same way they despise average
Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and
"They make up stories like The
DaVinci Code to justify their
bloodline rule and to convince us that groveling
at their feet is our destiny. It is the
same Divine Right of a Kings philosophy which
has existed on this planet for the past 2000
years, enslaving all of us while making a
handful of interbreeding knuckleheads masters of
the universe."
"Under God," Means being Under the Ten Commandments
in the Religion of Judaism
Jews Not "Under God" are FAKE JEWS
Zionism, Israel and Talmud (ZIT) are of the FAKE Jews
and Contain the Seeds of the Most Vile Things and is
Demonic in Nature
— Creating FALSE and
Violent Realities
Shootings in America
ZIT of the FAKE Jews is the Anti-Christ Force in
the World!
"It has come to the point that all they have left is
their deceit, which they have overused to the point that
their intent is made clear"
— Rick Bronson
“This is exactly what Israel did in
Norway; the political party that voted
sanctions against Israel was retaliated
against by a 'lone gunman' who killed 77
children. This is what Israel always
does, they go after the children. It is
what they do in Gaza every day. It is
what was done in Norway.
is what happened at Sandy Hook.
This woman
and her sidekick constantly generate
lies, hate and violence against Muslims
and Islam in America. There is a
Jewish funded
machine in America for people
like her to rip the nation apart and
destroy its founding principles.
Zionism, Israel and Talmud is a Death
Cult. It is now resorting to
shooting American children to bring in
their fascist world.
It's time for the United States to be
controlled by people who represent the
United States and its Founding
documents. It should
no longer be
acceptable to have Israel or supporters
of Israel
in any institutions
and policy of the United States and its
50 states.
"The two enemies of the people are
criminals and government, so let us tie
the second down with the chains of the
Constitution so the second will not
become the legalized version of the
"If Congress Disobeys the United State's
Constitution You Are to Disobey the Laws
of Congress."
Understanding the Second Amendment and the Real Cause
of School and Other Shootings
"Firearms are second only to the Constitution in
importance; they are the peoples' liberty's
George Washington
Inequality is
About the Secret Ideology of the
Power Structure and Nothing Else
"In order to achieve a totally predictable
economy, the low-class elements of the society
must be brought under total control, i.e., must
be housebroken, trained and assigned a yoke…the
lower class family unit must be disintegrated by
the process of increasing preoccupation of the
parents…The quality of education given to the
lower class must be of the poorest sort…with
such an initial handicap, even the bright lower
class individuals have little hope of
extricating themselves from their assigned lot
in life. This form of slavery is essential
to maintaining some measure of social order,
peace and tranquility for the ruling upper
More here
"Operation Gladio never
ended. It’s still happening, right here in
Wade Michael Page, the
“man with a 9/11 tattoo” blamed for the
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting,
turned out to be a US Army psy-ops specialist.
The 'DC Sniper' – the US
Army Special Forces whiz who changed his name to
'Muhammad' just in time to go
on a shooting spree – was another
government-sponsored false-flag operation."
Evil Comes Home to Roost
Psychopathic Behavior Abroad Manifests
Psychopathic Behavior at Home
By EJECTING Israel and Zionists from its nation, great
strides would be made in getting America
back to its Ten Commandments root for the peace and
light she was born for,
with the prime commandment being "Thou Shalt Not Kill."
Plain and Simple: Israel is a
Demonically Inspired Death
Sunday 11/18/2012
Godless Nazi Jew Child Killers War on the People of Gaza
Taliban Really
Killing Children Attending School
and Going About Everyday Life?
"The “best
available information,” according to
the study, is that between 2,562 and 3,325
people were killed in Pakistan from June 2004
through mid-September of this year. An estimated
474 to 881 of those killed were civilians,
including 176 children." Article
damning dossier assembled from exhaustive
research into the strikes’ targets sets
out in heartbreaking detail the deaths of
teachers, students and Pakistani policemen. It
also describes how bereaved relatives are forced
to gather their loved ones’ dismembered body
parts in the aftermath of strikes."
"In 2002, the San Francisco
Superior Court awarded former
Congressman Pete McCloskey a $150,000
court judgment against the ADL in a illegal domestic spying
case. In March of 2001, a U. S.
District Judge upheld a $10.5 million
judgment against the ADL in a defamation
of character litigation that saw the ADL
convicted in April of 2000 by a Federal
Jury in Denver." Article
Many Subjects to
Choose From:
Don't Forget USS
Liberty; 9/11; AIPAC; Aid
to Israel .....
"Geller’s right to publically
dehumanize Muslim “savages” is protected
by the First Amendment. ... Such free
expression should also be granted to
scholars who question the accuracy of
the establishment’s version of the
“Holocaust” or anti-Israel activists at
the University of California Berkley to
demonstrate against Israel."
Palestinian Child Buried Alive
by an
Israeli Army Bulldozer
have the whole thing stitched up because the Rothschild
Zionist secret society network have their agents in
governments, the banking system, including the
international institutions like the IMF, and control the
reporting of their activities through ownership of the
mainstream media."
Wow, One Powerful Woman
Rita Katz
the great crystal ball gazer for the "War on
"Who says Al Qaeda takes credit for a
bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden
tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much
all information telling us Muslims are bad?
Rita Katz? Rita Katz is the Director of
Site Intelligence, primary source for
intelligence used by news services, Homeland
Security, the FBI and CIA.
"How strange then that ‘Adam Gadahn’ turns out
to be a Jewish man called Adam Pearlman,
grandson of Carl Pearlman, who served on the
Board of the rabid Rothschild Zionist
Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
"It was the Rothschild network that orchestrated
the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the War
of Terror and its [big Lie] justification,
September 11th [also done by Israel].
Another Zionist
Political Party Front
"No Labels" [Rothschild Zionist response to
people waking up to their false "left / right"
control paradigm]
"The Bush State of the Union address in 2002
which called Iraq, Iran and North Korea the
‘axis of evil’ was written by the neocon, David
Frum (Rothschild Zionist), now supporting the
Rothschild Zionist front,
No Labels, and
was straight from the pages of the Project for
the New American Century document.
"It was the Rothschild network that orchestrated
the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the War
of Terror and its justification, September 11th
[also orchestrated by Israel]."
Symmetry is Called Rothschild Zionism—Article
"Everyone had tiny spaces, she added. Some in
isolation had no sunlight. She described a
series of dungeons six feet long, three feet
wide, and six feet high.
"Conditions were dark, filthy, and unbearable to
be in. For greater harshness, those inside were
stripped naked, beaten, unable to shower, given
a thin coverall, and allowed toilet privileges
once a day only.
"Authorities tried to get McKinney and other
activists to admit criminality. They refused and
were brutalized. Cramped conditions constitute
cruel and unusual punishment.
"McKinney said it's "incredibly black: populated
mostly by Ethiopians who also had a dream." They
traveled to Israel for it. Instead, they were
denied and imprisoned." Article
“Israel's campaign to rewrite international
law to its advantage is deliberate and knowing.
As the former head of Israel's 20-lawyer
International Law Division in the Military
Advocate General's office, Daniel Reisner,
recently stated: "If you do something for long
enough, the world will accept it. The whole of
international law is now based on the notion
that an act that is forbidden today becomes
permissible if executed by enough countries ...
International law progresses through violations.
We invented the targeted assassination thesis
and we had to push it. At first there were
protrusions that made it hard to insert easily
into the legal molds. Eight years later, it is
in the center of the bounds of legitimacy."
Of course, one of the most dangerous of all
Sayanim agents is Governor Mitt Romney,
nominated by the Republican Party for President.
Some believe that his Bain Capital group was and
is an Israeli front. Meanwhile, Bain’s media
branch, Clear Channel Communications, from where
Zio-fanatics like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,
Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage spout their
venomous warmongering, pro-Israeli propaganda,
is nothing less than a Zionist Fifth Column spy
front. How many Americans know that these
popular neo-con media personalities are actually
well-paid Zionist puppets and mouthpieces?
Under the Cover of the Left
— Consolidation of
World Tyranny
"Savage austerity, brutal
economic sacrifice, and a
massive further reduction in the
standard of living of the
depleted and exhausted US
population. This will be done
under left cover through a
global warming tax, a third
world solidarity tax, and other
demagogic frauds with revenue
bailing out Goldman Sachs,
Citibank, and JP Morgan Chase.
The puppeteers of this savage
austerity program are David
Rockefeller and Rothschild agent
George Soros"
demons are all of an Essence called Zionist.
My meaning for Zionism is that it is a
spiritual, ontological characteristic. It
is not a religious, racial or regional
description. Thus, not all Jews are
Zionists. And, of course, most Zionists
are Not Jews."
"If zionism was the issue, how do we explain the
last 2000 years of jewish domination,
subversion, infiltration, pedophilia, ritual
murder, usury, manipulation, supremacy and all
of the other ills that come with the jews? How
do you explain that these critters have been
kicked out of 84 different countries, long
before this “zionist” bullshit line appeared on
the scene? These jews weren’t “zionists” when
they were exiled from all of these places, they
were simply jews behaving as jews are known to
Ambassador Stevens Made
Sacrificial Lamb for
Phony War on Terror with Muslims
Stevens, who like me got to know the Arab world
by living in Morocco, was (as far as I know)
neither Jewish nor a committed Zionist. So why
should Stevens, an American citizen and a
representative of the American government, be
murdered because a handful of fanatical Zionist
lunatics have seized control of the US
government and media, and dragged America into
Israel’s hopeless war against the world’s almost
2 billion Muslims?
It isn’t ordinary
Americans who spend millions of dollars to
slander the Prophet Muhammad. It’s the Zionists,
aren't stupid. They know what Washington did to
Iraq and Libya. They know what's gone on in
Afghanistan since 2001. They understand that
wherever America arrives, death, destruction,
and unspeakable human misery follow."
"Lunatics like this run America. Now
McCain wants more. So do Graham and Lieberman"
nominee for the
Larry Silverstein Award
for Chutzpah Beyond the Call of Duty:
Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson, who is openly
calling for the mass murder of Americans, along
the lines of the USS Maine, Lusitania, Pearl
Harbor, USS Liberty, and (by implication) 9/11
orchestrated war-trigger events."
American Wars, Militarism
and the
Pentagon Must End
"Permanent wars are waged for wealth, power and
dominance. At the same time, homeland needs go
begging. Out-of-control militarism heads America
for tyranny and ruin. Along the way, millions
suffer and die"
Stephen Lendman
"Our corrupt government pretends to sell treasury bonds
on Wall Street which are converted by the Federal Reserve into
Federal Reserve Notes for which we pay the Fed to use our
own currency!
"In other words, our government can print and
sell bonds but cannot print and distribute currency. The
currency must be supplied to us from a private, British/Jewish
company (printed at the Treasury Department’s Bureau of
Engraving!) at great profit to itself. The US government is now
trillions of dollars in debt to this artificial company calling
itself by the grandiose name of the Federal Reserve System." ...
"And, soldier boys, I have news for you. The
Jews consider YOU to be the fascists. That’s
what the military is for, to absorb the
“fascistic element” of society (masculine men)
into a controllable organization, because you
scare the hell out of the Jews. They dread the
day that you will turn on them,
stop killing their enemies like the fools you
are, and aim your guns at them.
Ilya Grigoryevich Ehrenburg
January 27, 1891 - August 31, 1967
"The Germans are not human beings. From now on,
the word 'German' is the most horrible curse.
From now on, the word 'German' strikes us to the
quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not
get excited. We will kill. If you have not
killed at least one German a day, you have
wasted that day ... If you cannot kill a German
with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet.
If your part of the front is quiet and there is
no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime
... If you have already killed a German, then
kill another one - there is nothing more
amusing to us than a heap of German corpses.
Don't count the days, don't count
the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number
of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans!
... - Kill the Germans! Kill!" Article
million other farmers across the USSR were
starved or shot during collectivization. Stalin
told Winston Churchill he liquidated 10 million
peasants during the 1930s. Add mass executions
by the Cheka in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania;
the genocide of three million Muslims in the
USSR; massacres of Cossacks and Volga Germans
and Soviet industrial genocide accounted for at
least 40 million victims, not including 20
million war dead.' Article
Why We Need to Dump
Israel —
The World's Menace and
Global Beast
The False System of Government has Created
False and Phony Wars —
Dying for Nothing
"Not only did the entire intelligence forces of
the Western world fail, but on the morning of
the attack the entire apparatus of the National
Security State simultaneously failed. Airport
security failed four times in one hour. NORAD
failed. Air Traffic Control failed. The US Air
Force failed. The National Security Council
failed. Dick Cheney failed. Absolutely nothing
worked. The world’s only superpower was helpless
at the humiliating mercy of a few
undistinguished Arabs." Article
"Where this line of questioning ultimately leads
is to the fact that all the politicians in
Washington have known for years that 9/11 was an
inside job masterminded by the same Jewish
operatives posing as U.S. citizens who have run
the country for longer than 99 percent of the
population can even conceive.
"Why don't you know this? Because Hollywood and
Jewish media characterize these saboteurs as
just good old American citizens like Eric Cantor
and Joe Lieberman saying we should divert Social
Security money to Israel to help them fight the
terror they endlessly create." Article
The Lie
of American Exceptionalism
The Chant
Being Heard Around the World
Hey, USA, How Many Kids Did you Kill Today?
Who Turned America into The Beast?
Something Evil has Come This Way
is what has happened to this once Christian
nation and its sense of Humanity:
Grateful [sickened]
nation: Kyle receiving an award from the
Institute for National Security Affairs
the shot:" Chris Kyle takes aim from on top of
an overturned crib during the Murderous
Rampage of Fallujah
“… the slime who run the show have purposefully
trained your beloved children to be Godless,
remorseless, sadistic, barbaric, cruel, evil,
vicious, bestial inhuman murderers of ALL living
things—soldiers, women, children,
Joe Cortina was a Green Beret in the 1960s and
presently writes for Veterans Today. The vast
majority of our nation's finest do not realize
who really benefit from their sacrifices.
Who control mass media, the Congress, Wall
Street, the Federal (not) Reserve (none) and
both political parties at the national level?
Look at the top leaders in these groups to see a
pattern. The chairs of Republican National
Committee and Democratic National Committee are
members of this group.
We are conditioned not to criticize our
controllers. Joe Cortina does not obey the
This medium-length article
is worthy of a thoughtful reading and reflection—FOLLOWED
BY ACTION to awaken the sleeping masses.
Keep in mind that
planned, orchestrated (Hollywood-style) and
continue mass deception about what really
happened on 9/11.
All this is done in our name—America,
the land of the bamboozled. It is a
long-running, vast, and "gradualism" conspiracy
by an evil criminal network who have skillfully
crafted this matrix of deception to bring
depravity and corruption into the world. Mass
media (owned/controlled by the same evil cabal)
breeds mass deception--and we have become,
through our gullibility, that which We, the
People said we oppose.
John 8:44 Revelation 2:9 Revelation 3:9
Remind the Christians you know—and
especially the clergy—that
satan is deceiving.
Replace the lying mass media with your action.
Forward this email.
Under the Laws and Customs of War on Land
(Hague, IV), drafted October 18, 1907, it is
illegal to bomb civilian infrastructure and the
Nuremberg Principles state that “devastation not
justified by military necessity” is a war crime.
Targeting civilian infrastructure is now a
common practice. Beginning in 1991, Iraqi
civilians and their infrastructure were
deliberately targeted by the U.S. military. The
savage bombardment had a “near apocalyptic
impact” on Iraq and had transformed the country
into a “pre-industrial age nation,” which “had
been until January a rather highly urbanized and
mechanized society,” writes author William Blum,
citing United Nations observations.
The Prostitute Media—Look
at Them and Know
That They are the "Pressitutes"
“Conspiracy theories have now blossomed into
what the smug presstitute media calls a
‘conspiracy culture." …. Indeed, the conspiracy
culture is the product of the presstitute
media's failure to investigate and to report
truthfully. I am certain that the
Western media
is worse than the Soviet media was. The Soviet
media devised ways for helping the public to
read between the lines, whereas the Western
media is so proud to be confidants of the
government that they deliver the propaganda
without any clues to the readers that it is
Americans have been fed lies by "their"
government and the government's presstitute
media for so long that it is not surprising that
Americans increasingly believe that there is a
conspiracy operating against them. Millions of
Americans have been evicted from their jobs,
careers, and homes while the crooks who stole
from them run free and bankroll the presidential
Continued here
Alert to
the Real American People
In the event that these United States of America
financial system
comes crashing down (because they want it to)—refer to
this document here:
ITS POWER TO ANOTHER GROUP. (Reference 22, P. 168)
Follow these steps:
1) Form your own
2) Print your own Money
("In God We Trust")
3) Make it Available to
The People at Zero Interest, i.e. USURY FREE
for the Right Purpose (In
God We Obey)
"It (the Great Depression) was not accidental;
it was a carefully contrived occurrence. The
international Bankers sought to bring about a
condition of despair here so that they might
emerge as rulers of us all."
- Louis McFadden
“Capital must protect itself in every possible
way, both by combination and legislation. Debts
must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as
rapidly as possible. When through the process of
law the common people lose their homes, they
will become more docile and more easily governed
through the strong arm of government applied by
a central power of wealth under leading
financiers. These truths are well known among
our principal men who are now engaged in forming
imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the
voter through the political party system we can
get them to expend their energies in fighting
for questions of no importance. It is thus by
discreet action we can secure for ourselves that
which has been so well planned and so
successfully accomplished." - 1924 US Banker’s Association Magazine.
"It is time for the world to stop
referring to this disastrous period in Irish
history as the Great Famine, and to fully
realize, and to acknowledge, the magnitude of
the crime that systematically destroyed Irish
nationalism, the Irish economy, the Irish
culture, and the Irish people."
Islamophobia machine is well-oiled and
well-financed. Hate groups like
ACT! for America
and Stop the Islamization of
America are raising a huge amount of
money every day based on lies and distortions. They're manufacturing
hysteria and paranoia. A leader of one of these groups recently urged
readers of his blog to kill all Muslims."
Leading Islamophobes Pamela Geller and
Robert Spencer Enjoying
their Lowly Trade
“Every ten years or so, the United
States needs to pick up some small
crappy little country
and throw it against the wall,
just to show the world we mean business,” — Jewish
neoconservative Michael Ledeen, in a speech given in the
early 1990s.
"The USA has become Israel's servant, and out of
ignorance, fear and stupidity, we gladly offer
up our lives and wealth to defend that Apartheid
nation of
war mongering sadists."
"Even influential American Jews say this is true
and laugh about the wars that Israel has
tricked the USA into fighting since their
FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11, aided and abetted
by American traitors.
"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative
intellectuals, most of them
Jewish, who are pushing
President Bush to change the course of history.
Two of them, journalists William Kristol and
Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible.
"What is the war about?....It is being
fought to consolidate a new world order, to
create a new Middle East.
Friedman laughs: I could give
you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at
this moment within a five-block radius of this
office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert
island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would
not have happened."
Sons of the Devil
"Every time we do
something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want
to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on
Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know
—Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October
3, 2001
Hey Ken... It appears the
mainstream media, save for some local outlets
like WKYC TV in Ohio (see below), are
omitting certain
known facts about
the Colorado movie massacre. And your ABC
Newscasts only repeat the main story line about
James Holmes being charged with first degree
murder and a possible death sentence. Why aren't
you on top of this? Where's the investigative
journalism? I hear none on KOMO.
Instead of looking beyond
what ABC and the Associated Press provide you in
the way of news feeds, you're again making a BIG
DEAL about military assault rifles (AR-15) and
high-capacity 100-round drum magazines, but
FAILING TOTALLY to address WHO may have
actually been involved in the Colorado movie
massacre and the masterminds behind this
incident. Ask yourself the question, how does an
unemployed med student come up with the money to
acquire all of the sophisticated ballistics
gear, weapons and ammunition, let alone the
ability to booby-trap his apartment? And what
about the UN Small Arms Treaty, set for a U.S.
Senate vote just 7-days away from the Colorado
incident, coming up on July 27th? There is
obviously an agenda afoot here, and you've
missed it by about the distance between the Moon
and Mars!
Get off the "GUN NUT" case with your anti-gun
agenda, as you usually do, and start asking some
serious, VERY SERIOUS questions, as to WHO is
behind this crime. I'm sorry, but your guest
this afternoon from Washington CeaseFire DOES
Guns are not a public
health issue... the pharma-medical industry is!
Over 100,000 die in America alone every year
from properly-prescribed medicine. Moreover, the
most stunning statistic in modern civilization
is that the total number of deaths caused by
conventional, government-sanctioned medicine is
an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now
evident that the American medical system is the
leading cause of death and injury in the U.S.
It isn't and never has been "GUNS!"
We simply do not need
further restrictive gun laws, regardless of what
CeaseFire and you may think. You may have a CCW
permit, but your ideology, purpose of thought,
and broadcast position of public trust
continually harangue the Right of the people to
Keep and Bear Arms, or in any way influence,
interfere, or restrict the right of the people
to buy any kind of gun or ammunition they may
desire to own. An armed populace is the only way
to secure a FREE State. Your talk continually
consists of discussions to deconstruct and
defeat that right. Who knows, maybe you have
'communist' tendencies to be a seditionist.
After all, when you suggest that the people
don't have the right to own an AR-15 or any
other similarly situated weapon, you're in
effect saying they don't have the right to
protect and defend their person, property or
State. Say it isn't so!
If you keep pursing this
continual derogatory line of thought, I'll be
happy to personally file a complaint with the
FCC and get it filed into KOMO's broadcast
license renewal application for your deliberate
and continual overbalance and interference in
demeaning the public's rights, not only to know
what's best for them, but your consistent theme
to debar them from owning or possessing weapons
for their ultimate protection, including their
defense from a tyrannical government. As you
well know, a broadcast license is issued/renewed
by the FCC in the public INTEREST, RIGHT and
CONVENIENCE... not for some self-serving,
closed-loop anti-gun agenda from your broadcast
pulpit, and a conduit for Washington CeaseFire
and others who would demean and/or otherwise
restrict the public's interest and right.
"The CUFI Conference in Washington, DC will
bring together elected officials,
representatives of the Zionist Elite, and the
congregations of evangelical Christians that
will be the 'grassroots' voice that will demand
efforts be made to usher in Global Governance
under the
covering of expediting the stability of Israel
so that Jesus Christ may return."
".... so that Jesus
Christ May Return"??? LAUGHABLE!!!
A Nation in DisGRACE
– Martin Luther King, Jr,
Riverside Church 4 April 1967, New
York City
What Makes America Great
— Not
Succumbing to the Propaganda
of Hate and Fear of Other People
The news that Barack Obama -- a Constitutional
scholar and recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace
Prize -- has taken personal charge of lethal US
drone hits in Yemen and Pakistan is one of those
stories that takes time to sink in.
The lengthy May 29 article in the Times
establishes that personally plotting killings
and selecting victims occupies a great deal of
President Barack Obama’s time. The process has
been organized as a weekly routine, with Obama
heading so-called "Terror Tuesday" meetings of
military and intelligence officials. Each week
they assemble in the White House situation room
to study mug shots and biographies of those on
the "kill list", some of them minors and, in one
case, "a girl who looked even younger than her
17 years."
Many of us who cheered when the first non-white
president moved into the White House were hoping
for a new era of peace and justice, but we have
been conned. The true Barack Obama is an out of
control psychopathic killer with a loaded God
complex, and he's running America. This makes
him the most dangerous man in the world as well
as the most powerful. And that should make every
right-minded person in America and beyond
shudder with disbelief. ...
In Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan,
Obama’s killing machines are not even clinical
or always on target; thousands of innocent men,
women and children have been taken out by his
drone attacks. Their blood is on the US
President’s hands, and even his own people are
sickened by the hypocrisy and double standards
coming out of the White House.
America's outgoing Ambassador to Pakistan,
Cameron Munter, a man with more backbone and
guts than his predecessor, has revealed that he
regards the drone strike-driven policy of his
government unacceptable. Rather tellingly, he
has complained to colleagues that “he didn’t
realise his main job was to kill people".
Media Propaganda To avoid counting
civilian deaths, Obama re-defined "militant" to
mean "all military-age males in a strike zone"
What kind of self-respecting media outlet would
be party to this practice? Here’s the New York
Times documenting that this is what
the term “militant” means when used by
government officials. Any media outlet that
continues using it while knowing this is
explicitly choosing to be an instrument for
state propaganda — not that that’s anything new,
but this makes this clearer than it’s ever been.
"The sadistic
control of the world media has allowed the
Zionists to massacre the innocents without any
any notice or comments. The state of the
populace' ignorance and bias is due to the fact
that SIX Zionist Jewish companies own 96% of THE
Making Tall Stories of
the Already Imaginary Threats of Islam
International laws protecting civilians in
wartime are “no longer relevant,” Dooley
continues. And that opens the possibility of
applying “the historical precedents of Dresden,
Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki” to Islam’s holiest
cities, and bringing about “Mecca and Medina['s]
Romney and Obama
may pretend they represent stark differences in
America's approach to national security and
world affairs. But in this realm, there is no
Democratic or Republican party. There is only
the war party.
In reality it is driven by a handful of
corporate-financier interests working to
consolidate their power over not only finance
and industry, but over governments and societies
This is the natural
progression of what banking magnates like JP
Morgan, the Rothschilds, Goldman, and the
Rockefellers were in the midst of when US Marine
Corps General Smedley Butler wrote “War
is a Racket,” and is a
progression that will continue as long as
average people continue feeding on a monthly
basis the summation of their work, energy,
attention, and income into the corporations and
institutions of this growing monopoly.
"Since the Vietnam War era, the U.S. has
traveled from being the “greatest purveyor of
violence in the world today,” in Dr. Martin
Luther King’s words, to an existential threat to
world order, the rule of law, and the security
of the Earth’s inhabitants – to civilization
itself. The nation’s first Black President has
taken us on the final descent into international
barbarity with his drone offensive. It is a joy
stick to Hell." Article
"Freeing the American people from the economic
injustices perpetuated by Wall Street is what
Occupy Wall Street is all about. We have become
slaves to the economic power of Wall Street and
their political lackeys. We now pay
obscene amounts of interest to private bankers
in exchange for the necessities of life.
The American public thought it was chasing the
two pillars of the American Dream: getting
an education and buying a house. Now both
of these pillars have been used against us to
further the interests of Wall Street.
Student and mortgage debt are used to club us
into servitude." Article
How About Separation
of Synagogue and State
The Invasion of a Foreign Power into the American
Government and Life of Americans
Afghans near the villages where an American
soldier is alleged to have killed 16 civilians
say U.S. troops lined them up against a wall
after a roadside bombing and told them that
they, and even their children, would pay a price
for the attack.
"…One Mokhoyan
resident, Ahmad Shah Khan, told The Associated
Press that after the bombing, U.S. soldiers and
their Afghan army counterparts arrived in his
village and made many of the male villagers
stand against a wall.
"’It looked like
they were going to shoot us, and I was very
afraid,’ Khan said. ‘Then a NATO soldier said
through his translator that even our children
will pay for this. Now they have done it and
taken their revenge.’"
"Wherever America shows up, mass killings,
destruction and incalculable human misery
follow. After a decade of war and occupation,
Afghans perhaps suffer most of all."
If we
examine what was needed to facilitate the attacks, we
see that most of the deaths on 9/11 were the result of
many things that should not have happened. And
none of it could have been accomplished without the
involvement of U.S. authorities.
·Pre-9/11 investigations that would have caught the accused men were shut
·All the levels of hijacking prevention failed four separate times.
·For several hours, our leaders did nothing to protect the nation.
·The planes should have been intercepted but they were not.
·The planes were flown like guided missiles.
·Three WTC skyscrapers were completely destroyed, and all of them fell
through what should have been the path of most
·Evidence for explosives at the Pentagon was discovered and not explained.
·The debris damage in Pennsylvania indicates that Flight 93 was shot down.
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies
is to create a one-world government combining
super capitalism and Communism under the same
tent, all under their (cruel, inhumane and
oppressive) control.... Do I mean conspiracy?
Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot,
international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly evil in intent." --
Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in
the Korean Airliner crash
The Intentional
Destruction of the Middle Class
“If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by
inflation and then by deflation, the banks and
corporations that will grow up around them, will
deprive the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.” -- Thomas Jefferson
Homelessness and Poverty
Has Now Arrived in America
The "City of
London" Banksters War-Debt-Usury Economic System
is the Root of all Evil in the World
Their house organ The
London Times, feared that, "if the US furnished its
own money without cost, it would be without debt
and would have all the money necessary to carry on
commerce. It would become prosperous beyond
precedent.... [America] must be destroyed."
"The world knows that Washington and Israel
dance to the tune of the same financial masters
in London who
hijacked America in 1913,
before the era of the great world wars. ..."If
the Generals at the Pentagon did not want world
war three, then they would've exposed the Israel
Lobby, the criminal international banksters, and
the neocon traitors by now."
"Body bags are made from petroleum base material. In the
height of irony, the oil wars are fought to secure the
substance to form the burial cloth for disposable
soldiers. If America really wants to stand behind the
troops, their genuine duty is to prevent and oppose the
next Middle East war"
Iran, Gold and Oil - The Next Banksters War
Ex Navy Seal Asks American Public to Create a
Petition to Impeach All in Congress
and the Presidency who Enacted the NDAA for Treason
What We All Should Know and Put Out to Each Other
"The Next False Flag in America is Just the Government
Messing with Us"
“The Global War on
Terror is Not Real” – and Other Things
End the Death
Machine Now, or Perish
"Strike against
war, for without you no battles can be fought!
Strike against manufacturing shrapnel and gas
bombs and all other tools of murder!
Strike against preparedness that means death and
misery to millions of human beings! Be not
dumb, obedient slaves in an army of destruction!
Be heroes in an army of construction!" -- Hellen
Keller, Carnegie Hall, 1916
“Senator Joe
Lieberman has proposed a bill that would
terminate your citizenship if you stand up to
the government. Well, frankly it is not theirs
to give or take away for a natural born citizen.
It is a birthright, not ordained by the asinine
shitforbrains in Washington, DC. They are that
desperate to cover up their lies, war crimes,
human rights abuses and failures in Washington
Doing Their Best to
Keep the Phony "War on Terror" Alive
nation can survive its fools, and even the
ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from
within. An enemy at the gates is less
formidable, for he is known and carries his
banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers
rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the
very halls of government itself.
For the traitor
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents
familiar to his victims, and he wears their face
and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness
that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots
the soul of a nation, he works secretly and
unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of
the city, he infects the body politic so that it
can no longer resist. A murderer is less to
fear. The traitor is the plague.” -- Marcus
Tullius Cicero
Will the
Oathkeepers, Patriots of the Police Force in All 50
States, Patriots of the US Military in All 50 States,
Sheriffs, and Millions of American Gun Owners
— All
Otherwise Known as "Free
Men" Shoot Back?
(Check Out What George Washington Said)
To Preserve and Protect This Nation and Its Liberty
"Their souls are marked for eternity.
This is a betrayal of natural law and spiritual
truth. It is also, of course, a gross violation
of U.S. law and the Constitution itself. That
the passage of such a law is even
contemplated by members of Congress is, all
by itself, such a malicious violation against
America that if a law with the exact same
wording were proposed in 1789, those who voted
for such a law would have been shot on sight and
memorialized as criminal traitors to the United
States of America." Article
is big,”
continued Paul, adding “This
step where they can literally arrest American citizens
and put
them away without trial….is
arrogant and bold and dangerous.”
"The USA has become
Israel's servant, and out of ignorance, fear and
stupidity, we gladly offer up our lives and
wealth to defend that Apartheid nation of
war mongering sadists."
"Even influential American Jews say this is true
and laugh about the wars that Israel has
tricked the USA into fighting since their
FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11, aided and abetted
by American traitors.
"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25
neoconservative intellectuals, most of them
Jewish, who are pushing
President Bush to change the course of history.
Two of them, journalists William Kristol and
Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible.
"What is the war about?....It is being
fought to consolidate a new world order, to
create a new Middle East.
"[Tom] Friedman laughs: I
could give you the names of 25 people (all of
whom are at this moment within a five-block
radius of this office) who, if you had exiled
them to a desert island a year and a half ago,
the Iraq war would not have happened."
"Nationalities must disappear, religion must be
suppressed. But Israel (i.e., Zionism) must not
"The Jews will use all
their influence and power to
prevent the rise and prosperity of other nations
and are
resolved to adhere to their historic hopes;
i.e., to the conquest of world power."
"Capture the press! Through it everything will
come to you in the natural course of events."
Portrait of Zionazis
— A Fighting
Army of Cowards who
Only Fight the Defenseless
No Israeli Atrocities
are Reported in the U.S. Media
Some Things You Should Know
What On Earth is This
Lady Talking About?
This is What She is Talking About
"The $8.2 million per day
that the American taxpayer pays his Jewish
master is not a subsidy. It is tribute money. It
is a tax or levy imposed on a vanquished people
by their conquerors."
“I’ve never seen a President stand up to them. They always
get what they want. If the American people
understood what a grip those people have got on
our government, they would
rise up in arms.”
(Admiral Thomas Moorer, former
Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1983)"
“We are seeing how Hillary Clinton, US
Secretary of State expressed it very clearly:
‘We came, we saw, he died,’ and then started
laughing. This is a message to the world of how
this new world order model actually works,”
he stated. “When they decide to change the
regime, they do so with the utmost violence, and
it is a whole model. First they target a country
by calling it a rogue state; then they support
local terrorists and call them freedom fighters;
then they bring death and destruction upon
civilians and they call it UN sanctions. Then
they spread lies and call it the International
Community’s opinion expressed by the Western
media. Then they invade and control the country
and call it liberation and finally they steal
appetizing oil and call it foreign investment
and reconstruction,” Salbuchi explained.
"The original attack was mass
trauma brainwashing perpetrated by a traitor
class within America. Now, they're
reinforcing the original programming. It is all
designed to perpetuate war and strip Americans
their civil rights under the bogus pretext of a
terrorist threat."
“It threatens the unimaginable, bolstered by annual $1.5
trillion "defense" budgets, including all related
categories, more than the rest of the world combined at
a time America has no enemies except ones it invents.”
"Imagine the difference if militarism and imperial wars
ended, replaced by a commitment to peace and dedication
to devote public resources to productive economic
growth, benefitting everyone in the process." ...
"“Trends analyst Gerald Celente and others remember when
the business of America was business. Now it's war, more
war, multiple wars, permanent wars, pillaging one nation
after another for wealth, power, and dominance, while
homeland needs go begging.”
“To most in Washington, America is a joke, a
bankrupt “has been” nation drowning in debt with
a military now useless, spread across the globe
running errands for a cabal of international
bankers” [the Zionist Rothschilds
creators of Israel]
Gordon Duff
"You want to blame Saudi Arabia, or Israel, or
Pakistan? You can't. There isn't the evidence."
The evidence, Tarpley says, points towards 9/11
as a false flag attack, carried out by a high
level clique, that forced a shocked and
awestruck US public into a vast and still
ongoing war. It was America's very own Reichstag
fire. And the official version of the event? "A
racist, militaristic, and fascist myth that we
must reject."
“We hold this truth to be self evident that
Israel attacked the United States on 9/11 and
blamed it on the Muslim world.
We hold it to be self evident that Israel is not
a nation but a collection of banker gangsters
who stole a land with people, for a people with
no central criminal base, for the purpose of
ritualized religious genocide, while seeking to
economically enslave the entire world and then
plunge it into a holocaust of war based on the
recovered false memory of brain washed
populations, who saw the movie and bought the
If it is not self evident then your self is in
hiding from the fear of oppression, slander and
loss, which are an inevitable certainty as a
result. We hold it self evident that when it is
not self evident it will, sooner or later,
become evident in the most unpleasant possible
"It was a combination of thermate cutting charges to
burn through support beams and used as an incendiary in
elevator walls, micro nukes and the new anti-matter
matchbox sized charges were planted on multiple floors
to serve as a real world test.
"The twin towers had a lot of empty rental suites and
suffered from a massive asbestos problem, the removal
would have been far too expensive so this made the 911
attacks even more preferred.
These new high tech nuclear weapons leave only tritium.
The twin towers were demoed from the top down floor by
floor. The only charges known to be able to instantly
pulverize steel and concrete supporting structures is
mini-nukes and micro-anti matter charges. WTC 7 was
taken down by conventional high explosives which were
pre-planted by DOD security contractors and a demolition
company disguised as elevator repair/maintenance group
(the crews planted the mini-nukes and anti-matter
charges in the twin towers. Conventional high explosives
were used in the basements of the twin towers and
detonated just seconds before the planes hit in order to
demo the sprinkler systems, thereby extending the fires.
"Don't believe this, do a search (try
for proxy searching) for "mini nukes", "micro-nukes",
and "USAF + anti-matter bombs". Unless these references
have been removed,
you will be surprised.
"Here are a few articles that I know quite a bit about.
You might find them informative. It explains how these
false flag stand-down are conducted and covered up."
-- JV
“You can rock the boat,
but you can never say that the entire ocean is
in trouble …. You cannot say: By the way,
there’s something wrong with our …. system.”
Keith Olbermann
Why The Devil Bombed Libya
(Ah, why did they
remove it!)
What Americans Should
Why Haven't Your Politicians Done This For You?
"US Foreign
Policy Starts with Israel"
— Herman Cain
on the Mc/Cain Doctrine on Israel
It is Becoming As Plain As Day
Those Who Are Aligned with Israel
are Aligned with NWO
(And is the Highest Treason and Betrayal in Any Country)
Israel is a Zionist Creation that is
Social Engineering
and the Human Race for Global Enslavement
to the System
Are You Happy with That?
Refuse War
Because It's the Anti-Christ:
"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world
unstable, and to propagandize and teach the
American people to hate, so we will let the
Establishment spend any amount of money on
arms." — John
former CIA official and author
"Their task was to murder civilians and wreak
havoc on Libyan cities to lay the groundwork for
a pretext of ‘humanitarian intervention,’ which
was already planned and later ordered by the
Zionist Project For A New American Century,
repackaged under the logo of the ‘Foreign Policy
"With this kind of blatant global war having
been quietly declared but carried out
mercilessly against the population of Libya and
elsewhere targeting babies and women and
civilian men; there can never be any
justification that could ever possibly justify
even one-thousandth of such an action anywhere:
Never mind everywhere simultaneously against the
human race as the declared enemy of the same
people that minted this coin in 1934."
"Abandon any trust in Reuters,
BBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and any of the
“reputable” newspapers wasting paper and space on our
nations’ newsstands, all of whose fates are tied
directly to the corporate-financier interests."
"It would be a good idea
for those following the current NATO murder
spree in Libya to abandon any trust in Reuters,
BBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and any of the
“reputable” newspapers wasting paper and space
on our nations’ newsstands, all of whose fates
are tied directly to the corporate-financier
interests pinning their hopes on a NATO victory
in Libya. Instead, we must commit ourselves to
vetting reliable alternative news sources as
well as committing ourselves to the responsible
of researching the news of the day on our own.
Let this be proof positive as to how essential
it is to boycott[20] and replace[21] everything emanating from the
Fortune 500 including their army of professional
liars also known as the “'mainstream media.'”
"The 9/11 Pentagon attack did not aim at the
Defense Secretary’s office.
It targeted the opposite wing of the building.
The detonation destroyed the account books and
killed the auditors seeking to uncover the
beneficiaries of the largest embezzlement in
“I am a most unhappy man. I
have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial
nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system
of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation,
therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a
few men.
No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a
government by conviction and vote of majority,
but a government by the opinion and duress of a small
group of dominant men.”
— President Woodrow Wilson
“For every American, for every human
being across the planet who chooses to stand immovable in the
face of the very worst in mankind, we come that much closer to
breathing life once again into the very best in us all.”
Brandon Smith
"9/11 probably had Murdoch’s hand in it as did
the London bombings on 7/7.
"There could be no great conspiracy without
control of the news.
"Now we find the news itself controlled the
governments and may well have written the
scripts to the wars, the rigged elections, the
acts of terror and the misdirection that sent
America into a decade of cruel and useless
bloodletting after terror groups that never
existed in the first place."
“To the
middle classes, however, income tax makes life into an
endless treadmill. Even the most productive find
themselves unable to accumulate significant capital.
They are forced into the clutches of our Central Bank
entourage for injections of the inflationary credit
which we are privileged to create out of nothing....”
"... Foreign aid maintains our empire of foreign
dictators abroad while providing guaranteed, highly
profitable sales to our corporations at home base.
Foreign aid should always be contingent on the purchase
of goods, usually military hardware, that only our
entourage of firms can provide. Few have the courage to
oppose such altruistic aid to the 'starving masses' of
the 'third world.'"
"I remember Mordecai Vanunu who worked at the Israeli
nuclear works in Dimona telling us that the Jewish state
had killed President Kennedy because he wanted to stop
the Israeli nuclear bomb project.
"I remember Alan Sabrosky who was a former Director of
Studies at the Army War College telling us that Israel
did 911 and that they had the help of Zionist traitors
inside the American government.
"I remember Steve Pieczenik who was Deputy Secretary of
State under three American Presidents telling us that
Israel did 911 with the help of Zionist traitors inside
the American government."
False Wars Abroad
Along Side
Never Before Record Hunger and Homelessness at Home
God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same
time" and asked ‘Can the liberties of a nation
be secure when we have removed a conviction that
these liberties are of God?’" — Thomas
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America, and to the republic for which
it stands, one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all."
How Fools Get Fooled in
the Brave New Zionist World
"According to
a letter seen by the newspaper, Qadhafi’s regime
was ready to enter unconditional talks with
rebels, declare an amnesty for both sides and
draft a new constitution." Article
Crime Against Iraq
"At the instruction of
my CIA handler, I had delivered advance warnings
about the 9/11 attack to the private staff of
Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Office of
Counter-Terrorism in August, 2001. FBI wire taps
prove that I carried details of a comprehensive
peace framework with Iraq up and down the
hallowed corridors of Capitol Hill for months
before the invasion, arguing that War was
totally unnecessary." Article
The Horrendous Crime Against Japan
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
"Keep Japan in the war another three months, and
we can use the bomb on their cities; we will end
this war with the naked fear of all the peoples
of the world, who will then bow to our will."
"We brought them down to an abject surrender
through the accelerated sinking of their
merchant marine and hunger alone, and when we
didn't need to do it, and knew we didn't need to
do it, we used them as an experiment for two
atomic bombs." ...
"After the first bomb was dropped, the atom bomb
command was very fearful that Japan might
surrender before we could drop the second bomb,
so our people worked around the clock,
24-hours-a-day to avoid such a misfortune."
"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or
terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any
informed intelligence officer knows this. But
there is a propaganda campaign to make the
public believe in the presence of an identified
entity representing the 'devil' only in order to
drive the TV watcher to accept a unified
international leadership for a war against
terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is
the US . . ."
-- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
"I have already
said that I am not involved in the 11 September
attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try
my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no
knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider
the killing of innocent women, children and
other humans as an appreciable act. Islam
strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women,
children and other people. Such a practice is
forbidden even in the course of a battle."
—Osama bin Laden
"No one has been able to explain to me why young
men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20
years, risking their lives protecting freedom,
and only get 50% of their pay. While
Politicians hold their political positions
in the safe confines of the capital, protected
by these same men and women, and receive full
pay retirement after serving one term. It
just does not make any sense.
"Monday on Fox news they learned that the
staffers of Congress family members are exempt
from having to pay back student loans. This will
get national attention if other news networks
will broadcast it. When you add this to the
below, just where will all of it stop?
"35 States file lawsuit against the Federal
"Governors of 35 states have filed suit against
the Federal Government for imposing unlawful
burdens upon them.
"Many citizens had no idea that members of
Congress could retire with the same pay after
only one term, that they specifically exempted
themselves from many of the laws they have
passed (such as being exempt from any fear of
prosecution for sexual harassment) while
ordinary citizens must live under those laws.
The latest is to exempt themselves from the
Healthcare Reform... in all of its forms.
"Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States
Constitution: 'Congress shall make no law that
applies to the citizens of the United States
that does not apply equally to the Senators
and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make
no law that applies to the Senators and/or
Representatives that does not apply equally to
the citizens of the United States ..'"
The Anti-Globalist
American Party
What Military Recruits
Need to Do
Instead of Being Cannon Fodder for NWO
(There's a Reason Why They Want You to be Maimed,
Crippled and Killed)
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is,
perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it
comprises and develops the germ of every other.
War is the parent of armies; from these proceed
debts and taxes … known instruments for bringing
the many under the domination of the few.… No
nation could preserve its freedom in the midst
of continual warfare." —
James Madison, Political Observations, 1795
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is
possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most
vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one
in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A
racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it
seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows
what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at
the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge
fortunes." — Major General
Smedley Butler, USMC
Osama Bin Laden Denied
Any Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks:
"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11
September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I
try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge
of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of
innocent women, children and other humans as an
appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to
innocent women, children and other people. Such a
practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle."
“Pieczenik said that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, “Not
because special forces had killed him, but because as a
physician I had known that the CIA physicians had
treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that
he had marfan syndrome,” adding that the US government
knew Bin Laden was dead before they invaded
Afghanistan.” ...
Bin Laden, “Was used in the same way that 9/11 was used
to mobilize the emotions and feelings of the American
people in order to go to a war that had to be justified
through a narrative that Bush junior created and Cheney
created about the world of terrorism,” stated Pieczenik.
“They ran the attacks,” said Pieczenik, naming Dick
Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams,
and Condoleezza Rice amongst others as having been
directly involved.
“It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an
American theater of the absurd….why are we doing this
again….nine years ago this man was already dead….why
does the government repeatedly have to lie to the
American people,” asked Pieczenik.
Remembering the Way of the Land of the Free
and Home of the Brave
"But I don’t really see how this assassination is a
“victory”. President Obama claims “Justice has been
done”—but that’s simply not true.
Justice would have been served if he had been captured,
flown to New York, and tried in a (civilian) court for
the events of 9/11.
Extra-judicial assassination is not “justice”—it’s
merely revenge, something that Christianity, the
dominant morality of the United States, specifically
rejects. Don’t believe me? Read Matthew 5:38, or more
apropos, Luke 6:27."
— "Sorry I don't believe this"
“George Bush, what will the people do if they
ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran
contra? ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find
out what we have done [including the
orchestration of September 11, the murder of
JFK, Jr, the destruction of New Orleans and the
Constitutional Republic], they will chase us
down the streets and lynch us.'”
“At the very least, it is most certainly time
for individuals to claim back their personal and
national sovereignty from a ruling elite that
has clearly lost its mind.” —
Bin Laden Hoax to Expand
“What will you do when the next internal
false flag government act of domestic
violence comes to your country? Will you
bow down to the thugs that wheel
unlawful authority, or will you revolt.
If you really want justice for the 911
murders, you must face reality and look
within your own government for the true
If they are for War and Israel
– they are secret globalists and
vile traitors to America Level 404
Institute a Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunal
to prosecute the leaders of the lobby and the
junta for treason and crimes against humanity;
. Declare null and void the Supreme Court
confirmation of justices John Roberts and Samuel
Alito, and void all fascist legislation passed
over the last six years, including the USA
· Call for a proper investigation into the
September 11 attack;
· Freeze and liquidate the assets of every
Zionist Jewish and Christian organization and
place the proceeds in a bank account for
distribution to Palestinians, Iraqis and
Lebanese; and
· Declare military, economic and political war
on Israel.
Selling Themselves to the Controllers for Money,
Power, Fame and the Good Life
Got Convinced All Right!
"I am
convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United
States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of
the United States
. . . [W]e have to show that we are inextricably
entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because
of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject
Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play"
Michele Bachmann
Sorry honey, the Zionist Israeli
entanglement with America has already cursed the
"Beck helped sell the ongoing wars in both Afghanistan
and Iraq, is a major proponent of war with Iran,
Somalia, Libya, and a general clash of civilizations
between the West and the over 1 billion Muslims that
populate the world. He, along with the rest of the
corporate media, has the blood of thousands of Americans
on his hands as well as the blood of over a million
Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, Somalians, Yemenis, and now
Libyans. For this alone, Beck is an irredeemable
degenerate liar who belongs not in the center of public
debate, but inside a concrete jail cell."
— Paul Drockton,
Tavistock Institute: Glenn
Beck's Conspiracy Credentials
Here was a Real
American and a Quality Human Being
The premise of the American led “war on terrorism” was based on
the Nazis blueprint of flagrant lies and perpetuated “fear” to
drain out all the positive and creative thinking of the American
people and to enslave them for years to come while the
Neo-conservatives dominated Bush Administration with
overwhelming indoctrination of Nazism continued the militancy
towards freedom of thought and conscience, human rights and
legal justice denying America’s own history and rich values.
America lost the war the day it invaded Iraq. The American
Empire had no purpose and strategy to fight Islamists and its
delusion represents failure and self-defeat on all the fronts.
“Our system of credit
is concentrated (in the Federal Reserve System).
The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our
activities are in the hands of a few men….
We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one
of the most completely controlled and dominated
governments in the civilized world.” But the bill was not repealed; almost 100
years later the sell-out is still the law.
Thismakes you wonder what the people’s
representatives havebeen doing to earntheir salaries.”
parties belong to the banksters and media magnates,
because banker money mass-media coverage is what elects
Senators -- sometimes buying votes and sometimes buying
voting machines. The Democrats get many millions
more in contributions from the financial sector than
they do from labor unions. The Republicans are
more beholden to Wall Street and AIPAC than to farmers
and small businessmen and their churches for support.
Global Zionism and Perpetual
Conflict and War —
Why the World is the Way it is
Learning to Know
the Real Enemy of All
"By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War"
–Mossad Commandment
“Members of these
furtive groups emphasize silence to
prevent curious individuals excluded from these
secret societies from easily determining their
What the evil tyrants are aiming for:
“The strong over
the weak, the maintenance of a patriarchal
aristocracy ruling over a slave state, and the
Darwinian killing of the unfit.”
The J Factor in America
and America in 30 Years Time
"Israel is America's
future: militarized, racist,
religio-nationalist, corporate, riven with so
many internal splits and hatreds that only the
existence of a perpetual enemy keeps the nation
from exploding. If we don't organize to
stop the current direction in this country,
thirty years from now we will be Israel"
Kevin MacDonald, Memories
of Madison
“We are grateful to The Washington Post,
The New York Times, Time Magazine and other
great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of
discretion for almost forty years. It would have
been impossible for us to
develop our plan for the
if we had been subject to
the bright lights of publicity during those
years. But, the
world is now more sophisticated and prepared to
march towards a [one] world
[financial-maniacal]government. The
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to
the national autodetermination practiced [i.e.
the pre-selections and rigged elections] in the
past centuries” -- Nebraska State Senator, Peter
Hoagland, speaking on radio in 1983.”
How You
Were Fooled to Support the Zionist-American War Machine
"Support the troops"
originated in the public relations department of the
military/security complex. What "support the troops"
really means is to support the profits of the armaments
industry and the neoconservative ideology of US world
"Support the troops"
is a clever PR slogan that causes Americans to turn a
blind eye to the brutal exploitation of our soldiers and
military families for profit and for an evil ideology.
Our soldiers and military families are paying for the
Bush/Cheney/Obama/neocon wars with lives, limbs,
post-traumatic stress, suicides, broken marriages,
children without fathers, wives without husbands, and
parents without sons and daughters.
"Support the troops"
is one of the most cruel hoaxes in human history, ...."
(Article continued
The Egypt Phenom
Dreaming in Resistance to Global Zionist Tyranny
goal since Israel-was-hatched has
always been to kill-off the entire
public-sector, steal every dime that has been
spent on the public and then to ruthlessly crush
any actual survivors of this global betrayal.”
For the past 30-plus years, Egypt has
been among those despotic regimes supported by
the U.S. and Israel in return for turning its back on
Palestinians. ... with the "peace treaty" that
would allow Israel’s illegal actions to lead the way for other
nations to "normalize" relations with the abnormal
situation in Palestine, i.e., starvation, torture, theft and
destruction of Palestinian lives, livelihoods and property.
America is in a dark interlocking system of RACISM
(whoever Zionists care to play off one against the other
right now it's Christians against Muslims), VIOLENCE
(through false flags, including 9/11), WARS
(never-ending), DEBT (Zionist Rothschild Central Banker
usury system) and TAXES (payment to them through the
sweat of OUR labor), ALONG with Israel and Zionist
agents (from politicians, presidents to "Christian"
Zionists) to keep the darkness in America going.
LEARN in order to LIVE – start pulling the whole façade
down now.
Dog and Pony Show
of Congress Reading of the Constitution
Follow on From Ain't
That Just Special
fools what are they really doing there? Let's give
them a Constitutional "To Do" list: Get rid of the
"'Patriot' Act" (or the
Militias might get rid of you)
— It destroys the Bill of Rights.....the Founders are
surely frowning on their patriot thermometer IQ.
Get teary serious about 9/11 and open up a real
investigation — the sort that high IQ American patriots
are calling for. Inflicting wars on other
countries post 9/11, and without Congressional
Declaration was
an outright affront to the
— Porky Pig Congress failed to impeach a sitting
Dictator in the Whitehouse.... Afraid we might see that
it all really was an Israel-Neocon (inside)
job—pre-planned by the Zionist Neocons with their cowboy
hoo haa “let’s get another Pearl Harbor”
PNAC doc (written for
planned and manufactured Perpetual Warfare on the
Gee, and wouldn't all dual Israelis and "Israel
Firsters" dictating American domestic and foreign policy
sort of just a tiny bit have a loyalty bias that drags
American blood and treasure through quagmires of
never-ending corruption and wars? Oh, and let's
see, torture could be an unconstitutional thing to
do—would those who advocate to what degree human beings
should be tortured like to have it first test tried on
them over long periods of time—for all the fine tuning
and tweaking that they call for? Let’s have every
Congress Critter that advocates for torture put on the
rack for our entertainment—to see if we really like
it—so we can be all transformed into the Hobbesian life
of man they want us to have—solitary, poor, nasty,
brutish, short and
Oh, and
what about "the law" assassinating American citizens at
will — that’s a doosey Porky Pig Congress Critters never
screamed bloody murder on — no pun intended, but is it a
free for all now? What you don’t Constitutionally
“check” —
sure has a way of biting back. Teaching the young
to kill in wars abroad generated by the Zionists is
surely what you’ll get at home—are you seeing now that 2
+ 2 actually does make 4?
Do you have the
“Home of the Brave” courage
to tell them that they are really fighting and dying to
further enrich and empower evil corporations that allow
you to lead your opulent and cushy lives—while 43
million more Americans have to turn to food stamps while
being foreclosed on and unemployed? And if you really,
really were spiced up to take the country back, you
would repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and chase
those Gold-Sach changers with a serious cat-o-nine tails
out of the Temple of our Sacred Freedom.
The high IQ American Patriot Major General Smedley
Butler said, "There
are only two things we should fight for. One is the
defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of
Rights” – aaahhh now see, both are being attacked from
the INSIDE – right where you are dear law-breakers.
This fine USMC Major General
stalled a major Zionist coup on
the United States by refusing to go along.
Zionism is the Talmudic Jew global wet dream of the
boot that stamps on your face fascism with corporate
monopoly rule over the nations of the world by a select
class of billionaires and trillionaires with psycho
designs on the whole Planet.
Now that they have YOU to lovingly read out the
Constititution in kindergarten manner, pollyanish to all
the destruction being wrought on the American Republic,
as the old timeys fiddle and do their diddle while Rome
burns, then perhaps the Marines really will storm
Congress, and while they’re there, the Whitehouse and
the Supreme Court to do a real reading of the
Constitution and give us back our country, our homes,
our lives, our livelihoods and our Bill of Rights
through all of the above house-cleaning, BIG TIME.
My fellow Americans, are you ready to recruit the force
of the Marines?
And the Sad Fate of the Dark Skin (Real) Jews
from North Africa
“Israel and Israel’s Control of America Lay Hid in the
America Be Free, and There was Light.”
"Zionist," "Israel,"
"Rothschild" are All Interlocking Fascist
Out to Fool You: Terrorism,
War, Poverty and
Racism is Their Game
Know America Does
Not Have to Be This Way
The Media, Politicians and Congress All Work for
And Here's What They Don't Know:
opinion of Christian Zionists? They're scum, but
don't tell them that. We
need all the useful
idiots we can get right now."
Bibi Netanyahu
How Not
to Elect Useful Idiots
The Challenge:
Find One
Who Neither Supports War Nor Israel
And You'll Find a Real
(Not a Play Acting One Like Below)
And, to Sum it Up, It's
NOT About Being a Republican or a Democrat,
It's the Debt-War-Usury
"Federal Reserve” means
“Rothschild.” “Rothschild” means poverty,
hunger, ignorance and, most of all, war.
This is all you really
need to know.
Everything else, the Pentagon, Wall Street, the
corporate news, congress, the Supreme Court, the
arms industry bandits are nothing but their
henchmen, cowards and thieves that sold their
souls for cash, the perception of power and
“If you answer these questions, you will
discover whom is tearing down our society,
absconding with our wealth,
corrupting our Government, disabling our
Constitution, trampling on our Bill of Rights,
and destroying
our precious world with war after war….”
The Citizens America Party is the Tea Party Movement at
Level 404
For Total American Independence from Zionism
the Bane of America and Humanity
4, 1776
"But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such Government, and to provide new
Guards for their future security” –
The American Declaration of
simply, America is going broke fast,
and Wall Street wishes to blame someone else
before the angry Militias appear with their
locked and loaded weapons."
"We Americans have a huge tree planted in our
back yard right up next to our house. We've
watered it, fed it and pruned it until it has
grown so huge we can't really see it anymore. We
water it with the Blood of Our Sons and
Daughters sent off to Foreign Wars, we feed it
our Tax dollars and we prune it by playing the
Game of Politics over and over again, causing
the tree to grow larger and stronger with ever
more leaves to hide its true identity as its
roots have grown under our house and broken up
the very foundations of our Government and our
Society...instead of politically pruning it, we
should [UPROOT] it."
Zionism is the Creation of the
Interlocking World of
and Media Lies and Propaganda to Keep the Whole Charade
You Cannot Be an "Israel
Firster" and Be for
America at the Same Time
Israel is the Source of Zionism
(Rothschild-Rockefeller) which is the Interlocking World
War-Racism-Debt-Taxes-Tyranny-Corporatism and Media
Lies and Propaganda
"Enough data .... has leaked to the American
press to prove the existence of US torture, in
spite of its lock-down by the corporate media.
In a little publicized report in the LA Times,
we told of some of the tortures of the thousands
of Iraqis that have been stuffed into the
infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. Eye
witnesses told of not only seeing such things as
strangulation, but brutal beating, and the
cramming of lit cigarettes into the ear openings
of prisoners."
The Violation of
Civil Rights is UnAmerican
The Violation of
Human Rights is UnAmerican
The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
are Not Wars. They Are Genocides
PFC Manning came to a
realization about US foreign policy; it’s well-documented that thousands
of enlisted soldiers have had the
same realization
after being on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Alliance with
Israel is a Massive Ideological Fraud on the American
Income Taxes are a Massive Economic Fraud on the
American People
"The Founding Fathers were not referring to a
turkey shoot or a quail hunt. They really weren't
even talking about us having the ability to protect
ourselves against each other. The Second Amendment
deals directly with the right of an individual to keep
and bear arms to protect themselves from an overreaching
federal government" -- State Senator Randy Brogdon
"The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or things
to be seized." --
The Fourth Amendment
"Federal Reserve” means “Rothschild.” “Rothschild”
means poverty, hunger, ignorance and, most of
all, war.
This is all you really
need to know.
Everything else, the Pentagon, Wall Street, the
corporate news, congress, the Supreme Court, the
arms industry bandits are nothing but their
henchmen, cowards and thieves that sold their
souls for cash, the perception of power and
War-Racism-Debt-Taxes-Tyranny and
is Their System
Israel & Nazism is Their Loyalty
"People realize mere brutes run the world, a crime
9/11 Pentagon attack
did not aim at
the Defense Secretary’s office.
It targeted the opposite wing of the building. The
detonation destroyed the account books and killed the
auditors seeking to uncover the beneficiaries of the
largest embezzlement in history."
disband the CIA and Homeland
Security. These two groups exist with no
purpose other than to perpetuate threats against
America. They are the disease, not the
problem. The CIA proved, back in 2003,
that they are liars and cheats. Nothing
has changed since. These groups hate
democracy, hate freedom, eat money and do
nothing but find new enemies for America, proven
over and over enemies that wouldn’t exist
without them."
"Restore democracy by getting rid of the Supreme
Court justices that think they can make up any
law they want and spit on the constitution.
Scalia, Roberts and Thomas have enough dirt on
them to be impeached in a New York minute.
Then, let the American people decide who
replaces them, not Israel, not Wall Street and
certainly not a pack of thieving lawyers and
the wars, all of them, bring all our
troops home to defend our own borders, end of
How a Great President Put the
Economy Back in The People's
Through the
Issuance of Debt Free
"The criminal institutions have already bailed
themselves out, time after time, using our money
to enrich their own bottom lines. Now its time
for us to hold these so-called pillars of the
corporate world to account-all the way down to
stripping them of all their assets and sending
to them to federal prison."
"The government should create, issue and circulate all
the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending
power of the government and the buying power of
consumers..... The privilege of creating and issuing
money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government,
but it is the Government's greatest creative
opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the
long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied.
"The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest,
discounts and exchanges. The financing of all public
enterprises, the maintenance of stable government and
ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will
become matters of practical administration. The people
can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as
their own government. Money will cease to be the master
and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise
superior to the money power." — Abraham Lincoln, on the
issuance of the Greenbacks, government issued, debt-free
"It puts considerations for the State of Israel
First, over and above any considerations for the
safety and security of the United States and its
“Get rid of the *&%#*%& debt system and give
governments the power to fund the necessary work
with debt-free treasury bonds. We can't
borrow the money needed to save us from the
Rothschilds. My suggestion as for the use
of the Rothschilds and all the world's
investment bankers and corporation CEOs is to
try stuffing the oil leak with them. Even
if it fails we will still will make significant
Dick Eastman
Why the American
Economy is Collapsing—
It is Zionist
Against The People's Interest
Social Credit and Taking Power Away from the Financiers
Back into the Hands of the People
"The Federal Reserve, of which Mr. Bernanke is the
figurehead, is said to be fighting recession with
inflation. What the Fed is doing is not going to
increase business startups or prevent companies from
going out of business and households from defaulting on
their mortgage loans. The reason it won't do any
of those things is that the money is not making contact
with the US household sector. Nevertheless the
failure of what the Fed is doing to cure the problem of
insufficient purchasing power will be used to discredit
all "inflationary schemes," including the one that would
have worked but that the Fed and the government did not
try. The Fed's inflation failed for two reasons:
1) because it all went to the financial sector in the
groundless hope that the financial sector would lend it
to the business sector so the business sector would
increase domestic output; and 2) because it was all debt
financed and at a compound interest rate, instead of
given out free and clear.
the Fed make money available to lenders -- lending at
nearly a zero interest rate - so banks will lend to the
business sector is doomed from the start because no
business venture can succeed in the US because the
American people have been drained of purchasing power.
needs to be done is that the government gives money --
treasury fiat money -- printing press money, not
loan created money -- directly to households so they can
go out and spend and pay debt. The bailouts
should have gone to the households so they could have
paid the creditors -- rather than waiting until the
households have lost their houses and then giving to the
bailout to the creditors who just got this windfall of
never has been anything wrong with the American business
sector. The problem has always been a household
sector starved of purchasing power by a financial sector
that has concentrated on capturing all household sector
earnings as interest. We shouldn't reinforce the
deleterious behavior of the financial sector with
trillions of dollars -- giving them the power of gods so
that their ambition rivals that of Satan. To do so
amounts to a conspiracy against the people."—Dick
Be Aware of the
Big Bad Game Plan
the printing press inflation idea out of your head.
Fed taking treasury securities off the hands of
financiers and creditor nations like China who want to
dump them in advance of default. They know the
dollar will be around after the securities become
"Fed isn't printing money -- what they are doing is
buying securities from the financiers and China.
"Don't picture a printing press flooding the domestic
economy with dollars so we all go out to the store and
bid up prices for a big inflation. That is exactly
what is NOT happening.
"Instead the domestic household and business sectors are
being starved of purchasing power -- that is why
we lose jobs, can't meet payments, go out of business,
are forced to cut costs and tighten belts and sometimes
end up in the street.
"The purpose of the fed expanding the money going to
international financiers and creditor nations like China
is because they want to unload their US securities
because they know the US is going to default on all of
them. But the dollar will not fail -- the
dollar is not money of the US government. The
monetary system is private. It belongs to who owns
the Fed. Banks own the fed and the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers own the Fed.
"When the US goes under every asset will be up for
grabs. We will sell our aircraft carriers and
submarines and guided missile cruiser. We will
sell our air force. We will sell all government
lands -- including vast territories out west --
which will become giant fiefdoms of the super rich.
"The American people -- pension funds, small investors
etc. will be stuck with the treasuries because they are
not aware of the game plan.
"Actually dollars are the things to own. Buying
gold is folly -- because when the US goes under -- the
new set up will have a gold system. And guess
what. Our debts will not be erased according to
the Big Bad Game Plan. We will give all that gold
back to them in exchange for permission to continue in
their new country.
"Aristocracy will be back. It will be the golden
age of the elites -- and we will become as the
helots of ancient Sparta or, which is the same thing,
the "sambos" of the ante bellum South --
aristocracies aren't really elevated people -- they live
by cutting out our means of raising children that can
compete with theirs, etc. " --
War-Debt-Taxes System Needs to be Done Away With
FED has now said that they can loan money directly
to states and companies. Since the FED is just a
collection of rich bankers, it will be interesting to
see just who they loan to. They will undoubtedly
loan to companies that they would like to own,,,, hoping
for a default. But, will they loan to states?
Since a state is not a money-making enterprise, I
suspect that Rockefeller won't cough up a penny.
"Now we see why the Fed is pouring out new money
-- called inflation -- when really it is a transfusion
from the domestic loop to the international corporations
so they can better vanquish the domestic economy and
capture all land resources and industry and assets
(including privatized public wealth). The Fed is
buying government securities and giving the dollars to
the international corporations and to China (the PLA
being partners with every international corporation in
"The Fed buys Corporation and Chinese held securities
giving them dollars which they do not spend here.
The securities have value because they pay interest.
Whatever their market value when you buy them you get a
stream of interest payments. That stream of
interest payments is paid for by you and me the
taxpayers. The fact that the Fed is buying up
securities and putting out up-front dollars from them
shows that the International Financial Elites are
expecting the US to go down -- the securities to be
worthless -- but that actually the dollars will
keep their value because the US still has land and
resources and your labor it can buy (or control through
debt slavery) -- the Fed is a separate entity, not
part of the US which will default on its securities.
So the securities will no longer be held by Financiers
-- just by pension plans and little people through their
mutual funds etc. -- so they will be the ones stuck from
the default. Because in the default it is the
securities that go -- not the private central bank
money. That is why they want those dollars
-- dollars will be safe -- dollars are what will
be traded in for the new gold-backed currency they have
in the works. You will take the gold you have
bought -- have it minted into coin and then use it to
pay your debts which will still be there after the US is
"Or perhaps you don't like where they are taking you and
would rather have social credit?
"Remember this too: The prices we pay for objects
include 40 percent of interest payments. Those are
prices going to the financial sector which is not
recirculating them back into the economy -- those
dollars paid in the price of goods that do not go to the
producing firm but go to finance are dollars that will
not be calling forth more production. More than
three quarters of our tax money goes to fund both
interest payments on the national debt and the
military that maintains a world empire and, currently
two major wars/occupations. The wars themselves
are a form of "export" (exporting destruction) that is
make-work for US corporations.
"Now if we have social credit households -- making
strong household sector demand -- then entrepreneurs,
engineers, managers and skilled workers will be called
forth to create more household goods, more labor saving
innovation, more beauty and knowledge now that the
slavery of serving the creditors is ended.
"Only recently has it all come together -- exactly
what is wrong and exactly what the solution MUST be
-- to end the basic problem that has plagued the world
since the creation of the Bank of England.
"Anyway -- now you know -- if instead of
skimming a hundred posts today you were to print out
this one and really study what I have given you -- write
it out in your own words -- then you will have equipped
yourself to provide others with the medicine that can
save us."
"Learn about why social credit
is the only cure -- the nation's only defense in this
foreign attack that involves the infiltration and
destruction of our economy through the weaknesses of our
system stemming from the usury component of our monetary
system in the control of hostile international bankers
who control our financial sector, and all three branches
of the Federal Government." --Dan
Fifth Column Penetration into
Our Common Enemy is War, Corporatism and Nazism
An Ever-Increasing Assault on the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights
Check Out Chertoff
"Patriot" Act * Torture * New Orleans * TSA
we really should be doing is removing DHLS completely
from airports and going back
to pre-Sept 11 2001 security—there are no Arab
terrorists—only the Zionist controlled
apparatus that does false flag terrorism."
On the other hand, no American official — by any stretch
of the imagination — has the right to tell the
government of Israel,
or any foreign government, that he stands with the
foreign leader against his own president.
It is one thing to oppose particular US policies;
it is quite another to tell
a foreign leader, "I'm with you, not my president."
"We must expel Arabs and take their places." :
David Ben Gurion, future Prime Minister of Israel,
Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University
Press, 1985
Israel's History in Quotes
“The public must demand the prosecution of everyone in
government that has taken this Oath of Allegiance to the
Outlaw State of Israel; over their supposedly sworn
allegiance to the United States of America. ... Those
guilty of having sworn this treasonous oath, in public,
need to be stripped of their American citizenship, of
all their own wealth, and deported to Israel with only
the clothes on their backs and their duplicitous
hypocrisy to warm their treacherous hearts of broken
stone to keep them company.”
"Israel" is an Impostor for the Real Concept of Israel
Corporations are a faceless and relatively untraceable
way for conspirators to rip off the rest of society and
enslave workers. … Corporations must be outlawed.
Corporate law ( a form of admiralty law under
"finance") must be repudiated
he has authorized a long list
of other lesser known actions to catapult New World
Order fascism.
...Kissinger explained Obama's role. … ‘His task, will
be to develop an overall strategy for America in this
period, when really a New World Order can be created.’”
Fascism Rose in America
"The 9/11 victims have been completely denied justice,
thanks to a corrupt U.S. district judge who is a devoted
Zionist agent. He is the orthodox Jewish Zionist
who has handled the entire process and protected the
Israeli terrorists of 9/11 - Alvin K. Hellerstein.
Hellerstein is acting as the agent of a foreign
nation and should be charged with treason."
Litigation Update")
"Federal Reserve” means
“Rothschild.” “Rothschild” means poverty,
hunger, ignorance and, most of all, war.
This is all you really
need to know.
Everything else, the Pentagon, Wall Street, the
corporate news, congress, the Supreme Court, the
arms industry bandits are nothing but their
henchmen, cowards and thieves that sold their
souls for cash, the perception of power and
“Jews and Israel have a
long term commitment to destroy the church.
Martin Luther gave an exhaustive description of
how Jews approached him immediately after the
Reformation began with exactly that intention.
Things have not changed. Nowadays, Jews
invest massive amounts of moneys in turning
American churches into Zionist churches, which
support the illegitimate state of Israel and not
the Godly Kingdom of Israel. In Israel, Jews
suppress Christianity with brutality, as
described in The Cross of Bethlehem. “Divide
and Rule” by forcing a confrontation between
Christianity and Islam is the wet dream of the
Elders of Zion, a new version of the
Kristallnacht.” ....
Would Christianity and
Islam destroy each other for the joy and benefit
of Rabbi Mammon Rothschild?
Americans are
Learning the Truth that
Israel and Zionists
9/11 as a False Flag Operation
— Where 3,000
of their Fellow Americans were Killed
— To Start
Useless and Criminal Wars in Other
People's Countries
Who Owns
You? And Why George
Washington Fought for You
What Will Never Go Out of
Because It's Meant To Be
The Duty of YOU Real Americans
Israel and Zionism is America's
Real Enemy
YOU Must Stop Being Fooled About
Islam and Muslims (a Prophet
and a Religion We Highly Respected)
and Start to
YOUR Country from the Zionist Threat and Menace to the America
We Fought for and Founded
Against These Very Scoundrels
would have liked nothing other to be left alone, so I could
enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which our
Forefathers willed to us, this was not to be, after I discovered
that our nation had fallen into the hands of an alien people,
who are referred to us as a nation within the other nations. As
one of our Founding Fathers stated, "They are vampires, and
vampires cannot live on vampires, they must live on
Christians''. He tried to get a provision written into the U.S.
Constitution that would have prevented Jews living inside the
U.S. He warned his brethren that if this was not done their
children would curse them in their graves, and that within 200
years, their people (the Jews*) would be sitting in their
counting houses rubbing their hands, while our people would be
slaving in the fields to support them. This has happened exactly
as was predicted"–
Gordon Kahl [The exception would
Torah true, Ten Commandment Jews
who are not interested in creating wars, racism,
subterfuge, poverty and oppression of the Human Race as
all Zionists do within the nation(s) they occupy –
see here,
“If {an American President} ever crosses the Jews,
an army of Jewish publishers, journalists and lobbyists will destroy him
instantly" and
Zionist Jews political assertion over American
democracy here]
Responsibility of All Americans to the Nation
and for the World
Put America First:
Dump Israel
(Listen to the Real "Thou
Shalt Not Kill," "Thou Shalt Not Steal,"
"They Shalt Not Covet" Jews)
And Then Do Not Accept the Zionist Agenda Nor
Zionists Within Your Government (It
is Always Full Betrayal and Abandonment) Do Not Accept War, Do Not Accept Racism
(Latest Being Against Islam and Muslims),
Do Not Accept Poverty and Falling Living Standards, and Then,
Do Not Accept the System that is Not Truthful
Nor Just to All People
"Those foisting on us this latest
fraud also face another challenge: Americans now realize it was
Israel and its advocates who fixed that false intelligence
around a Zionist agenda.
"Meanwhile, ridicule is being heaped
on the report of the 911 Commission for its glaring omissions,
including its failure to identify U.S.-Israeli relations as a
key motivation.
"The solution to this
corruption requires people willing to tell the truth about what
is being done to our country—and by whom. Make it
personal—because it is. What you see chronicled in these
accounts is how organized crime succeeds in plain sight."
“Deal with them [Zionists and Israel], and you will save
yourselves. As a bonus, you’ll save the world, too. It is them,
not the Iranians or Iraqis, you Americans should fight. The
great American, Eugene Debs has said: “If you are given weapons,
do not use them against far-away strangers. Turn them against
your true enemy at home. Expropriate the expropriators, rob the
“So you can imagine that the intelligence based on the
information provided by security contractors has resulted in
this massive violation of human rights, it has been anti-human,
it has destroyed everything that the American people and the
American Constitution ever stood for.” ...
“The American people are exploited for this dark agenda. ...
“There is no need for the dark impulse in the American system. I
won’t say the American people, because they are so good, it is
in the American system that the dark impulse has to be removed –
and it can only be removed by the American people.”
"Gul reiterated his stance on the 9/11 attacks, that it was
a black operation to be used as a pretext for entering
Afghanistan and using it as a launch pad to enter Pakistan and
dominate the region."
"Americans have no greater
enemies than Wall Street and the corporations and their
[Zionist] prostitutes in Congress and the White House.
"The United States and the welfare of its 300 million people
cannot be restored unless the neocons, Wall Street, the
corporations, and their servile slaves in Congress and the White
House [the Zionist Power Configuration] can be defeated."
Without a
revolution, Americans are history."
When Will The Big Lie
of War End?
Learn from the Past
There is No Service in Servicing Lies
“The vile draft was gone, so Sam couldn’t ship off
mostly Black kids or poor white trash whose names didn’t
end in C-h-e-n-e-y, so they used the above lies, calls
to patriotic duty, and good old cash inducements to get
the job done. They let criminals join, sociopaths, the
mildly mentally ill, the elderly, even illegal
immigrants. They did heavy recruiting in high schools in
poor neighborhoods, Indian reserves (even some in
Canada, until they were stopped). They were allowed to
call kids at home, barrage them with bullshit, threats,
false promises, and false patriotism.
Only you can save the Homeland,
Wakey, Wakey, Humans Are Not Meant for War
(Especially Over Lies)
The War Whores (watch out Iran), Soul Sell-Outs,
Bald-Faced Liars and Bigots
who are ANNOYING Americans with Their Hatred, Discrimination and More War
"Christian" Zionists (The Cult of Judas') are "Fools
Conned by Knaves"
and are Also Traitors to America and to the Religion
They Supposedly Stand For
When Americans take back their country this law
can be used against the same traitors who are behind
this bill
who also happen to have ties to Israel – the only foreign terrorist state
in the world.
Biggest Lie That Can Come Out of Any One's Mouth:
"With our shared history and common values, the American
and Israeli people have formed a bond that unites us
across the many thousands of miles between our countries
and calls us to work together towards peace and
prosperity for our countries" –
Rand Paul
A Deep Malaise Has Set in America
Through the Rule of Zionists and Zionism
Listen Carefully One More Time as to How Israel is
Opposite, Ugly and Offensive to All the Good of America
Learn Now or Never as to How
Ordinary Americans Were
Fooled by This Seriously Psycho State and
by Zionists in America
December 1948, Albert Einstein and 27 prominent Jews
urged us "not to support this latest manifestation of
fascism." They warned that a "Leader State" was the goal
of the "terrorist party" that has governed Israel over
all but a handful of the past 62 years. The Joint Chiefs foresaw the "Zionist strategy will seek to involve [the
U.S.] in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish
Israel Ever Legitimate?" by Jeff Gates
"This is the culture of
murder, terrorism and blood. This is the
same Jewish 'culture of murder, terrorism and
blood' that killed thousands of innocent
Americans on 9-11"
Why Do Jews Commit
Zionists (Pre-Zionism
Communist Jews)
and the Assassination of Real American Presidents:
“Most informed individuals already know about
their trademark of funding both sides of the
numerous wars
they "invested" in, but not too many know that
also usually started the wars they financed.”
Zionism is the Source of
Much of the World's
Inside the US, Israeli War Planners are Known
for Their Expertise in
Provoking Extremism All Around the World
"Ordinary Americans need the assistance of Islamabad now
more than at any time in the past six decades. That aid
lies not in combating “Islamo fascism” but in countering
the influence inside the U.S. of Israeli war-planners
known for their expertise at provoking extremism.
"To grasp what must be done requires a review of three
related developments. First is a policy-making legacy
from the era of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Second is a little
known account of an Israeli attempt to corrupt
policy-making in Indonesia, home to the world’s largest
Muslim population. Third is confirmation that, by its
steady growth in influence over the past six decades,
Israel is now shaping U.S. policy to advance a
Judeo-fascist agenda."
Zionism is a
Psychological Illness
and This Madness
is the Driving Force of US Foreign Policy
(Including its
Current War Provocation with Iran)
Understand that Zionists and the Media (Such as Fox News
and CNN) Live in the
World of "Double Think" Where Everything They Say is a Lie in Regards
to "Israel Can't Do No Wrong" and the Constantly
Evil Muslims (Wherever They Are)
Check out the other War Whores, like Ann
Coulter and another Neocon (artist) in the world
of journalism, James Taranto, who urge wars,
mayhem and dragnets based on bigotry,
stereotypes and falsehoods directed wholesale
against Muslims, including blatant anti-Semitism
against Arabs:
"Cashiering Helen Thomas"
Helen Thomas In
Effect is Zionism Also Drives US National Policy
The Tyranny at Home
(What Are They Fighting Overseas For?)
"Nothing Legitimate Can
Issue From the Pen of Tyrants"
– The Company of Freemen in the
Company of Thomas Jefferson
Tyranny Alert: As Zionists
Set Up and Orchestrated September 11, They
Installed the "Patriot" Act and Took Away the
Nation's Bill of Rights.
Now, Zionists in Their
Creeping and Creepy
Legislation in Congress Want to
Install Roving Inquisitions Throughout the
Country to Annoy and Terrorize The People
How You
Were Fooled Once Again by the Zionist Liars:
"Once the Israeli propaganda machine started
spewing out its gutter lies, the entire
leadership of the Zionist Fifth column swung
into action … first and foremost in the United
“May they burn in hell for allowing
themselves to become nothing more than puppets
to Israel – just as virtually every elected
American official is today” –
Phil Tourney, Survivor,
Israeli Pirates Rule the
NATO is an instrument of
US Foreign Policy
–and US Foreign Policy is Controlled by
Zionists and Israel
(which is nothing but a British Zionist
US Central Banker Creation). These are all
the Same Zionists Seeking to Destroy the
American Republic and to Control the World!
(Their Plan.)
"He [Glenn Beck, Fox News] is just one of the
countless buffoons or propagandists who earned
their place in the media circus by proving their
loyalty to a gang of criminals.
Israel is no ally of the United States. Zionism
is not a victim. "Likudnick" Benjamin Bebe
Netanyahu is no friend of America.
Ask the Question: What if people on
the humanitarian boats were going to break the blockade
on Gaza
with humanitarian aid to assist the suffering
Jewish people
who are trapped by their cruel, ruthless and inhuman
oppressors? Wouldn't the world be outraged and send in their
military at that point?
"A million and a half civilians have been forced to live
in an open-air prison in inhuman conditions for over
three years now, but unlike the Hitler years, they are
not Jews but Palestinians," Siegman writes, seeming
astonished. "Fully 80% of Gaza's population lives on the
edge of malnutrition, depending on international
charities for their daily nourishment. According to the
UN and World Health authorities, Gaza's children suffer
from dramatically increased morbidity that will affect
and shorten the lives of many of them. This obscenity is
a consequence of a deliberate and carefully calculated
Israeli policy aimed at de-developing Gaza by destroying
not only its economy but its physical and social
infrastructure while sealing it hermitically from the
outside world."
"The World Food Program estimates
that Gaza's population needs at least 400 truckloads
of supplies every day
yet an average of just 25 trucks are permitted by
Israel. ..."
"Israel's three year closure of
Gaza has robbed 1.5 million men, women and children of
everything from basic
necessities like paper and pencils to essential life saving medicines and
medical equipment.
This has led to the loss of hundreds of lives in Gaza
and now, the blockade has caused
even more deaths in international waters."
Remembering Rachel Corrie
A Real American Heart
Real Americans are Ashamed and Angered to Have
Their Country Tied to a
Psycho State
That Wants Another War (with Iran)
– Will You Let It? Will You Again Sacrifice
America's Standing, America's Treasure and American Lives for It?
Ever Wonder About that Yellow Fringe Thingy That
Appeared Around (the Back-to-Front) Old Glory?
Rand Paul
Smiley Faced Traitor in Front of US Yellow
Fringed Flag –
Obviously Supports Criminal Corporate Communist
backward looking gold fringed flag represents Criminal Corporate
Communist Rule over America –
Your first
taste has been through the command of BP over all Government and
national assets (Coast Guard and President included) in the Gulf
of Mexico Oil Blow Out. It is also on US military uniforms
where "the troops" are not dying for anyone's freedoms (wake
up) but simply for the consolidation of corporate greed (ask
Major General Smedley Butler)
tyranny (ask
the people whose villages, lives and livelihoods are being
"Not until I see guillotines erected across America as
the French did two centuries ago, with the bankers,
politicians and other establishment mainstays being
cycled through them [will we get real change]" --
Edgar J. Steel
Debt Money
is a Zionist Creation Originated by the
Rothschilds, the Central Bankers of London, and
same Bankers George Washington and the American colonists fought in the
These Rothschilds
500 Trillion Dollars in Assets
– BP amongst them
with a Goldman Sachs Chairman of late.
"Put simply, America is going broke
fast, and Wall Street wishes to blame
someone else before the angry Militias
appear with their locked and loaded
Super Tankers Could Clean
Up the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
1) The oil on the surface in the Gulf of Mexico
can be successfully “sucked and salvaged” by
supertankers as was done with the Persian Gulf oil
spill. Evil people in America won’t allow that
to happen.
The Broken Oil Well
Can be Fixed in a "New York Minute"
2) The broken oil well in the ocean in
the Gulf of Mexico can be blown up to let the
natural sediment close the leak as was done
successfully in Russian petrochemical
calamities. Evil people won’t allow that to
Thing That Should NOT be Used
3) Corexit is a deadly chemical
dispersant (dispersing toxicity) that kills
EVERYTHING it touches in the sea, air and land –
it is worse than the oil itself. Evil people
are ordering it to be sprayed.
Global Implications
The gushing oil below the surface is
caught in a gas build up that can rupture the
seabed and cause enormous tsunamis;
The oil on the surface in the Gulf of Mexico
ALONG with the deadly toxic dispersant can
travel the ocean currents and destroy other
oceans and life elsewhere.
In the Global implications of all of the above,
the (phony) War on Terror is insignificant and
so is Their “CAP and Trade” and Global Warming
“But these skiffs didn't have
flags and we never saw
transponders on them, nor did
they have Coast Guard with them
and supposedly every group had
at least one Coast Guard in each
group. Sometimes we would have
two. But the Skiffs didn't have
“Without media exposure to Gulf truth,
the nation's people of goodwill remain
unaware of the crime against humanity
being committed in the United States
against innocent Americans. If every
local station did what WWl TV has done
in this report, people suffering would
have better opportunities to survive
this crime against humanity.”
Forget All the
Politicians (They All Have to Be Zionists Anyway –Check Out
Educate Yourself to THEIR Global Picture and Agenda
(Zionist) Social Organization of
War-Racism-Debt-Taxes-Tyranny and Corporatism
"Wide layers of the population,
who have seen trillions of dollars funneled from the
public treasury into the coffers of Wall Street
executives while their own living standards have been
assaulted, their jobs slashed, their children’s schools
closed, and vital social programs such as Medicare cut
by billions of dollars, have no faith in the US
government to secure their most basic social needs.
"The corporate-controlled news media, along with the
major institutions overseeing the nation’s educational
needs and basic food and medical resources, are
considered corrupt and untrustworthy, contributing to
the suffering of millions.
"President Barack Obama, continuing to pose as a populist
man of the people when he finds it necessary or
beneficial, stands exposed as the chief representative
of the interests of the American ruling elite and the
standard bearer in the assault on the working class.
"The restructuring of society taking place, in the direct
interests of the corporate-financial elite and at the
expense of the working population, is not occurring
unnoticed. The American and international working class
will inevitably find itself drawn into struggle against
the present, untenable form of social organization."
Americans' Declining Living
The Few that Conspired to
Control the World
by Taking Down Nations
The Rothschild-Rockefeller Heists
“Now, that was Argentina 2001/2002 but, isn't
that also the case when today's US taxpayer
bails out
Goldman Sachs, AIG, CitiCorp and GM whilst losing his house, pension and
Isn't that what is happening to Greece today?
And Iceland? And the UK?
And Ireland? And anytime soon Spain? Portugal? Italy?”
Adrian Salbuchi
America Taken Over by the Mad
Delusionists of Grandiosity
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on
this planet. We are as different from the inferior races
as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race,
other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
Other races are considered as human excrement. Our
destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly
kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.
The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our
slaves." - Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister to
New Statesman magazine on June 25, 1982 [Quote
concurs with the Zionists' "Protocols
of Zion"]
"... The global war on terror is so much of a joke that
it perhaps needs someone like Dr. Kass to symbolize its
absurdity and to launch the US Air Force on a vital new
mission replete with lethal warrior-airmen delivering
“global effects” at the speed of light. At an estimated
cost of $100 billion, one might add. Captain Kirk? Are
you ready to beam me up? Things are getting kind of
strange down here."
If Zionism and Zionists are allowed to persist in America, and
through the
halls of the American Government, Americans, like the
Palestinians, will be reduced to second class citizens and
tormented and terrorized in their own land.
A Framework and Course to Throw off Zionism for
American Independence:
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and
destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to
slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into
a state of war with the people, who are thereupon
absolved from any further obedience."
The New Intolerable Act
Here’s a Question for Ya on American Freedom – If
9/11 was a Zionist/Mossad Job, and the
Nazi Inspired “Patriot
Act” was a Fraud on the American People (Big Time) –
and it Sort of Does Something to All Those Evil,
Satanic Wars
you Wanna Kill America with, then How
can the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of
Rights be the Law of the Land? (Here’s a Hint for Ya, there
Really were No Terrorists on 9/11 Other Than the Israeli Sort
and Still Are).
So conclusion: the Nazi inspired Mein Kampf
"Patriot Act" and all the Wars of America are based on a
BIG ZIONIST NEOCON UGLY 911 LIE. Sure Makes America a Different Place
("Transformed") to what She was NOT Founded to be.
Get It? Torture is also Un-American. Get It?
War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity is Un-American.
Get it? Assassination of Americans is Un-American.
Jeez. Get It?
long as Zionists control the US we will only have
choices between Zionist! It doesn’t matter which party,
both parties are controlled by Zionist. The truth is
that a foreign power is controlling the US government
and that is what needs to change before anything else
can change. Every politician that kowtows to AIPAC is a
traitor to their country and should be prosecuted as
such. When Americans kick out Zionists and Israel
Firsters from their government, Government will not only
be smaller, but America will be free, Americans will
again prosper and the world will be at peace."
Millions of Americans Lose Their Homes –
While US Tax Dollars Purchase New Homes for Israelis
“But Congress still continues to enthusiastically pour
billions of our taxpayers' dollars into the Israeli
economy each year. What's with that? Do our
Congressional representatives hold dual citizenship with
the United States and Israel or what? When are they
going to stop voting pork for Israel and start voting
bailout money for California?” -- Paul J. Balles
first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that
it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment
bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of
humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into
anything that smells like money."
Goldman Sachs Unmasked"The Wall Street Jewish cabal always emerge as victors
whenever they exploit the misfortunes and naivete of
nations and taxpayers."
Bottom Line: What has Israel
Ever Done for America Other than Cause It's Decline and
Subsequent Demise in the World
and to Generate Wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran) through Lies, Tall Stories,
Propaganda, Hoaxes and Myths
Israelis Teach US Military War Crimes and
Crimes Against Humanity, the Breaking of all
International Conventions, and the Downright Violation
of All US Laws
through This Zionist Occupied
"I place economy among the first and most important
virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers ...
We must make our choice between economy and liberty, or
profusion [greed] and servitude."
Thomas Jefferson
"I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some
lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we
should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other
is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply
a racket" –
Major General Smedly Butler,
“The people of the world do not want war, it is the
leaders – the powerful – who decide to go to war, and
they are never the ones to fight them. War is a crime
against humanity, a crime of poverty, of discrimination,
of hate. The social, political and economic foundations
of war must be dismantled. Socially constructed divides
between people – such as race and ethnicity – must be
dismantled and done away with. All people must be
treated as people; racial and gender inequality is a
crime against humanity itself.”
to the U.S. government trade agreements allowing the
transfer of manufacturing to their communist foes,
China, and even subsidizing large companies for the
move, what Atalli quietly let out of the bag has
happened. Millions of high-tech jobs have also been
outsourced to Asia for the last few years. China is a
Communist-Capitalism system now overlaid with green
terminology. Atalli did not have a shiny crystal
ball; transferring industry from the west to China was
the implementation of a plan. Mao’s communist China was
adored by the top western capitalists. Below is a 1973
article from the New York Times (10 August) written by
elite banker and environmentalist David Rockefeller
(while he was the chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank)
about his visit to China and Mao (who murdered millions
of people)." Article Here:
Gabriel O'Hara, "An Educated
Review of Global Governance"
Must Be Separated Out and Removed
from Governance by Real Americans
American Independence Revisited
Throw Off the Engine of Tyranny
"To become a 'normal state' we have to start all over:
Close all investment banks and military bases abroad and
return to America. We have to begin the long march
toward rebuilding industry to serve our domestic needs,
to living within our own natural environment and forsake
empire building in favor of constructing a democratic
socialist [i.e. not red marxist communist] republic." James Petras,
"The US and China –
One Side Winning, the Other Losing"
1. Abolish
or Burn the Health "Care" Bill (Not Worth the
Paper it is Written on)
Then these ugly creations, including the
fascist Nazi "Patriot" Act, can disappear from the life
and face of the Earth
4. Remove
the Control of the Central European Banks Over the Life Blood,
Livelihood and Consequent Well Being of the Nation
horrendous things happened in 1913 and yes, it was a
The Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution was declared ratified. The
income tax amendment. It clearly was not.
The Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution was declared ratified. It
clearly was not.
The unconstitutional Federal Reserve Banking
Act of 1913 was passed.
income tax amendment was critical. It was needed to feed
the privately owned consortium of banks called the FED.
The Seventeenth Amendment was critical to remove the
right of the states of the Union to equal representation
in the U.S. Senate. Henceforth, those seats were up for
the highest bidder.
Griffin's book is a factual account of the secret
meetings at Jekyll Island between powerful bankers to
seize and control the monetary system of our country.
They were aided and abetted by rotten, corrupt senators
who got the bill pushed through. You can watch an
interview with G. Edward Griffin on the "FED" here.
"This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most
gigantic trust on earth. When the President [Wilson}
signs this bill, the invisible government of the
monetary power will be legalized....the worst
legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this
banking and currency bill." — Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
"From now on, depressions will be scientifically
created." — Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
"The financial system has been turned over to the
Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the
finance system by authority of a purely profiteering
group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole
purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from
the use of other people's money" — Charles A. Lindbergh
"The Fed should be repealed, and the Fed Banks, having
violated their charters, should be liquidated
immediately. Faithless Government officials who have
violated their oaths of office should be impeached and
brought to trial.
"Unless this is done by us, I predict, that the American
people, outraged, pillaged, insulted and betrayed as
they are in their own land, will rise in their wrath,
and will sweep the money changers out of the temple."
5. Get the
Press Back from Zionist-Jewish Control and Return it to its
True Purpose:
“The importance of this [press freedom] consists,
besides the advancement of truth, science, morality and
arts in general, in its diffusion of liberal sentiments
on the administration of government, its ready
communication of thoughts between subjects, and its
consequential promotion of union among them, whereby
oppressive officials are shamed or intimidated into more
honorable and just modes of conducting affairs” :
The Framers of the U.S. Constitution
"It was early in the Seventeenth Century
that Francis Bacon remarked on three recent inventions
already transforming the world: the compass, gunpowder
and the printing press. Now the links between the
nations first forged by the compass have made us all
citizens of the world, the hopes and threats of one
becoming the hopes and threats of us all. In that one
world's efforts to live together, the evolution of
gunpowder to its ultimate limit has warned mankind of
the terrible consequences of failure.
"And so it
is to the printing press—to
the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his
conscience, the courier of his news—that
we look for strength and assistance, confident that with
your help man will be what he was born to be: free and
– John F. Kennedy
Instead we get Lies, Propaganda,
Racism, False Stories, Deceit and Myths to Continue to
Enslave Us, and Return us to the Dark Ages
Mentally, Spiritually, Socially and Economically
Who Owns the US Media: Those Who
Give You the News are
Controlled by the Ones Who Won't Give You the News
6. Always
Remember The Bottom Line in Any Forum or Assembly:
It's Israel, Stupid!
Why America Cannot Heal: It's Big
"As American Christians prepare to observe the National
Day of Prayer on May 6, the question must be asked:
"Could the church's support of an ungodly return of Jews
to Israel be viewed as sin that prevents God from
healing America?" Yes. Scripture says, "If I regard
iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me" (Psalm
66:18). The church has promoted spiritual lawlessness
regarding Israel. It has blessed an emerging anti-Christ
system which forbids the gospel, persecutes believers in
Israel today, and lays the foundation for eventual world
government ruled by Israel's false Messiah,
“Every time you give up your rights, this tyrannical
government will continue to feast on your carcass until
there's nothing left but chains of bondage”–
Stop the Census –
Nothing But Fraud
"If these Americans and those like them ever fully
understand just how much of their suffering — and the
suffering we have inflicted on others — is properly laid
on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America,
they will sweep aside those in
politics, the
press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty
brought this about and concealed it from them.
They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after
the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own
great fault" –
Alan Sabrosky,
"Israel, according to intercepted conversations by the
Pentagon (and now circulating in Washington) is prepared
to fight to the last American life. And those who mourn
the young American dead and mangled soldiers in Iraq do
not need to look at the manic and deluded White House
but to Tel Aviv who killed and maimed their sons,
brothers, fathers and husbands" –
"If the
American people ever allow private banks to control the
issue of their money, first by inflation and then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up
around them (around the banks), will deprive the people
of their property until their children will wake up
homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable
on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences
attending too much liberty than to those attending too
small a degree of it.”
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best
forms (of government) those entrusted with power have,
in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into
Thomas Jefferson
Rid the Nation of this
Treasonous, Zionazi, Neocon Bill
So Long as the
"Patriot" Act
Exists, the Constitution Can Never Be
Faith Justice for All
Hope Equality for All
Charity Liberty for All
Tyranny is Unacceptable to All Human Beings Anywhere
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation
in the pursuit
of justice is no virtue"
Barry Goldwater
A Season for the Unearthing of Treason
Director of the U.S. "Star Wars" space defense program
in both Republican and Democratic administrations, who
was a senior air force colonel who flew 101 combat
missions (Col. Robert Bowman) stated:
"If our government had merely [done] nothing, and I say
that as an old interceptor pilot—I know the drill, I
know what it takes, I know how long it takes, I know
what the procedures are, I know what they were, and I
know what they’ve changed them to—if our government had
merely done nothing, and allowed normal procedures to
happen on that morning of 9/11, the Twin Towers would
still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would
still be alive. [T]hat is treason!"
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent
of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute
new Government, laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
As a Deterrence from the Rule of the Non-Humans
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism [the Zionist New World Order], it is their right, it is their duty, to
throw off
such Government, and to provide
new Guards for
their future security.
Happiness and Indeed, World Peace Has its Basis in All Citizens
of All Nations Aligning with the Citizens America Party Core
Charter and Foundational Platform as Both the Deterrent (to the
Usurpers) and Way for True Life, Liberty and Happiness to Take
Hold and Bloom for All People Everywhere.
Martin Luther King, Jr said, '... we must straighten our
backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless
your back is bent.'
We are
straight up with the Core Charter and Foundational Platform,
where we mean what we say, and say what we mean and where no man
can fool, corrupt or lead astray.
Through the Soul of George
We Join with Other Citizens in Other Continents and
Islands Standing Straight with Us – So That Our Futures as One
Humanity is Secured perpetually in Life, Liberty and Happiness
for All Everywhere as it is Declared.
We stand as
Human Beings in the One Light of Life, Liberty and Happiness for
All as we THROW OFF in both mind and heart the Rule of the
Non-Humans over the Humans.
We Welcome the Tired, Poor and Huddled
Masses of all Nations to Join their Nations with us through the
Soul of George Washington.
And with Him on the
Foundation of the Whole Truth
As we are All One HUMAN Race
Once to every man and nation comes a moment to decide,
In the strife of Truth and Falsehood, for the good or evil side;
Some great cause, God's new Messiah offering each the bloom or
And the choice goes by forever 'twixt that darkness and that
Though the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is strong
Though her portions be the scaffold, and upon the throne be
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.
And if we will only make the right choice, we will be able to
this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of peace.
If we will make the right choice, we will be able to transform
the jangling discords
of our world into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood"
— James Russell Lowell
"Unfortunately for them, crass videotapes
presented by discredited intelligence double
agents don't have nearly the same impact they
did before masses of people started waking up to
the fact that the entire war on terror is a
complete fraud propped up by crude smoke and
mirror stunts which manage to fool only the
dumbest of [people]."
Wanted for Truth –
Another 10,000 Architects and Engineers
Upholding the Constitution
"I will not sign any 'petitions' in an attempt to thwart
some illegal UN treaty. By signing petitions that are
directed against clearly illegal changes of US laws, you
are just validating and legitimizing the illegal
Remember, they know that petitions will only pacify the
masses and make them think that it will alter their
course – it won't. Forget it. Just make it clear that
you do not care what any Congressman says, what any
judge declares or what any tyrant in charge of some
global tyrannical bureaucracy demands.
Let them all know that there will be
no compliance to
‘laws’ that go against our Constitution. I say let them
try it, then we may “settle our differences” loudly,
clearly and without confusion in order to form a More
Perfect Union [as our Constitution declares].”
“We the people of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect union,
establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide
for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and
secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our
posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for
the United States of America.”
And this through a strategic
propaganda campaign through Government-Media:
"The US military, generally comprised of
nationalistic, sovereign thinking, patriotic
individuals who pledged to kill and die to
defend the US Constitution against all foreign
and domestic enemies, represented a 'clear and
present danger' to the
evolving New World Order
[inside of their own
Zionists Have
Committed Hostile
Acts Against the Welfare of the Nation
"In international law,
odious debt is a legal
theory which holds that the national debt incurred by a
regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests
of the nation, such as wars of aggression, should not be
enforceable. Such debts are thus considered by this
doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that
incurred them and not debts of the state. In some
respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of
contracts signed under coercion."
"Americans have now joined the rest of the world in
regarding the war in Iraq as illegitimate because based
on lies.
Kevin Barrett's book
shows that the same is true of the war in Afghanistan.
President Obama's promise to base his administration's
policies on good intelligence should, therefore, lead
him to bring this war to a quick end."--David Ray
Griffin, author of The Mysterious Collapse of World
Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report about 9/11
Is Unscientific and False
Are The Leaders of Your
Countries Killers?
"Lest this be thought an
exaggeration, it should be pointed out that one million
dead and five million refugees is the most credible
estimate of the human toll of the US invasion and
conquest of Iraq. Now a military onslaught of the same
dimensions is to be visited on the people of
Patrick Martin
decided what I’m going to do,” King preached at one of
his last sermons at Ebenezer Baptist
Church. “I ain’t going to kill nobody in Mississippi …
[and] in Vietnam. I ain’t going to study war no more.
And you know what? I don’t care who doesn’t like what I
say about it. I don’t care who criticizes me in an
editorial. I don’t care what white person or Negro
criticizes me. I’m going to stick with the best. On some
positions, cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’
Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity
asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But conscience asks
the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time
when a true follower of Jesus Christ must take a stand
that’s neither safe nor politic nor popular but he must
take that stand because it is right. Every now and then
we sing about it, ‘If you are right, God will fight your
battle.’ I’m going to
stick by the best during these
evil times.”
Government in America at Work Busy Planting
Plane Wreckage on 9/11 for Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
The "War
On Terror" is politically scripted and made up in
conjunction with the bought and paid for Big Media to
create and perpetuate "enemies" for the drive to push
all people into their Financial "New World Order."
Fear and Terror is Their Modus Operandi
intelligence agencies in all countries need to be done
away with for they are simply the real terrorists
anywhere it makes the news.
Main culprits, tools and vassals of the Zionist Central
Bankers: CIA, Mossad, MI5 and Bad elements of the
"Israel, according to intercepted conversations by the
Pentagon (and now circulating in Washington) is prepared
to fight to the last American life. And those who mourn
the young American dead and mangled soldiers in Iraq do
not need to look at the manic and deluded White House
but to Tel Aviv who killed and maimed their sons,
brothers, fathers and husbands." Pigs of War
Unravel the Lies as They Have Built the
to Hide Their Evil Deeds
Like Bush's America, Obama's America is run by some very
dangerous people. We have a right to be warned. When
will those paid to keep the record straight do their
job? –
John Pilger
Neocon, Israel, Zionism,
Rothschilds and Rockefellers Are All
Connected as One Alien Organism to the American Founding
and Have Inserted Themselves into the Life of the Nation (and World)
The "Collective" Zionist Cabal Will Face a Fully-Awakened Citizenry Intent
on Terminating Its Corruption and Tyranny Upon Their Lives and Upon Their Nation
house has come down on the Wicked Witch of
the East, killing her. Nature, by sheer accident, can
provide benefits, for indirectly the cyclone has
disposed of one of the two truly bad influences in the
land of Oz. Notice that evil ruled in both the East and
the West; after Dorothy's coming it rules only in the
West. ... Dorothy destroys the evil Witch [of the West]
by angrily dousing her with a bucket of water.
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of
nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding
piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking
was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . Bankers
own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the
power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they
will create enough money to buy it back again . . . Take
this great power away from them, and all great fortunes
like mine will disappear, for then this would be a
better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you
want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the
cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to
create money and control credit.”–
Sir Josiah
Stamp, Director of the Bank of England, 1927
First Option to
Retrieve American Liberty
Home of the Brave, Land of the Free Revisited
There are many millions of guns in America, and
just as many gun owners
who know their rights, including the
Bill of Rights, and love their country
too much
to see it destroyed in a Corporate Socialist,
Militaristic Tyranny
Third Option – Do
No Harm – Righting All That is Wrong from a
Higher Level
Because We Can All Get Along
"I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some
lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we
should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other
is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply
a racket" –
Major General Smedly Butler,
Rothschild-Rockefeller Hegemony and Piracy
(and All Lunacy) is the Contagion Attacking America Again
who have seen the film Braveheart remember its depiction
of the Battle of Stirling Bridge: Huge, serried rows of
British infantry, archers, and heavy cavalry assemble
across the field from a large, poorly armed, and
indifferently motivated throng of Scottish foot
soldiers, all of them hapless conscripts forced by their
feudal lords to fight.
the front of the Scottish host the lords – whose
allegiances are divided by favors dispensed on them by
the English King Edward I – are seen frantically
discussing a negotiating strategy. The camera then pans
to a conversation between two serfs, who in disgusted
terms discuss the impending sell-out, which will follow
the same blueprint as several before it: The armies will
briefly skirmish, then a negotiation will ensue leaving
the lords richer and the serfs paying more in taxes.
it lads,' one of the serfs exclaims. 'I'm not fighting
for these bastards!'
At some
point, if liberty is to have a fighting chance, American
military personnel are going to have to experience an
epiphany and decide that they're no longer going to
fight on behalf of the bastards running the Regime."
"Bastards Running the Regime"
– Always Have,
Always Will?
Ugly Black John
Zionist Kissinger said
"soldiers are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for
foreign policy [WARS]"
What will it take for YOU, Soldier, to stop
these criminal and illegal
Re-Read George Washington's Farewell Address
Here and let your fellow
soldier know that as an American, it is their duty and moral
obligation to their Nation to REFUSE TO FIGHT.
Money –
War –
And All Things Zionism
Neither Good, True, Beautiful Nor Right
The Rothschild Mafia
Rothschild Mafia have used weaponized clandestine
weather modification, to create weather disasters
which have been as profitable for lending to
government financing emergency spending and
reproduction as it has for positioning to profit
from foreknown weather shocks to agricultural
futures markets, energy use and so forth. But now
the need is to disable the American population in
the the finishing strokes of a war of hidden
sabotage (false-flag weather-catastrophes blamed on
Mother Nature -- just as the Kleptastrophe has been
blamed on impersonal market forces).
Remember, the Rothschild Mafia can never be caught
attacking anyone. That is why they have developed
these indirect means made possible in the age of
knowledge-advantage warfare that people don't even
recognize as weapons being wielded by men. (The
technologies available to the Rothschild Mafia with
all the defense research and development
corporations in every industrial country they
control and with financial resources commensurate
with the trillions they have been taking in from the
bogus War on Terror and the Kleptastrophe operations
against us that have drained us dry.
The economy is in the toilet. The Federal Reserve
says they are not going to let investigators look at
their cooked books. Apparently, the Rothschild’s,
who own the Federal Reserve and J.P. Morgan and
maybe the whole world (who knows?) aren’t happy with
the demands that they show the world how much
they’ve been stealing and for how long. The last
time there was pressure for transparency with The
Fed, ‘somebody’ shot the president.
"David Rockefeller's trust, that engages several
powerful partners on Wall Street, including media
moguls Ruppert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas
Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
Jerry Speyer, are implicated in advancing global
the Anti-American Ideological Dots
to "Social Engineer" Society
"... The evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in
Afghanistan & Iraq run from PNAC, AIPAC and their
cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the
Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli
government. None of the denials and political
machinations can alter that essential reality. Terms
such as treason, betrayal and deceit do not
overstate the case against them." And Here
(Will They, Should They Succeed?)
"The Rockefellers have supported Left and Right Wing,
Communist and Fascist causes for almost 100 years.
The principle is divide-and-conquer. They are the
American agents for the London-based banking cartel
that is establishing a world dictatorship to
translate their monopoly of credit (they create our
money from nothing as a debt to them) into world
institutions of political and thought control.
"They now direct government and education through
their sponsor-ownership and control of most
politicians, parties, cartels, business councils,
professional associations, think tanks, foundations,
university endowments, mass media, intelligence
agencies, secret societies and organized crime. Yes
Virginia, the West is a pathetic one-horse company
Why is
America and the World Continually at War?
"The Zionist Anglo-American banking establishment is an
international permanent war economy, a war crimes racketeering
syndicate, the most vicious and ruthless in the history of the
world: once again, they are the greedy bankers of Wall Street
and the City of London, and let’s include the British throne
which will soon crown a Rothschild as king."
The Shadow
Government and a Rothschild King!
A Nightmare That Needs to End
Leuren Moret
is a US expert on radiation and public healthcare. In her 2007
interview, she said: “The leadership in the US, the Congress,
the White House, and the Pentagon have been taken over by a
shadow government – that shadow from Wall Street and the city of
London. The US is bankrupt and is being carved up like a turkey
by the globalists.
Europe is too… the EU is just another region being dragged into
slavery… like the US-Canada-Mexico, which is now undergoing
unification. I cannot believe this global nightmare being rolled
out….. The US has contaminated 39 states with depleted uranium
since 1945 from testing, manufacture, sales, storage and
disposal of these weapons. The US is in a massive epidemic of
radiation related illnesses, which is increasing every year –
the US government nuked its own people with atomic bomb testing,
nuclear power plants, and now depleted uranium…..So it is very
clear that depleted uranium weaponry is being used for the
purpose of depopulation in the Middle East, Central Asia,
Lebanon, Yugoslavia… and these areas of course are rich in
mineral resources that the Zionist Anglo-American economic
empire wants to control.
The tiger economies (China, Japan, Korea and India) are another
serious economic threat – so another nuclear war is being
carried out against them with nuclear power plants forced on
them by the US/UK war crimes racketeering syndicate (who own the
uranium and the nuclear power industry). [worth saying again]The Zionist
Anglo-American banking establishment is an international
permanent war economy, a war crimes racketeering syndicate, the
most vicious and ruthless in the history of the world: once
again, they are the greedy bankers of the Wall Street and the
city of London, and let’s include the British throne which will
soon crown a Rothschild as king….”
Israel Out of America is to Get to the
Root Cause
and Heart of America's (and the World's) Problems
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and
will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear:
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish
people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli
Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up
and blow away." - Benjamin Netanyahu. A comment made by
Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy) upon
exiting Pollard's jail cell.
Or to Die For
Dearborn Independent “and you will put an end to all
For less than four dollars an hour, the
Jewish teenagers removed furniture, clothes, kitchenware and
toys from the homes and loaded them on to trucks. As they worked
diligently alongside the many policemen who had come to secure
the destruction of 30 houses in two unrecognised Bedouin
villages, Bedouin teenagers stood by watching their homes being
Here We Find The
Rothschild/Rockefeller Plan to Control the Earth and Make it a
Luxurious Playground for the Select Few
"Here's a
newsflash for you, Mr. David Rockefeller, Mr. Rothschild, and
your self-proclaimed "guardians" of planet earth --- there's
more than enough resources on planet earth for at least 8
billion people to live and survive very well!! That is, if
everyone learns to share and learns to love one another in
peace. Your world agenda over the last 6 decades has been one of
selfishness, hate, and greed fomenting fear, lust, and
pestilence. It is destined to fail. Freedom will indeed prevail.
Your Satanic agenda will not succeed."
Preliminary Injunction Filed To Stop Forced Flu
by Devvy
journalist, Jane Burgermeister, recently filed criminal charges
with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the
United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking
government and corporate officials, including Barack Obama & the
Rothchilds, concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit
mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced
vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions
follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir
Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated
bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause
and profit from a pandemic."
Clinton teed them up and Bush & Co. knocked them down the
Now Goldman owns the new president too.
The bankrupting of America (and the world) on the behalf of a
handful of New York investment bankers.
Kleptocracy - government of the thieves, by the thieves, for the
The "Perpetual War" Hoax
is the Same as the "Cold War" Hoax
as it Was Back Then
"What better
way to dispose of someone than to make him accomplice in his own
murder? Americans will continue to commit suicide if we allow
the bankers to buy our complicity with our own money.
Throughout history, these bankers have used debt to despoil and
enslave individuals and nations."
no one doubt that the WTC buildings were brought down by
thermite devices planted in the building with full knowledge and
cooperation of Larry Silversteen, close friend of
Begining with
Larry Silversteen, it is time to arrest each accomplice within
the Perle-Wolfowitz-Kissinger network of Neo-Cons, profiteering
Zionist Money Merchants and mercenary killers domestic and
foreign we know were involved. The Pentagon evidence was
sufficient to convict them all, but the discovery of Dr. Steven
Jones, carefully explained here, does for Silverstein what the
Pentagon evidence does for Donald Rumsfeld and the entire
Pentagon leadership. ...
"The chips of
Super-Thermite and balls of previously molten iron in the dust
and rubble are solid evidence of the use of Thermite. When the
use of Thermite/Thermate in the destruction of the World Trade
Center is understood, the entire scam is revealed. The three
towers did not fall due to airplane crashes caused by Islamic
terrorists; they were demolished by Zionists working with the
owners and lease-holders of the towers: Larry Silverstein and
Frank Lowy."
influence-peddling process works like this. Candidates are
summoned for in-depth AIPAC interviews. Those found sufficiently
committed to Israel’s agenda are provided a list of donors
likely to “max out” their campaign contributions. Or the process
can be made even easier when AIPAC-approved candidates are given
the name of a “bundler.” ....
The US
system of government is meant to ensure that members of the
House represent the concerns of Americans who reside in
Congressional districts—not a nationally dispersed network (a
Diaspora) committed to advancing the agenda of a foreign nation.
Federal elections are meant to hold Senators accountable to
constituents who reside in the states they represent—not
out-of-state residents or a foreign government."
Israeli Admits to "Anti-Semitic" and
"Holocaust" Gimmick to Kill Democracy and Truth (in
America and Elsewhere), and to Enable Them to Carry Out Their
Atrocities on Palestinians
the dots: Goldman Sachs made $3.44 billion in profit this past
quarter, while the U.S deficit topped $1 trillion for the first
time in the nation’s history and appeared to be headed toward
doubling that figure before the budget year is out. Since most
of the increase in the federal deficit is due to bailing out the
banks and salvaging the greater economy they helped destroy, why
is the top investment bank doing so well?"
Revelation of the Century! –
(Non-Torah) Jews Operate
Concentration Camp! History Now Explains Why There Are
Present-Day Lurid Atrocities (Including on Children and Babies) in Iraq, Gaza, Palestine,
"Those who
survived the initial Terror in Russia were fated for an even
harsher death, a slow agonizing one as a prisoner in a Jewish
operated concentration camp. For many years the Jews, through
their total control of the media in Christian nations, prevented
any word of the horrors which they daily perpetrated on
Christians in Soviet Russia from reaching the outside world.
Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million "real Russians"
have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands
of the Yiddish revolutionaries, and now two hundred million
citizens of the United States await their turn in the abattoirs
of the bloodthirsty Zionist terrorists."
"Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce
[radio, TV, internet] any communication, with the intent
coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial
emotional distress to a person, using electronic means
to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall
be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
two years, or both.” (HR 1966, SEC 3, Sec. 881a)
"Enough is Enough, Let's Hang
the Bastards Now"
The Agents That Work for the Spider Web
War Criminals
by Jim Kirwan
"What about
those that have been guilty of war-profiteering, in this "time
of war"? George Bush's grand-daddy; Prescott Bush was found
guilty of trading with the enemy, and funding the Nazi War
Machine during WWII--yet while Prescott was charged and found
guilty he did not go to jail--is this how we are going to allow
this current crop of New Millennium War Criminals to be treated,
or will we ever be able to hold anyone, to any accountability,
for anything at all--ever?"
House of Rothschild Seeks to
and Hijack Another Country –
“The spider's
web that has been spun around the earth has its operational
centre in Europe, in London, Rome, Paris, Berlin and Brussels.
It is structured like a transnational corporation with the
headquarters dictating 'corporate' policy to the 'subsidiary
companies', the secret society networks in each country that
answer to the 'spider'. In turn, these national networks have
their own subsidiaries in the cities, towns and communities.
In this way,
the spider, which is very closely connected to the Rothschild
dynasty, can influence all levels of society in any country… “
"We are
around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that
relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of
influence: On infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion
instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice.
It is a system
which has constricted vast human and material resources into the
building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that
combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic,
scientific and political operations. Its operations are
concealed not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined;
it dissenters are silenced, not praised. No
expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed... That is why
the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen
to shrink from controversy.
I am asking
your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the
American people; confident that with your help man will be what
he was born to be - Free and independent!" –John F. Kennedy
of Vipers and Thieves" –
American President Andrew Jackson
The Deviously Criminal Rothschilds ("Red
Who Owns You? by Jim Kirwan
When I talk
to people I get the feeling that they believe their lives belong
to them and only to them; in part because as Americans they
believe they are actually free people. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Aside from this idea, that so many have no idea
at all of what this country or their actual status in this place
really is: People ought to know who is in charge of whether they
live or die-shouldn't they?
The 2009 Food ‘Safety’ Bills
'Harmonize' Agribusiness
& Corporate Global Governance
by Nicole Johnson
Obama’s nominee for Commissioner of the Food and Drug
Administration Margaret Hamburg, MD, sits on the board of
directors at the Trust for America’s Health. Hamburg, a
well-connected player in the public health field, also serves on
the board of directors of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Among other things, the Rockefeller’s vast fortune is
responsible for funding foundations and institutes that spread
unsafe genetically-engineered food crops around the world.(4)
Sadly, those who hoped that Obama’s election would herald
positive changes have repeatedly found themselves duped: the
deep corporate ties of his appointees guarantee a continuation
of corporate control over the US government, a veritable
concierge service on steroids for private interests.
Next Parlor Trick by
Mike Whitney June 12, 2009 -- Ben Bernanke is getting ready to pull
another rabbit out of his hat and he's hoping no one figures out
what he's up to. Here's the scoop; the Fed chief needs to
"borrow up to $3.25 trillion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30"
(Bloomberg) without triggering a run on the dollar. But, how? If
the stock market keeps surging, investors will turn their backs
on low-yielding US Treasuries and move into riskier securities
hoping for better returns. The only way to attract more buyers
to US debt is by raising interest rates which will kill the
"green shoots" of recovery and make it harder for people to buy
homes and cars. It's a conundrum.
Worst Anti-Semites Are Zionists
by Henry Makow Ph.D. – November 27, 2007 "Oh, my people ! They who guide you lead you astray."
(Isaiah 3:12)
The worst anti-Semites are Zionists who create anti-Semitism
and use it to dupe and coerce Jews into advancing the
Illuminati bankers' plan for world government dictatorship.
In the past, I have argued that Zionism is a protection
<> and conspiracy
against Jews. Today, I will suggest they have suppressed
normal Jewish cultural/spiritual expression and hijacked the
Jewish people to serve their perverted cause.
Before Zionists took over the US government, they took over
the American Jewish community and made it their instrument.
Henry Hurwitz's
"Menorah Journal" and Menorah Societies were an attempt by
American Jewry to see itself culturally and spiritually as
an end in itself, rather than a means to serve and support
the "Jewish homeland." Zionists suppressed this free and
democratic group, in the same way as they are depriving all
Americans of their political and cultural freedom.
The Menorah Society
Henry Hurwitz started the first Menorah Society at Harvard
University in 1906 and "The Menorah Journal" in 1915. The
Menorah movement stood "for the study and advancement of
Jewish culture and ideals in America." By the end of the
First World War, the movement had expanded to include the
Intercollegiate Menorah Association, Summer School,
Education Conference and Board of Lecturers.
Essentially the movement fostered non-dogmatic non-political
study of Jewish history, spirit and culture. It was open to
different points of view and initially received support from
the central bankers. But when Hurwitz insisted that Judaism
had nothing to do with Zionism, and Jews ought to feel
perfectly at home in America, the bankers froze the Menorah
movement's charitable funding.
In 1958, Hurwitz wrote a friend, "We have had more than one
coy proposal from this and that wealthy organization to take
us over. Our financial problems would then be 'solved.'And
our freedom—that is, our true life—dissolved." (Menuhin, The
Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, 1965. p.366)
In the Autumn-Winter 1959 issue of the "Menorah Journal,"
Hurwitz describes the effect of "bigotry" i.e. Zionist
banker control of organized Jewry.
This bigotry strikes beyond one old established independent
organization and its magazine, which have perhaps rendered
some service to Judaism through more than half a century.
This bigotry poisons the air of Jewish communal life in
America. It tries to suppress...the basic American
principles of free speech and free press. It penalizes
honest analysis [of those] who control the Jewish public
tax-exempt philanthropic funds, and hence have the power to
enrich favorite organizations, while starving others that do
not bend the knees...Thus, they actually hinder here a
rational long-view consideration of the best interests of
the people of Israel themselves.
"Moreover, as is well known, a very large proportion of the
supposedly voluntary philanthropic donations are extracted
from business and professional men on threats of punitive
economic and social sanctions. This must be described as
what it is—a species of terrorism. Such terrorism has become
a most effective technique in large Jewish fund raising." (Menuhin,
p. 367)
Unfortunately the Menorah movement died with its founder in
1961. Its work was partly continued by the American Council
for Judaism
<> , under its
dynamic founder Rabbi Elmer Berger (1908-1996.) In 1965,
Moshe Menuhin characterized American Jewish life in the
following terms:
"Today in America, Jewish culture and even Jewish religion
has degenerated into 'Jewish' nationalism, and Jewish
philanthropists, Jewish schools, Jewish segregated services,
have been all subverted (with a few noble exceptions) into
serving...the up building of the 'Jewish homeland'...(468)
(A measure of this: Moshe Menuhin had to self-publish his
My guess is that American Jewry is about evenly divided
<> : half is
alienated from all things Jewish; half is under the control
of organized Jewry, i.e. the central banking cartel. This
cartel, synonymous with the name Rothschild, is behind all
major wars
<> and depressions
of the past 300 years, behind Communism, Fascism and the
Holocaust, behind 9-11 and the bogus war on terror. Nothing
in this world happens without money and they control
government credit.
They need to enslave us to protect this world monopoly.
Their goal is to remake mankind into a slave race by
destroying the basis of our humanity: nationhood, religion
(God), race and family.
This enemy sits at the heart of our political, financial and
cultural life. It has co-opted all groups in the same way as
it has co-opted Jews. However, organized Jewry is leading
the assault on our freedom. The Masonic B'nai Brith
<> is behind the
"hate speech" legislation and Bill S 1959
<> which would
treat their political opponents as if they were
"anti-Semites" and "terrorists."
The bankers are the real terrorists. They organized 9-11
using the secret services and they are behind "Al Queda."
They may be planning another world war
<> starting with a
conflagration between Israel and Iran.
They are also the real anti-Semites. They have sacrificed
Jews to their agenda before (Communism, Nazism, Zionism) and
will do so again. All Jews will be blamed for the New World
Order, even though half are indifferent, and the other half
are willing dupes.
While I was writing this article, I got an email from a
reader who said he had just given a Jewish friend "Hell."
"I don't know if this means anything but I'm tired of
feeling powerless to all these bastards and if I can make
them eat some of their own shit...good. I also told him that
Jews aren't stupid and if we had quit giving money to Israel
30 yrs ago there may be peace over there.."
It's time that Jews realized that anti-Semitism is caused by
the bankers' megalomanical agenda and is used to implicate
and blame ordinary Jews. The bankers hate real Jews and real
Judaism. They would never have created Israel if it were
just a "Jewish homeland." It is their private fiefdom, army
and nuclear arsenal, part of their agenda for world
government and world war. Jews are just pawns in their
It's time ordinary Jews stopped defending the bankers (which
confirms everyone's worst suspicions.) It's time we took
Henry Hurwitz's example, and stood shoulder-to- shoulder
with our fellow Americans in the fight of our lives.
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism
and the New World Order." (
<> ) His articles can be found at
his web site
<> He enjoys receiving
comments, some of which he posts on his site using first
names only.
41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence
Agency Veterans
Challenge the Official Account of 9/11 by Alan
Miller Following
in the footsteps of well over 1,000 scientists and other
professional groups who have already gone on record
questioning the official theory, more than 40 U.S.
Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency veterans have come
forward to challenge the Government’s rendition of the
September 11, 2001 attacks. Their behind-the-scenes
knowledge and experience of sensitive and classified issues
places them in a uniquely authoritative position. In this
sense, their critical stance is all the more damning for the
Conspicuously absent from the landscape are the
mainstream media professionals, as they continue to provide
cover for the government’s totally bankrupt theory and fail
to report on landmark developments such as this.
Official Account of 9/11:“Terribly Flawed,” “Laced with
Contradictions,” “a Joke,” “a Cover-up”
than 40 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency
veterans have severely criticized the official account of
9/11 and most have called for a new investigation. It is
outrageous that most Americans are entirely unaware of their
publicly stated concerns — a direct result of the refusal of
national print and broadcast news organizations to cover
this extremely important issue. There is no denying the
credibility of these individuals or their loyalty to their
country as demonstrated by their years of service collecting
and analyzing information and planning and carrying out
operations critical to the national security of the United
America's Young are Dying
"The suicide rate among 18- to 29-year-old men who
have left the military has gone up significantly,
the government said in January."
"Support the Troops"
Bring 'Em Home Now and Do Right by Everyone
are being turned into uranium meat as soon as they are sent
to Iraq and Afghanistan. What about the poor people who live
in those regions and have for thousands of years.”
“Moreover, given that
our analysis ... shows that
this government does not care in the least about American
soldiers, you can be sure that there is one reason and one
reason only that they do not wish the world to see these
If you
can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can
force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
Another Dumb War for the Devil
of American Lives Destroyed in Iraq and Afghanistan Through:
Amputations, Mental Illness, Mental Scarring, Suicide,
Disease, Toxic Poisoning (Depleted Uranium and Other Toxic
Chemicals), Broken Marriages, Broken Families, Shooting
Deaths and Murders in Families and in Society:
To Be Compiled.
Number of
Americans Dead Under 30: To Be
Committing War
Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity = Suicides: How do
you/can you come back and live with yourself in civil
society again?
nation's sons and daughters answered our nation's call to
fight and consequently die, get injured, get wounded, or get
ill as a consequence of
combat operations
that were conducted without justification. Too many
have died and continue to die while others who were injured,
exposed to toxic compounds, and became sick
have been
abandoned by our Nation's leaders as has happened
throughout history."
Here's What's Really Going On
the National Guard units from the individual states that had
created them: then he confiscated their equipment and sent
the Individual States' National Guard troops off to fight
for multi- national corporate interests, (the Corporatocracy).
Bush then mislabeled those guardsmen as supporting forces
for supposedly US troops, when in fact we have no US Troops
any longer. Those people wearing backward American Flags
on their uniforms, with the ever- expanding golden fringe
are imposters. From troops to local cops, to press
conferences and US courts, everywhere that symbol has in
fact appeared; this has signified that those displaying
the symbolic fringe are serving the enemies of the
Constitutional form of the United States government.
These people at all levels are in fact nothing more than
mercenaries fighting to obtain illegal profits for the
hidden-hand criminal-conspiracy that has taken over this
country." (Article here)